What are we doing in Afghanistan?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing but respect for the Canadian soldier.
But it is we with our rationalizations over this mission who try to wash our hands among the innocent. Let's bring them home!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
But it is we with our rationalizations over this mission who try to wash our hands among the innocent. Let's bring them home!

Absolutely brother. Those who wish to stay, can stay by all means but do so by going on the payroll as a mercenary with Blackwater. This is about money (securities not security) so belly up and pay. There are two distinct missions happening Afghanistan, one is humanitarian the other is full out war. Canada dropped the UN mission and opted for war. War is a game which is played at home with teams of shrinks and researchers to direct and manipulate our emotional responses. We are there to break this and note rebuild things.


Electoral Member
Nov 20, 2008
Sydney, NS
if you enjoy your peace and security, you should take the steps necessary to defend it.......as George Orwell said "we sleep peacefully in our beds only because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf"

Is it really our security at risk? I don't think the Taliban pose a threat to the western world so why are we there. We are not defending our freedom, we are wasting money when we are already going into a deficit.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Well, perhaps peace was never won at gunpoint.....but a whole lot of things worth fighting for were......

like liberty and democracy (the American revolution)

an end to slavery in the USA (the Civil War)

an end to fascism in Europe (the Second World War)

security (the Cold War....not a shooting war, but lots of BIG guns pointed over there)

if you enjoy your peace and security, you should take the steps necessary to defend it.......as George Orwell said "we sleep peacefully in our beds only because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf"

BTW, who said Harper was sending more troops?

It ain't happening. We're out of there in 2011, thanks to the spinelessness of far too many of the Canadian people......

Revealing list there Colpy. Brains are the better part of spinal columns, someone said, I think. We,ll just deal with # 3/ an end to fascism in Europe (the Second World War). Where do you get the idea fascism ended in Europe or at all? In fact very few breifcase carrying fascist had any trouble at all making the transition from Nazi offices to Allied offices and industrial fascism thrived in defeat.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
So when you run and hide from terrorism, what stops terrorists from following you?

The French did nothing when Germany moved in and look how well that worked. Why is it that there were so many Germans in France when they used the same tactics you profess to work so well here?


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing but respect for the Canadian soldier.
But it is we with our rationalizations over this mission who try to wash our hands among the innocent. Let's bring them home!

Maybe we shouyld finish the job first.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
What is that job? How will we know when it is finished?

And for your previous post, you forgot la Résistance intérieure française and la croix de Lorraine.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
All you shareholders in the Heroin trade will be happy to know that this years crop is 150% higher than last year. (since there are so few spots with that company payouts will be quite large) That makes for a steady increase of about 600% growth in the last 5 years. Market look stable for the foreseeable future.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So when you run and hide from terrorism, what stops terrorists from following you?

The French did nothing when Germany moved in and look how well that worked. Why is it that there were so many Germans in France when they used the same tactics you profess to work so well here?

Why would we have to hide from terrorism, we built and armed it, it works for us, it's part of TWOT (the war on terrorism) which we can't have without terrorists. Those terrorist keep our bomb and bullet factories working 24/7 cha-ching. They are the most important part of our economy and they don't even live here.
I can think of three time the Germans moved into France in a seventy year span which of those are you thinking about. score Germany 1 France 2


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So when you run and hide from terrorism, what stops terrorists from following you?

The French did nothing when Germany moved in and look how well that worked. Why is it that there were so many Germans in France when they used the same tactics you profess to work so well here?

Why not just surrender, the whole western world pack it in and demand they take us as prisoners of war. They would be broke in a week just trying to feed us let alone transport us around.

The funny thing is if we(western powers) have been mishandling things in how we dealth with them there would not be any terrorists (other than the ones we create). Bombing weddings and such is not going to endear us to them so any expectation of them not fighting for their country is exactly nil. They will never stop, and why should they, they are fighting an invading army. (in that exiles cannot apply for military aid to overthrow an established govt) That is an act of terrorism, so when are we going to bring our terrorists home?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is it really our security at risk? I don't think the Taliban pose a threat to the western world so why are we there. We are not defending our freedom, we are wasting money when we are already going into a deficit.
That's the thing. When elite say security they mean the monetary form not the protective type. These people have all the protective security and are quite safe from the world around them but want MORE security as in MONEY. They tell exactly what they are doing but use meanings of words that aren't the same as the ones you assume they are using. Don't let them fool you any longer by reading between the lines and knowing their own lingo. War just like any other venture has guidelines and regulations learn those then correlate to what is happening and a whole new picture emerges from the scene.

The global economy is just a game played by those who have limitless supply of quarter to play the war game. Just like any other game the players who decide the moves never feel the pain or smell the real blood on the battlefield. Like I say pay attention to the language. For example they use the words "arena" or "theater" for a war zone. Aren't those the very places you go to be entertained?


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
What is that job? How will we know when it is finished?

And for your previous post, you forgot la Résistance intérieure française and la croix de Lorraine.

The job is to end the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, provide security as a new democratically elected government takes hold and root out Al Qeada along with any other terrorist organizations or insurgency that may crop up.

Yeah, French Resistance. Didn't actually get the Germans to retreat from France did it? What's more, Appeasement didn't get the Japanese out of Manchuria the Rhineland or Abyssinia.

What did work though was a military force that overwhelmed the German, Japanese and Italian governments, smash their militarize and force an end to their aggressions. By killing people.

And so it is that I submit to you that appeasement in Afghanistan will return about the same measure of peace there that it did back in the thirties.
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Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Ah, I am pleased to see that my fellow recent immigrants to this forum are the most sensible of that former lot. Peace was never won at gun point. Peace be to you all on this magnificent day. I am off on an adventure to the booming metropolis of Burton. See y'all this evening.

All my Relations
Hope your day was a great one Cliff. Question - where is Burton in this prov. Do you have snow yet? Bet Spade has. We had a wonderful day - quite un-like yesterday when the skies opened up and water bombed us.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Why would we have to hide from terrorism, we built and armed it, it works for us, it's part of TWOT (the war on terrorism) which we can't have without terrorists. Those terrorist keep our bomb and bullet factories working 24/7 cha-ching. They are the most important part of our economy and they don't even live here.
I can think of three time the Germans moved into France in a seventy year span which of those are you thinking about. score Germany 1 France 2

I've always been a supporter of banning arms sales to undeveloped nations.

I think that our economy and bad as it is right at the moment, could get along nicely without selling weapons that we know will come back and bite us on the ass in the future. But what's done is done. Not to mention that there are quite a few other players involved in the arm sales game.

You can only lay so much of the Blame on American foreign policy Beav. At some point you have to admit that their mad dog killer is out of control and has to be put down. And that is exactly what happened in Afghanistan.

You can't expect to set up training camps for terrorists in your country, see them hit a full blown super power that is know for having an itchy trigger finger and not expect to have some blowback in your own direction.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
We agree on something! Our troops are protecting the poppy fields for the Yanks. Looks like the only growth industry in the foreseeable future. Too bad they don't trade stocks on Wall Street.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
That's the thing. When elite say security they mean the monetary form not the protective type.

Nope. Security of they type that allows you to go to the market and buy some groceries without being shot.

These people have all the protective security and are quite safe from the world around them but want MORE security as in MONEY.

I suppose in a capitalistic society, everyone wants a little more money. But Afghanistan isn't that. Security means safety to go about the daily routine.

They tell exactly what they are doing but use meanings of words that aren't the same as the ones you assume they are using. Don't let them fool you any longer by reading between the lines and knowing their own lingo. War just like any other venture has guidelines and regulations learn those then correlate to what is happening and a whole new picture emerges from the scene.

Yeah it's the illuminati yet again. Nothing ever happens without some super secret group pulling the strings so that we wee puppets dance like the trained monkeys we are.


bal economy is just a game played by those who have limitless supply of quarter to play the war game. Just like any other game the players who decide the moves never feel the pain or smell the real blood on the battlefield. Like I say pay attention to the language. For example they use the words "arena" or "theater" for a war zone. Aren't those the very places you go to be entertained?

We're all friends here, no need for the tin foil hat buckaroo.