And if there isn't, make some up. After all it's politics, not science. And in the world politics these days, "feelings" are all the proof that's needed.
If you say so, snowflake.
Awwww sweetie, you think that's what I think? No that's what society says. Open your eyes ffs.
It's certainly not what I think so I don't know why you brought it up. It also certainly doesn't reflect reality either.
So you ain't done shit yet.
I'll avoid the sarcastic comment that came to mind at this.
Got it. Here's an idea, maybe actually DO something before ignorantly calling out someone who spent their entire working life trying to help make sure people had enough food, water, clothes, medicines etc. It wasn't a hobby that I had to make time for, it was my choice of JOB!
No, because again, work, and work and work. And lack of chance/opportunity to take what I have learned about EMO further BECAUSE I was advised that "it's worthless to you". Now it won't be. Great you could do that kind of stuff, that's awesome. It's a hard fucking job that you do and I honestly do thank you for it. My job has been working a shift that for 20+ years no one wanted because nights are evil apparently. Sorry that working full time to exhaustion most days wasn't enough to let me actually do the OTHER things I wanted to do until recently. And if it turns into a job that I can go from the current to another, even better. Guess I'm not as 'privileged' as you were, or some shit. (and before you go ragey, that was sarcasm) All that said, if you think you can work in a hospital dealing with people who have dying family, or seriously injured family, or people who have suddenly lost a loved one due to a car crash and somehow not feel something as they wail their grief and denial, or also dispatch fire departments to places that are burning to the ground and listen as they try to save what they can and hope to GODS it's not horrible and no one's hurt, and not have empathy for a LOT of what humans go through or do to themselves, then I'd question what you think empathy is.
But the original point of mentioning you lacking brains and empathy is due to the fact you don't think, you just parrot the right wing screamers as if what they say is true or take their word as if it's truth/law. As for empathy I've never seen you once actually show any actual empathy for anything or anyone. In no conversation with you have you once displayed any sort of compassion at all. The overall theme I get from you is "Fuck everybody that isn't exactly like me or thinks like me".
It wasn't meant to be a "Who has the bigger empathy" dick measuring.
But you know what's rally interesting? How your fact checking personality has suddenly showed up when you were perfectly happy to accept and spread lies about Trump.
LOLOLOL! Oh Gods...
Love when you assume shit...
Where was your "fact checking prowess" on the Russian collusion lie?
Where was the Lie?
Where was it when Trump was accused of implementing a "racist, xenophobic" muslim travel ban that wasn't anywhere close to being a muslim travel ban?
If I REALLY needed to reach to 'agree' with Trump, yeah, you're right, it wasn't a Muslim ban since Muslims from other countries could enter the US. It was a specific country whose people just happened to be mostly muslim ban.
Where was it when he was accused of calling Mexicans "animals" when he was CLEARLY referring to MS-13?
I have a Bridge to sell you too, DIRT CHEAP, cause if you believe that lie, you'll believe anything.
Take your hyperpartisan fact checking bullshit and piss off.
As if YOU don't engage in hyper-partisan fact checking yourself
You're no fucking centrist like you claim to be, jsut another ALT-left liar.
Never claimed to be a centrist. I'm CERTAINLY no Alt Left member, they're fucking NUTS, didn't you notice that?