Wokeism will DESTROY civilization… here’s how to stop it before it’s too late


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
a poor white failson who hates black and poor people, a typical trog white settler attitude 🤮


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You simply can't educate schizophrenic, alcoholic mongrels regrettably.
This is a person who thinks China invented COVID in a lab after all.
A person who quotes Churchill, a vile, genocidal racist no better than Hitler.
A person who thinks communism is attractive to many because "it's CoOl And ShiT" , unlike many 'capitalist supporters' who are basically zombified by shiny things, hate the poor, and live in their own privileged bubble. Communism couldn't be attractive because poverty is astronomical under capitalism and only worsening in the wealthiest countries. No that couldn't be it.
Fuck off, smash your head into a concrete brick a couple times it could actually help you as a form of lobotomy.
Ah, the ignorant bleat of the poorly educated f*ckstick. Fires off insults with zero facts to back up their shit. Calls Churchill no better than Hitler but utterly fails to provide any proof of that half-witted, brain fart.

Face it retard, all you do is insult people you disagree with. That's ALL you got. No intellect, no ability to put forth a cogent argument, just utter hatred for anyone who isn't an immoral, Marxist psychopath.
But hey, what can you expect from a complete moron who has ZERO idea of the WHOs legacy of corruption and think the CCP is next to god. and actually believes a single bat in a wet market caused a world wide pandemic with a virus that mutates more often than you change your f*cking Underoos.

A f*cking half-witted troglodyte who thinks the deaths of millions of people that was the result of horrendously flawed Marxist dreck isn't a big deal.
You are an idiot of monumental proportions utterly bereft of anything approaching intelligence.

And by the way, I'd rather be poor than slowly starved to death by half-wit policies made by half-wit leaders based on the half-wit ideology of Marxism pushed by half-wits like you.
If brains were electricity you couldn't short-circuit the light in a firefly's ass.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
A person who quotes Churchill, a vile, genocidal racist no better than Hitler.
Riiight. Which is why the Soviets signed a non-aggression pact with the nazis that included the carving up of Poland between them while Churchill was the ONLY one standing up to Hitler. The only reason you monumentally stupid commie pieces of shit hate Churchill is because he was the ONLY major leader in WW2 who knew what complete f*cking pieces of shit commies are. The Western Allies LIBERATED parts of Europe. The Soviet Union occupied the other parts because that's what's liberation is all about. Completely taking over the country/countries you allegedly liberated, right?

Let me know when you've managed to stop tongue massaging your own pyloric sphincter, Maybe once you pull your head out of your ass and get some fresh air it'll clear the cobwebs out of that big ol' empty space betwixt your ears.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Which, you know, isn't true...

https://www.al.com/news/2021/06/what-is-critical-race-theory-is-it-really-taught-in-schools.html -"There is little to no evidence that critical race theory itself is being taught to K-12 public school students, though some ideas central to it, such as lingering consequences of slavery, have been."

https://www.greenvilleonline.com/st...schools-not-taught-what-is-budget/5303357001/ - "“South Carolina schools do not teach critical race theory,” said Brown. “They never have and until the state approves social studies standards that say otherwise, they never will.”

https://www.fox19.com/2021/06/28/no...school-district-so-why-are-people-protesting/ - "
District Superintendent Scot Prebles confirmed as much at the Forest Hills Board of Education’s May 24 meeting, where he described CRT as “a very complex, doctoral-level theory” that is not taught or explored in Forest Hills classrooms and is not something represented in any curriculum.

“Nowhere are the words ‘Critical Race Theory’ included in the district’s strategic vision,” Prebles said. “Critical Race Theory is not endorsed by the district, nor by its administration, and has not been emphasized by its CARE Team.”

Teaching elements of it in a historical sense is NOT teaching CRT which is way beyond the understanding of most K-12 students.

It's just false flag "Wwahhhh!"ing by the right because they can't stand the idea that the world IS as racist as they think it isn't.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Which, you know, isn't true...

https://www.al.com/news/2021/06/what-is-critical-race-theory-is-it-really-taught-in-schools.html -"There is little to no evidence that critical race theory itself is being taught to K-12 public school students, though some ideas central to it, such as lingering consequences of slavery, have been."

https://www.greenvilleonline.com/st...schools-not-taught-what-is-budget/5303357001/ - "“South Carolina schools do not teach critical race theory,” said Brown. “They never have and until the state approves social studies standards that say otherwise, they never will.”

https://www.fox19.com/2021/06/28/no...school-district-so-why-are-people-protesting/ - "
District Superintendent Scot Prebles confirmed as much at the Forest Hills Board of Education’s May 24 meeting, where he described CRT as “a very complex, doctoral-level theory” that is not taught or explored in Forest Hills classrooms and is not something represented in any curriculum.

“Nowhere are the words ‘Critical Race Theory’ included in the district’s strategic vision,” Prebles said. “Critical Race Theory is not endorsed by the district, nor by its administration, and has not been emphasized by its CARE Team.”

Teaching elements of it in a historical sense is NOT teaching CRT which is way beyond the understanding of most K-12 students.

It's just false flag "Wwahhhh!"ing by the right because they can't stand the idea that the world IS as racist as they think it isn't.
What is the lingering the lingering consequences of slavery ?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Canadian Wet Wipe Justin Trudeau Understands People Burning Down Churches 😂



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Which, you know, isn't true...

https://www.al.com/news/2021/06/what-is-critical-race-theory-is-it-really-taught-in-schools.html -"There is little to no evidence that critical race theory itself is being taught to K-12 public school students, though some ideas central to it, such as lingering consequences of slavery, have been."

https://www.greenvilleonline.com/st...schools-not-taught-what-is-budget/5303357001/ - "“South Carolina schools do not teach critical race theory,” said Brown. “They never have and until the state approves social studies standards that say otherwise, they never will.”

https://www.fox19.com/2021/06/28/no...school-district-so-why-are-people-protesting/ - "
District Superintendent Scot Prebles confirmed as much at the Forest Hills Board of Education’s May 24 meeting, where he described CRT as “a very complex, doctoral-level theory” that is not taught or explored in Forest Hills classrooms and is not something represented in any curriculum.

“Nowhere are the words ‘Critical Race Theory’ included in the district’s strategic vision,” Prebles said. “Critical Race Theory is not endorsed by the district, nor by its administration, and has not been emphasized by its CARE Team.”

Teaching elements of it in a historical sense is NOT teaching CRT which is way beyond the understanding of most K-12 students.

It's just false flag "Wwahhhh!"ing by the right because they can't stand the idea that the world IS as racist as they think it isn't.

The 1619 Project examines the legacy of slavery in America ...

https://ubmm.med.buffalo.edu/uploads/CGILLING/America Wasn’t a Democracy, Until Black Americans Made It One - The New York Times.pdf
The 1619 Project is a major initiative from The New York Times observing the 400th anniversary ofthe beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country's history, understanding 1619 asour true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americansat the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are. Read all the stories.

The 1619 Project • Critical Race Training in Education

The 1619 Project. The main focus of CriticalRace.org is Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its applications in higher education, as this is where the ideology was first developed and where many individuals are trained. While CRT has been around for a few decades, it really has gained prominence since the rise of the Black Lives Matter (BLM ...


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek

National Geographic is slammed for suggesting July 4 fireworks are RACIST because their smoke 'disproportionately targets communities of color'

  • National Geographic marked Independence Day on Sunday with a tweet saying smoke from fireworks causes disproportionate harm to communities of color
  • It cited a study assessing how air pollution affects communities in California
  • Researchers suggested that law enforcement should crack down on illegal displays and bigger displays should be replaced by drone light shows
  • National Geographic's tweet was met with swift criticism from Twitter users
  • Critics branded it unnecessarily divisive and decried the outlet for putting a damper on the holiday

PUBLISHED: 10:25 EDT, 5 July 2021 | UPDATED: 13:27 EDT, 5 July 2021


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Which, you know, isn't true...

https://www.al.com/news/2021/06/what-is-critical-race-theory-is-it-really-taught-in-schools.html -"There is little to no evidence that critical race theory itself is being taught to K-12 public school students, though some ideas central to it, such as lingering consequences of slavery, have been."

https://www.greenvilleonline.com/st...schools-not-taught-what-is-budget/5303357001/ - "“South Carolina schools do not teach critical race theory,” said Brown. “They never have and until the state approves social studies standards that say otherwise, they never will.”

https://www.fox19.com/2021/06/28/no...school-district-so-why-are-people-protesting/ - "
District Superintendent Scot Prebles confirmed as much at the Forest Hills Board of Education’s May 24 meeting, where he described CRT as “a very complex, doctoral-level theory” that is not taught or explored in Forest Hills classrooms and is not something represented in any curriculum.

“Nowhere are the words ‘Critical Race Theory’ included in the district’s strategic vision,” Prebles said. “Critical Race Theory is not endorsed by the district, nor by its administration, and has not been emphasized by its CARE Team.”

Teaching elements of it in a historical sense is NOT teaching CRT which is way beyond the understanding of most K-12 students.

It's just false flag "Wwahhhh!"ing by the right because they can't stand the idea that the world IS as racist as they think it isn't.
A) Oh I know it's racist. What the f*cking joke is the "woke" f*cking leftards who think they aren't. B) Nice Cherry picking. California is teaching CRT before college/university. And many other public schools are teaching elements of it. https://www.hoover.org/research/cal...s-critical-race-theory-over-100000-objections https://edsource.org/2021/after-8-h...adopts-ethnic-studies-model-curriculum/651641 https://edsource.org/2021/a-final-v...ontroversial-ethnic-studies-curriculum/651338 https://californiaglobe.com/section...c-education-shattered-by-dogmatic-extremists/

The biggest and dumbest flaw in CRT is the idea that the US in particular and the West in general is systemically racist. Here's the thing, when you blame a racial sub-group for your own lack of personal success, it makes YOU the racist. Let me ask you, who do all the poor White people who have nothing and did nothing and amounted to nothing get to blame for their lack of success?

Tell me oh great pusher of bullshit, Which of these three men is most likely to blame Whitey for his being in the position he's in? Which of these three men are hapless victims of that horrible ol' systemic racism that, ya know, the US is accused of being loaded with?

As for false flags, I'm pretty sure you have zero f*cking clue what a false flag is by your rather incorrect use of it.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015


from the comments:
  • dharhis
    I'm more concerned with the men they are allowing in innocent girls' sports and innocent girls' restrooms, than I am about criminals. But it's still wrong anyway it goes.

  • Hardlegharry
    Damn right, I get put in prison, I’m instantly turning trans. WTF
  • Wow
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
A) Oh I know it's racist.

At least you acknowledge that much.

What the f*cking joke is the "woke" f*cking leftards who think they aren't.

I agree, there are racists all over; as I said before, everyone is racist to some degree, it's just what you do with that racism that deems the kind of person you are.

B) Nice Cherry picking.

If that's what you want to call it.

California is teaching CRT before college/university.

I didn't know, that's interesting and didn't come up in the search I made.

And many other public schools are teaching elements of it.

Elements, oh my gods no! That's called history.

I found this bit entertaining from the article: "We should teach students world and American history honestly, openly, and with the opportunity for students to engage and understand the past with the hope that we will continue to do better, treating each other as the individuals that we are. We have had many successes in this enterprise, as no matter how flawed today’s world is, it is more democratic, civil, and peaceful than in the past."

And yet they don't want to discuss the divisiveness and obvious disparities between the races that still exist.

There's also mention of parts of the curriculum being removed due to the objections. Nothing wrong with that, either.

Did you read the article? Sure there's critics, but it's up to the local to decide on lesson plans to teach kids. Also, it's not CRT.

Same as above really.

Not CRT.

I agree with the opinion that the focus should have been on Education as a whole, NOT just one subject. That said, the rest of it was right wing fear mongering.

The biggest and dumbest flaw in CRT is the idea that the US in particular and the West in general is systemically racist.

You say flaw, I say "eh, a bit of truth to it, to be honest".

Here's the thing, when you blame a racial sub-group for your own lack of personal success, it makes YOU the racist.

Actually yes, I agree.

Let me ask you, who do all the poor White people who have nothing and did nothing and amounted to nothing get to blame for their lack of success?

Well to some it's their own fault. To others it's the Moneymakers. Me, it depends on their situation per individual of who is to 'blame', as it is.

Example: if some poor white person who has nothing 'does nothing', then it's their own fault for being poor. If by doing nothing you mean does nothing wrong, and they're still poor, I would ask why they're not further in life, what choices did they not make that they could have? Would I automatically blame another race? Nope.

But then there isn't proof out there that overwhelming proves that X race is being picked over them because they're White. Same can't be said for other races. Or other minority groups for that matter. Which is why race theory and so on is a thing. But you'd know/understand that if you bothered to really, you know, have humanity, empathy and a brain to think with.

Tell me oh great pusher of bullshit,

LOLOL - Pot and Kettle then, eh?

Which of these three men is most likely to blame Whitey for his being in the position he's in? Which of these three men are hapless victims of that horrible ol' systemic racism that, ya know, the US is accused of being loaded with?
View attachment 9343

I don't know, I don't know anything about them nor know what they think. And asking me to assume is rather disingenuous, TBH. For all I know, all three could look at White people with disdain because we've done wrong for so many generations to their people and sadly only two of the three were finally to dig themselves out. Have you ever heard some of the successful Black people make their opinions about White people known? I have, it's as varied as anything. But that doesn't mean they may not blame White people. So...

As for false flags, I'm pretty sure you have zero f*cking clue what a false flag is by your rather incorrect use of it.

Suuuure... whatever floats yer boat, Jinny.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Serryah said to me:
"But then there isn't proof out there that overwhelming proves that X race is being picked over them because they're White. Same can't be said for other races. Or other minority groups for that matter. Which is why race theory and so on is a thing. But you'd know/understand that if you bothered to really, you know, have humanity, empathy and a brain to think with."

A) I think you've been beguiled by the idea that "theory" means "fact". B) Black companies? AOK. Asian Companies? AOK. White companies? Well that's just f*cking racist. C) Brains and empathy. I devoted my working life to flying in supplies to remote northern communities. What have you done aside from yap on-line about "disparities"?
  • Haha
Reactions: Serryah


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Serryah said to me:
"But then there isn't proof out there that overwhelming proves that X race is being picked over them because they're White. Same can't be said for other races. Or other minority groups for that matter. Which is why race theory and so on is a thing. But you'd know/understand that if you bothered to really, you know, have humanity, empathy and a brain to think with."

A) I think you've been beguiled by the idea that "theory" means "fact".

No, actually, I do recognize the difference. That said when there's proof to prove the Theory...

B) Black companies? AOK. Asian Companies? AOK. White companies? Well that's just f*cking racist.

Really? Well that's just stupid of you to think. Change your thinking!

C) Brains and empathy. I devoted my working life to flying in supplies to remote northern communities. What have you done aside from yap on-line about "disparities"?

Now that I'm in a position to actually do things other than just work and work and work, EMO. And provided I can find the resource closer to home, S&R if any of my dogs are capable for it.

That qualify?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
No, actually, I do recognize the difference. That said when there's proof to prove the Theory...
And if there isn't, make some up. After all it's politics, not science. And in the world politics these days, "feelings" are all the proof that's needed.
Really? Well that's just stupid of you to think. Change your thinking!
Awwww sweetie, you think that's what I think? No that's what society says. Open your eyes ffs.
Now that I'm in a position to actually do things other than just work and work and work, EMO. And provided I can find the resource closer to home, S&R if any of my dogs are capable for it.

That qualify?
So you ain't done shit yet. Got it. Here's an idea, maybe actually DO something before ignorantly calling out someone who spent their entire working life trying to help make sure people had enough food, water, clothes, medicines etc. It wasn't a hobby that I had to make time for, it was my choice of JOB!

But you know what's rally interesting? How your fact checking personality has suddenly showed up when you were perfectly happy to accept and spread lies about Trump.
Where was your "fact checking prowess" on the Russian collusion lie? Where was it when Trump was accused of implementing a "racist, xenophobic" muslim travel ban that wasn't anywhere close to being a muslim travel ban? Where was it when he was accused of calling Mexicans "animals" when he was CLEARLY referring to MS-13?

Take your hyperpartisan fact checking bullshit and piss off. You're no fucking centrist like you claim to be, jsut another ALT-left liar.