So, the generalization "men tend to be taller than women" is disproved by a single incident of a woman who is taller than a man?
Yet, for some reason, non-whites in the U.S. make less money, have less education, are more often unemployed, are victims of crime more often, are more often sick, are arrested for drugs more often (despite similar use rates), and die younger than whites.
Must just be all one big coincidence.
Simple solution. Improve the quality of education across the board. If non-whites suffer from lack of education more than whites do, then they'll naturally benefit more. But don't slam the door in the face of a white person who lacks education on the basis of skin colour.
Improve social assistance programmes. Again, if blacks need it more than whites, then they'll naturally benefit more from it than whites will. But again, don't deny a white who needs help.
If more non-whites face more immigration costs to reunite with spouses and family, etc. than whites do, then maybe streamline immigration rules. But again, don't deny the same to a white who falls in the same category.
If you want to raise taxes on the rich, presumably whites will end up paying more taxes, but don't exempt the rich black guy from paying the same tax.
The same applies to 'male privilege.' You want to combat the rape epidemic, fine. But help all victims. If women benefit more from such a policy, so be it, but don't exclude men.
Sure one race, gender, etc. might have more advantages on a statistical level. But on a practical legal and policy level, governments should not think like that. They should try to solve the problem without discrimination.