I am also Christian from north EU.
There's a patch for that.
I am also Christian from north EU.
Man who violated probation by driving with suspended license sentenced to 60 years60 years for driving with a suspended license? Please, give your head a shake, Cliffy.
Sounds like a saint. At least he has on out.rbert Smith caught a break three years ago, persuading a Broward judge to sentence him to two years as a youthful offender, followed by four years of probation, for a string of felony offenses ranging from burglary and grand theft to strong-arm robbery.
But when Smith, 23, violated his probation in October by driving with a suspended license in a car with another convicted felon and an ammunition clip filled with .40-caliber bullets, the same judge who gave him a second chance in 2012 decided to send a stronger message
And USA can change they to republic. Or to progressivism.
Islamic State is supplying us with DANGEROUS `immigrants` and with `voters` who can be BOUGHT by LIE-berals so they can cling to power at any price!
I gotta wonder if Boomer is some kind of reformed bigot or klan member
Islamic State is supplying us with DANGEROUS `immigrants` and with `voters` who can be BOUGHT by LIE-berals so they can cling to power at any price!
Here is an older post that illustrates what is wrong with LIE-beral immigration and national security policy:
The Toronto 18 made plans to attack Cdn Parliament but got stopped by cops in the planning stage. Others wanted to derail a Cdn Via train and kill `hundreds`-stopped by cops. One soldier run over and another shot in Ottawa, the Danish murders over a cartoon, the Charlie Hebdo massacre-over a cartoon, 50 dead in London bombing just because, 2 British soldiers stabbed to death on a London street, 3 French cops stabbed outside a Jewish centre, blablablabla bla
And we only did half the job we should have done. We will do better next time.We killed millions of their women, elderly and children, we bombed Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan back into the stone age and morons like you have no fukking clue why there are immigrants who want to escape to the west. You have no clue that ISIS is trained, financed, supplied and protected by the US and Britain. You are an illiterate knuckle dragging, hate spewing moron with a computer and you are the dangerous ones who cause all this suffering. Go out into the real word and get an education other than your far right wing nut job, false news sites.
Here is a post that was put up some time ago to illustrate the crude propaganda that Muslim supporters use to excuse the extremists among them-and us! With some comments of my own set in brackets):
People scream about ISIS, and not the way they should be either. Yes hate them for being evil but don't say they're Muslim. They're terrorists there's a huge difference between them, they say they're follow the Quran word for word...but are they?
(This is bullsh+t excuse-not all Catholics were supporters of the Jesuit Inquisition-but if you remain SILENT while things are done in your name it makes you an accessory! And if you approve of killing infidels but want it done neatly with a bullet in the head rather than being burned to death or stoned-can you really claim the moral high ground over ISIS?)
'"Yesterday an ISIS member stopped the car of a Christian couple. ISIS member: Are you Muslim? Christian man: Yes, I'm Muslim. ISIS member: If you are a Muslim, then recite a verse of Quran. Christian man recited a verse from the Bible. ISIS member: Ok allah go. Later his wife tells him: "I cannot believe the risk you just took. Why did u tell him that we are Muslims? If he knew you were lying he would have killed both of us." "Do not worry! If they knew the Quran they would not kill people" answered the Husband. ISIS is not Islam, TERRORISM HAS NO RELIGION. Kindly share it as much as you can."'
(More garbage-Cdns abhor the misogyny of Sharia Law and fear the undermining of Cdn law by Imams who claim divine inspiration from Allah to trump our democracy. The Muslim world is at war with itself-but it does NOT stop them from turning in unity and hating US!)
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.."
------ Prophet Muhammad (s), Last Sermon.
(More crude propaganda-and me simply suggesting that the words of the Prophet are irrelevant to the current situation is probably enough to get a Fatwa issued to have me killed by some jihadist jerkoff! If Muslims can ignore the teachings of the prophet when it suits them, then why should the rest of us take him seriously?)
The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: "There is reward for kindness to every living thing."
------ Bukhari and Muslim.
(Unless of course its more convenient to behead that living thing? Or burn it to death? Or turn the female thing into a sex slave? Then the words of the Prophet may be ignored by the otherwise Faithful?)
The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: ""Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people."
------ Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #473.
(See you in Hell ISIS!)
See there's a mix of good and bad in every religious book . Oh hey while we're on that let's look at the bible.
Exodus 35-2 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.
Lev 20:9, in which those who curse their mother or father should be put to death
Lev 20:19 in which any man who has sex or sees naked a woman on her period, then both should be exiled
Technically you can't have shellfish either according to the bible.
Lev 11-12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be regarded as unclean by you.
It's funny how both sides can cherry pick from their own books...don't you think? There's a lot the bible says should happen to you...yet Christians know not to take everything in the book as "Must do" actions.
(Yes-that`s right-Christians DO understand-and have for centuries-that not all words of the Bible should be acted upon. Too bad we are still waiting for Muslims to catch up with their own common sense! And based on current events we ought not to hope for Muslim `mercy` or good sense any time soon!)
We killed millions of their women, elderly and children, we bombed Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan back into the stone age
You have no clue that ISIS is trained, financed, supplied and protected by the US and Britain. You are an illiterate knuckle dragging, hate spewing moron with a computer and you are the dangerous ones who cause all this suffering. Go out into the real word and get an education other than your far right wing nut job, false news sites.
Speak for yourself
You have the definitive proof on this or just more tin-foil hatter ravings?
A First Nation in Saskatchewan is considering legal action against a California video game company over the forthcoming release of Civilization VI, a game in which people can play at colonialism and imperial expansion, but as an Indian character.
It is a new twist on the debate about Indigenous cultural appropriation, which is typically focused on visual representations like head-dresses, not political behaviour.
The new instalment of the game Civilization, due out next month, includes a main plot line about the Plains Cree, under the leadership of Chief Poundmaker, in which players advance by developing trade routes, building infrastructure, forging alliances, and other elements of statecraft.
But this use of an historical figure, and the name of a modern First Nation, without the consent or involvement of the Poundmaker Cree Nation, is a dishonourable method of making money off a culture that was nearly exterminated by the Canadian government, according to a community leader.
“There’s no consent given to this company to go ahead and use Chief Poundmaker in their game,” said Milton Tootoosis, Headman of the Poundmaker Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, northwest of Saskatoon, speaking on behalf of the chief, who was not available.
“I think that’s potentially very dangerous for a lot of young naive people, and maybe older naive people; this colonial notion of expanding an empire, using military power to take over a community, to access their land and extract the resources go with it.
“That’s a big big problem we’ve been trying to resolve through talks around this notion of truth and reconciliation. We are, as First Nations people, still trying to work our way out of this model that’s been a catastrophe for First Nations people, not only in Canada but throughout the world,” he said. “Some people could potentially understand or equate the notions of imperialism and colonialism to the values of our people.”
The maker of Civilization, 2K Games, based near San Francisco, did not reply to a request for comment.
The Plains Cree leader Pîhtokahanapiwiyin, known by the anglicized name Chief Poundmaker (a “pound” in this context is a large trap or corral for hunting buffalo) was convicted of treason after the 1885 North-West Rebellion and sentenced to three years in prison in Manitoba. He served less than a year and died aged 44 soon after.
He is the subject of a long-running campaign to formally pardon or exonerate him, now that a fuller historical picture has emerged of his efforts to seek and preserve peace, and evidence that some of the looting of Fort Battleford for which he was blamed was actually carried out by Canadian troops
The National Arts Centre in Ottawa, for example, has apologized and removed scenes about Poundmaker from a play, Gabriel Dumont’s Wild West Show, after being informed that they repeated historical errors.
In a promotional video for Civilization VI, Chief Poundmaker is illustrated in regimental dress, with a brass-buttoned waistcoat under an overcoat and long hair. He looks young, fit and strong. A narrator describes him as ruling in a tumultuous time, and “judiciously toeing the line between aggression and diplomacy.”
Tootoosis said the images are misleading, for the chief of a people who were reduced to wearing tattered rags. The photos that exist of Chief Poundmaker, taken in his forties, tend to show him looking gaunt, aged, skinny, with protruding cheekbones, which Tootoosis said reflected Canada’s policy “to literally starve out the Indians on the Prairies, and force them to the treaty table.”
The video game makers “should have approached the community directly,” Tootoosis said. “They should have inquired about our local cultural protocols. They should have done the honourable thing and at least offered tobacco, and approached the community through the leadership and the elders, and then have a dialogue. They should have shared the script. I think we would have been honoured to have Poundmaker used in a game like this, but in a culturally appropriate manner, not in this manner.”