White Privilage


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
rbert Smith caught a break three years ago, persuading a Broward judge to sentence him to two years as a youthful offender, followed by four years of probation, for a string of felony offenses ranging from burglary and grand theft to strong-arm robbery.

But when Smith, 23, violated his probation in October by driving with a suspended license in a car with another convicted felon and an ammunition clip filled with .40-caliber bullets, the same judge who gave him a second chance in 2012 decided to send a stronger message
Sounds like a saint. At least he has on out.

Meanwhile in Canada...

Criminal Code

Dangerous Offenders never get out.

I went to school with a white who will never get out.

Was the judge racist?

Convicted man declared dangerous offender - Canada - CBC News


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And USA can change they to republic. Or to progressivism.

Here is a post that was put up some time ago to illustrate the crude propaganda that Muslim supporters use to excuse the extremists among them-and us! With some comments of my own set in brackets):

People scream about ISIS, and not the way they should be either. Yes hate them for being evil but don't say they're Muslim. They're terrorists there's a huge difference between them, they say they're follow the Quran word for word...but are they?

(This is bullsh+t excuse-not all Catholics were supporters of the Jesuit Inquisition-but if you remain SILENT while things are done in your name it makes you an accessory! And if you approve of killing infidels but want it done neatly with a bullet in the head rather than being burned to death or stoned-can you really claim the moral high ground over ISIS?)

'"Yesterday an ISIS member stopped the car of a Christian couple. ISIS member: Are you Muslim? Christian man: Yes, I'm Muslim. ISIS member: If you are a Muslim, then recite a verse of Quran. Christian man recited a verse from the Bible. ISIS member: Ok allah go. Later his wife tells him: "I cannot believe the risk you just took. Why did u tell him that we are Muslims? If he knew you were lying he would have killed both of us." "Do not worry! If they knew the Quran they would not kill people" answered the Husband. ISIS is not Islam, TERRORISM HAS NO RELIGION. Kindly share it as much as you can."'

(More garbage-Cdns abhor the misogyny of Sharia Law and fear the undermining of Cdn law by Imams who claim divine inspiration from Allah to trump our democracy. The Muslim world is at war with itself-but it does NOT stop them from turning in unity and hating US!)

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.."
------ Prophet Muhammad (s), Last Sermon.

(More crude propaganda-and me simply suggesting that the words of the Prophet are irrelevant to the current situation is probably enough to get a Fatwa issued to have me killed by some jihadist jerkoff! If Muslims can ignore the teachings of the prophet when it suits them, then why should the rest of us take him seriously?)

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: "There is reward for kindness to every living thing."
------ Bukhari and Muslim.

(Unless of course its more convenient to behead that living thing? Or burn it to death? Or turn the female thing into a sex slave? Then the words of the Prophet may be ignored by the otherwise Faithful?)

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: ""Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people."
------ Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #473.

(See you in Hell ISIS!)

See there's a mix of good and bad in every religious book . Oh hey while we're on that let's look at the bible.

Exodus 35-2 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.

Lev 20:9, in which those who curse their mother or father should be put to death

Lev 20:19 in which any man who has sex or sees naked a woman on her period, then both should be exiled

Technically you can't have shellfish either according to the bible.

Lev 11-12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be regarded as unclean by you.

It's funny how both sides can cherry pick from their own books...don't you think? There's a lot the bible says should happen to you...yet Christians know not to take everything in the book as "Must do" actions.

(Yes-that`s right-Christians DO understand-and have for centuries-that not all words of the Bible should be acted upon. Too bad we are still waiting for Muslims to catch up with their own common sense! And based on current events we ought not to hope for Muslim `mercy` or good sense any time soon!)


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Islamic State is supplying us with DANGEROUS `immigrants` and with `voters` who can be BOUGHT by LIE-berals so they can cling to power at any price!

Islamic State is supplying us with DANGEROUS `immigrants` and with `voters` who can be BOUGHT by LIE-berals so they can cling to power at any price!

Here is an older post that illustrates what is wrong with LIE-beral immigration and national security policy:

The Toronto 18 made plans to attack Cdn Parliament but got stopped by cops in the planning stage. Others wanted to derail a Cdn Via train and kill `hundreds`-stopped by cops. One soldier run over and another shot in Ottawa, the Danish murders over a cartoon, the Charlie Hebdo massacre-over a cartoon, 50 dead in London bombing just because, 2 British soldiers stabbed to death on a London street, 3 French cops stabbed outside a Jewish centre, assorted prisoners-some of them aid workers trying to help the sick in the Middle East- beheaded, Japanese journalists trying to tell the story of the troubled region to the world beheaded, and now a Jordanian pilot deliberately burned to death. So, which loonie leftist wants to tell us that Harper is over reacting to Islamic terror? And…..does Justin Trudope have a handle on `understanding` these mutts and if so can Trudope tell us how to get rid of them? Oh wait, it was Lie-beral assholes who thought it was a good idea to let them in-typical Lie-berals so vote hungry it’s shameful! Maybe Trudope is (finally) waking up and coming around to the idea that the Muslim radicals are a disease that needs to be quarantined? He actually sounded ALMOST approving when speaking of supporting Conservatives in extending the mission against Isis on the news the other evening….maybe Trudope is not quite a stupid as he usually sounds? And maybe that idiot Mulcare will concede that it’s not really possible to give hard numbers on the time frame and cost of protecting ourselves from this scum in the long term? Or perhaps Mulcare is too busy trying to figure out how to polish his party image now that Cdn`s know his gang stole nearly 3 million dollars in government expenses?
There is no such thing as a `moderate` Muslim, there are only radicals and those who quietly support those who commit murder in the name of this religious mania called Islam. We would not have let Germans immigrate here in large numbers in 1940 so why are we letting Muslims come here now?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Islamic State is supplying us with DANGEROUS `immigrants` and with `voters` who can be BOUGHT by LIE-berals so they can cling to power at any price!

Here is an older post that illustrates what is wrong with LIE-beral immigration and national security policy:

The Toronto 18 made plans to attack Cdn Parliament but got stopped by cops in the planning stage. Others wanted to derail a Cdn Via train and kill `hundreds`-stopped by cops. One soldier run over and another shot in Ottawa, the Danish murders over a cartoon, the Charlie Hebdo massacre-over a cartoon, 50 dead in London bombing just because, 2 British soldiers stabbed to death on a London street, 3 French cops stabbed outside a Jewish centre, blablablabla bla

We killed millions of their women, elderly and children, we bombed Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan back into the stone age and morons like you have no fukking clue why there are immigrants who want to escape to the west. You have no clue that ISIS is trained, financed, supplied and protected by the US and Britain. You are an illiterate knuckle dragging, hate spewing moron with a computer and you are the dangerous ones who cause all this suffering. Go out into the real word and get an education other than your far right wing nut job, false news sites.
Last edited:


House Member
May 18, 2010
We killed millions of their women, elderly and children, we bombed Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan back into the stone age and morons like you have no fukking clue why there are immigrants who want to escape to the west. You have no clue that ISIS is trained, financed, supplied and protected by the US and Britain. You are an illiterate knuckle dragging, hate spewing moron with a computer and you are the dangerous ones who cause all this suffering. Go out into the real word and get an education other than your far right wing nut job, false news sites.
And we only did half the job we should have done. We will do better next time.

You and all those who want to leave the West, are free to go anytime, and take those useless immigrants who want to come here with you, we don't want you or your moron idiots here.

Got it idiot!!

" You have no clue that ISIS is trained, financed, supplied and protected by the US and Britain. ""

What a fkn moronic clueless idiot !!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Here is a post that was put up some time ago to illustrate the crude propaganda that Muslim supporters use to excuse the extremists among them-and us! With some comments of my own set in brackets):

People scream about ISIS, and not the way they should be either. Yes hate them for being evil but don't say they're Muslim. They're terrorists there's a huge difference between them, they say they're follow the Quran word for word...but are they?

(This is bullsh+t excuse-not all Catholics were supporters of the Jesuit Inquisition-but if you remain SILENT while things are done in your name it makes you an accessory! And if you approve of killing infidels but want it done neatly with a bullet in the head rather than being burned to death or stoned-can you really claim the moral high ground over ISIS?)

'"Yesterday an ISIS member stopped the car of a Christian couple. ISIS member: Are you Muslim? Christian man: Yes, I'm Muslim. ISIS member: If you are a Muslim, then recite a verse of Quran. Christian man recited a verse from the Bible. ISIS member: Ok allah go. Later his wife tells him: "I cannot believe the risk you just took. Why did u tell him that we are Muslims? If he knew you were lying he would have killed both of us." "Do not worry! If they knew the Quran they would not kill people" answered the Husband. ISIS is not Islam, TERRORISM HAS NO RELIGION. Kindly share it as much as you can."'

(More garbage-Cdns abhor the misogyny of Sharia Law and fear the undermining of Cdn law by Imams who claim divine inspiration from Allah to trump our democracy. The Muslim world is at war with itself-but it does NOT stop them from turning in unity and hating US!)

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.."
------ Prophet Muhammad (s), Last Sermon.

(More crude propaganda-and me simply suggesting that the words of the Prophet are irrelevant to the current situation is probably enough to get a Fatwa issued to have me killed by some jihadist jerkoff! If Muslims can ignore the teachings of the prophet when it suits them, then why should the rest of us take him seriously?)

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: "There is reward for kindness to every living thing."
------ Bukhari and Muslim.

(Unless of course its more convenient to behead that living thing? Or burn it to death? Or turn the female thing into a sex slave? Then the words of the Prophet may be ignored by the otherwise Faithful?)

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: ""Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people."
------ Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #473.

(See you in Hell ISIS!)

See there's a mix of good and bad in every religious book . Oh hey while we're on that let's look at the bible.

Exodus 35-2 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.

Lev 20:9, in which those who curse their mother or father should be put to death

Lev 20:19 in which any man who has sex or sees naked a woman on her period, then both should be exiled

Technically you can't have shellfish either according to the bible.

Lev 11-12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be regarded as unclean by you.

It's funny how both sides can cherry pick from their own books...don't you think? There's a lot the bible says should happen to you...yet Christians know not to take everything in the book as "Must do" actions.

(Yes-that`s right-Christians DO understand-and have for centuries-that not all words of the Bible should be acted upon. Too bad we are still waiting for Muslims to catch up with their own common sense! And based on current events we ought not to hope for Muslim `mercy` or good sense any time soon!)

If the Muslims had access to the same weaponry that Uncle Sam has had for four decades ,at least, that I can remember. Do you remember little VIETNAMIESE CHILDREN being cooked on TV? i do fuk off

Naplalm and Agent Orange babies, thousands of them, Uncle Sam don't care

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
We killed millions of their women, elderly and children, we bombed Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan back into the stone age


Speak for yourself

You have no clue that ISIS is trained, financed, supplied and protected by the US and Britain. You are an illiterate knuckle dragging, hate spewing moron with a computer and you are the dangerous ones who cause all this suffering. Go out into the real word and get an education other than your far right wing nut job, false news sites.

You have the definitive proof on this or just more tin-foil hatter ravings?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Speak for yourself

You have the definitive proof on this or just more tin-foil hatter ravings?

Tin foil hats! For all the clueless girls and boys! HAHAHAHA!!!

Some people just do not believe what sort of screwup a LIE-beral rank and file flunky will follow just so long as it leads to gravy!....just google “seances with Mackenzie King” and watch the THOUSANDS of hits come up-including quotes from The Globe and Mail! Along with assorted stories about how LIE-beral King regularly discussed political matters with his beloved (and long dead) mother AND with his Beagle dogs-especially his extra wise and also dead Beagle Pat! King was a true Mommas boy-never married, no kids but he talked to his Mommy every day-even decades after she died King was still her best boy! With LIE-berals you don’t have to make stuff up!

Or go back and read the articles by reporter Lubor Zink. Zink was born in Czechoslovakia and was a fighter pilot there when Hitler took over-and for obvious reasons, Zink fled away to Poland and became a fighter pilot there. After the defeat of Poland Zink went to England and...surprise.... became a fighter pilot. Zink survived the war and went back to Czechoslovakia to become a journalist. Sadly, the Red Army was in charge and Zink eventually fled again before the Soviet secret police could arrest him and he ended up in Canada-as a journalist.

Zink worked for the old Toronto Telegram and it was Zink who got Our Pet-Pierre Trudope to talk about his Chinese Communist connections after Our Pet came back from China as personal guest of Chairman Mao. At the time Our Pet had no political ambitions and could see no reason not to speak freely. Zink even asked Our Pet what he would do if Trudope ever became prime minister and Trudope responded-IN FRONT OF WITNESSES- “that he would take Canada from the past into the future via the route of radical socialism”!

Some years later our nasty Pet decided he WOULD like a political career but of course with the Berlin wall up and Soviets shooting people in the streets simply because they didn’t like Communism-it was NOT a good time for Our Pet to remind people of his communist past...so Zink was BARRED from any and all LIE-beral organized media scrum’s for the rest of his life! Is it any surprise that Zink spent his life reminding Our Pet of what a hypocrite he was?

I am not surprised that some people pretends to know nothing of this...the Telegram eventually went bankrupt after a printers strike and Zink went to work for....GASP...The Toronto Sun!!! YES! ALL good LIE-berals despise the Sun because the Sun has a bad habit of exposing LIE-beral bullshit! And that fierce old Anti Nazi and Cold Warrior and life long hater of dictators and bullies Lubor Zink led the way-no wonder LIE-berals do not wish to believe that the truth is out there! Nor do thye wish to google any of this “old news”...it might upset their tummy!

As for LIE-beral Chretien and the helicopter mess-it was splashed all over the newspapers for several years after Chretien was elected-as Cdns debated the merits of canceling the EH 101 contract and paying a FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR PENALTY simply so LIE-berals would not have to go through with a contract arranged by Conservatives.

And that plane crash in Manitoba that our military could not reach for several days but which WAS toured almost immediately by news people in a chartered civilian copter was also big news for several weeks as LIE-berals launched themselves into damage control and media spin mode.....and LIE-berals eventually were shamed into purchasing new helicopters for the military!

And of course all this stuff is to explain WHY it is that Our idiot Boy LIE-beral Justin has publicly stated that he “admires the Chinese Communist Party”. Our Boy likes the way Chinese leaders decide what must be done and simply get on with it.....none of that awkward democracy bullshit of consulting with a stubborn public who might not like the ideas being thrown at them by socialist assholes! And of course the Chinese Communist Party WRITES the HISTORY of the country so they don’t have to put up with crap from the likes of Lubor Zink-in a communist heaven people like Zink disappear....and people like me who read his stuff end up having chats with angry secret police officers.

And some wise and clever person has gone to the trouble of examining and explaining LIE-beral reasoning and paints a VERY arrogant and close minded picture. The quote is set out below: Quote of the day
"Progressives pride themselves on their highly evolved psyches, their awe-inspiring good intentions and their admirable sense of right and wrong. Indeed, so sure are they that they are right, disagreement can only be an insult. Opposition triggers instant hatred, in a chorus chanted so loudly that nothing said, no evidence presented, will be heard or considered. Indeed, in order to cement a belief, whatever the left decides to believe magically becomes new science, granted an exemption from any sort of scientific process because the leftist has declared that a consensus of leftists makes something scientific. Belief alone is the sole test. This process is, quite literally, detached from reality, as if written by an inebriated Charles Dodgson."
-- Jeffrey T. Brown


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

In the interest of promoting Cdn culture- her are a few uniquely Cdn expressions:

Idle no more:

The native political movement known as `Idle no More` will continue to be `irrelevant forever` until such time as its leaders recognize that their first task is to clean up corruption and gross mismanagement on the reserves. Once this is done `Idle no more` will find that accomplishing a larger list of political goals will be much easier.

native discrimination:

Natives will continue to be jailed in disproportionate numbers just so long as they continue expressing their contempt for white society by engaging in criminal acts such as theft, drunken and disorderly conduct, theft, and the smuggling of cigarettes, guns and other illegal contraband.

Native jobs:

Only about 25% of natives graduate from high school and an even smaller proportion goes on to higher education. Since over 75% of all jobs currently on offer in Canada require post secondary education natives are guaranteed to continue having serious employment problems until they understand that getting an education is not synonymous with selling out to white society.

Boil water advisory:

This is a common feature of life on a typical reserve. LIE-berals want to portray this as a sign of racism but in doing so LIE-berals display their OWN Racism! In summer, 2016, CBC news reported that THREE reserves out west were able to cancel their boil water advisories AFTER a local man graduated from high school, then went on and graduated from college with suitable training and certificates and came back to the reserve area and promptly used his new training certificates to start up the water treatment plant that had been sitting IDLE for 20 years because no local person was qualified to operate it! LIE-berals do not want to admit that no educated white person is excited about going to live on a native reserve/third world pest hole to operate the equipment for the drunken, violence prone and to often drugged up natives!
Systemic racist: Any person who undertakes a serious analysis of conditions on reserves and, as a result, comes to the conclusion that the vast majority of problems on the reserve are the result of drunken violence, drug addled nonsense, a remarkable lack of useful education and a startling level of wide spread band council corruption will be deemed a `systemic racist` by natives and LIE-berals.

Native land claims: A legal process by which natives claim to be owed more gravy than they are currently getting. LIE-berals respond to this native demand by posturing in a submissive and servile way and offering up major lumps of tax money to appease natives- who will later use most of the money for drunken and drug fueled binges and for the purchase of gas guzzling pick up trucks and ATV`s. This new transportation fleet will then be used to carry natives to various sites to protest the production of the fuel their new transportation fleet is using. Conservatives ignore this LIE-beral designed system of native bribery.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Saskatchewan First Nation outraged as video game depicts legendary leader

A First Nation in Saskatchewan is considering legal action against a California video game company over the forthcoming release of Civilization VI, a game in which people can play at colonialism and imperial expansion, but as an Indian character.
It is a new twist on the debate about Indigenous cultural appropriation, which is typically focused on visual representations like head-dresses, not political behaviour.
The new instalment of the game Civilization, due out next month, includes a main plot line about the Plains Cree, under the leadership of Chief Poundmaker, in which players advance by developing trade routes, building infrastructure, forging alliances, and other elements of statecraft.
But this use of an historical figure, and the name of a modern First Nation, without the consent or involvement of the Poundmaker Cree Nation, is a dishonourable method of making money off a culture that was nearly exterminated by the Canadian government, according to a community leader.
“There’s no consent given to this company to go ahead and use Chief Poundmaker in their game,” said Milton Tootoosis, Headman of the Poundmaker Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, northwest of Saskatoon, speaking on behalf of the chief, who was not available.
“I think that’s potentially very dangerous for a lot of young naive people, and maybe older naive people; this colonial notion of expanding an empire, using military power to take over a community, to access their land and extract the resources go with it.
“That’s a big big problem we’ve been trying to resolve through talks around this notion of truth and reconciliation. We are, as First Nations people, still trying to work our way out of this model that’s been a catastrophe for First Nations people, not only in Canada but throughout the world,” he said. “Some people could potentially understand or equate the notions of imperialism and colonialism to the values of our people.”

The maker of Civilization, 2K Games, based near San Francisco, did not reply to a request for comment.
The Plains Cree leader Pîhtokahanapiwiyin, known by the anglicized name Chief Poundmaker (a “pound” in this context is a large trap or corral for hunting buffalo) was convicted of treason after the 1885 North-West Rebellion and sentenced to three years in prison in Manitoba. He served less than a year and died aged 44 soon after.
He is the subject of a long-running campaign to formally pardon or exonerate him, now that a fuller historical picture has emerged of his efforts to seek and preserve peace, and evidence that some of the looting of Fort Battleford for which he was blamed was actually carried out by Canadian troops

The National Arts Centre in Ottawa, for example, has apologized and removed scenes about Poundmaker from a play, Gabriel Dumont’s Wild West Show, after being informed that they repeated historical errors.
In a promotional video for Civilization VI, Chief Poundmaker is illustrated in regimental dress, with a brass-buttoned waistcoat under an overcoat and long hair. He looks young, fit and strong. A narrator describes him as ruling in a tumultuous time, and “judiciously toeing the line between aggression and diplomacy.”
Tootoosis said the images are misleading, for the chief of a people who were reduced to wearing tattered rags. The photos that exist of Chief Poundmaker, taken in his forties, tend to show him looking gaunt, aged, skinny, with protruding cheekbones, which Tootoosis said reflected Canada’s policy “to literally starve out the Indians on the Prairies, and force them to the treaty table.”
The video game makers “should have approached the community directly,” Tootoosis said. “They should have inquired about our local cultural protocols. They should have done the honourable thing and at least offered tobacco, and approached the community through the leadership and the elders, and then have a dialogue. They should have shared the script. I think we would have been honoured to have Poundmaker used in a game like this, but in a culturally appropriate manner, not in this manner.”