U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I'm not the one spamming these boards constantly with anti Palestinian shyte the way you do it about Israel..
I just try to point out your hypocrisy....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I noticed that EagleSmack, DaSleeper and CNDBear can't write a critical thing about Israel even when it involves IDF soldiers using an 11 year old girl as a human shield.
You want to try that again?

I can post a quote from you, where you acknowledge the very fact that I have written critical commentary about Israel.

This is the biggest problem with your reality, it's very selective, at best.

You guys really have double standards....
You'd be the resident expert on double standards. You employ and exercise them regularly.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
"But they were ambushed, taken prisoner and later tortured, mutilated and murdered."

How is Dallaire responsible for an enemy ambush?

They were guarding the PMs house. The term ambush is used loosely here.

Did Dallaire conspire with the enemy to kill those Belgium peacekeepers or did Dallaire underestimate the threat and risk? No doubt your hindsight is much better than Dallaire's foresight. Looking back, I guess Dallaire should have sent more than 10 Belgiums to the PM's house. Maybe he should have sent a battalion. Unfortunately he didn't have a battalion. All he had for that mission was 10 Belgium peacekeepers. Lots of people were dying that night and Dallaire lacked the forces to deal with every threat. If I recall, Dallaire asked for re-enforcements repeatedly for months during the run up to the Rwandan genocide and now you blame him for not having enough soldiers???? Also if he didn't sent the Belgium peacekeepers the PM would have been killed for certain. If he moved reinforcements to assist the Belgium contingent, then another slaughter would have happened somewhere else.
He had thousands under his command.

And the PM was killed... FOR CERTAIN

Agathe Uwilingiyimana and her family took refuge in the Kigali U.N. volunteer compound around 8 am. Eye-witnesses to the inquiry on U.N. actions say that Rwandan soldiers entered the compound at 10 am, and searched it for Agathe Uwilingiyimana. Fearing for the lives of her children, Agathe and her husband emerged, and they were shot and killed by the presidential guard on the morning of 7 April 1994.

Agathe Uwilingiymana was the Rwandan PM.

Do you see how little you know?

Game... set... MATCH

How many lives have you Dallaire critics saved?
I saved two actually... a choking victim and a person that was hung up on electricity.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
You want to try that again?

I can post a quote from you, where you acknowledge the very fact that I have written critical commentary about Israel.

This is the biggest problem with your reality, it's very selective, at best.

You'd be the resident expert on double standards. You employ and exercise them regularly.

That's true. I guess you got me on that one CB.

I guess ES still has to save 31,999 more lives before he can say you saved more lives than Romeo Dallaire. Please feel free to criticize Dallaire's inability to save more lives at that time.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
That's true. I guess you got me on that one CB.

I guess ES still has to save 31,999 more lives before he can say you saved more lives than Romeo Dallaire. Please feel free to criticize Dallaire's inability to save more lives at that time.

Oh Bear and many others have got you time and again.


If you were only half filled with Bshxt

Would you be half full or half empty???????????????-

I go with half empty and needing a refill. As in after your above post. Spew and fill up.

What say you Buckey.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
That's true. I guess you got me on that one CB.
That one? I've got you, on more than just one.

I guess ES still has to save 31,999 more lives before he can say you saved more lives than Romeo Dallaire.
I'm already aware that your moral relativity makes numbers more important than acts.

Please feel free to criticize Dallaire's inability to save more lives at that time.
Please feel to read back through the thread, and point out where I said anything critical about Dallaire.

Or did you miss this post...

Dude, that was harsh.

I know what you're trying to convey, but you're stepping on someone that I hold in high esteem. When you negate what he tried to do, with what he had, and what he was up against.

Which brings us back to...

This is the biggest problem with your reality, it's very selective, at best.

Oh, and by the way, that was a got you again.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
That's true. I guess you got me on that one CB.

I guess ES still has to save 31,999 more lives before he can say you saved more lives than Romeo Dallaire. Please feel free to criticize Dallaire's inability to save more lives at that time.

31,999...is that all that was left ?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
That's true. I guess you got me on that one CB.

I guess ES still has to save 31,999 more lives before he can say you saved more lives than Romeo Dallaire. Please feel free to criticize Dallaire's inability to save more lives at that time.

You have been pinned so many times you leak when you drink.

When will you learn to stop doing this.

You always lose.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So can you answer the question about how much blood is on your hands - Appears the Bucky Twins have problems with simply worded but clear and concise question.

If you have trouble with the way it is phrased, please ask and I will clarify it for you.

Ya know we can all use some help at times. I am always willing to help. Just the way I am.

You were asked a question a while back... which you have ignored. How about you do that first. From where I sit, it is you that has a problem. No one else.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
You were asked a question a while back... which you have ignored. How about you do that first. From where I sit, it is you that has a problem. No one else.

Must have missed that Gem - Could you post it again please.

Thank you


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
ya... that's what I figured. I have posted it twice, not doing it again. I'm done with you.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
ya... that's what I figured. I have posted it twice, not doing it again. I'm done with you.

Run along now - Enjoy the hissy fit.

again, numbnuts, prove what he says about the timeline between 9/11 and the invasion wrong. You can't, and therefore, like the tiny minded little man you are, you yell squirrel.

Was this the question - We have discussed this and he has his opinion and I have mine.

Now off to the powder room, your mascara is running.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Interesting coincidence
The Mai Lai massacre was March 16, 1968.

Indeed. Nice catch..


Afghan Villagers Were Threatened by US Troops Ahead of Massacre

Witnesses: Troops Lined Up All Men From Mokhoyan, Told Them They'd 'Pay'

Afghan Villagers Were Threatened by US Troops Ahead of Massacre -- News from Antiwar.com

Here we go. Temporary amnesia???

The Afghans are watching this unfold. With increasingly shaky relationships , how this is handled is putting the US legal system in the spotlight too. As it should.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So then, I've stated that I don't support capital punishment in either our criminal justice system, or in the military justice system and yet somehow you've perceived that to be a double standard on my part...care to explain?

Furthermore, it is a scenario like this that prevents me from ever supporting capital punishment, as I don't believe people should be put down for being ill...unless of course they want to be, but that's another issue for another day...

There's a good chance, the Soldier in question, is ill. A head injury, alcoholism (A recognized illness), likely depression (Another recognized illness).

I'm just wondering why you aren't here, pleading his case.

If I could prevail upon a mod to move this post to the following thread:


It would be much appreciated.
All you have to do, is bring the quote here and post it.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales’ suspected early March murder of 16 Afghan civilians is cast by the military-industrial-congressional-media complex as the isolated madness of a single American soldier. In fact, victims in the village of Kandahar are just the latest among six million who have perished in America's wars-of-choice in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and now the Central Asian graveyard of empires, Afghanistan.
That sobering estimate of death comes from John Tirman, executive director of the MIT Center for International Studies, and author of The Deaths of Others: The Fate of Civilians in America’s Wars, whose arguments were recently summarized in The Washington Post essay, “Why Do We Ignore the Civilians Killed in American Wars?”

  Obama’s Afghanistan Massacre Deniers   : Information Clearing House

bloody good question.....

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
They are not ignored, just not remembered.

sigh...........splitting hairs . Either way it does not make it humane.:-(

Who is keeping a record of all the Afghans slaughtered in this search & destroy mission for OBL ??

the sad truth is that repercussions from these invasions will be happening for some time. Of course the US will brand these incidents "terrorism" and the cycle of violence will be perpetuated.