U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Nope.... just voicing my opinion, and my opinion isn't very high when it comes to the u.s.

Well yesterday EAO was showing that the US imposed harsh penalties - i disagreed - Today the US is not.
While your opinion of the US as we are aware is low, does your opinion change with the weather?

It is one or the other - Either the US imposes harsh punishments - or they do not.

So what is it - Todays new opinion or yesrdays old opinion?????????????

Over to you


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Its possible the US government will make an example of this soldier and he gets a stiff penalty. Then again he could be found not guilty by reason of insanity and then released when this story falls off the MSM radar.

Since the soldier was awol and the crime was committed in Afghanistan, I'd say the US should have to turn this soldier over to Afghan authorities.

My suggestion was for an objective third party to monitor the criminal justice process, since neither the Americans nor the Afghans are likely to give the accused a fair trial.

Yesterday it was turn him over to Afghan Justice - Can you not form an opinion that lasts more that a day or so.

Why would the Soldier not receive a fair trial.

If he is Judged insane - then it will be up to Medical specialists to decide when he is safe to release - Clearly you do not trust them either.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well yesterday EAO was showing that the US imposed harsh penalties - i disagreed - Today the US is not.
While your opinion of the US as we are aware is low, does your opinion change with the weather?

It is one or the other - Either the US imposes harsh punishments - or they do not.

So what is it - Todays new opinion or yesrdays old opinion?????????????

Over to you

Over all they don't hand out harsh punishment to one of their own. Take a look at what that pilot got when he killed our guys. Slap on the wrist.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Over all they don't hand out harsh punishment to one of their own. Take a look at what that pilot got when he killed our guys. Slap on the wrist.

So your post attacking me was an error. I can understand that and have no problem with that. One thing about Humans - we make mistakes.

And no I was not out to embarrass or pillory you.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So your post attacking me was an error. I can understand that and have no problem with that. One thing about Humans - we make mistakes.

And no I was not out to embarrass or pillory you.

No mistake was made by me.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
But in your opinion OBL was innocent of 911.

Actually, no, he has not said he believed that obl was innocent. All he did was post a truth about the time between 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan.

On other threads he referred to the Taliban turning OBL over to another agreed upon country - Also the US was to present evidence to the Taliban of OBLs involvement.

Well....in this instance I would say prove his inconsistency....cause I haven't seen it when it comes to the Taliban, obl, and the u.s.

This is what I had told you to prove, instead you have gone off on a tangent about u.s. justice when it comes to their soldiers individual war crimes.

I stand by my comment that you are an idiot and moron.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
This is what I had told you to prove, instead you have gone off on a tangent about u.s. justice when it comes to their soldiers individual war crimes.

I stand by my comment that you are an idiot and moron.

Stand by it. It is really just a short insult. Probably taller than yourself.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
and you still can't prove or back up your contentions.

Great comeback. I had to lean over, sorry, get on bended knee then lean over to hear such a rebuttal from a very small man.

Love the chains.
Noted cellulite in the legs though.

Do you still use a sippy cup?



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Over all they don't hand out harsh punishment to one of their own. Take a look at what that pilot got when he killed our guys. Slap on the wrist.

You really don't see the difference?

Its possible the US government will make an example of this soldier and he gets a stiff penalty. Then again he could be found not guilty by reason of insanity and then released when this story falls off the MSM radar.

Make an example? Are you saying that if he gets life or even the Death Penalty the US would simply be making an example of him? He murdered 16 people.

I simply don't get you thinking here.

Since the soldier was awol and the crime was committed in Afghanistan, I'd say the US should have to turn this soldier over to Afghan authorities.

To which he will have a trial within days and have his head sawed off in public.

My suggestion was for an objective third party to monitor the criminal justice process, since neither the Americans nor the Afghans are likely to give the accused a fair trial.

Then the third party will be witnesses to him getting his head sawed off.

I'm amazed here. Truly. If he gets found guilty are you saying he will not have a fair trial?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's obvious this guy is hoping to be executed or imprisoned for life. He gave up on his own life before he decided take the 16 lives.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Afghan Probe: More Than a Dozen US Troops Involved in Massacre

Kandahar MP Says Resolution Passed Unanimously to Withdraw From 'Agreement' With US

by Jason Ditz, March 18, 2012

A member of the Afghan parliamentary investigation team into last weekend’s massacre of civilians, Kandahar MP Naheem Lalai Hameedzai, says that the probe has concluded the massacre was carried out by a team of US soldiers, and not a lone individual.

Afghan Probe: More Than a Dozen US Troops Involved in Massacre -- News from Antiwar.com

Will be interesting to see the follow ups to this...

All the villagers that we talked to said there were 15 to 20 men who had conducted a night raid operation in several areas in the village,” Hameedzai said, adding that the targets in the massacre villages were at least four kilometers north and south of the base.
The US has insisted that only one person, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, wandered off base and committed the entire massacre in a drunken rampage.

It's obvious this guy is hoping to be executed or imprisoned for life. He gave up on his own life before he decided take the 16 lives.

If that were the case.........he should have just killed himself .

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Discussing the Motives of the Afghan Shooter | Common Dreams
Here’s a summary of the Western media discussion of what motivated U.S. Staff Sgt. Robert Bales to allegedly kill 16 Afghans, including 9 children: he was drunk, he was experiencing financial stress, he was passed over for a promotion, he had a traumatic brain injury, he had marital problems, he suffered from the stresses of four tours of duty, he “saw his buddy’s leg blown off the day before the massacre,” etc.
U.S. Staff Sgt. Robert Bales (File)
Here’s a summary of the Western media discussion of what motivates Muslims to kill Americans: they are primitive, fanatically religious, hateful Terrorists.
Even when Muslims who engage in such acts toward Americans clearly and repeatedly explain that they did it in response to American acts of domination, aggression, violence and civilian-killing in their countries, and even when the violence is confined to soldiers who are part of a foreign army that has invaded and occupied their country, the only cognizable motive is one of primitive, hateful evil. It is an act of Evil Terrorism, and that is all there is to say about it.

that about covers it. Tragically.

An Afghan parliamentary investigation has concluded a massacre of at least 16 civilians in Afghanistan was brought on by revenge.

The head of the Afghan parliamentary investigation, Sayed Ishaq Gillani has accused a US soldier of planning the attack in Kandahar province.

Afghan parliamentary team speaks on civilian massacre

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Washington’s dirty little secret is out!
The Kandahar Massacre

By M A Niazi

March 18, 2012 "
The Nation" - Pakistanis were not very surprised when an American soldier ran amuck in Kandahar and shot up 16 Afghan civilians, which came hot on the heels of another incident of American callousness in Afghanistan, i.e. the burning of copies of Holy Quran at the Bagram Airbase. Just as Pakistan had experienced the Raymond Davis affair, in which a CIA contractor had shot two Pakistanis, with his rescue vehicle running down a third, and had thus learned the hard way that CIA contractors were not benign presences who could be given the free run of the country, so have the Afghans learnt at the cost of massacre in Kandahar and the cost of being occupied by the USA. The common aspect of both incidents is that Washington’s dirty little secret is out!

from :  The Kandahar Massacre   : Information Clearing House


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Washington’s dirty little secret is out!
The Kandahar Massacre

By M A Niazi

March 18, 2012 "
The Nation" - Pakistanis were not very surprised when an American soldier ran amuck in Kandahar and shot up 16 Afghan civilians, which came hot on the heels of another incident of American callousness in Afghanistan, i.e. the burning of copies of Holy Quran at the Bagram Airbase. Just as Pakistan had experienced the Raymond Davis affair, in which a CIA contractor had shot two Pakistanis, with his rescue vehicle running down a third, and had thus learned the hard way that CIA contractors were not benign presences who could be given the free run of the country, so have the Afghans learnt at the cost of massacre in Kandahar and the cost of being occupied by the USA. The common aspect of both incidents is that Washington’s dirty little secret is out!

from :* The Kandahar Massacre** : Information Clearing House

How many were killed in retaliation for making a mistake and burning a book - How many were killed in retaliation from his murders.