U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
and your point is?

How a culture responds to horrific events as the killings of the civilians is - how a society values the life of a child, a woman a man.

How a society reacts to the erroneous destruction of a Religious Text.

Your Honor - The point I made was relevant as it pertains to culture and values. Values I must remind the Judge that are well described in the Koran, as the word of Allah.

Values that have been set aside when the anger of knowing 16 civilians, innocent civilians were murdered for no just cause. Killed in their homes. Literally slaughtered as they slept in the safety with their families.

We then ask why the outrage over the erroneous burning of a Religious Text is of a higher value than life.

Your Honor, can the prosecution explain to the Judge and the Jury why this is so? Can they?? They cannot as the Koran is clear on the value of a single life.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
To mnay.

Care to rebut what I posted?

Too many? how about in excess of 200,000 people.... and you're bitching about how many? How about we stop the mass murder from our side before we whine about the comparatively minimal deaths on our side. Fu cking hypocritical piece of shyte.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Too many? how about in excess of 200,000 people.... and you're bitching about how many? How about we stop the mass murder from our side before we whine about the comparatively minimal deaths on our side. Fu cking hypocritical piece of shyte.

Your typical response. You have a pattern - you go the rounds of going after different posters.

You standard rebuttals are at the Ivory rate of 99 44/100ths insults - I find you to be a little, very little man.

Such an angry man

An If I recall correctly - a self admitted Troll.

So in the words of that famous Chinese Philosopher.

Fuk You.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Your typical response. You have a pattern - you go the rounds of going after different posters.

You standard rebuttals are at the Ivory rate of 99 44/100ths insults - I find you to be a little, very little man.

Such an angry man

An If I recall correctly - a self admitted Troll.

So in the words of that famous Chinese Philosopher.

Fuk You.

Typical response from the war mongers and supporters of the mass murders allowed world wide. So easy to whine about the minimal western deaths with no answer, justification, or responsibility for the hundreds of thousands of deaths that THEIR governments are responsible for. Just keep yelling squirrel.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Typical response from the war mongers and supporters of the mass murders allowed world wide. So easy to whine about the minimal western deaths with no answer, justification, or responsibility for the hundreds of thousands of deaths that THEIR governments are responsible for. Just keep yelling squirrel.

Remember you also have blood on your hands Gerry. We all do.

Innocent you are not. Just as guilty as I am.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
at least I lay the blame where it belongs....... at least I don't try to shine the light on others..... at least I acknowledge what the western governments are responsible for. Unlike chicken shyte assholes like you.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
at least I lay the blame where it belongs....... at least I don't try to shine the light on others..... at least I acknowledge what the western governments are responsible for. Unlike chicken shyte assholes like you.

No Gerry you are incapable of laying blame where it belongs
1 - Your anti US bias is a self admitted fault and interferes with dispassionate reasoning.

2 - You always rebut with moron, idiot and such comments

3 - There is an old Hebrew saying there are 2 sides to a coin - can you understand that - I doubt it

4- You are a troll - Self admitted - The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem

5 - most importantly you cannot accept that you have blood as well as I on my hands.

So i will make an offer

You and I go head to head in Wreck Beach -

We agree on a Mod to determine the thread contents,

We have a Poll. It will be public

Public - Again the mod will have the final say.

We are then both offered by the Mod what the thread and the Poll will contain

We both have the option to opt out without any repercussions - Each of us must agree before the Thread is posted. Either can say no and no one mentions it.

Game on - or game off

Now I am off to bed, logging off so take all the time you need to think on this.

Oh yes a parting thought. Fuk off


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
No Gerry you are incapable of laying blame where it belongs
1 - Your anti US bias is a self admitted fault and interferes with dispassionate reasoning.

2 - You always rebut with moron, idiot and such comments

3 - There is an old Hebrew saying there are 2 sides to a coin - can you understand that - I doubt it

4- You are a troll - Self admitted - The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem

5 - most importantly you cannot accept that you have blood as well as I on my hands.

So i will make an offer

You and I go head to head in Wreck Beach -

We agree on a Mod to determine the thread contents,

We have a Poll. It will be public

Public - Again the mod will have the final say.

We are then both offered by the Mod what the thread and the Poll will contain

We both have the option to opt out without any repercussions - Each of us must agree before the Thread is posted. Either can say no and no one mentions it.

Game on - or game off

Now I am off to bed, logging off so take all the time you need to think on this.

Oh yes a parting thought. Fuk off

:roll: poor poor goober.... I see you really hate being called on your bloodlust.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I'll bet that this is the most likely scenario. The americans are not well known for going hard on soldiers that do what the americans really want done.

at least I lay the blame where it belongs....... at least I don't try to shine the light on others..... at least I acknowledge what the western governments are responsible for.....
You could post references proving that since 9/11, our side has committed a thousand 9/11's against innocent people who never did us any harm, but Goober would remain unaware. Goober does not disapprove of our side's atrocities and has a remarkable capacity for overlooking them.

Robert Fisk: The shaming of America
24 October 2010
Our writer delivers a searing dispatch after the WikiLeaks revelations that expose in detail the brutality of the war in Iraq - and the astonishing, disgraceful deceit of the US

As usual, the Arabs knew. They knew all about the mass torture, the promiscuous shooting of civilians, the outrageous use of air power against family homes, the vicious American and British mercenaries, the cemeteries of the innocent dead. All of Iraq knew. Because they were the victims. Only we could pretend we did not know. Only we in the West could counter every claim, every allegation against the Americans or British with some worthy general – the ghastly US military spokesman Mark Kimmitt and the awful chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Peter Pace, come to mind – to ring-fence us with lies. Find a man who'd been tortured and you'd be told it was terrorist propaganda; discover a house full of children killed by an American air strike and that, too, would be terrorist propaganda, or "collateral damage", or a simple phrase: "We have nothing on that." Of course, we all knew they always did have something. And yesterday's ocean of military memos proves it yet again...
Robert Fisk: The shaming of America - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
You could post references proving that since 9/11, our side has committed a thousand 9/11's against innocent people who never did us any harm, but Goober would remain unaware. Goober does not disapprove of our side's atrocities and has a remarkable capacity for overlooking them.

been there, done that, a complete waste of time.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006

The frequency of small-scale killings involving US-led coalition forces is illustrated by data showing that for the period from 2005–2007, on average, they were killing (Iraqi) civilians in 1 or 2 incidents per day, and over 3 civilians per day, for three straight years (1,512 incidents, 3,617 deaths averaging 3.3 deaths per day; with 1.4 incidents per day, or almost 10 per week, averaging 2.4 deaths per incident).
Civilian deaths from violence in 2003-2011 :: Iraq Body Count

Robert Fisk - Lies and Misreporting in the Middle East

Robert Fisk - Lies and Misreporting in the Middle East 1/5 - YouTube

Lies and Misreporting in the Middle East - YouTube

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
:roll: poor poor goober.... I see you really hate being called on your bloodlust.

I made the same offer to EAO - He also turned a resonable offer down. Both of you have another thing in common - Not answering direct questions.

Good to see you made a friend - We all need friends. I am truly happy for the 2 of you.

Oh yes - Your hands are as bloody as mine - Yes EAO that also includes you and OB as well.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I protested the Iraq war and wrote against it on the internet. My conscience isn't clear, because I could have protested and written more.

I support going after everyone responsible for 9/11. I still do. I'm just not so certain as I used to be that OBL had anything to do with it. At the time I was fooled into supporting an Afghan invasion because I believed at the time, that the Taliban were hiding/supporting OBL and the other people responsible. Since then I educated myself on Pashtun culture. I now realize that these people have a cultural obligation to protect their "guests" even if they don't like them. They also have a similar obligation to help us bring those responsible for 9/11 to justice. All we had to do was prove to them who was responsible for 9/11. As far as I know, that's never been done. I am not convinced that the official belief system regarding 9/11 is correct. I say belief system, because I've never seen any evidence linking OBL to 9/11. I'm certain OBL believed the US got what they deserved and were happy about it, but that's not the same as guilt and morally not that different than people who support Israeli assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.

So yes my hands are bloody too. But unlike Goober, I'm pushing in the direction of least harm. I want to know the truth and and I want justice. Our leaders and the people who control the MSM aren't interested in the truth or justice. They are motivated by profit and power. Powerful people use the MSM to manipulate gullible people to support their agendas which include controlling Middle East oil, increased military/industrial corporate profits, continued Zionist ethnic cleansing (wiping Palestine off the map) and other goals which have little to do with freedom, justice or the truth.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I made the same offer to EAO - He also turned a resonable offer down. Both of you have another thing in common - Not answering direct questions.

Good to see you made a friend - We all need friends. I am truly happy for the 2 of you.

Oh yes - Your hands are as bloody as mine - Yes EAO that also includes you and OB as well.

I have no problem with it numbnuts, just pointing out the obvious. Tell ya right now though, you bring this down to the hole... then the only way I will participate is if it IS no holds barred and I am assured I will NOT be banned for what I write. Otherwise, you can fu ck yourself.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I have no problem with it numbnuts, just pointing out the obvious. Tell ya right now though, you bring this down to the hole... then the only way I will participate is if it IS no holds barred and I am assured I will NOT be banned for what I write. Otherwise, you can fu ck yourself.

I do not make the rules Buckey - Forum rules would apply. If you have a problem with that take it up with the Guy that owns the place. Neither of us pay rent so we have to follow the rules.

Perhaps you and EAO would both like to come down - 1 thread - ah the fun and laughs we could have. Why it cheers my heart it does, and it always does when I see how pleasant you are in your replies.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I've already stated what I require to take you to task in the hole.... if that is not possible, then it would be no different than these threads, therefore, not necessary.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I've already stated what I require to take you to task in the hole.... if that is not possible, then it would be no different than these threads, therefore, not necessary.

These are open to the public - the other thread is for places like yourself and i to have a mature exchange. Now putting conditions on it that you know cannot be met - well that says loads about you. I am sure you can figure out what type of load I am referring to as you are such a well educated man.