U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You're one of those chauvenists aren't you ... the kind that think women have no brain and know nothing until some male with a huge ego tells them what to believe.

Oh gosh... here we go. Using that crutch again.

an aside and off topic for a moment. But why is it that a select but fortunately small gang on here have only one comback.....regardless of topic , theme etc. They keep regurgitating that tiresome Anti american crap... or they hate the US or they hate the US military or a variation of those three. Does not speak highly of their thinking skills or assessment skill of each situation being discussed..

Because of the hypocricy and the obsession to everything anti-American that slimes from the mouths of people like you.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Oh gosh... here we go. Using that crutch again.

Because of the hypocricy and the obsession to everything anti-American that slimes from the mouths of people like you.

A picture is worth a thousand words



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I see you still haven't proven eao's inconsistency in what he has said concerning the americans/taliban/obl/. Are you going to, or admit that once again you were talking out your ass.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I see you still haven't proven eao's inconsistency in what he has said concerning the americans/taliban/obl/. Are you going to, or admit that once again you were talking out your ass.

You read my post, went to the wrong conclusion. Now my point was addressed to EAO.

Yesterday I waited for Bear to clear things up about my posts ref the Army - you accused me of talking out of my ass -
You cannot admit when you make a mistake.

Now my post was to EAO - something about that you have a problem with? Clearly the posts I make or myself are quite a bother to you and you get all wound up.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
You read my post, went to the wrong conclusion. Now my point was addressed to EAO.

Yesterday I waited for Bear to clear things up about my posts ref the Army - you accused me of talking out of my ass -
You cannot admit when you make a mistake.

Now my post was to EAO - something about that you have a problem with? Clearly the posts I make or myself are quite a bother to you and you get all wound up.

How about you write complete sentences with proper grammar and syntax.

From this I gather you have no intention of admitting you're wrong. No surprise, weasels are like that.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
How about you write complete sentences with proper grammar and syntax.

From this I gather you have no intention of admitting you're wrong. No surprise, weasels are like that.

Problem understanding what I wrote -My apologies for not being as well educated as yourself.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I can't decipher G's posts either.

If I understand the MSM spin direction on this story, people with an old head injury, a drinking problem and a bad marriage shouldn't be held responsible for gunning down innocent Aghan women and children.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Still waiting for you to show eao's inconstancy's in his comments for the happenings between 9/11 and the Afghanistan invasion.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I have no idea what happened on 9/11 besides two planes flying into the world trade center, the Pentagon and a fourth plane downed over Pennsylvania. Saudi citizen OBL may have played a role, but many "facts" are inconsistent with allegations or the "official" version of what happened that day.

If a Saudi was responsible, then why let Saudi citizens flee the US on 9/12?

Two years before Bush won election, Cheney's PNAC think tank proposed invading Iraq and Iran. In the same report, the authors concluded that their agenda would be difficult to implement without a "Pearl Harbor" like event. Then less than a year after Bush wins election, a "Pearl Harbor" happens. What a coincidence:

“A New Pearl Harbor”
Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was “a new Pearl Harbor.” Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true.
“A New Pearl Harbor”

The Taliban were the authority for that part of Afghanistan. If the US had evidence supporting their allegations about OBL, then they should have let the Taliban see that evidence. No government would hand over a "guest" to a lynch mob without evidence they committed a crime.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Still waiting for you to show eao's inconstancy's in his comments for the happenings between 9/11 and the Afghanistan invasion.

Never mind waiting for that - that has been left to EAO,

Please let me know what syntax etc you require clarification on. Being a DDH (Dumb Down Homer) who left school early, I was not as fortunate as others to further my education, but that is my burden for providing for my family.

So please let me know what needs clarification for one such as yourself that is without doubt a man well educated in the English language.

I am more than will to learn and try to improve myself.

The standard and such a high standard you have set has rightly put not only myself in their proper place, which is clearly below you, but other posters who have failed to meet you high and hopefully attainably standards.

Why it is absolutely sinful for we the uneducated to not accept help, freely offered by a well educated man to improve not only ourselves but those that we meet as we travel thru the Creators world.

I am poorly uneducated man willing to learn. Will you help a poor soul? Will you save me from the errors of syntax, prepositions and all the whatnot that can make the English language so confusing to a poorly educated man such as myself.

I cry out for help. Will you meet that cry? Will you????????????
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
March 17 (Reuters) - A lawyer representing the U.S. soldier implicated in the massacre of 16 villagers in Afghanistan said on Saturday he and other members of the defense team would spend several days with him in the week ahead.U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales is in solitary confinement at a military detention center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he arrived late on Friday.
Bales, 38 and a four-tour combat veteran, is suspected of walking off his base in southern Afghanistan on Sunday and gunning down the 16 civilians, including nine children and three women, in a massacre that sent American-Afghan relations into a tailspin.
Bales, whose military unit is based south of Tacoma, Washington, had been held in Kuwait after he was flown out of Afghanistan on Wednesday.
He has not yet been charged.

Soldier suspected in Afghanistan massacre to meet with lawyers

Which is true. We know people died, but what happened, who did what to whom remains unproven. I'd support a neutral third party verifying truth and justice. I don't trust the Afghans or the Americans to be objective. How about Norway, Switzerland and South Africa?
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Robert Fisk: Madness is not the reason for this massacre
The top general had to tell his supposedly well-disciplined, elite, professional army not to "take vengeance" on the Afghans they are supposed to be helping/protecting/nurturing/training, etc. He had to tell his soldiers not to commit murder.... I suspect that Allen had already been warned by his junior officers that his soldiers had been enraged by the killings that followed the Koran burnings – and might decide to go on a revenge spree. Hence he tried desperately – in a statement that was as shocking as it was revealing – to pre-empt exactly the massacre which took place last Sunday...
Robert Fisk: Madness is not the reason for this massacre - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Robert Fisk: Madness is not the reason for this massacre
...The top general had to tell his supposedly well-disciplined, elite, professional army not to "take vengeance" on the Afghans they are supposed to be helping/protecting/nurturing/training, etc. He had to tell his soldiers not to commit murder.... I suspect that Allen had already been warned by his junior officers that his soldiers had been enraged by the killings that followed the Koran burnings – and might decide to go on a revenge spree. Hence he tried desperately – in a statement that was as shocking as it was revealing – to pre-empt exactly the massacre which took place last Sunday...
Robert Fisk: Madness is not the reason for this massacre - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

couple of things come to mind as I read the above. Things are not in effective control ......or just barely so. Each side is explosive with revenge and killing as a priority. How on earth can they claim to be teaching, supporting , enhancing the Afghan society when they have no respect and their actions show differently.

What in heck did they expect after the Koran burnings. That is provocative conduct. Pizzing on the dead bodies did not endear them into the hearts and minds of the Afghans either.

The Afgans want the US OUT........and yet the US will not listen. Is it just arrogance and pride that makes the US act so immaturely?? Because it IS immature . Remember how the public were told.........when they ask us to leave......we will leave. Just another big lie in a series of many.

How many more of these incidents have to happen before the US(G) wakes up to the reality of what they have done to a population ..........while supposedly looking for OBL.....who wasn't even there. That has really got to be embarrassing.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
March 17 (Reuters) - A lawyer representing the U.S. soldier implicated in the massacre of 16 villagers in Afghanistan said on Saturday he and other members of the defense team would spend several days with him in the week ahead.U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales is in solitary confinement at a military detention center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he arrived late on Friday.
Bales, 38 and a four-tour combat veteran, is suspected of walking off his base in southern Afghanistan on Sunday and gunning down the 16 civilians, including nine children and three women, in a massacre that sent American-Afghan relations into a tailspin.
Bales, whose military unit is based south of Tacoma, Washington, had been held in Kuwait after he was flown out of Afghanistan on Wednesday.
He has not yet been charged.

Soldier suspected in Afghanistan massacre to meet with lawyers

Which is true. We know people died, but what happened, who did what to whom remains unproven. I'd support a neutral third party verifying truth and justice. I don't trust the Afghans or the Americans to be objective. How about Norway, Switzerland and South Africa?

Did you not state that the Soldier should be turned over to the Afghan Govt - Now it is a third party - Can you make up your mind?

LAKE TAPPS, WASH. — On a winding road of wood-frame homes tucked amid towering trees, Robert Bales was the father who joined his two young children for playtime in the yard, a career soldier who greeted neighbours warmly but was guarded when talking about the years he spent away at war.
“When I heard him talk, he said ... ‘Yeah, that’s my job. That’s what I do’,” said Kassie Holland, a next-door neighbour to the soldier who is now suspected of killing 16 Afghan civilians. “He never expressed a lot of emotion toward it.”
Speaking to his fellow soldiers, though, Bales could exult in the role. Plunged into battle in Iraq, he told an interviewer for a base newspaper in 2009 that he and his comrades proved “the real difference between being an American as opposed to being a bad guy.”...

World News: Robert Bales, soldier accused in Afghan killings, was a family man - thestar.com

Maybe he'll be free in a year or two.... then again maybe not:

Last year, also in March, another soldier of the Stryker Brigade was sentenced to twenty four years in prison for killing three Afghan civilians. Jeremy Morlock from the 5th Stryker Brigade, along with five of his fellow soldiers, were brought to trial for a similar incident in Afghanistan over killings that occurred between January and May 2010. A military tribunal charged the soldiers with killing civilians for fun, dismembering the bodies before taking photos of them, and keeping human bones as wartime souvenirs.

Afghan massacre suspect identified as Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales — RT

Gerry and I have 2 differing views on this post. Could you clarify this for us please and thanks.

Gerry thinks you are satisfied with the sentence of 24 Years - I differ on the content of and what you implied.

I bolded a comment by you that implies the soldiers sentenced will not serve a reasonable term as per the sentence awarded by the Court.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
LAKE TAPPS, WASH. — when talking about the years he spent away at war.World News: Robert Bales, soldier accused in Afghan killings, was a family man - thestar.com

Maybe he'll be free in a year or two.... then again maybe not:
Last year, also in March, another soldier of the Stryker Brigade was sentenced to twenty four years in prison for killing three Afghan civilians. Jeremy Morlock from the 5th Stryker Brigade, along with five of his fellow soldiers, were brought to trial for a similar incident in Afghanistan over killings that occurred between January and May 2010. A military tribunal charged the soldiers with killing civilians for fun, dismembering the bodies before taking photos of them, and keeping human bones as wartime souvenirs.
Afghan massacre suspect identified as Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales — RT

This is the post where Gerry states your post shows the US gives out harsh sentences - I differ due to your comment Maybe he will be free in a year or 2 --- then maybe not".

I also took it as you linking these 2 incidents as the soldiers were from the same units.

Care to clear this up?

Should not take long eh?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Its possible the US government will make an example of this soldier and he gets a stiff penalty. Then again he could be found not guilty by reason of insanity and then released when this story falls off the MSM radar.

Since the soldier was awol and the crime was committed in Afghanistan, I'd say the US should have to turn this soldier over to Afghan authorities.

My suggestion was for an objective third party to monitor the criminal justice process, since neither the Americans nor the Afghans are likely to give the accused a fair trial.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Then again he could be found not guilty by reason of insanity and then released when this story falls off the MSM radar.

I'll bet that this is the most likely scenario. The americans are not well known for going hard on soldiers that do what the americans really want done.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Well....in this instance I would say prove his inconsistency....cause I haven't seen it when it comes to the Taliban, obl, and the u.s.

God damn you really are an idiot..... he supplied evidence of a similar happening showing that those responsible were not just slapped on the wrist.....:roll:

Does this not contradict your last post
I'll bet that this is the most likely scenario. The americans are not well known for going hard on soldiers that do what the americans really want done.[/QUOTE