U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gerry - You are right - I do not know Jack Shxt

I have met Bullshxt and Making up Shxt as they are both related to each other. I have also met Causing Shxt, Raising Shxt and Stirring Shxt, they are all related to each other as well.

But Jack Shxt does not know me and I admit to not knowing Jack Shxt.

Hope this clarifies things for you.

I already know all of that..... had that figured out quite some time ago.

Read the thread, and have already commented on your knowledge levels.

Well I must have missed that gem. Perhaps you can bump it up.

There ya go.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
The Afghan massacre suspect has been identified as Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, CBS News has learned. He is en route tonight from Kuwait to the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

CBS breaking news mailing.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So when does the family start getting harassed and threatened?

From what I understand, they already have been, and as far as I am concerned, whom ever is doing the threatening should be charged. The family has nothing to do with the acts of this "soldier".


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
CBS breaking news mailing.

Geeze yer slow...

Sources identify US soldier suspected in Afghan massacre

U.S. military sources tell Fox News the American soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians last weekend is Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who is being flown to a military prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas.
Military officials have declined to identify the suspect publicly, insisting that it is usual procedure to keep a suspect's identity secret until he is officially charged. They have maintained that stance even after a hearing for the detained soldier Tuesday found probable cause to continue holding him, and he was sent from Afghanistan to a detention facility in Kuwait.



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Sources identify US soldier suspected in Afghan massacre

U.S. military sources tell Fox News the American soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians last weekend is Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who is being flown to a military prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas.
Military officials have declined to identify the suspect publicly, insisting that it is usual procedure to keep a suspect's identity secret until he is officially charged. They have maintained that stance even after a hearing for the detained soldier Tuesday found probable cause to continue holding him, and he was sent from Afghanistan to a detention facility in Kuwait.

Breezy....Learn to read....the above was posted over an hour ago

CBS breaking news mailing.

Yer too fast a typer for me Bear:lol:

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Get over yourself. I comment here, I don't inform myself of current events here. Sheesh ... you're having some serious problems with the fact that I researched the topic before commenting on it.

You're one of those chauvenists aren't you ... the kind that think women have no brain and know nothing until some male with a huge ego tells them what to believe.

an aside and off topic for a moment. But why is it that a select but fortunately small gang on here have only one comback.....regardless of topic , theme etc. They keep regurgitating that tiresome Anti american crap... or they hate the US or they hate the US military or a variation of those three. Does not speak highly of their thinking skills or assessment skill of each situation being discussed.

To denounce and criticize the US actions abroad , their militant self fullfilling policies, their lies and manipulations , is our right. Just as it is our right to condemn any barbarism on this planet. This incident , along with others that have taken place ARE BARBARIC.

IF the USG actions and war policies did not affect others outside their borders , no one would give a damn. And don't bring up 9-11 as the US has long ago got its savage revenge. By handling it so badly, it has fostered the potential for more terrorism against itself. Maybe that is what they want so that they have an "excuse" for protracted wars.

Seems they cannot deal with REALITY of what they have become , continue to spew the usual propaganda which only shows how brainwashed they are. Sadly as I said before........they can't help themselves. Their over inflated egos cannot deal with the FACTS of what has transpired in the past decade and how low the US has gone.

Now that they have the terrorist label to throw around.........they do that freely too. Indicating that they don't even KNOW what terrorism really is. They have been programmed by fear......and we are seeing the results in what they regurgitate on here .

They can't even discuss or make their opinions about the topic in a reasonable fashion without targetting any poster that does not blindly agree with their agenda as if brainwashed too.

They have some serious blinders on. Fortunately there is the ignore button so one does not have to subject oneself to their vitriole.

************back on topic. This most recent situation is BAD.......and is only heaping more anger at the US. JUSTIFIED RAGE. Rage is the underbelly of terrorism. People who are treated fairly , kindly and with respect are not prone to terrorism. It is not even a religious issue......even though some use those terms in their rage. It is a HUMAN issue.

THis latest incident is just more SHAME on the US and its military. No one with a thinking mental organ can deny that.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
an aside and off topic for a moment. But why is it that a select but fortunately small gang on here have only one comback.....regardless of topic , theme etc. They keep regurgitating that tiresome Anti american crap... or they hate the US or they hate the US military or a variation of those three. Does not speak highly of their thinking skills or assessment skill of each situation being discussed.

To denounce and criticize the US actions abroad , their militant self fullfilling policies, their lies and manipulations , is our right. Just as it is our right to condemn any barbarism on this planet.

Seems they cannot deal with REALITY of what they have become , continue to spew the usual propaganda which only shows how brainwashed they are. Sadly as I said before........they can't help themselves. Their over inflated egos cannot deal with the FACTS of what has transpired in the past decade and how low the US has gone.

Now that they have the terrorist label to throw around.........they do that freely too. Indicating that they don't even KNOW what terrorism really is. They have been programmed by fear......and we are seeing the results in what they regurgitate on here .

They can't even discuss or make their opinions about the topic in a reasonable fashion without targetting any poster that does not blindly agree with their agenda as if brainwashed too.

They have some serious blinders on. Fortunately there is the ignore button so one does not have to subject oneself to their vitriole.

************back on topic. This most recent situation is BAD.......and is only heaping more anger at the US. JUSTIFIED RAGE. Rage is the underbelly of terrorism. People who are treated fairly , kindly and with respect are not prone to terrorism. It is not even a religious issue......even though some use those terms in their rage. It is a HUMAN issue.

THis latest incident is just more SHAME on the US and its military. No one with a thinking mental organ can deny that.
Did you just post about yourself? Are you MPD?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
an aside and off topic for a moment. But why is it that a select but fortunately small gang on here have only one comback.....regardless of topic , theme etc. They keep regurgitating that tiresome Anti american crap... or they hate the US or they hate the US military or a variation of those three. Does not speak highly of their thinking skills or assessment skill of each situation being discussed.

To denounce and criticize the US actions abroad , their militant self fullfilling policies, their lies and manipulations , is our right. Just as it is our right to condemn any barbarism on this planet.

Seems they cannot deal with REALITY of what they have become , continue to spew the usual propaganda which only shows how brainwashed they are. Sadly as I said before........they can't help themselves. Their over inflated egos cannot deal with the FACTS of what has transpired in the past decade and how low the US has gone.

Now that they have the terrorist label to throw around.........they do that freely too. Indicating that they don't even KNOW what terrorism really is. They have been programmed by fear......and we are seeing the results in what they regurgitate on here .

They can't even discuss or make their opinions about the topic in a reasonable fashion without targetting any poster that does not blindly agree with their agenda as if brainwashed too.

They have some serious blinders on. Fortunately there is the ignore button so one does not have to subject oneself to their vitriole.

************back on topic. This most recent situation is BAD.......and is only heaping more anger at the US. JUSTIFIED RAGE. Rage is the underbelly of terrorism. People who are treated fairly , kindly and with respect are not prone to terrorism. It is not even a religious issue......even though some use those terms in their rage. It is a HUMAN issue.

THis latest incident is just more SHAME on the US and its military. No one with a thinking mental organ can deny that.
At least Addled isn't alone in her stupidity.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
an aside and off topic for a moment. But why is it that a select but fortunately small gang on here have only one comback.....regardless of topic , theme etc. They keep regurgitating that tiresome Anti american crap... or they hate the US or they hate the US military or a variation of those three. Does not speak highly of their thinking skills or assessment skill of each situation being discussed.

To denounce and criticize the US actions abroad , their militant self fullfilling policies, their lies and manipulations , is our right. Just as it is our right to condemn any barbarism on this planet.

Seems they cannot deal with REALITY of what they have become , continue to spew the usual propaganda which only shows how brainwashed they are. Sadly as I said before........they can't help themselves. Their over inflated egos cannot deal with the FACTS of what has transpired in the past decade and how low the US has gone.

Now that they have the terrorist label to throw around.........they do that freely too. Indicating that they don't even KNOW what terrorism really is. They have been programmed by fear......and we are seeing the results in what they regurgitate on here .

They can't even discuss or make their opinions about the topic in a reasonable fashion without targetting any poster that does not blindly agree with their agenda as if brainwashed too.

They have some serious blinders on. Fortunately there is the ignore button so one does not have to subject oneself to their vitriole.

************back on topic. This most recent situation is BAD.......and is only heaping more anger at the US. JUSTIFIED RAGE. Rage is the underbelly of terrorism. People who are treated fairly , kindly and with respect are not prone to terrorism. It is not even a religious issue......even though some use those terms in their rage. It is a HUMAN issue.

THis latest incident is just more SHAME on the US and its military. No one with a thinking mental organ can deny that.

Does this mean that everybody in this forum is out of step except you and the other twit?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Nice try Buckey - But i see you will not admit to being in error. Not my problem. But it is yours.

Heres supper. My treat

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