U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Given the shear monstrosity of the act, the repercussions thereof, and black eye his alleged actions have given military personnel.

I'm not all that inclined to disagree.

It was a monstrous act. He if suffering from a mental illness will be hard pressed to prove and use this as a viable defense in a US Court of Law. Insanity is a difficult defense in the US - Canada is much different on this.

There have been to many of these crimes and all Soldiers are tarred with the same brush.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It was a monstrous act. He if suffering from a mental illness will be hard pressed to prove and use this as a viable defense in a US Court of Law. Insanity is a difficult defense in the US - Canada is much different on this.
True, but you know some lawyer will take up the challenged. It's not as if PTSD is without clinically tested and proven diagnosis methods.

There have been to many of these crimes and all Soldiers are tarred with the same brush.
The brush being used, wielded by the Usual boobs and suspects.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I don't need to look for an excuse in order to want to see justice for the families of the murdered children. Wanting justice for the victims of murderers is something that's part of our social values. What has stunned me are the many excuses offerred (in the news; that I've posted links for) over the last couple of days to minimize the man's responsibility for his murderous actions.

Have you checked that there are differing versions on the drinking, on the injuries he incurred in Iraq. Does that tell you anything. Well does it?
It means the info has not been confirmed. Do you understand that. Not confirmed. Except in your small & narrow mind.

You Pal Goober:love9:


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Not really.

And I need only cite one post, to point out your stupidity...

Unless Goober, whom you quoted, is party to this international event.

Wear your stupidity with pride. You earned it.

That would be your stupidity for not checking the source for the link.

Sure he had a head injury ... he bumped his head on a vehicle when he was getting out of it. I think everyone in the world has that "head injury".

"An official told ABC News that the soldier has suffered a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the past, either from hitting his head on the hatch of a vehicle or in a car accident. He went through the advanced TBI treatment at Fort Lewis and was deemed to be fine."



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Have you checked that there are differing versions on the drinking, on the injuries he incurred in Iraq. Does that tell you anything. Well does it?
It means the info has not been confirmed. Do you understand that. Not confirmed. Except in your small & narrow mind.

You Pal Goober:love9:
Bru, she doesn't care about facts.

All she cares about is the peripheral BS that she can wield to smear the US and military.

It makes her feel like she's part of something.

That would be your stupidity for not checking the source for the link.
You just can't stop embarrassing yourself can you.

I quoted your answer to Goobers very specific question.

Again, wear your stupidity with pride. You keep earning it.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Bru, she doesn't care about facts.

All she cares about is the peripheral BS that she can wield to smear the US and military.

It makes her feel like she's part of something.

Get over yourself. I comment here, I don't inform myself of current events here. Sheesh ... you're having some serious problems with the fact that I researched the topic before commenting on it.

You're one of those chauvenists aren't you ... the kind that think women have no brain and know nothing until some male with a huge ego tells them what to believe.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Bru, she doesn't care about facts.

All she cares about is the peripheral BS that she can wield to smear the US and military.

It makes her feel like she's part of something.

Yes she is part of something. The rush to judge crowd - But then again she knows all, sees all and the rest of us are FFn dumb.
The way she is getting it on with OB I had the impression that CC was about to have their first nuptials of posters who met on CC.
Now wouldn't that be something.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Get over yourself.
Coming from you, that's the hight of hypocrisy.

I comment here, I don't learn inform myself of current events here. Sheesh ... you're having some serious problems with the fact that I researched the topic before commenting on it.
You failed at it then. But that is besides the point, and you obvious limited cognitive skills, makes explaining it, after showing you your errors. Is well beyond a futile effort.

You're one of those chauvenists aren't you ... the kind that think women have no brain and know nothing until some male with a huge ego tells them what to believe.
Nice weak claim.

All the women in my life, and the few I know on line, including SLM, Karrie, Zan, would wholeheartedly disagree with you.

But if it makes swallowing the fact that you have expressed such incredible stupidity here, run with it. It only confirms my observations.

Geezus, you're so daft that you don't/can't, even see that the only area we disagree on, is the crap you make up.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Yes she is part of something. The rush to judge crowd - But then again she knows all, sees all and the rest of us are FFn dumb.
The way she is getting it on with OB I had the impression that CC was about to have their first nuptials of posters who met on CC.
Now wouldn't that be something.

I see that you and your bear are more interested in discussing people that comment here than discussing this international incident.

Lost for words? Nothing to say? Do you find it easier to bully people that disagree with you than to come up with something sensible to say?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Get over yourself. I comment here, I don't inform myself of current events here. Sheesh ... you're having some serious problems with the fact that I researched the topic before commenting on it.

You're one of those chauvenists aren't you ... the kind that think women have no brain and know nothing until some male with a huge ego tells them what to believe.

No we like facts - take a hint - Goggle - and see the differing versions of the reports - i have read them but you choose to cherry pick what meets your limited and narrow minded viewpoint.

Your Ever Lovin Pal Goober.:love9::love9::love9:



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I see that you and your bear are more interested in discussing people that comment here than discussing this international incident.
I would love to discuss the incident.

Do you think you can do it without the silly spin you have been doing it with so far?

I mean someone who wasn't completely stupid, wouldn't have to have that said to them.

But here you are.

Lost for words? Nothing to say? Do you find it easier to bully people that disagree with you than to come up with something sensible to say?
Once again, you have offered a shining example of your stupidity.

No one really disagrees with you.

We have an issue with the spin you keep putting on the facts.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I would love to discuss the incident.

Do you think you can do it without the silly spin you have been doing it with so far?

I mean someone who wasn't completely stupid, wouldn't have to have that said to them.

But here you are.

Once again, you have offered a shining example of your stupidity.

No one really disagrees with you.

We have an issue with the spin you keep putting on the facts.
You guys enjoy arguing with a couple of silly Tw*ts ..I mean Twits?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I find, that when Bear doesn't back goober up when it comes to military....it means goob is talking out his ass....... again.

Gerry - Best read the thread Buckey.

This post has been approved for the Certification Committee that Goober does not know Jack Shxt.
Remember - your vote counts.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gerry - Best read the thread Buckey.

This post has been approved for the Certification Committee that Goober does not know Jack Shxt.
Remember - your vote counts.

Read the thread, and have already commented on your knowledge levels.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
You're one of those chauvenists aren't you ... the kind that think women have no brain and know nothing until some male with a huge ego tells them what to believe.
Chauvenist? Wow, do I hate it when women toss out that one for no valid reason. It demeans actual incidents of chauvinism when you do that and frankly makes all women look small.

He's about the farthest from chauvinist as is possible.

Try re-reading the thread from the beginning to see where folks actually stand on this topic.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I don't need to look for an excuse in order to want to see justice for the families of the murdered children. Wanting justice for the victims of murderers is something that's part of our social values. What has stunned me are the many excuses offerred (in the news; that I've posted links for) over the last couple of days to minimize the man's responsibility for his murderous actions.
There are no excuses. It's as simple as that. If you're reading excuses, you've already dispensed with justice and hung the guy before anyone can take a run through his head to get a clue what happened ... or do you just want a bunch of people snapping for the same unknown reason? Justice goes a LOT deeper than revenge.