U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There's nothing hypocritical about respecting someone's right to want an eye for an eye. I don't agree with it, but it's not my place to tell people from other countries how to live and die. As I said, I respect the autonomy of others so if people in the US want to practice an eye for an eye, like they do in the middle east, what difference does it make where a mass murderer is prosecuted. The result should be the same.

So you're for the death penalty.

Not all parts of the US have Capital Punishment. Are you aware of that?

He probably just cleans toilets.

If that


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Why would you say that I'm a liar? If you knew anything about special opps you would know that they are not allowed to discuss anything they do.

Again BS - he is allowed to tell you what his trade is. What rank is he

How long in the Military -

Is he Army, Air Force or Navy

What base is he stationed at.

Come on down.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Are our soldiers seeing too much combat?’ as one retired military general asked after the most recent Afghan massacre of 16 civilians. How much combat – organized and spontaneous killing, destruction – is too much? Enough so that US killing in Afghanistan is just short of being caught massacring civilians? Enough so that anyone any soldier considers a threat for any reason can still be killed just in case they might pose a danger? By now Americans are used to such reports, most turning the other way either because they don’t care or because they feel impotent to make change, both reasons leaving the US military virtually untouched while one investigation and court judgment after another exonerates the murders



Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Again BS - he is allowed to tell you what his trade is. What rank is he

How long in the Military -

Is he Army, Air Force or Navy

What base is he stationed at.

Come on down.

I have stated my reasons for having certain expectations of soldiers. There is no excuse for one of them to go on a murderous rampage and shoot little girls sleeping in their beds.

Canadian soldiers in special opps are not allowed to discuss their activities. If you think that makes me a liar, so be it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I have stated my reasons for having certain expectations of soldiers. There is no excuse for one of them to go on a murderous rampage and shoot little girls sleeping in their beds.

Canadian soldiers in special opps are not allowed to discuss their activities. If you think that makes me a liar, so be it.

Oh you are a liar and a Bshxt artist - No credability what so ever. Lots of Army types on this Forum and you have certain quailities we all despise. Lying is one. It fall under character, and you have a clear lack of that quality.

Yes i have noted your BS on other threads. I waited as i wanted you to publicly hang yourself.

Well you did that, quite well I might add.


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Everyone has the right to have certain expectations of the military. They are trained highly, and are taught boundaries.They are supposed to be PROFESSIONALS...

The murderer (and that is what he is) not only slaughtered innocent civilians but a group that included a TODDLER. Anyone that can murder a child in cold blood as part of a massacre.......is not military material. One has to wonder how many other incidents he and /or others of his group have committed atrocities that have not been reported .....ie: found out.

We the public are aware of quite a number now......but I would hazard that the ones we know about are but a small number of what really takes place.

Seems , the longer these occupations drag on ....the more incidents are happening and likely to happen. The war planners should really figure out how to end wars. Any idiot can start them......and usually does. IF they don't have an end game in the plans or cannot create one.........then don't start the dang war in the first place.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I find, that when Bear doesn't back goober up when it comes to military....it means goob is talking out his ass....... again.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Canadian soldiers in special opps are not allowed to discuss their activities. If you think that makes me a liar, so be it.

Apparently your correct!

JTF2 command 'encouraged' war crimes, soldier alleges - Canada - CBC News

"A member of Canada's elite special forces unit says he felt his peers were being "encouraged" by the Canadian Forces chain of command to commit war crimes in Afghanistan, according to new documents obtained by CBC News.
The documents from the military ombudsman's office show the member of the covert unit Joint Task Force 2, or JTF2, approached the watchdog in June 2008 to report the allegations of wrongdoing he had first made to his superior officers in 2006."

I doubt you're lieing though. I'd say your son-in-law is. He does Munitions? lol.

Just like the Marine Air Traffic Controller I know that goes around telling everyone he was a Grunt (Infantry) and saw a lot of combat in Desert Storm. lol

Again BS - he is allowed to tell you what his trade is. What rank is he

How long in the Military -

Is he Army, Air Force or Navy

What base is he stationed at.

Come on down.

Hey take it easy Goobs. Her Great great Grand Daddy was a General in Napoleons Army!

that is what is called silly diversional tactics when ES has nothing of substance to say but feels he/she must defend the US and its military at all costs.

back to topic.

No matter how the powers that be try to spin it.........it will not wash. The USG has lied, covered, protected criminals of war to the point now that it has no credibility . The MSM is about as bad as it does not dare print or relate anything that goes against the military complex.

Aye... it looks like we're in good company!

A walk down memory lane....

"The January 18th New York Times reported that 47 Canadian UN troops who served in Bosnia were accused of "drunkenness, sex, black marketeering and patient abuse at a mental hospital they were guarding." The soldiers had been assigned the "humanitarian" chore of guarding a mental hospital at Bakovici in order to secure it for the staff’s return. "The hospital instead became the setting for heavy drinking; sex between soldiers, nurses and interpreters that violated regulations; black-market sales; and harassment of the patients...."


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
"The January 18th New York Times reported that 47 Canadian UN troops who served in Bosnia were accused of "drunkenness, sex, black marketeering and patient abuse at a mental hospital they were guarding." The soldiers had been assigned the "humanitarian" chore of guarding a mental hospital at Bakovici in order to secure it for the staff’s return. "The hospital instead became the setting for heavy drinking; sex between soldiers, nurses and interpreters that violated regulations; black-market sales; and harassment of the patients...."

Yup, soldiers are real special people.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Funny.. The Afghan military has welcomed them with open arms all throughout this ordeal......

Considering that Afghan Military you speak of was put there in the first place by the invaders who pushed the Taliban out of power, that's a bit of a flawed argument.

It's no different than puppet governments supporting the country in which put them there to be puppets in the first place...... they support them?

No Kidding, I wonder why?

Probably because they're designed to. It doesn't make sense to take over a country, over throw their government, and then setup a new government, a new police force and a new military that will turn around and shoot you in the face......

.... Oh wait.... never mind, the US has stabbed their puppet government, its people, the police and military in the back so many times now, they turned them into the above.

Odd thing is hatred spouted for or against barbaric conduct tends to turn people off - thus blinding them to barbaric conduct. You're not part of ANY solution. Your venom is the same thing.

So then what?

Shall everybody who doesn't agree with this kind of conduct just continue to sit back and keep their mouths shut & let it keep going?

Like that's ever solved anything.

People are pissed and they have every damn right to be pissed... the Afghan's have the right to be pissed off.... Canadians and especially our troops should be pissed off, as well as every other NATO nation and those who still have some level of sense.

But in your eyes, all those who are pissed off at the US, this soldier and their military are just as bad as all these troops who murder innocent civilians, women, children, etc., simply because they're expressing their opinions, anger and disgust over these incidences??

Their "Venom" is sure as hell not the same damn thing.

It might turn off some people.... but it will polarize many more to want some sort of change, some sort of justice. Keeping silent and continually letting these "Incidences" happen over and over again will not solve anything and in fact, is possibly one of the main reasons why these things happen so often as they do.

Many get away with raping, killing, mutilating and torturing so often simply because things are covered up, trivialized or otherwise brushed under the carpet.... killing an Iraqi or an Afghan isn't as bad as killing one of your own.... besides, they're not really humans, are they?

The same thing happens all the time in US Society.

Some nut goes on a shooting rampage, it's chalked up to being an isolated incident, and when people start to see a pattern & it happening more often and try to find ways to reduce the chances of these things happening again, or suggest some level of gun control, officials state that it's not the time for this kind of debate and it's a time for mourning..... then it's all forgotten about until the next mass shooting, then the same things are brought up yet again, and again we're all told it's not the time for this debate, it's a time for mourning the dead.

..... and it just keeps on going.... people keep getting gunned down.... all that is done is for officials to trivialize what happened and hope for the best that it won't happen again.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
maybe..... I'll lay odds though that goobs talkin out his ass this time around.


Considering that Afghan Military you speak of was put there in the first place by the invaders who pushed the Taliban out of power, that's a bit of a flawed argument.

I do not see anyone defending this murder of innocent civilians. I do see people wanting to know why he did this, did he snap, was he just on a drunken rampage. The why is what many are looking for.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
So then what?

Shall everybody who doesn't agree with this kind of conduct just continue to sit back and keep their mouths shut & let it keep going?

Nope... Just knock off with the rhetoric. Who wants to wade through the ravings of what comes out like a lunatic

Like that's ever solved anything.

And you'd know this how?

People are pissed and they have every damn right to be pissed... the Afghan's have the right to be pissed off.... Canadians and especially our troops should be pissed off, as well as every other NATO nation and those who still have some level of sense.

But in your eyes, all those who are pissed off at the US, this soldier and their military are just as bad as all these troops who murder innocent civilians, women, children, etc., simply because they're expressing their opinions, anger and disgust over these incidences??

Their "Venom" is sure as hell not the same damn thing.

It might turn off some people.... but it will polarize many more to want some sort of change, some sort of justice. Keeping silent and continually letting these "Incidences" happen over and over again will not solve anything and in fact, is possibly one of the main reasons why these things happen so often as they do.

Many get away with raping, killing, mutilating and torturing so often simply because things are covered up, trivialized or otherwise brushed under the carpet.... killing an Iraqi or an Afghan isn't as bad as killing one of your own.... besides, they're not really humans, are they?

The same thing happens all the time in US Society.

Some nut goes on a shooting rampage, it's chalked up to being an isolated incident, and when people start to see a pattern & it happening more often and try to find ways to reduce the chances of these things happening again, or suggest some level of gun control, officials state that it's not the time for this kind of debate and it's a time for mourning..... then it's all forgotten about until the next mass shooting, then the same things are brought up yet again, and again we're all told it's not the time for this debate, it's a time for mourning the dead.

..... and it just keeps on going.... people keep getting gunned down.... all that is done is for officials to trivialize what happened and hope for the best that it won't happen again.

So what? Go there and be something. All they are in here is anonymous. Stand up and be counted. I think about the same of terrorists and propagandists. At least the targets of their insults have names.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
People are pissed and they have every damn right to be pissed... the Afghan's have the right to be pissed off.... Canadians and especially our troops should be pissed off, as well as every other NATO nation and those who still have some level of sense.


I guess you haven't been following along. There is plenty of this stuff going around among all troops... including Canadian. Maybe not 16 at a pop but one need only to Google and you'll find a wealth of info out there. As I said... looks like we're in good company. We all have bloody hands here.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I guess you haven't been following along. There is plenty of this stuff going around among all troops... including Canadian. Maybe not 16 at a pop but one need only to Google and you'll find a wealth of info out there. As I said... looks like we're in good company. We all have bloody hands here.

and your point is what? That it's "OK" then? and you're right, having formerly been in the military, your hands are bloody.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
maybe..... I'll lay odds though that goobs talkin out his ass this time around.

I will take up those odds. While I an not as conversant as many of a number of topics I do know the Military and I do know what BS is.

I am well aware the JTF2 Soldiers cannot talk about specifics and even if they are in that unit. I do know they talk about what Regiment they are in, or what support trade they are. That is not considered secret and not a forbidden topic in the Military.

Another thing as well. They generally serve a set time in JTF2 and back to their unit.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I will take up those odds. While I an not as conversant as many of a number of topics I do know the Military and I do know what BS is.

I am well aware the JTF2 Soldiers cannot talk about specifics and even if they are in that unit. I do know they talk about what Regiment they are in, or what support trade they are. That is not considered secret and not a forbidden topic in the Military.

Another thing as well. They generally serve a set time in JTF2 and back to their unit.

and, of course, they all tell their mother-in-laws EVERYTHING they legally can about what they do...right goob? That's a "well known fact"...right goob?