U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
You're right. Sniper training doesn't include blowing away whole families willy-nilly....

Nothing excuses what this man did - no bumps on the head, buckets of beer, sad marital life ... nothing. He's a mass murderer that should be treated accordingly and, in my opinion, he should have faced the consequences of his murderous rampage in the country where he committed it.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I seem to have a different perspective on soldiers. My perspective comes from reading the autobiography of my grandmother's grandfather, who was a General under Napoleon, my father, who was a lieutenant, my son in law, who has had several tours in Afghanistan ... and so on. I see no reason to pamper a murderer, but that's just me.
Who's being pampered? Seems he's already been tried and found guilty and the whole US military sentenced to the scorn of a few computer-chair gawdz.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
How many Soldiers have you met with PTSD?

Also please update yourself with the atrocities committed during the Napoleonic Wars.

The Autobiography you read did it have those details in it?

The autobiography I read has all those details of war ... including when soldiers are killed by their own general for being out of order - none of this "bump on the head" nonsense.

I suspect every soldier has some form of PTSD.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Nothing excuses what this man did - no bumps on the head, buckets of beer, sad marital life ... nothing. He's a mass murderer that should be treated accordingly and, in my opinion, he should have faced the consequences of his murderous rampage in the country where he committed it.

Having a problem with the questions I asked.

If you go into a discussion, drop names etc, be prepared. Clearly you are not, clearly you do not like the reality, Clearly you are ill informed.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Nothing excuses what this man did - no bumps on the head, buckets of beer, sad marital life ... nothing. He's a mass murderer that should be treated accordingly and, in my opinion, he should have faced the consequences of his murderous rampage in the country where he committed it.
Look back to Post #19


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Who's being pampered? Seems he's already been tried and found guilty and the whole US military sentenced to the scorn of a few computer-chair gawdz.

Is there any question that he entered the homes of sleeping children and shot them before burning them?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Is there any question that he entered the homes of sleeping children and shot them before burning them?

Is there any question he may have snapped.

What trade is your son in law?

How many tours

Where in afghanistan?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Who's being pampered? Seems he's already been tried and found guilty and the whole US military sentenced to the scorn of a few computer-chair gawdz.

I guess nothing short of being handed over to the Afghans to have his head sawed off is being "pampered".

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
That's what's been swirling around in the news these last few days ... drunk, upset about his marriage, head injury prior to being physically and psychologically cleared to be trained as a sniper ... the poor soldier ... it's not his fault.

Exactly!! watch the spin begin. By the time the spin doctors get finished , the loyalists will make him into a hero. How anyone can even begin to justify or rationalize this conduct is beyond any human comprehension. It is just arrogance.

Can you imagine what the US would do (and has done) when the troops are ambushed or shot at en masse?? They come back at the offenders twice fold with as much savagery as is possible.

This is an example of how the US views itself and its almost omnipotent role on the planet. (nothing but a sick delusion which is causing such rage at the US ......that the US can use as an excuse for more protracted wars. )

This CRIMINAL was out of control by choice. He drank by choice and everything that followed was by choice. The alcohol just liberated him enough to follow through on the most dastardly act in the past few months.

If he could not handle being a military member......then he should not be in that profession. Of course the War loving regime is to blame too.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nothing excuses what this man did - no bumps on the head, buckets of beer, sad marital life ... nothing. He's a mass murderer that should be treated accordingly and, in my opinion, he should have faced the consequences of his murderous rampage in the country where he committed it.

So you're for Capital Punishment?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I seem to have a different perspective on soldiers. My perspective comes from reading the autobiography of my grandmother's grandfather, who was a General under Napoleon, .

Ahh... so you have a war criminal in your family. You must be proud!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
According to that reasoning, it didn't happen.

Exactly..........amazing how weak their arguments are as they support or try to excuse the most atrocious acts........just because it was a military person that committed this atrocity. This has to be a bi product of serious hero worship.

Talk about wearing blinders. Anyone that cannot be objective about these incidents and see both the immediate picture and the larger picture........are not in the position to even discuss them........due to partiality ..


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Exactly!! watch the spin begin. By the time the spin doctors get finished , the loyalists will make him into a hero. How anyone can even begin to justify or rationalize this conduct is beyond any human comprehension. It is just arrogance.

Can you imagine what the US would do (and has done) when the troops are ambushed or shot at en masse?? They come back at the offenders twice fold with as much savagery as is possible.

This is an example of how the US views itself and its almost omnipotent role on the planet. (nothing but a sick delusion which is causing such rage at the US ......that the US can use as an excuse for more protracted wars. )

This CRIMINAL was out of control by choice. He drank by choice and everything that followed was by choice. The alcohol just liberated him enough to follow through on the most dastardly act in the past few months.

If he could not handle being a military member......then he should not be in that profession. Of course the War loving regime is to blame too.

If he really had emotional problems or a bump on the head he should have been discharged, not sent to Afghanistan. The military has strict testing that is regularly done to screen out anyone with any kind of problems. If there was a problem, it should have been detected and dealt with.

So you're for Capital Punishment?

How did you come up with that?

This man is from a country that practices capital punishment and he committed mass murder in a country that practices capital punishment. What's the problem?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Exactly..........amazing how weak their arguments are as they support or try to excuse the most atrocious acts........just because it was a military person that committed this atrocity. This has to be a bi product of serious hero worship.

Talk about wearing blinders. Anyone that cannot be objective about these incidents and see both the immediate picture and the larger picture........are not in the position to even discuss them........due to partiality ..
Thank God you never sit in judgement of anything more serious than whether to sugar your coffee or not. Where is YOUR objectivity? Peace lover my ass....