Tory G8 abortion stance

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006

Canada's position against funding abortions abroad is 'hypocritical and unjust,' a medical journal editorial says.

"The Canadian Government does not deprive women living in Canada from access to safe abortions; it is therefore hypocritical and unjust that it tries to do so abroad," the Lancet says in an editorial Saturday.

CBC News - Health - Tory G8 abortion stance unjust: journal

The reason why Harper's Conservatives will not support funding abortions abroad is simple.

The Conservatives are deep inside antiabortion, and are funding abortions here at home to stop the sceptics and get votes, to the Conservatives votes mean more then their philosophical view on Abortion although (secret religious beliefs) is the cause for this hypocrisy. Hypocritical in the most transparent way.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm not clear on the statement in the O.P., or it's LINK, so here's my question:

The Conservative government won't include abortion funding in its maternal
health plan for Canadians while they're visiting developing countries? Is that
what is being stated in the Opening Post?

Or is it that the Canadian Government isn't going to pay for Non-Canadians
around the world to have abortions in other countries than Canada, who have
never paid into the Canadian Tax Base? Is that what is being stated?


New Member
Mar 18, 2010
You can always donate your own money for abortions, don't have to rely on government for everything.


New Member
Mar 18, 2010
I'm not clear on the statement in the O.P., or it's LINK, so here's my question:

The Conservative government won't include abortion funding in its maternal
health plan for Canadians while they're visiting developing countries? Is that
what is being stated in the Opening Post?

Or is it that the Canadian Government isn't going to pay for Non-Canadians
around the world to have abortions in other countries than Canada, who have
never paid into the Canadian Tax Base? Is that what is being stated?

You hit the nail right on the head

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
I'm not clear on the statement in the O.P., or it's LINK, so here's my question:

The Conservative government won't include abortion funding in its maternal
health plan for Canadians while they're visiting developing countries? Is that
what is being stated in the Opening Post?

Or is it that the Canadian Government isn't going to pay for Non-Canadians
around the world to have abortions in other countries than Canada, who have
never paid into the Canadian Tax Base? Is that what is being stated?
Hi Ron as I understand it, the Canadian Government refuses to help any other Nation to fund abortions.
And that being the case, it brings the Conservatives under the hypocritical light.

Sure, the argument can be why should we help other countries on something we do not believe in.
But, they believe helping Canadian abortions because of the fact that it spells votes or if they don't it will spell political suicied here at home. When in fact helping other countries there is no votes to garner.

If the present Canadian Government helps other countries on disasters like the 2010 Haiti earthquake and other places where disaster has struck, Abortion in undeveloped countries kills 70.000 women every year, they are humans too. But the G8 have realised the hypocrisy of the Canadian Government. For votes we help on a subject we are deep inside against.

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
Hi Ron as I understand it, the Canadian Government refuses to help any other Nation to fund abortions.
And that being the case, it brings the Conservatives under the hypocritical light.

Like Ron pointed out, the Canadian government doesn't tax the hell out of the people in any other nation either... Are the Conservatives hypocrites for that too?

If the present Canadian Government helps other countries on disasters like the 2010 Haiti earthquake and other places where disaster has struck, Abortion in undeveloped countries kills 70.000 women every year, they are humans too. But the G8 have realised the hypocrisy of the Canadian Government. For votes we help on a subject we are deep inside against.

The corrupt governments in those countries are the problem, not the lack of abortions.

What's next for you; gonna whine the Harper government is discriminating against Iranians because they aren't getting pensions or old age security from the Canadian government?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
The whole issue revolves around the G8 groups initiative to help 'women and children's' health initiatives in developing nations. Some feel that as part of the women's health initiative to the third world, Canada must provide funding for abortions for women. Canada provides funding for other parts of the iniative, but not for abortions, which makes Canada the brunt of all sorts of indignation.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Like Ron pointed out, the Canadian government doesn't tax the hell out of the people in any other nation either... Are the Conservatives hypocrites for that too?

The corrupt governments in those countries are the problem, not the lack of abortions.

What's next for you; gonna whine the Harper government is discriminating against Iranians because they aren't getting pensions or old age security from the Canadian government?

Get real with your crap,, don't compare elephants with flies. Had the abortion issue been one in Canada that has no votes behind it the hypocrites would have never even talk about abortion in Canada.

Who is talking about other countries with stupid tax laws, who is talking about Iran? We are talking about 70.000 women a year who die in the hands of people who are dictators and extreme right wing. Compassion for these 70.000 women is in short supply from big hearts like you, as well others like you. Canada has donated millions to world problems and this is a world problem, women dying on such a contentious issue.

Just remember the Conservatives hate abortion, and the Conservatives know, if they did not fund abortions in Canada, they would be shooting them self in the foot politically. You got any thing of substance to talk about, or you are going to support your bigots at any cost. Reality is, Harper has shown to the world who he really is.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Religious right is an important part of conservative base, so is Alberta. Both are strongly against all abortions, their ultimate aim is to ban all abortion in Canada.

That aim remains elusive. As a start they want to deny money to women in the poor, third world countries to get abortions.

This is a purely ideological position, purely religious position, nothing more. But it really exposes the true agenda of Harper. If he does get the majority, will he try to ban all abortions in Canada? It is quite likely, in my opinion. Paul Martin may well have been on to something when he talked of the ‘hidden agenda’ of Conservatives.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008

Absolutely déja vu. And I do hope Liberals resurrect the subject of hidden agenda during the next election campaign. It won them one election (When Martin got the minority), it may work again. They should bring up the spectre of Conservatives banning abortion if they are reelected.

And now they have some evidence to back up the claim, Harper banning abortions in developing countries. it may play well in Ontario and Quebec.

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
Get real with your crap,, don't compare elephants with flies. Had the abortion issue been one in Canada that has no votes behind it the hypocrites would have never even talk about abortion in Canada.

Listen to your hypocritical garbage for one minute... You speculate on what the Candian public wants; you recognize that it is an issue that no one wants to take a position on and then in all your wisdom, deride Harper for not taking a position on an international stage.

Yours is nothing but partisan politics and sour grapes.

Who is talking about other countries with stupid tax laws, who is talking about Iran? We are talking about 70.000 women a year who die in the hands of people who are dictators and extreme right wing.

Canada has enough problems as is that deserve them being addressed before we solve the problems of other nations that don't give a rip about their own.

If, however, you feel that this is a burning issue that can't wait, mobilize the liberal base in this country to put their bloody money where their mouth is and do something... That includes you.

Just remember the Conservatives hate abortion.

How would we know, in fact, how the hell would you know as you are clearly not a conservative. Considering that this issue has never been directly addressed in the public sphere, your comment rings very hollow.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Hi Ron as I understand it, the Canadian Government refuses to help any other Nation to fund abortions.
And that being the case, it brings the Conservatives under the hypocritical light.

Sure, the argument can be why should we help other countries on something we do not believe in.
But, they believe helping Canadian abortions because of the fact that it spells votes or if they don't it will spell political suicied here at home. When in fact helping other countries there is no votes to garner.

If the present Canadian Government helps other countries on disasters like the 2010 Haiti earthquake and other places where disaster has struck, Abortion in undeveloped countries kills 70.000 women every year, they are humans too. But the G8 have realised the hypocrisy of the Canadian Government. For votes we help on a subject we are deep inside against.
And yet you snivel about the Cons spending too much money on regular programs that help Canadians. Talk about hypocrisy. You reek of it.
Why isn't our gov't spending billions feeding the poor in Ethipoia and other countries, too, then? We should be spending wads helping all those other countries out.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Religious right is an important part of conservative base, so is Alberta. Both are strongly against all abortions, their ultimate aim is to ban all abortion in Canada.

That aim remains elusive. As a start they want to deny money to women in the poor, third world countries to get abortions.

This is a purely ideological position, purely religious position, nothing more. But it really exposes the true agenda of Harper. If he does get the majority, will he try to ban all abortions in Canada? It is quite likely, in my opinion. Paul Martin may well have been on to something when he talked of the ‘hidden agenda’ of Conservatives.
Ugh! Them bad, we good.