Tory G8 abortion stance

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

Fetus is not a human being and not a legal person. If fetus is declared a human being, he automatically becomes a legal person.

That is why pro lifers are trying so hard to get fetus declared a human being. If courts declare fetus to be a human being, then abortion will automatically become illegal, it will become tantamount to murder.

Thus ,when blacks were slaves, killing a black 'person' was not considered murder. But once slavery was abolished, it automatically became murder to kill a black person, they didn't need to pass separate laws for that.

It works the same way with a fetus. The day fetus is recognized as a human being is the day all abortion automatically becomes illegal.
More baloney from the king of it.
Apparently you brand everything before a full term baby as a fetus. Even my kids at preteen age knew the stages of a human life.
The vast majority of pregnancies are aborted in the embryonic stage or earlier. Declaring a fetus (like the 21 or 22 week old one I posted links to) to be a human would do very little to make abortions illegal.
roflmao "Whatta maroon" - B Bunny

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

But there is a big difference. Rape is illegal, abortion is not. Rape hurts a human being, abortion doesn't.
Oh, man I wish some males could get pregnant and have to abort just so they could wake the fµck up.
We all know women don't go through any emotion over abortion let alone pain, right? rofl

My sides hurt.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

Oh, man I wish some males could get pregnant and have to abort just so they could wake the fµck up. rofl

My sides hurt.

More to the point there's some people (not mentioning any names) :lol::lol::lol::lol:, who should have their brain aborted because it sure as hell isn't doing them any good. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

I think 22 weeks would approach the stage of fetal viability. So I assume it would be fairly big by that time. In Canada, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to get an abortion after 20 weeks, unless there is serious risk to woman's health or life.
But they aren't human babies until full-term birth, according to your earlier posts. How do you shove your square peg into that round hole?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

This talking point comes up often, and makes no sense. A host body will employ systems to inhibit parasites, and attempt to get rid of the parasite. A human growing inside it's human mother faces no such pressure, which all other parasites face. To the contrary, the females body changes to protect and nourish the parasite.

Parasitism refers to an interaction that is wholly different from gestation. And more than that, rights are a human construct, and the type of interaction between organisms is meaningless for discussion of what does and does not have rights.
Besides that, Anna feels like it is more of a symbiotic relationship than a parasytic one. She derived a lot of pleasure from our daughters before their births. Not a physical symbiosis but then physical symbiosis isn't the only type.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

A religious fanatic may know (but then he 'knows' everything, his God tells him everything). Scientists do not know precisely when human life begins. When it come to matters of science and medicine, I prefer to listen to scientists and doctors, rather than listen to Pope or Fundamentalist preachers.
Yet you turn down direct scientific evidence. Go figure.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

To me, the important point is whether a fetus is a human being from conceptions. If a fetus is the same as a human being from conception, then abortion must be outlawed.

Indeed, if Supreme Court ever declares that fetus is a baby, it is a human being at conception, abortion will automatically become illegal, in the eyes of law it will be no different from murdering a child or murdering an adult. If a fetus is declared a human being, then he will enjoy all the rights that a child does.

Unfortunately for pro lifers, that is recognized, not by science, not by law, and not by society. And unless and until scientists tell the society unequivocally that fetus is a human being from conception, there is no way society and the courts will believe it.
:roll: So geneticists are religious fanatics and not scientists?

When it comes to matters of science, society defers to scientists (and doctors in this case).
Society mostly does, but you rarely do.
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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

To me, a fetus is a life form that will develop into a human being, but, I reserve the right for the mother to end that preganancy. It's her choice, period.

And yes, I had to go through that thought process at one time. I was part of a couple who made the decision. I have no regrets about that decision. It was a difficult decision, and the effects of that decision last forever, but that's called being a grown up: you make decisions, and live with the results.
Pretty much.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

The giver of all life, GOD defines a person as existing at the moment of conception, to belong to a group of certain people (become a son/daughter with a name) is about 1 week after their first breath. God restores them to life as preferred over any that have been given names.

Let her not be as one dead,
of whom the flesh is half consumed when he cometh out of his mother's womb.

It is a crime to bring an unloved (after the birth) into the world, everybody pays a price for that, the child, the parents and society in the long run because the abused and neglected are troublesome in society. (that includes the richest of people as well as the ones in poverty)

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

and just to balance your statement a little, it is unbelievable to me how many posts have 'no' concern at
all for a girl/woman who is pregnant, who has
decided to end the pregnancy, and hardly anyone
gave one thought toward her own wellbeing, her situation, her future, and also the man in the picture
seemed to be nonexistent, as though she had become pregnant
all on her own, and must bare the brunt all alone, as it
was her fault to begin with, and she must behave according
to others evaluation of her.

So many of these pregnancies are young girls, who have
been raped by someone they know, or part of the family.