Tories take backseat to NDP and Wildrose in Alberta


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I agree completely. Which is not "spending other people's money." If spending other people's money is socialist, why does the Canadian Soviet Socialist Republic (just ask any American Republican) have a lower debt-as-a-percentage-of-GDP than the cruel, merciless, starve-granny-in-the-streets U.S. (just ask any Canadian Lib or NDPer, or even half of the PCs)?

That's news to me- when someone takes my money and hands it over to people who won't work, it's exactly the same thing as spending other people's money. Even if technically it isn't, it doesn't make me feel any better. :)


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
That's news to me- when someone takes my money and hands it over to people who won't work, it's exactly the same thing as spending other people's money. Even if technically it isn't, it doesn't make me feel any better. :)
Punishing people who don't work doesn't do anything but breed poverty and crime. I'd happily pay higher taxes if it meant eliminating poverty and having a better, safer society.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Might as well raise a drink to the Alberta NDP and toast them with a tall glass of screwed driver with orange juice and some of the good juice because the they will have to suffer through a four year hang over.

Actually Liberalman, I hope they do well (I'm not sure how they are going to do it) but Rachel is probably where she is because she's smarter than I'm and if she does well a lot of people are going to benefit. I have a lot of doubts but it's best to proceed on a note of cautious optimism.

Punishing people who don't work doesn't do anything but breed poverty and crime. I'd happily pay higher taxes if it meant eliminating poverty and having a better, safer society.

Who said anything about punishing them? It's just a fact of work, no pay cheque. Is that a hard concept to understand?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
According to you, this Christ guy.

But yea, speaking of morans, this is going to hit Harper right in the ball sack.


Well, I think the older folks voted NDP because they saw that their OAS was under attack by the Tories. Young people voted because their education was under attack. And both voted because their medical was under attack. You can't continue putting the burden on the working class and the elderly while pandering to the wealthy.

Hey Buzz. OAS is Federal. You never noticed who sends you cheques or you're too stoned?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Not everybody can immediately recall the vicious idiocy of that horrible woman. Next time we'll need clearer hints.
Tough for sure, I don't know about vicious- maybe a little dictatorial! :)

Better to have 10 of her than one Alison Redford!


Hey Buzz. OAS is Federal. You never noticed who sends you cheques or you're too stoned?

People who are getting the O.A.P. now don't have any worries.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Actually Liberalman, I hope they do well (I'm not sure how they are going to do it) but Rachel is probably where she is because she's smarter than I'm and if she does well a lot of people are going to benefit. I have a lot of doubts but it's best to proceed on a note of cautious optimism.

Who said anything about punishing them? It's just a fact of work, no pay cheque. Is that a hard concept to understand?
no that's not a fact of life. maybe your life. we're trying to evolve as a society. technology is making jobs unnecessary for humans, what are you not understanding about this?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Don't expect Albertans to be voting for dipper federally. That's not going to change. Manitoba will soon be Con territory federally and provincially. They've had enough and want in on the good life.

yes it is good. stop talking about wage slavery as a lifesblood , and go learn basic economics.

Who is slaving?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
yes it is good. stop talking about wage slavery as a lifesblood , and go learn basic economics.

Oh yeah, and perhaps you have a book published on the subject I should be reading! :) )

Don't expect Albertans to be voting for dipper federally. That's not going to change. Manitoba will soon be Con territory federally and provincially. They've had enough and want in on the good life.

Who is slaving?

W.T.F. is Mulcair going to do for us guys out west? S.F.A.! :)

Don't expect Albertans to be voting for dipper federally. That's not going to change. Manitoba will soon be Con territory federally and provincially. They've had enough and want in on the good life.

Who is slaving?

With all gore obsessed's knowledge of politics and economics he should be Prime Minister of Canada. :) :) :) :)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
That's news to me- when someone takes my money and hands it over to people who won't work, it's exactly the same thing as spending other people's money. Even if technically it isn't, it doesn't make me feel any better. :)
That's what I'm saying. A world of good reasons to want to control taxing and spending, as well as entitlements and government debt.

But jamming a finger up your nose and bellowing "Thet thar's SOSHULIZM, and I don' lahk me no Gol-dang commie soshulizm" is probably not the best exercise of the sovereign franchise.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Not living in Alberta could someone please tell me why the PC's were voted out, other than they were just becoming NDP lite.

They are going to have to toe the line. Without any experience they have no choice but be caretakers of PC established policy. They have to start campaigning for the next election now and pull off four years without raising taxes.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
They are going to have to toe the line. Without any experience they have no choice but be caretakers of PC established policy. They have to start campaigning for the next election now and pull off four years without raising taxes.
Ain't gonna happen, you know that AB will have a provincial sales tax before the Dippers are through.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How much tax did you pay last year??

He believes money should flow the other way - from the gov't coffers into his pockets, for doing nothing no less! :) :)

That's what I'm saying. A world of good reasons to want to control taxing and spending, as well as entitlements and government debt.

But jamming a finger up your nose and bellowing "Thet thar's SOSHULIZM, and I don' lahk me no Gol-dang commie soshulizm" is probably not the best exercise of the sovereign franchise.

The thing I hate is not real socialism- Socialism means everyone working for the common good- what we call "socialism" is the people who feel like it working for the common good.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
They are going to have to toe the line. Without any experience they have no choice but be caretakers of PC established policy. They have to start campaigning for the next election now and pull off four years without raising taxes.

Would a real f**king bitch of a Premier stealing from you be a good enough reason?

"We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us." - Soviet worker's saying

You're so funny, Pete!