Tories take backseat to NDP and Wildrose in Alberta


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The entire libertarian, free market definition of neoconservatism has been such a failure.. that it is no surprise that even a traditionally religious and (real) conservative constituency like has Alberta has tossed it, just due to to totally unintelligible and hypocritical political ideology and general malfeasance in office.

The NDP will be NOT be very impressive. Like the Bob Rae government in Ontario they'll get wrapped in New Age social engineering which will completely scuttle their economic program. They'll be a one term government, when the PCs or Wild Rose might cobble together some workable alternative.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
yea it's true. if youngrr voters became less apathetic cons would never get in office. older people are comforted in their status quo with their OAS, not thinking about the future or advancements in technology and science. not thinking of the real possibility of jobs becoming obsolete. etc
Well, I think the older folks voted NDP because they saw that their OAS was under attack by the Tories. Young people voted because their education was under attack. And both voted because their medical was under attack. You can't continue putting the burden on the working class and the elderly while pandering to the wealthy.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Well, I think the older folks voted NDP because they saw that their OAS was under attack by the Tories. Young people voted because their education was under attack. And both voted because their medical was under attack. You can't continue putting the burden on the working class and the elderly while pandering to the wealthy.
Yup many older people finally woke up.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well, I think the older folks voted NDP because they saw that their OAS was under attack by the Tories. Young people voted because their education was under attack. And both voted because their medical was under attack. You can't continue putting the burden on the working class and the elderly while pandering to the wealthy. Sometimes democracy works but until we get representative representation, what we have is something that only resembles democracy.

Au contraire- folks who are getting the O.A.P. now don't have to fear about ever not getting it as long as they are breathing. It's people in their 40s who are getting a little anxious about having to work until they are 67. On average they will still have as many years of retirement as average folks did 20 years ago.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
In this system there really is no winners when the majority of the population is not represented by their government.

Exactly. In Alberta the NDP, with only forty percent of the popular vote control just over 60% of the seats in the legislature. They pretty much have a blank cheque to pursue a left wing agenda while 60% of voters supported the right. And pissing off the oil based corporate community isn't a particularly great place to start as that's where the money comes from.

What was it Margaret Thatcher said ?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Bad news for the economy and jobs. Alberta will now become a have not province, just like the dippers did to BC.

...or Maybe Not?? We are judging her by party name only "NDP."

At least give her a chance and wait 6 months, or 1 year.. see what she does. Alberta's Oil has not just disappear because the NDP has been elected.. still there, under the ground.

This is the country we live in, a democracy and we get to vote who we want in power. The people of Alberta have spoken.

If you didn't vote, you don't have the right to bitch.

The people of Alberta have spoken.

Rachel Notley played the better game. My hat is off to her.

1. I like the idea of processing Alberta oil here, creating jobs vs shipping it to the USA.

2. I like the idea of Big Oil and Gas paying more royalties.

3. I like the idea of shorter wait lines for surgery in Alberta's hospitals

4. I like the idea of people earning more than $125,000 paying a little bit more to cover programs for the poor.

...and if people are that bent out of shape because an NDP government is now running Alberta, they are free to leave.

I hope she also pushed for more Nuclear, Solar and Wind Energy in Alberta too.

(I also like unrestricted gun laws, tougher police sentences, free speech and not living in a Bible Belt community.)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It's okay if people bitch even if they don't vote.

That might get them to vote next time.

Anyway, she's taking a card out of Trudeau's playbook by going after high income earners and uhm.... redistributing the wealth.

There is so much crossover between the two parties, we could easily see a coalition if the Tories get a minority government this October.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
"Oh, Your Highness, thrust your throbbing man-staff into my moist lady-parts!"

Now that was funny.

...or Maybe Not?? We are judging her by party name only "NDP."

At least give her a chance and wait 6 months, or 1 year.. see what she does. Alberta's Oil has not just disappear because the NDP has been elected.. still there, under the ground.

I'm all for that. There's a couple of debates going on here, one of political ideology as in left vs right, and one of political strategy as in how to fight an election. Ms. Notely came out on top with that one, she knows how to appeal to the inidividual, in this case appealing to their bottom line. Whether or not she choses to follow a socialist agenda is yet to be seen as the fact is that the oil industry is Alberta's life's blood and an adversarila relationship with the oil industry will not work to the benefit of the province.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I ain't Canadian or nothing, but usually I call 53-31 a win.

That's OK- most politicians hate me, probably because I don't believe a f**King word they tell me. :) (Just caught Jr. lying through his teeth)

Thanks. Anything else?

Give me awhile, I'll probably think of something. :) :)

I don't know if you follow CFL, but sometimes the team with more total yardage ends up on the short end of the scoreboard. They still lose.

Sometimes smart beats quantity!

...or Maybe Not?? We are judging her by party name only "NDP."

At least give her a chance and wait 6 months, or 1 year.. see what she does. Alberta's Oil has not just disappear because the NDP has been elected.. still there, under the ground.

This is the country we live in, a democracy and we get to vote who we want in power. The people of Alberta have spoken.

If you didn't vote, you don't have the right to bitch.

The people of Alberta have spoken.

Rachel Notley played the better game. My hat is off to her.

1. I like the idea of processing Alberta oil here, creating jobs vs shipping it to the USA.

2. I like the idea of Big Oil and Gas paying more royalties.

3. I like the idea of shorter wait lines for surgery in Alberta's hospitals

4. I like the idea of people earning more than $125,000 paying a little bit more to cover programs for the poor.

...and if people are that bent out of shape because an NDP government is now running Alberta, they are free to leave.

I hope she also pushed for more Nuclear, Solar and Wind Energy in Alberta too.

(I also like unrestricted gun laws, tougher police sentences, free speech and not living in a Bible Belt community.)

Yep, she just has to do what the people want, especially those earning under $80,000 and that will likely entail holding her feet to the fire.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
If you look at the popular vote and not the seat count, the race was actually much closer than the results indicate, and while both the PCs and the Wildrose Party both lost votes to the NDP, the final tally showed that they garnered only 40% of the popular vote.
I was surprised to see this.....It's usually the left that cry about the popular vote....the conservatives lost because they deserved to lose, they got too complacent and thought they had a shoo in....
Last edited:


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
55.3% turn out.. not much of a protest.. I'll bet you those who didn't vote and do not like the turnout are pulling their hair this morning.. LOL
Turn out was pretty typical of most AB elections.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
They are in Alberta. They are a moderate, viable, democratic choice. Fear doesn't persuade any longer.

Bout time Spade me lad, me bucko. I be happy . Maybe only for a while, but happy lessthenun.

Maybe Harpo will have a fit of depression and jump from his jumbo jet en route...........nah, two good things on one day.

I wish the comrades the best of luck. They are going to need it to deal with the right wing nutjobs out there..........and the
provincial economy of Alta already in the we're told.

Helicopter McKay started the naysaying already. What else can we expect from private helicopter/trout boy. !


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Polls haven't been accurate in many Provinces in years, in fact, the above poll is par for the course in predicting a PC win



Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Exactly. In Alberta the NDP, with only forty percent of the popular vote control just over 60% of the seats in the legislature. They pretty much have a blank cheque to pursue a left wing agenda while 60% of voters supported the right.

Federally its the opposite. The Conservatives got 38% of the vote and 100% of the power. Thats how it goes with first past the post. Id like to see it scrapped but I dont see that happening anytime soon.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Federally its the opposite. The Conservatives got 38% of the vote and 100% of the power. Thats how it goes with first past the post. Id like to see it scrapped but I dont see that happening anytime soon.

And its a phoney argument regardless of who gets in that they don't represent all the people and they don't have a mandate. They have a mandate as defined by our system. End of story.

But wasn't it Winston Churchill who said something like "Democracy is the worst system except for all the rest". Sort of applies here I think.