This summer may see first ice-free North Pole


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Ya well I would sooner believe the guy up there then environment Canada.

Right, because it's not like it's critically important for an airport to have accurate measurements of temperature. :roll:

In the Arctic when I say south of Cambridge bay that's about 600 miles south,I thought you said you lived in the north?

I did. And 600 miles due south of Cambridge bay is the Northwest Territories border with Saskatchewan. The closest weather station to that spot is Uranium City, where the temperature is even warmer, daytime high tomorrow is forecast at 21°C.

Anyone who has would know there are no roads and the distances between villages are hundreds of miles,carry on my Arctic graph expert,I'm enjoying this.

600 miles South of Cambridge Bay isn't even in the Arctic.

You calling them liars?

No, I'm calling you a liar.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
1935 : Russian Ship Sailed 500 Miles From The North Pole In Ice-Free Water

“Our generation is living in a period when remarkable changes are taking place almost everywhere throughout the world,” writes Professor L. Berg, of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. ”‘Certainly these widely distributed phenomena cannot be due to the action of the Gulf Stream, which, however, naturally receives its share of the greater general warmth.” The slow thawing of the Arctic is given as a partial explanation for the record voyages of Soviet ice-breakers to northern latitudes, which have never before been reached by navigating vessels. The Sadko in 1935, in ice- free water of the North Kara Sea, steamed to 82 degrees, 42 minutes of northern latitude—an all-time record.

Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year

Alarmist scientists who predicted that the North Pole could be “ice free” this summer as a result of global warming have been embarrassed after it was revealed that Arctic ice has actually grown by around 30 per cent in the year since August 2007.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Right, because it's not like it's critically important for an airport to have accurate measurements of temperature. :roll:

I did. And 600 miles due south of Cambridge bay is the Northwest Territories border with Saskatchewan. The closest weather station to that spot is Uranium City, where the temperature is even warmer, daytime high tomorrow is forecast at 21°C.

600 miles South of Cambridge Bay isn't even in the Arctic.

No, I'm calling you a liar.

Then I would have to question your claims that you lived up there,were you not let outside or have no windows?
Maybe my mileage was wrong but goose lake owned by sabina gold is in the arctic.
Some scientist you are....and in the east it is called the barrenlands,but its also still the arctic.

I'll help you out a bit here since you seem to be lost.
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp | Nuna Logistics

Notheast of YK,most of the natives come from Cambridge bay,a 6 hour trip by planes north of goose lake.
long ways from SK dude.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012

This is where we are already, we're already past the 2007 Arctic sea ice minimum and there's still weeks of warm weather and melting to come. The orange line is the average sea ice cover from the period 1979-2000.

Arctic sea ice volume has decreased from about 18,000 km^3 thirty years ago to about 5,000km^3 today, the ice isn't going to be there much longer. The entire Arctic ecosystem is largely going to disappear and global warming will accelerate.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

This is where we are already, we're already past the 2007 Arctic sea ice minimum and there's still weeks of warm weather and melting to come. The orange line is the average sea ice cover from the period 1979-2000.

Arctic sea ice volume has decreased from about 18,000 km^3 thirty years ago to about 5,000km^3 today, the ice isn't going to be there much longer. The entire Arctic ecosystem is largely going to disappear and global warming will accelerate.

How much money should we give to stop this catastrophe?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007

This is where we are already, we're already past the 2007 Arctic sea ice minimum and there's still weeks of warm weather and melting to come. The orange line is the average sea ice cover from the period 1979-2000.

Arctic sea ice volume has decreased from about 18,000 km^3 thirty years ago to about 5,000km^3 today, the ice isn't going to be there much longer. The entire Arctic ecosystem is largely going to disappear and global warming will accelerate.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Then I would have to question your claims that you lived up there,were you not let outside or have no windows?
Maybe my mileage was wrong but goose lake owned by sabina gold is in the arctic.
Some scientist you are....and in the east it is called the barrenlands,but its also still the arctic.

I'll help you out a bit here since you seem to be lost.
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp | Nuna Logistics

Notheast of YK,most of the natives come from Cambridge bay,a 6 hour trip by planes north of goose lake.
long ways from SK dude.

so Tonn. You check a map yet to find out how far away SK is from Goose lake?
Sk is a days flight mon ami to goose lake via YK.
And here's a tip for you about the arctic,there is no roads,no landmarks so when you ask someone where they call home they will point in a direction and say how many hours by plane.
Maybe you never got out of pine point?

At any rate....back to the topic,everythings normal in the arctic,I get that from the Inuit I lived with,they have no agenda and we chat everyday.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Maybe my mileage was wrong but goose lake owned by sabina gold is in the arctic.
Some scientist you are....and in the east it is called the barrenlands,but its also still the arctic.

First, I'm not a scientist. Never claimed to be one. Second, I checked the info you gave. First it was Cambridge Bay. Checked that and the temperature was far different from what you had claimed. Then you said it was 600 miles south. So I checked the nearest weather station 600 miles south of Cambridge Bay. Your story just keeps changing, much like conditions in the Arctic!

I'll help you out a bit here since you seem to be lost.
Says the Arctic "expert" who thought his buddy was working 600 miles south of Cambridge Bay, and that it was relevant to temperatures where the sea ice is! :lol:

Notheast of YK,most of the natives come from Cambridge bay,a 6 hour trip by planes north of goose lake.
long ways from SK dude.
Yeah, you might want to as a first step check a map then next time before you give directions, because you don't seem to have a clue.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
First, I'm not a scientist. Never claimed to be one. Second, I checked the info you gave. First it was Cambridge Bay. Checked that and the temperature was far different from what you had claimed. Then you said it was 600 miles south. So I checked the nearest weather station 600 miles south of Cambridge Bay. Your story just keeps changing, much like conditions in the Arctic!

Says the Arctic "expert" who thought his buddy was working 600 miles south of Cambridge Bay, and that it was relevant to temperatures where the sea ice is! :lol:

Yeah, you might want to as a first step check a map then next time before you give directions, because you don't seem to have a clue.
You best check out a map dude,Cambridge is north of the Beaufort sea.

Last I looked,that was a long ways from SK.

Too funny!

With less ice, Canada has greater access to its natural resources in the Arctic Ocean.
Less access,you can only drill when it is frozen.Theres no roads in the Arctic longer then 110 kliks that are not ice roads.

Longest all weather road in Nunavut(yes Tonn.that is the arctic) is the one from baker lake to the meadowbank gold mine owned by agnico eagle.

I have over 30 youtube vids of this road when I was maintaining it and building it.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
You best check out a map dude,Cambridge is north of the Beaufort sea.

Last I looked,that was a long ways from SK.

Too funny!

Less access,you can only drill when it is frozen.Theres no roads in the Arctic longer then 110 kliks that are not ice roads.

Longest all weather road in Nunavut(yes Tonn.that is the arctic) is the one from baker lake to the meadowbank gold mine owned by agnico eagle.

I have over 30 youtube vids of this road when I was maintaining it and building it.

You are a fukkin hero; no question.!!

How much money should we give to stop this catastrophe?

Send $25,967,550.29 immediately, and I'll return the ice,.

Gonna have to buy another freezer to hold the goddam stuff so hurry TF up!!

Damn I hates cats ass trophys.:pain10:

Whoa mule!!