This summer may see first ice-free North Pole


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

Representatives from Nunavut Tunngavik, Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Kivalliq Inuit
Association, Qikiqtani Inuit Association, Inuit Tapirasat of Canada, Nunavut Planning
Commission, Nunavut Impact Review Board, Department of Indian and Northern Development
and Government of Nunavut also participated in the conference.

· Winters are getting shorter, summers are getting longer.

· We are losing the ice in our glaciers and fiords. Permafrost is melting. We see
vegetation growing where ice used to be.

· The sun’s rays are increasing, Inuit need stronger suntan lotion.

· We now see birds and wildlife that we have never seen here before. Ravens are
everywhere, Snow Geese are too numerous.

· Heavier winds can be dangerous, be cautious. Because of Global Warming we could
become subject to catastrophes like hurricanes.

· Caribou meat tastes different now and there are concerns about contaminants and
diseases. We send samples out to labs but never get results back. Caribou hides are

· More Inuit are dying from cancers, including skin cancers. We have to find out if this is
from mining or contaminants or from climate change.

· Fall ice forms later and may not be safe to travel on until Christmas

· If trends continue, Hudson Bay (and other areas) may never freeze over. The impact on
wildlife will be tremendous.

· Inuit have to be prepared for the impacts of Global Warming.

· Water levels are getting lower

· Isostatic rebounding

· The floe edge is receding faster

· More ships are traveling through the Northwest Passage, due to the lower ice coverage in
recent years.

From the 'peeps' that live there...

How dare you slander the Inuit Elders.

Geeze, not that long ago you were singing their praises, now you denigrate them, call them liars and thieves?

You should be ashamed.

So, either they don't live in the arctic, or they are lieing through their teeth, because that are contradicting kak's "experts".

I'm still not convinced that this climate change is man made, to the degree that the "Global warming crowd" is making it out to be.
It could just as well be part of the natural evolutionary cycle.
I'm all for cleaning the air we breathe, but I don't want people to starve, in order to do it :smile:

Fully agree.

Nothing says evidence, like the testimony of Inuit Elders.

And given how many claims he's made about being one with the Inuit, and how we should listen to the people who live there...

I'm rather surprised how he would turn on not only the Inuit, but their revered and honoured Elders.


See above.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

what does this neat picture mean?, I found it on the interweb, I like the colours, it said kitchen wall paper

If that picture is a true representation of what it suggests it means Global Warming is bullsh*t in that part of the Globe for the past 100 years!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
If that picture is a true representation of what it suggests it means Global Warming is bullsh*t in that part of the Globe for the past 100 years!

It's not. Goddard left out earlier years in the dataset, about 50 years worth! The result of omitting the earlier data is that the regression line, or long-term trend if you prefer, becomes negative. I'll download the data at work tomorrow and show you the difference when I get home. When the entire data available is used, the long-term trend is positive. Eyeballing the data, it looks like it may even be higher than the global average. Which wouldn't be surprising, as the Arctic is the fastest warming region on the planet. The flow of heat leads to polar amplification, as currents of water and air transport heat towards the pole. It's a bit different in the Southern hemisphere, owing in part to the large land masses in the Northern hemisphere versus the large area of ocean in the Southern hemisphere. Also the strong polar vortex surrounding Antarctica, which has implications for ozone destruction over the continent.

Also, as an aside, one single weather station showing a negative trend wouldn't mean global warming is bull****. Even many stations would not. If you hold your hand in a pot of cool water when you have the flu, it doesn't mean the thermometer is lying about your fever. The same principle applies to global warming.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Tonnington doesn't even know where the arctic is,according to him the arctic circle is not the arctic anymore,global warming sure moved fast the last few days for it to drift that far south.


Heres the distance from Cambridge bay to Saskatoon for those that cant read a bloody map!

Got that Tonn?

Canada - Saskatchewan - Saskatoon Thu 7:14 PM 1891 km 1175 miles


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Tonnington doesn't even know where the arctic is,according to him the arctic circle is not the arctic anymore,global warming sure moved fast the last few days for it to drift that far south.

Of course I do. You're the one who said when you mean south of Cambridge bay you mean 600 miles. I can post it again for you if you like.

In the Arctic when I say south of Cambridge bay that's about 600 miles south,I thought you said you lived in the north?

And when I informed you that 600 miles south is the NWT-Saskatchewan border, you then claim it's me who needs the map! :lol:

You're not fooling anyone koko



Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Of course I do. You're the one who said when you mean south of Cambridge bay you mean 600 miles. I can post it again for you if you like.

And when I informed you that 600 miles south is the NWT-Saskatchewan border, you then claim it's me who needs the map! :lol:

You're not fooling anyone koko

No you said 600 km's south of Cambridge is the sk border,want me to look up your post for you? I quoted it so it wont go away.
Hard to believe you say you lived up there,anyone in pine point knows the distance to any airport in the south.
Anyone in the arctic knows this,no roads and all that.

No you said 600 km's south of Cambridge is the sk border,want me to look up your post for you? I quoted it so it wont go away.
Hard to believe you say you lived up there,anyone in pine point knows the distance to any airport in the south.
Anyone in the arctic knows this,no roads and all that.

Google maps and see for yourself,I dont have to as I know the fly time.

Too funny.Hope you did not get burned too badly with your fail.

Take the mod's advice,attack the message and not the messenger.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
like the way he changes shyte to suit his agenda? He's been doing it for over 10 years.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
If you cant see where Cambridge bay is then you better stop replying,your hole is getting deeper with every post you make.

I'll dumb it down for you because you obviously have NOT been there,From Calgary to Cambridge is a 2 day flight,from Calgary to Rankin inlet is a 2 day flight(with a stop over)Now dig up a map of Hudsons bay and scroll waaaaaaaay north to Cambridge bay to see how wrong you are.

Enjoy buds! :)

Hope you burn is not too bad! lol!

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Tonnington doesn't even know where the arctic is,according to him the arctic circle is not the arctic anymore,global warming sure moved fast the last few days for it to drift that far south.


Heres the distance from Cambridge bay to Saskatoon for those that cant read a bloody map!

Got that Tonn?
Get this?

In the Arctic when I say south of Cambridge bay that's about 600 miles south,I thought you said you lived in the north?

Guess who said that. Not sure who said that? Well, the post number is 498 here;
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Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Get this?

Guess who said that. Not sure who said that? Well, the post number is 498 here;
I did,and that's about 1000 kilometers from the SK border!
You better go look at a map also. lol!


600 kliks south of Cambridge to Goose lake and about a 1000 back to the world,that's what i posted but go look and check for yourself.

Maybe try google maps.

Unreal! lol!!!!!

I'll have to add you to the list of peeps that cant read a map or know Canadian geography.
It helps to actually be in these locals if your going to comment on them.:)
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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I did,and that's about 1000 kilometers from the SK border!
You better go look at a map also. lol!
Zinged yourself, chuckles. A little while ago you changed your tune and said,
Canada - Saskatchewan - Saskatoon Thu 7:14 PM 1891 km 1175 miles


600 kliks south of Cambridge to Goose lake and about a 1000 back to the world,that's what i posted but go look and check for yourself.

Maybe try google maps.

Unreal! lol!!!!!

I'll have to add you to the list of peeps that cant read a map or know Canadian geography.
It helps to actually be in these locals if your going to comment on them.:)
It isn't me that switched distances. You switched from 600 miles to 1175 miles with just a few posts in between.

And yes, I was looking at the map here:

An even better map:

So tell me, is it 600 miles or 1175 miles?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Zinged yourself, chuckles. A little while ago you changed your tune and said,

It isn't me that switched distances. You switched from 600 miles to 1175 miles with just a few posts in between.

And yes, I was looking at the map here:
I did not switch anything.goose lake camp is 600 kliks south of cambridge bay just like I said,the sk border that Tonn. says is 600 kliks away is actually about 3 times that,something anyone who claims to lived in the arctic would know.

Cambridge will take you a full days flying on many planes to get there from Saskatoon,I know this because thats where my core drillers came from and I had to do their itineraries.


Zinged yourself, chuckles. A little while ago you changed your tune and said,

It isn't me that switched distances. You switched from 600 miles to 1175 miles with just a few posts in between.

And yes, I was looking at the map here:

An even better map:

So tell me, is it 600 miles or 1175 miles?

Depends on where you fly from,I said 600 to Cambridge from Goose lake and thats right,now to sk border like Tonn claimed is 3 times that.Not hard to figure out really buddy if you have ever read a map.

Hope you did not get burnt off any of Tonn.s burn,hes failing real bad right now,may be a good time for you to jump ship.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I did not switch anything.goose lake camp is 600 kliks south of cambridge bay just like I said,the sk border that Tonn. says is 600 kliks away is actually about 3 times that,something anyone who claims to lived in the arctic would know.
So Ton said Goose Lake is 600 kliks from the SK border. According to the map, it looks like Goose Lake is about 600 kliks from either the SK border or Cambridge Bay.
Looks to me like you can't understand English. And you did say 600 miles south to the camp in the first place.
Remeber this post you made?
In the Arctic when I say south of Cambridge bay that's about 600 miles south,I thought you said you lived in the north?
I guess you can't tell the diff between miles and kliks