The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
The last paragraph is true at least. Trump is bulldozing the bull$!t aside. Very refreshing.

He's not bulldozing bullsh!t aside. He's just creating more and moving it about his plate like a 5 year old trying to hide the food he doesn't like.

It's not refreshing. What would be refreshing is if the president knew what he was doing and did it.

Trump doesn't know what he's doing from minute to minute. He's winging it. He's a bullsh!tter/ used car salesman.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He's not bulldozing bullsh!t aside. He's just creating more and moving it about his plate like a 5 year old trying to hide the food he doesn't like.

It's not refreshing. What would be refreshing is if the president knew what he was doing and did it.

Trump doesn't know what he's doing from minute to minute. He's winging it. He's a bullsh!tter/ used car salesman.

Nah, I don't think you're "reading" him quite right, Twila! Unlike many politicians, he has the gumption to say and do what he thinks. :)


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Nah, I don't think you're "reading" him quite right, Twila! Unlike many politicians, he has the gumption to say and do what he thinks. :)

which is too bad since he doesn't give a lot of thought to the things he thinks.

Given his intense lack of critical thinking skills the US will be in severe trouble by the end of his 4 yrs.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
which is too bad since he doesn't give a lot of thought to the things he thinks.

Given his intense lack of critical thinking skills the US will be in severe trouble by the end of his 4 yrs.
Well the U.S. survived 8 years with that ignorant sod George Bush in office , How can Trump be more idiotic than him ?


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Well the U.S. survived 8 years with that ignorant sod George Bush in office , How can Trump be more idiotic than him ?

aren't you watching him? It might be hard to believe but there he is in all his orange skinned off the cuff, idiocy.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The Emperor Has No Vocabulary

Mastering the Art of Incoherence

Somewhere in this world, my eighth-grade English teacher ― and everybody else of that generation who valued and revered the form, function and proper use of the English language ― are rolling over in their graves.

The mean-spirited, petty, and unhinged laughingstock who currently occupies the Oval Office held a press conference Thursday afternoon. Excerpts of that press conference are widely available anywhere online and probably up on a billboard in parts unknown, being effectively used as recruitment tools for ISIS.

Suffice it to say that it was a shameful stampede of marauding, unintelligible lunacy.

Instead, the unbridled gobbledygook that spews forth from this president is so incomprehensible that it can bring a roomful of seasoned reporters to their knees. Throughout his nefarious career, Trump has somehow managed to weaponize gibberish and tortured syntax, creating chaos all around him with one of his most frequently-wielded tools: consummate drivel.

He’s like a Jabberwocky terrorist.

His ability to drown out reason with a steady, pernicious flow of babble and blather effectively demoralizes everyone within earshot. He brandishes nonsense like a flamethrower, basically torching his listeners with an unstoppable barrage of disconcerting and creepy, cryptic crap. It’s why an impressive assemblage of hard-bitten, savvy reporters looked as though they needed a blankie, a ba-ba, a binky and a jumbo-sized bottle of Excedrin by the time he was through.

I’m not alone in my observation that this is something we’ve never seen before in a world leader. To be seduced by great and powerful oratory is one thing. To be rendered dumbstruck by incoherent inanity is quite another.

I don’t know what it will take for the sycophantic fools and followers of this stammering Stalin to finally cry uncle. Apparently, a flagrant display of nonsense, asininity, and stunning ignorance does not suffice.

The Emperor Has No Vocabulary | The Huffington Post


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
a recap of the first 30 days in trumpville:

Donald Trump has now been President for 30 eventful days. So much has happened, so quickly, that it has been hard to keep track. Therefore, we have collected the most notable events in one easy to read chart.

January 20
President Trump gives unusually dark Inaugural Address that is immediately labeled the “American Carnage Speech”

January 21
Over 3 million people march in protest across the US, Trump reacts by claiming (falsely) that inauguration crowds were largest ever. He personally calls Parks Services director and orders him to produce photos to back his claim (he is unable to do so).

January 22
Trump gives speech at CIA building in front of wall memorializing fallen agents – boasts about the size of his win. It is later revealed he brought his own crowd to cheer. Advisor Kelly Anne Conway coins term “alternative facts”.

January 23
Trump makes false claim millions voted illegally. In unprecedented step, New York Times calls the newly elected President a liar. President promises to move US Embassy to Jerusalem in face of international outcry. Signs order to ban federal money going to international aid groups which perform or provide information on abortions.

January 24
President approves Keystone and Dakota pipelines. Calls CNN “Fake News”. Threatens to send “the feds” to Chicago. Badlands National Park tweets evidence of climate change before being shut down.

January 25
Trump claims intelligence officials tell him torture works. Over dinner, approves his first special forces raid (in Yemen). Promises “major investigation” into voter fraud, including those registered in two states – immediately revealed many of his family and aides fall into this category. Signs orders to begin work on Mexican border wall and to deny federal funding to 400 sanctuary cities.

January 26
President threatens to go back and take Iraq’s oil. Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight, citing Trump comments on nuclear weapons. Trump announces Mexico will “pay for wall” by adding a 20 per cent import tax (economists point out this will be paid by American consumers). Mexican president cancels Trump meeting.

January 27
White House removes any mention of Jews from Int. Holocaust Day statement. Trump signs Muslim Ban; chaos ensues at airports. In Mexico, America’s second largest trading partner, consumers launch widespread boycotts of US-made products.

January 28
German Chancellor Merkel explains Geneva Convention to Trump on phone. Top military and intelligence officers removed from National Security Council, white supremacist Steve Bannon added. President calls the New York Times “false news”, and falsely claims the newspaper apologized to readers and that subscriptions are dwindling (they are in fact at record highs). Trump calls Russian President Vladimir Putin. White House reports they agreed on all issues including Syria, and Ukraine. At one point Trump interrupts call to ask aides “What is START treaty?”

January 29
Russia launches new large scale offensive in Ukraine. White House calls Muslim ban “massive success” while global condemnation grows. Dick Cheney calls ban “against everything we stand for”. Downing St officials in London leak President has phobia of stairs and inclines. Lebanese-American held by border officials, asked if he “loves his country”. SEAL dies in botched Yemen raid, several civilians killed.

January 30
Trump blames airport confusion on Delta computers, claims only 109 people affected by Muslim ban (State Dept. data shows it is 90,000). President fires Acting Attorney General Sally Yates for not defending ban. Republicans in Congress begin to break with Trump.

January 31
President announces Supreme Court nominee during prime time TV event. Spokesman Sean Spicer claims Muslim ban is not a “ban”, contradicting earlier tweets from President calling it a “ban”.

February 1
Trump threatens to send US troops into Mexico to deal with the “bad hombres” on the border if President Peña Nieto doesn’t get the situation under control. Pentagon officials state that the Yemen assault went forth “without sufficient intelligence, ground support, or adequate backup preparations”. President name-drops abolitionist Frederick Douglass making it clear he has no idea who he is and thinks he is still alive (died 1895). Trump hangs up angrily on Australian PM.

February 2
At national prayer breakfast Trump asks people to pray for Schwarzenegger’s TV ratings. Canada reports spike in refugees from US. Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson and recipient of Russia’s highest civilian honor is sworn in as Secretary of State. Press reports $12m in Trump campaign funds spent on his companies.

February 3
Trump slams “so called” judge for blocking Muslim ban. Conway caught making up “Bowling Green Massacre” to justify Muslim ban.

February 4
Trump, complaining “Friends of mine, that have nice businesses…can’t borrow money”, deregulates banks. Protests across US and Europe against the Muslim ban.

February 5
President claims judges blocking his Muslim ban are putting America at peril. Says “US isn’t so innocent” either, compared to Russia. Apple, Facebook, Google, and 94 other American corporations file opposition to ban. White House staff leak that President is angry at spokesman Sean Spicer because he is being portrayed on SNL by a woman.

February 6
White House accuses media of not reporting on terror attacks; Sean Spicer provides a list of “unreported” terror attacks which includes some of the most heavily reported attacks, as well as attacks that never occurred. President claims any negative popularity polls are fake. It is revealed Trump is surprised to discover Bannon is on the NSC as he never read the Executive Order making that appointment. Speaker of the U.K. Parliament bans Trump from giving speech, citing his sexism and racism. First Lady files a libel suit claiming she has been prevented from profiting from Presidency.

February 7
WH officials report generals got Trump to agree to Yemen raid by suggesting Obama would never have had the courage to do it. President claims he “does not know Putin” – directly contradicting earlier claims that he did. Trump says US murder rate at 47 year high (it is in fact near 47 year low). Sen. Al Franken calls Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos: “the most incompetent cabinet-level nominee I have ever seen.” Trump falsely claims cabinet nominee delays longest in history. (Not even longest in last decade.)

February 8
Trump blasts Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka’s products – they respond it was due to poor sales. Announces, “I understand things, I comprehend very well, OK? Better than, I think, almost anybody.” President announces a $7 billion investment by Intel (6 years after President Obama made the same announcement). Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly says administration is thinking about making visitors to US hand over cell phone PINs and social media passwords.

February 9
Federal court rules against restoring Muslim ban – Trump tweets “SEE YOU IN COURT”. Head scratching ensues. Kelly-Anne Conway illegally promotes Ivanka Trump’s jewelry line during Fox News interview.

February 10
Immigration raids begin across US. Reports that CIA has corroborated details of “Steel Dossier” linking Trump to Kremlin. Trump reiterates he has “full confidence” in National Security Adviser Michael Flynn following more reports he discussed sanctions with Russian Ambassador prior to inauguration.

February 11
Trump manages missile crisis from restaurant patio in Mar-A-Lago. More accusations against Gen. Flynn and his Russian contacts. State visit to UK postponed due to growing opposition among British public.

February 12
Media reports senior US intelligence officials claim spy agencies withholding intel from Trump due to fears White House penetrated by Kremlin. Rampant infighting as Presidential staff leak accusations against each other to press. Trump reiterates support for Flynn.

February 13
Gen. Flynn fired. Sears and Kmart drop Trump-branded items from their online store. Photos emerge of Mar-A-Lago members posing with officer in charge of Trump’s nuclear football.

February 14
Serving four-star US general wonders if American government is “stable”. It is revealed Trump knew for weeks Flynn had lied about Russian contacts. More reports CIA is aware Trump staff was in contact with Russian intelligence agents during election. The Fed Chair Janet Yellen rebuts Trump’s claim banks aren’t lending, and warns of economic disruption.

February 15
Trump claims Russian accusations are just to “cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign.” When asked about the recent rise of anti-Semitism in the world, President responds by boasting about his Electoral College victory.

February 16
The press conference. “I am not ranting”. Announces Muslim ban will go ahead. Another question about anti-semitism is once again answered with boasts about Electoral College win. African reporter is asked to set up meetings with Congressional Black Caucus. President claims sinking Russian warship would boost his ratings. Fact-checkers later tabulate 17 falsehoods. Republicans in Congress take steps towards investigating Trump’s campaign and administrative ties to Russia.

February 17
Vice Adm. Harward turns down NSA job, citing chaos in White House. There are reports senior Republicans increasingly rattled by President’s behaviour. Trump claims CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and New York Times are the “enemy of the American people”. Gallup reports Trump’s job approval ratings are lowest of any newly elected President in sixty years.

February 18
Trump holds re-election rally in Florida. (30 days down, 1430 to go.)

Thirty days of Donald Trump -


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I think if all the idiots quit posting here, all the perceived problems about Trump would go away!

If that were true, the same could be said about Justin, JLM - think about it.

Trump will provide fodder for the masses until he draws his last breath. It is simply not in him to do otherwise.

Watched a very illuminating documentary on the Passionate Eye last night. You can watch it online, JLM. It is a biography of the Trump family and goes back to the very first Trump of note to come to America. His name was Fredrick. He was a guy always ready for the main chance which he continued to exploit throughout his long and colorful existence. His son, another Fred, inherited all the same characteristics and business practices then took them to a higher level by exploiting government subsidies to line his own pocket. When called before a commission of inquiry into war time profiteering, he told the panel that he only felt it was his right as an American businessman. Freddie was a staunch believer in the right of his family to all the glory, honor, monetary gain and acclamation granted to them by their superior genes. Donnie was an apt pupil and embraced his father's ideology with fervor.

Nah, I don't think you're "reading" him quite right, Twila! Unlike many politicians, he has the gumption to say and do what he thinks. :)

Twila is reading him exactly right, JLM. Gumption? Give me a break, the Donald doesn't need that in order to simply open his mouth and let forth a stream of complete bs - it comes naturally fps.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
which is too bad since he doesn't give a lot of thought to the things he thinks.

Given his intense lack of critical thinking skills the US will be in severe trouble by the end of his 4 yrs.

The US is already in severe trouble. That is why Trump got elected in the first place.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I think if all the idiots quit posting here, all the perceived problems about Trump would go away!

Hehehehehe...yes, if they shut down CanadianContent, Trump would magically become a good president.

Seriously JLM, do you have any idea what a simpleton you are?

The US is already in severe trouble. That is why Trump got elected in the first place.

Pssst....The sky isn't falling...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The Emperor Has No Vocabulary

Mastering the Art of Incoherence

Somewhere in this world, my eighth-grade English teacher ― and everybody else of that generation who valued and revered the form, function and proper use of the English language ― are rolling over in their graves.

The mean-spirited, petty, and unhinged laughingstock who currently occupies the Oval Office held a press conference Thursday afternoon. Excerpts of that press conference are widely available anywhere online and probably up on a billboard in parts unknown, being effectively used as recruitment tools for ISIS.

Suffice it to say that it was a shameful stampede of marauding, unintelligible lunacy.

Instead, the unbridled gobbledygook that spews forth from this president is so incomprehensible that it can bring a roomful of seasoned reporters to their knees. Throughout his nefarious career, Trump has somehow managed to weaponize gibberish and tortured syntax, creating chaos all around him with one of his most frequently-wielded tools: consummate drivel.

He’s like a Jabberwocky terrorist.

His ability to drown out reason with a steady, pernicious flow of babble and blather effectively demoralizes everyone within earshot. He brandishes nonsense like a flamethrower, basically torching his listeners with an unstoppable barrage of disconcerting and creepy, cryptic crap. It’s why an impressive assemblage of hard-bitten, savvy reporters looked as though they needed a blankie, a ba-ba, a binky and a jumbo-sized bottle of Excedrin by the time he was through.

I’m not alone in my observation that this is something we’ve never seen before in a world leader. To be seduced by great and powerful oratory is one thing. To be rendered dumbstruck by incoherent inanity is quite another.

I don’t know what it will take for the sycophantic fools and followers of this stammering Stalin to finally cry uncle. Apparently, a flagrant display of nonsense, asininity, and stunning ignorance does not suffice.

The Emperor Has No Vocabulary | The Huffington Post
From huffnpuff no less. Nice to quote part of the problem when looking for the problem.

Hehehehehe...yes, if they shut down CanadianContent, Trump would magically become a good president.

Seriously JLM, do you have any idea what a simpleton you are?

Pssst....The sky isn't falling...

Not any more. But it would be if Clinton had won.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
From huffnpuff no less. Nice to quote part of the problem when looking for the problem...

I'll take from your response that there was nothing in the article you could refute. That's the most interesting thing I find about Trumpites. They've completely given up trying to defend his actions. They're left to sniff sniffle and feebly try and mock Trump's critics. (You're failing miserably BTW)

nah, it wouldn't.

Trumpites are such drama queens


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Trump's popularity among the republican base is not particularly strong. True Trumpites like Loc and ES make up a small percentage. People supported Trump because some of his policies sounded good. I said before, he's a great salesman.

"I'm going to bring jobs back" and "I'm gonna make you feel safe" and "I'm going to punish Ford with a tariff because they've moved plants the Mexico" sound great on the surface, if you believe it.

The Trump reality is something different. Ford won't be moving plants back, tariffs will cost taxpayers dearly, safety will come at the cost of freedom and the simple reality is that the unemployment rate is low.

Trump's policies will fail the American people. Trump's core supporters don't care as long as we get rid of Muslims. The rest of the voters do.

As his policies fail and people get angry, Republicans will be quite happy to throw him under the bus.

Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. The problem with your scenario of Trump not living up to voter expectations relies on the voters being informed. And yet information about Trump's incompetence and temperament was readily available throughout the campaign, but voters never clued in. He did everything he could to disqualify himself among the sane and rational and yet Republican leaders were still too afraid of their base to stand up to him. There is no logical reason to support Trump now, there wasn't any reason to support him during the election or in the primaries. Trump is already capitalizing on the public's distrust of the media. Everything he's done so far has been a disaster, but he stands in front of screaming crowds and says he's a tremendous success and the media is lying and they all love it. Are Americans ever going to clue in? I doubt it. That's a lot of faith to have in an electorate dumb enough to elect the man in the first place.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. The problem with your scenario of Trump not living up to voter expectations relies on the voters being informed. And yet information about Trump's incompetence and temperament was readily available throughout the campaign, but voters never clued in. He did everything he could to disqualify himself among the sane and rational and yet Republican leaders were still too afraid of their base to stand up to him. There is no logical reason to support Trump now, there wasn't any reason to support him during the election or in the primaries. Trump is already capitalizing on the public's distrust of the media. Everything he's done so far has been a disaster, but he stands in front of screaming crowds and says he's a tremendous success and the media is lying and they all love it. Are Americans ever going to clue in? I doubt it. That's a lot of faith to have in an electorate dumb enough to elect the man in the first place.

Trump got elected because few could stomach the alternatives.On both sides.

You are also forgetting that a very high percentage couldn't be bothered to vote.