The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
From a friend living in the US who has a debilitating disease:

While you are entertained, we are losing our heath care, our rights, our brown friends and wondering what its gonna take to get them out of there before they blow up the world. My insurance premiums just went up to $800 a month and I got a $300 bill from a 10 min doctor's appointment that the health ins. only chipped in $30. And I will be left with nothing soon. No premiums and no health care either. And that's really the least of it, compared to all the other b.s. they are doing. Given the fact they have threatened Iran, North Korea, China and even Mexico with some kind of can be entertaining up to a point until everyone hits the nuke button. Its the worlds problem, entertaining like a bad James Bond movie....except when your body hurts and you cant pay the rent and your friends are getting rounded up like terrorists.....and they just abolished all the laws to protect the water and land, its like watching yourself and others in a slow and painful death.

Life on the entire planet is at stake. In the US, we are being directly affected already, I don't even think he won the vote and do not understand the people who were so duped or ignorant to vote for them, many are expressing remorse now....but they took it like a coup, backed by Putin, and they all got nukes. I'm wondering even if its all revealed, how they gonna get him and them..
outta there unless there is a military coup or another country invades? Yeah everyone is in the streets protesting. Its not like we haven't been standing in the rain with signs since forever, watching our Jedi knights on the front line at Standing Rock, that's a taste of what we have to look forward to if they are not stopped asap.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Zuckerberg weighs in:

Mark Zuckerberg Rebuffs

wonder if trump even knows the boundaries between "reality show" and REALITY. After seeing his "press conference"..... (??) it would seem that there is a blurring of said realities... as the chap is not at all grounded. He has lived in his own self created reality for so long that he is out of touch .

One is hard pressed to comprehend the mindset of his so called followers. But then all it takes is a man or person with a certain persona and a loud megaphone to gain a "followers" are not the usual THINKERS or analysts but influenced by emotions and group ;think.

It is astounding to observe just how much incompetent and bad behavior a following will tolerate when they align themselves with a pathological persona.It is like they voluntarily put on blinders and refuse to consider anything other than what they want to believe. Objectivity is lost.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Zuckerberg weighs in:

Mark Zuckerberg Rebuffs

wonder if trump even knows the boundaries between "reality show" and REALITY. After seeing his "press conference"..... (??) it would seem that there is a blurring of said realities... as the chap is not at all grounded. He has lived in his own self created reality for so long that he is out of touch .

One is hard pressed to comprehend the mindset of his so called followers. But then all it takes is a man or person with a certain persona and a loud megaphone to gain a "followers" are not the usual THINKERS or analysts but influenced by emotions and group ;think.

It is astounding to observe just how much incompetent and bad behavior a following will tolerate when they align themselves with a pathological persona.It is like they voluntarily put on blinders and refuse to consider anything other than what they want to believe. Objectivity is lost.

Well, there's "fake news" which is all of the news that you don't like, then there is fake news about the fake news, which is what that fake news outlets report about the fake news version of real news, which has to be fake, because it is being reported by Fake News.

In an Algebraic equation, you can cancel out the "fakes" but that doesn't work in this new universe.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Well, there's "fake news" which is all of the news that you don't like, then there is fake news about the fake news, which is what that fake news outlets report about the fake news version of real news, which has to be fake, because it is being reported by Fake News.

In an Algebraic equation, you can cancel out the "fakes" but that doesn't work in this new universe.
Indeed. One can easily get vertigo trying to follow it. ;-) Let alone trying to sort out fake from non fake. It is a bizarre world indeed. And one made for the gullible and highly suggestible. It is also a world made for master manipulators who are addicted to power..

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Indeed. One can easily get vertigo trying to follow it. ;-) Let alone trying to sort out fake from non fake. It is a bizarre world indeed. And one made for the gullible and highly suggestible. It is also a world made for master manipulators who are addicted to power..

It sounded like a preamble for shutting down media outlets, to me. This is where we find out if the United States still works, or not.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
It sounded like a preamble for shutting down media outlets, to me. This is where we find out if the United States still works, or not.
good point about the potential shutting down of media outletts. With the torrent of negativity towards the media from appears that the plan might be to have selective media only..... and ones that flatter the Trump regime. It is reminiscent of Kim of N Korea. He simply disposes of anyone or anything that does not flatter him ie feed his over inflated ego. In a bizarre way. there are certain similarities in attitude too.

Trump seems to NEED an enemy to function. It seems his DNA is to antagonize , and he needs an object to use as a foil and make himself look superior and the winner. Hillary served that purpose and now the media is serving that purpose. The constitution seems to not carry much weight with him. ie the importance of the press which to be credible has to deal with facts. Intrumps world the only facts (or alternate facts) =the new and current buzzword. are the one that flatter him. The FACTS as the are which are quite negative in regards to him.. have no lace in his bizarre world of unlettered from reality. In more basic terms he acts like a spoilt 5 yr old ..except that a 5 yr old is a lot more coherent than what is so we saw in display at that fake news conference. It is increasingly evident that the fake news comes from his mouth primarily but he projects it onto his closest target. Like a truly delusional personna. What the supporters are too stupid to see is that when most of the planet is on alert due to the uncertainty of the current dear leader It seems that the followers Love the idea of being a world power but fail to see the ramifications if the leader is unstable . This is the new ABNORMAL (Bush two was the first abnormal. The thing is that his repetition of the same o same getting stale .


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Almost nothing has happened as most of the Executive Orders have to go
through congress and the senate and the more he acts like a child the more
enemies he creates and the more humiliation he brings on America
internationally. Washington is becoming a laughing stock of the world.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Almost nothing has happened as most of the Executive Orders have to go
through congress and the senate and the more he acts like a child the more
enemies he creates and the more humiliation he brings on America
internationally. Washington is becoming a laughing stock of the world.

I'm not so sure about that. I watched the 6 P.M. news on C.B.C. tonight and 38% of the populace likes him including most of the people in industry and finance. Since the election the T.S.X. has gained 8.5% and the Dow has gained over 12% and it's recognized as being at least partly attributable to Trump. What he told the media yesterday was exactly what they needed to hear..............QUIT EXAGGERATING AND LYING! :) :)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Almost nothing has happened as most of the Executive Orders have to go
through congress and the senate and the more he acts like a child the more
enemies he creates and the more humiliation he brings on America
internationally. Washington is becoming a laughing stock of the world.
Exactly. He is yet to really GOVEN. and yet he is back to doing rallies. What the heck will it take for folks to see that they have been duped??? He has done more harm in four weeks than most do in eight. ( unless you count Bursh jr....... )

The world is through a new kind of instability and the last thing it needs is a leader of the free world to be an unstable, unpredictable game player. Trump has over estimated his abilities and has to find out sooner than later that you cannot baffle them with BS when you can't beat them with brains. Chaos and disorder does not work as a governing tactic..and he is too mature to realize that. It is sad that the leader of the US is a professional liar and projects his fantasy onto the nearest target to avoid taking responsibility for his words and deeds. . He acts like he is playing at being prez.....

What has he really achieved in the past four weeks??? (apart from pizzing off a vast number of nations, creating uncertainty and anxiety on the planet , and signing exec orders with dramatic flourish that would make an actor go pale.

When national leaders have to discuss in private : what is e REALLY like? How do es one handle this lunatic?? perhaps the key is in how one handles a mental patient..... that is unpredictable , chaotic , and delusional. Plus a class A manipulator.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I'm not so sure about that. I watched the 6 P.M. news on C.B.C. tonight and 38% of the populace likes him including most of the people in industry and finance. Since the election the T.S.X. has gained 8.5% and the Dow has gained over 12% and it's recognized as being at least partly attributable to Trump. What he told the media yesterday was exactly what they needed to hear..............QUIT EXAGGERATING AND LYING! :) :)

What that tells me is that the crisis the United States and within her people is very deep and dangerous and that Trump may be only a symptom and not the cause of this looming disaster.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What that tells me is that the crisis the United States and within her people is very deep and dangerous and that Trump may be only a symptom and not the cause of this looming disaster.

And yet these same people elected Trump by a margin of 308 to 232..........hard to argue with that!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015