The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Contrary to what was on Global T.V. news last night! Perhaps you should watch it before making your wild predictions! Folks down in Virginia?? are ecstatic that Trump is carrying out election promises big time.
Trump Country happy with president’s travel ban: ‘he means what he says’ - National |

Perhaps the moderators should take a couple of our posters to task for attempting to incite...................making inflamed statements which are untrue about the Donald! Go Donald go!

Kinda like what the CBC reported last week about people in upstate NY.

Global is kinda behind the times, isn't it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You just keep that ignorant, self righteous attitude. It gives me fuel for digs at the right wing nuts.

Turn them around. You are looking at yourself.

Supreme Court Nominee Calls Trump’s Attacks on Judiciary ‘Demoralizing’

Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, privately expressed dismay on Wednesday over Mr. Trump’s increasingly aggressive attacks on the judiciary, calling the president’s criticism of independent judges “demoralizing” and “disheartening.”

The remarks by Judge Gorsuch, chosen by Mr. Trump last week to serve on the nation’s highest court, came as the president lashed out at the federal appellate judges who are considering a challenge to his executive order banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The president called their judicial proceedings “disgraceful” and described the courts as “so political.”

Those remarks followed Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst in which he derided a Seattle circuit court judge who blocked his travel ban as a “so-called judge” whose “ridiculous” ruling would be overturned.

Judge Gorsuch expressed his disappointment with Mr. Trump’s comments about the judiciary in a private conversation with Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, as he paid courtesy calls on Capitol Hill to build support for his confirmation. An account of the discussion was confirmed by a White House adviser working to advance the Gorsuch confirmation, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment.

Continue reading the main story

Appeals Court Panel Appears Skeptical of Trump’s Travel Ban FEB. 7, 2017

Trump Says Journalists ‘Have Their Reasons’ to Play Down Terror Threat FEB. 6, 2017

Trump Says Health Law Replacement May Not Be Ready Until Next Year FEB. 5, 2017

Dadofgas 20 minutes ago
Big deal! this is John Roberts Jr. An ideologue dressed in a judges robe.
Jim Steinberg 33 minutes ago
This could be a stunt to demonstrate Gorsuch's independence, or he could be expressing his proper outrage. How can we know? I hope it's the...
W.A. Spitzer 48 minutes ago
Finally, maybe in Gorsuch we have found a man with the judicial temperament to begin to bring the country together.
The spectacle of a Supreme Court nominee breaking so starkly with the president who named him underscored the unusual nature of Mr. Trump’s public feud with the judiciary. Speaking to a group of sheriffs and police chiefs on Wednesday, the president said the appellate judges had failed to grasp concepts even “a bad high school student would understand.”

“This is highly unusual,” said Michael W. McConnell, a former federal judge who directs the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford University. “Mr. Trump is shredding longstanding norms of etiquette and interbranch comity.”

more ...

Let's see the forum right wingers criticize that.

The last paragraph is true at least. Trump is bulldozing the bull$!t aside. Very refreshing.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Trudeau will be visiting the US on Monday. One thing about Trudeau is that he will represent Canada well; I don't believe he will be intimated by Trump. They are from the same privileged world after all. One thing for sure, Canadians are polite, but once insulted, it could take a totally different path. Here are the US's 10 biggest trade partners:

Rank Country/District Exports Imports

1 China 115,775 462,813 578,588
2 Canada 266,827 278,067 544,894
3 Mexico 230,959 294,151 525,110
4 Japan 63,264 132,202 195,466
5 Germany 49,362 114,227 163,589
6 South Korea 42,266 69,932 112,198
7 UK 55,396 54,326 109,722
8 France 30,941 46,765 77,706
9 India 21,689 45,998 67,687
10 Taiwan 26,045 39,313 65,358


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
But those goggles don't let you see through your own BS .



Time Out
Jan 21, 2017
'People say satire is dead. It's not dead; it's alive and living in the White House' (Robin Williams).
I think we'll have a lot of fun during next 4 years.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Contrary to what was on Global T.V. news last night! Perhaps you should watch it before making your wild predictions! Folks down in Virginia?? are ecstatic that Trump is carrying out election promises big time.
Trump Country happy with president’s travel ban: ‘he means what he says’ - National |

Perhaps the moderators should take a couple of our posters to task for attempting to incite...................making inflamed statements which are untrue about the Donald! Go Donald go!

I didn't realize that my post any any predictions. As for Virginia, we are talking about a lot of people who are missing several of their teeth.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
'People say satire is dead. It's not dead; it's alive and living in the White House' (Robin Williams).
I think we'll have a lot of fun during next 4 years.

The problem is, our American neighbours don't "do" irony very well and most of them do not seem to be getting the joke.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
the bar for good dentistry isn't high enough
people with missing teeth are putting people with missing teeth down

looks like psychiatry needs better standards too


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I read this somewhere, made me laugh.

You voted for Trump because Hillary Clinton was going to be in Wall Street's pocket. Trump wants to repeal Dodd-Frank and eliminate the Fiduciary Rule, letting Wall Street return to its pre-2008 ways.

You voted for Trump because you thought the Clinton Foundation was "pay for play." Trump has refused to wall off his businesses from his administration, and personally profits from payments from foreign governments.

You voted for Trump because of Clinton's role in Benghazi. Trump ordered the Yemen raid without adequate intel, and tweeted about "FAKE NEWS" while Americans died as a result of his carelessness. (and civilians a child I might add)

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't care about "the little guy." Trump's cabinet is full of billionaires, and he's taking away your health insurance so he can give them a multi-million-dollar tax break.

You voted for Trump because he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. American consumers will pay for the wall via import tariffs.

You voted for Trump because Clinton was going to get us into a war. Trump has provoked our enemies, alienated our allies and given ISIS a decade's worth of recruiting material.

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't have the "stamina" to do the job. Trump hung up on the Australian Prime Minister during a 5 p.m. phone call because "it was at the end of a long day and he was tired and fatigue was setting in."

You voted for Trump because foreign leaders wouldn't respect Clinton. Foreign leaders, both friendly and hostile, are openly mocking Trump.

You voted for Trump because Clinton lies and "he tells it like it is." Trump and his administration lie with a regularity and brazenness that can only be described as shocking.

Let's be honest about what really happened.
The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Hey, it happens, and there's no shame in being taken in by a pro. But now that you know the score, quit insisting the conman is on your side.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
POTUS and mental Illness

Don't think it is about what if much as what type of mental dysfunction the current POTUS has.

The fact that this has arisen as a possibility by various scholars and others.... raises the issue of competence and credibility.

The Trumpster supporters are far too quick to "normalize" behavior that is not within the normal range.

One could list the obvious symptoms but the followers are too subjective and would simply deny them or find excuses for them.

It is like someone in neighborhood goes insane and does something radical and out of normal range......... the neighborhood is the last to see the pathology that was there all along

Will be interesting to watch the current POTUS evolve or devolve in the role he coveted so badly.

the fact he has no sense of humor and cannot laugh at himself is a serious character flaw.

just sayin'


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
POTUS and mental Illness

Don't think it is about what if much as what type of mental dysfunction the current POTUS has.

The fact that this has arisen as a possibility by various scholars and others.... raises the issue of competence and credibility.

The Trumpster supporters are far too quick to "normalize" behavior that is not within the normal range.

One could list the obvious symptoms but the followers are too subjective and would simply deny them or find excuses for them.

It is like someone in neighborhood goes insane and does something radical and out of normal range......... the neighborhood is the last to see the pathology that was there all along

Will be interesting to watch the current POTUS evolve or devolve in the role he coveted so badly.

the fact he has no sense of humor and cannot laugh at himself is a serious character flaw.

just sayin'
Maybe he should just go golfing .