The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Why did Republicans confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education despite her having absolutely zero relevant experience or credentials? We have a few suggestions:

You just continue to ignore the obvious. Run to the shelter of your mother's little helper.
Yet I sure didn't hear you complain about some of Trudeau's highly questionable cabinet choices. So yeah, I guess it's only a bad thing to be unqualified for a govt post if you're not some neo-liberal progtard.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Yet I sure didn't hear you complain about some of Trudeau's highly questionable cabinet choices. So yeah, I guess it's only a bad thing to be unqualified for a govt post if you're not some neo-liberal progtard.

At least in Canada, those in cabinet have been elected as MPs.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yet I sure didn't hear you complain about some of Trudeau's highly questionable cabinet choices. So yeah, I guess it's only a bad thing to be unqualified for a govt post if you're not some neo-liberal progtard.
Take a Valium. I don't care what Justin does. He is just a unicorn. It is the liberal old boys club that runs the show.
I post funny stuff I find about the right because they are so selfish, self centered and self righteous they need to be laughed at.
Me, I would be happy if this whole stinking retarded civilization went to hell in a hand basket.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Take a Valium. I don't care what Justin does. He is just a unicorn. It is the liberal old boys club that runs the show.
I post funny stuff I find about the right because they are so selfish, self centered and self righteous they need to be laughed at.
Me, I would be happy if this whole stinking retarded civilization went to hell in a hand basket.
But keep the free health care .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
But keep the free health care .

Well, delayed cost health care? Actually we pay the full shot for it, we just don't get billed at the time it's delivered. The human animal is the only specie that has money to pay for stuff! :)


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
More Fake News!

Spicer invokes another scary terrorist attack that never happened!

Sean Spicer invents Atlanta terror attack to defend travel ban - NY Daily News

Trump'll make another broadcast tomorrow telling us that we're too mean to Spicer, now.

And he wasn't even of the generation that got ribbons for just showing up. What lovely bit of dandylion fluff he is.

If Trump hadn't of been born rich he would be selling golf equipment at Nevada Bobs in small town.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Donald Trump: a man so obnoxious that karma may see him reincarnated as himself

Frankie Boyle

America has gone from the Obama Years to the Trump Years, like going from the West Wing to a sitcom where the incidental music involves a tuba. I actually think Donald Trump is going to prove a lot of people wrong, but sadly not George Orwell, Margaret Atwood, or whoever wrote the Book of Revelation. It says a lot about the man that building a giant wall isn’t even in the top five most Game of Thrones things about him. Of course, presidents always enter office with something to prove, it’s just rarely their sanity.
You look into Trump’s eyes and you see the fear and confusion of a man who has just been told he’s got stage-four cervical cancer. He is a super-villain in a world without heroes, a man so obnoxious and unhappy that karma may see him reincarnated as himself.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Donald Trump: a man so obnoxious that karma may see him reincarnated as himself

Frankie Boyle

America has gone from the Obama Years to the Trump Years, like going from the West Wing to a sitcom where the incidental music involves a tuba. I actually think Donald Trump is going to prove a lot of people wrong, but sadly not George Orwell, Margaret Atwood, or whoever wrote the Book of Revelation. It says a lot about the man that building a giant wall isn’t even in the top five most Game of Thrones things about him. Of course, presidents always enter office with something to prove, it’s just rarely their sanity.
You look into Trump’s eyes and you see the fear and confusion of a man who has just been told he’s got stage-four cervical cancer. He is a super-villain in a world without heroes, a man so obnoxious and unhappy that karma may see him reincarnated as himself.

Yep - the Dumpster is definitely out of his depth and he has only just stepped into the shallow end of the pool. Only 18 days into the job and already he's been shown to be completely incompetent.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Supreme Court Nominee Calls Trump’s Attacks on Judiciary ‘Demoralizing’

Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, privately expressed dismay on Wednesday over Mr. Trump’s increasingly aggressive attacks on the judiciary, calling the president’s criticism of independent judges “demoralizing” and “disheartening.”

The remarks by Judge Gorsuch, chosen by Mr. Trump last week to serve on the nation’s highest court, came as the president lashed out at the federal appellate judges who are considering a challenge to his executive order banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The president called their judicial proceedings “disgraceful” and described the courts as “so political.”

Those remarks followed Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst in which he derided a Seattle circuit court judge who blocked his travel ban as a “so-called judge” whose “ridiculous” ruling would be overturned.

Judge Gorsuch expressed his disappointment with Mr. Trump’s comments about the judiciary in a private conversation with Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, as he paid courtesy calls on Capitol Hill to build support for his confirmation. An account of the discussion was confirmed by a White House adviser working to advance the Gorsuch confirmation, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment.

Continue reading the main story

Appeals Court Panel Appears Skeptical of Trump’s Travel Ban FEB. 7, 2017

Trump Says Journalists ‘Have Their Reasons’ to Play Down Terror Threat FEB. 6, 2017

Trump Says Health Law Replacement May Not Be Ready Until Next Year FEB. 5, 2017

Dadofgas 20 minutes ago
Big deal! this is John Roberts Jr. An ideologue dressed in a judges robe.
Jim Steinberg 33 minutes ago
This could be a stunt to demonstrate Gorsuch's independence, or he could be expressing his proper outrage. How can we know? I hope it's the...
W.A. Spitzer 48 minutes ago
Finally, maybe in Gorsuch we have found a man with the judicial temperament to begin to bring the country together.
The spectacle of a Supreme Court nominee breaking so starkly with the president who named him underscored the unusual nature of Mr. Trump’s public feud with the judiciary. Speaking to a group of sheriffs and police chiefs on Wednesday, the president said the appellate judges had failed to grasp concepts even “a bad high school student would understand.”

“This is highly unusual,” said Michael W. McConnell, a former federal judge who directs the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford University. “Mr. Trump is shredding longstanding norms of etiquette and interbranch comity.”

more ...

Let's see the forum right wingers criticize that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yep - the Dumpster is definitely out of his depth and he has only just stepped into the shallow end of the pool. Only 18 days into the job and already he's been shown to be completely incompetent.

Contrary to what was on Global T.V. news last night! Perhaps you should watch it before making your wild predictions! Folks down in Virginia?? are ecstatic that Trump is carrying out election promises big time.

Perhaps the moderators should take a couple of our posters to task for attempting to incite...................making inflamed statements which are untrue about the Donald! Go Donald go!