The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Even those with Tourettes don't want to say the things they do. They can't help it. Trump says whatever he wants to, regardless of the truth.

I am watching the press and the political establishment light their collective hair on fire and enjoying every minute of it . Are your bangs getting singed perhaps ?

Damn, I really wanted to say I don't have bangs. But I do. And they're not singed and they're super cute. They sit just above my very blue eyes. Also, I'm neither the political establishment nor am I the press. I am thoroughly enjoying sitting back and watching this circus. I've got lots of popcorn and very comfortable seat.

It would be nice to believe he knew what he's doing, but he doesn't. Gov't does not operate like a business. And if he'd had to struggle to run his business without daddy's money he'd have lost all of them, not just some.
Good for you , don't take the low hanging fruit .


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Maybe it should.......

Fuk you're stupid.

Of course government shouldn't operate like a business. The goal of business is to make money. Using your idiotic logic, it doesn't matter how big government gets as long as it's generating a profit. Is it any Wonder people think Trumpites are morons
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You are also forgetting that a very high percentage couldn't be bothered to vote.

I'm talking about the chances of Trump getting impeached. Yes, Trump won partially because the alternative was unpopular, but Trump is popular among a certain subset of Americans, and that subset of Americans are exactly the same people Republican politicians need to keep themselves employed.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that what I just said?
Most of the people demanding Trump be impeached have no clue what that actually means. And a good many of them have no clue period.IF Slick Willy couldn't be turfed for screwing the hired help in the Whitehouse wht do you think it would take to get Trump removed? Then there is also the small problem of who controls both houses.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Fuk you're stupid.

Of course government shouldn't operate like a business. The goal of business is to make money. Using your idiotic logic, it doesn't matter how big government gets as long as it's generating a profit. Is it any Wonder people think Trumpites are morons


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Even those with Tourettes don't want to say the things they do. They can't help it. Trump says whatever he wants to, regardless of the truth.

I am watching the press and the political establishment light their collective hair on fire and enjoying every minute of it . Are your bangs getting singed perhaps ?

Damn, I really wanted to say I don't have bangs. But I do. And they're not singed and they're super cute. They sit just above my very blue eyes. Also, I'm neither the political establishment nor am I the press. I am thoroughly enjoying sitting back and watching this circus. I've got lots of popcorn and very comfortable seat.

It would be nice to believe he knew what he's doing, but he doesn't. Gov't does not operate like a business. And if he'd had to struggle to run his business without daddy's money he'd have lost all of them, not just some.

There is a large part of the problem. Government is business. A very big business and needs to be run more like one.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Perhaps the destruction of the POUTS began with Bush Jr. and now Trump might just complete the process.....unless some form of checks and balances kick in.

One might argue that the first breach in American's respect for POTUS began with Nixon, OB.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
There is a large part of the problem. Government is business. A very big business and needs to be run more like one.

According to the Constitution of the United States, the federal government was established for six specific purposes. These purposes include unity, justice, domestic tranquility, defense, promotion of the general welfare of the citizens and securing liberty for all.

The primary purpose of business is to make money. A business may sell a product or provide a service in its effort to make money for its owner or owners.

Yikes. What a terrible world you envision.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
According to the Constitution of the United States, the federal government was established for six specific purposes. These purposes include unity, justice, domestic tranquility, defense, promotion of the general welfare of the citizens and securing liberty for all.

The primary purpose of business is to make money. A business may sell a product or provide a service in its effort to make money for its owner or owners.

Yikes. What a terrible world you envision.
Well a business must spend within it's means if it wishes to survive and grow .
Here in Canada we have a situation where workers are taxed 50% of their respective earnings and we still can't live within our means .
We are even contemplating more taxes on the very air we breath . How long can this last ? What will happen when our credit rating deteriorates and/or interest rates rise ?


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Well a business must spend within it's means if it wishes to survive and grow .
Here in Canada we have a situation where workers are taxed 50% of their respective earnings and we still can't live within our means .
We are even contemplating more taxes on the very air we breath . How long can this last ? What will happen when our credit rating deteriorates and/or interest rates rise ?

B.C. forecasts larger-than-expected budget surplus - British Columbia - CBC News


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You are also forgetting that a very high percentage couldn't be bothered to vote.


That's good, they won't be a problem because they don't have any expectations. I wish that nattering idiot would get lost so the adults can have a peaceful discussion! :)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Tax payers of course. It's the style of governance we want according to democracy.

They're doing right by the Trumpites. The province is turning a profit.

(Pssst - don't tell the Trumpites that it's a Liberal government. We wouldn't want their heads to explode)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
According to the Constitution of the United States, the federal government was established for six specific purposes. These purposes include unity, justice, domestic tranquility, defense, promotion of the general welfare of the citizens and securing liberty for all.

The primary purpose of business is to make money. A business may sell a product or provide a service in its effort to make money for its owner or owners.

Yikes. What a terrible world you envision.

Yeah I know how much your kind hates a debt free government.

Hey idiot! Every organization has to do that. My family even has to do that. Only a moron would think government should run like a business.

See above. We know you are a socialist.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Yeah I know how much your kind hates a debt free government.

? my kind? a human? animal? bipedal? female? naked ape? brown haired? blue eyed? tattoo'd?
pierced ears? pet owning? volunteer? full time worker? hiker?

please, elucidate