Ted Kennedy's "Seat" goes to the Republicans


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Yes I did and I also critisized him. I was happy to see him go. However I wasn't full of hatred for the guy.

Must have missed it, all I saw was unwavering defense of him and his incompetent administration.

I hate the man for all the death he has caused for no reason. For starting an unjustified war, wrecking the world economy, adding record debt, fumbling and stumbling during Katrina, spitting on your constitution, botching the occupation in Iraq, botching the war in Afghanistan and you don't hate the man.....Wow.

People hate Obama because he wants to make sure every American has access to affordable health care.....how dare he.:roll:

Oh...what do I get?

I'll send you some Canadian beaver.:p

That is a good analogy when it comes to American Politics. The feeling here is that the Democrats and Obama are focused on progressive legislation as opposed to fixing what has been broke...the economy. That was the message.

Well I think they have been working on that, but it will take time. I'm not sure if you realize how close we all were to a global depression because of what was going on in the U.S.

I don't know that it can be fixed, it's still a mess and I still can't figure out how you guys are gonna pay down your debt and stop creating an economy based on that....it's just not sustainable anymore. I highly doubt Obama or any other leader has the magic powers needed to fix it, they haven't even put regulations in place to prevent the greed form making it happen all over again because of the real enemy....lobbyists.

I guess time will tell....good luck with that.

Well I've seen PLENTY of that here. Our mods are always busy with the green ink. And apparently there aren't any better Canadian Forums than CanCon. You're back aren't you? ;-)

Oh I don't think you realize how awful some forums are in the USA....here, check this one out?

Never seen such hatred on a Canadian site before.

There are other Canadian forums btw....here's one that is pretty good.

Back? What does that mean?



kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Is there another way around it?

Yepper. You can opt to pay your own way with Blue Cross or some such. If folks like yourself have their way, JLM, we will all probably be dealing with private insurance providers (spoken loosley) . Do you really believe private companies have your best interests at heart?

There is a reason the Americans are trying so desperately to obtain a working healthcare model which will not bankrupt them. Private ain't the way to go.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yepper. You can opt to pay your own way with Blue Cross or some such. If folks like yourself have their way, JLM, we will all probably be dealing with private insurance providers (spoken loosley) . Do you really believe private companies have your best interests at heart?

There is a reason the Americans are trying so desperately to obtain a working healthcare model which will not bankrupt them. Private ain't the way to go.

Most of them probably don't, but any outfit that has a picket line in proximity to a hospital doesn't either. With a private outfit (there's enough of them) you don't like it you just take your business elsewhere. I for one would give BCAA a shot at covering me.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
The way the system was set up, the way Tommy Douglas envisioned it was a great system. What consequent governments have done to it is a crime. In BC, Campbell gutted the system and created havoc, closing hospitals and laying off staff, privatizing cleaning and food departments and centralizing hospitals so that now, remote communities like Nakusp have to drive over two hours to get to any sort of specialist or to get minor surgery. I had to take a four hour ambulance ride to Kelowna when I had heart failure. This is not how the system was designed. It is no longer equitable and the medical system itself is self abusive.

Cliff, that is one of the best summaries I've read on our system...I don't know how you managed to cram all that into one paragraph, but "ya' done good!"

And, I think it's on topic as health care was the main plank in Brown's platform. The U.S. has a huge opportunity to make things better for those who don't have health care coverage but I hope - for their sake - they can learn something from our experience.

Perhaps the big lesson would be not to take an "all or nothing" attitude toward a health care system...in other words, government doesn't have to take it all over and run it in order to achieve the objective. And, it doesn't all have to be left in the hands of the private sector either.

There's a whole lot to be said for individual ingenuity in something like this...there are always ways to make the system more responsive to "customer needs" and cost less at the same time...we just don't seem to look for them. As soon as something becomes a government responsibility, the quest for 'efficiency' seems to take a back seat. Everything becomes an average, a compromise, and something less than innovative. I believe that happens because of "moving political targets", and you pointed out the result in your statement, "What consequent governments have done to it is a crime."

I really Obama and his people have the opportunity to sit down and hammer out some kind of an arrangement that would take advantage of both sides of the coin - the public aspect to ensure everyone is covered, and the innovation that exists throughout the private sector, which could keep costs under control and provide the best service possible. In fact, if they really could take down the fence between the two sides, they might well be able to create the best health care system in the world.

The election of Brown could be the first step, if extreme politics doesn't mess it all up.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Where IS Sir Joseph Porter??????????????????

I guess he must have remembered a very important engagement elsewhere.....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Where IS Sir Joseph Porter??????????????????

I guess he must have remembered a very important engagement elsewhere.....

He said he was going travelling and probably for him just as well. The Reps moving into Boston would give him apoplexy or an ulcer.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
He said he was going travelling and probably for him just as well. The Reps moving into Boston would give him apoplexy or an ulcer.

Yeah, he's on vacation...any idea how long he'll be gone? His absence is creating a lack of balance on this thread. He's always given me his sage advice and now I miss his comments! :-|


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yeah, he's on vacation...any idea how long he'll be gone? His absence is creating a lack of balance on this thread. He's always given me his sage advice and now I miss his comments! :-|

No I don't, but I'm sure we'll hear from him the moment he steps in the door.........:lol::lol:


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
No I don't, but I'm sure we'll hear from him the moment he steps in the door.........:lol::lol:

I have a feeling you're right. I hope he's resting up and relaxing because I think he'll be busy...looking forward to some spirited exchanges of viewpoints and stimulating discussions... :-?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I have a feeling you're right. I hope he's resting up and relaxing because I think he'll be busy...looking forward to some spirited exchanges of viewpoints and stimulating discussions... :-?

At risk of disclosing my nasty side, I have a lot of fun just teasing him................:lol::lol::lol:


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
At risk of disclosing my nasty side, I have a lot of fun just teasing him................:lol::lol::lol:

Quite so, JLM. I'm not speaking for SirJP, but I recall that he told me he likes to have fun on the forum, so perhaps you're on the same wavelength as him! :lol:


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Here is a copy of a letter I just received from my nephew who lives in Boston.

... for possibly the first time in a many days, today I woke up feeling proud to be a resident of the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts ... what a great Tuesday night it was watching the election results come in... all this after they said a Republican couldn't be elected to "Ted Kennedy's Senate seat"... I guess they forgot that it's the People's seat... glad we had Scott Brown to remind them... even the Messiahs' visit on Sunday couldn't save that bitch Coakley... I couldn't even get close to the polls yesterday... total gridlock... parked downtown and walked a mile in the snow to vote for Scott Brown... grabbed a campaign sign and proudly walked past the cars sitting in traffic on the way back to my car... beeps, waves and thumbs up... you could feel the change in the air... it was palpable... change we can believe in... the rising of the tide of discontent... I was so proud to be a part of it... how fitting that the birthplace of American freedom and independence should fire the next shot heard around the world... and start the new revolution!

I hope it puts Obama and the rest of his arrogant cronies, like that useless deranged old hippie Next Tuesday Nancy Pelosi, on notice. Start packing your bags, YOU'RE FIRED! I also hope that fat, bloated, drunken, melon headed, corrupt donkey Ted Kennedy is rolling over in his grave at the probably death of his life's work... socialist heath care.

It all just seemed so right and fitting that this should happen of the eve of Obama's first anniversary in office. Watch this video, it's beautiful! We can't forget come November! It's time to take back the country. I'll let you tell Bonnie.



Very interesting viewpoint from a Bostonian...thanks for posting it. I take it that one of the reasons for the Democrat's loss was taking it for granted...of course, the news reports told us some of that, but again, it's interesting to hear from one of the "real people" on this.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Quite so, JLM. I'm not speaking for SirJP, but I recall that he told me he likes to have fun on the forum, so perhaps you're on the same wavelength as him! :lol:

I'm not sure I'd go that far- if he finds the ridicule and insults "fun", then he must be just ecstatic when someone agrees with him........................sort of like the Little Moron who liked beating his head against the wall because when he stopped it felt good.. :lol::lol::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Very interesting viewpoint from a Bostonian...thanks for posting it. I take it that one of the reasons for the Democrat's loss was taking it for granted...of course, the news reports told us some of that, but again, it's interesting to hear from one of the "real people" on this.

I'm not sure I'd go to the same extreme, but I'd say he definitely touched on shades of truth about Teddy.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States

Another relative heard from, boy we can sure count on Massachusetts when the country is in real trouble.

Well, today is a great day for America . I put on my Curt Schilling Red Sox jersey to make my way through the heavy snowstorm in Ipswich , Mass to cast my vote for our next Senator, Scott Brown. Perhaps it was indicative of the pending outcome, but as I sat in the long line of cars waiting to turn into the YMCA voting area, the Martha Coakley sign bearer gave up the task and headed for warmer indoor cover while the two Scott Brown enthusiasts continued to hold their signs high and wave to the passersby. I had worried that the snowstorm might deter the elderly citizens of Ipswich from coming out despite their hatred of the political plans to ruin their health coverage, but I was happily wrong. The senior citizens could be seen in the YMCA voting in droves and I think my wife and I, both in our 40’s, were the youngest there !

After casting our votes and heading out of the YMCA, again seeing the Scott Brown supporters braving the storm, it got me thinking about just why Scott Brown was going to win this election. While I was voting for Scott Brown based on his 30 years and running as an Army Officer, his stance on controlling spending, tax breaks to stimulate the economy, and his stance to fix healthcare without destroying it, there were many other reasons me and other Conservatives across Massachusetts to cast our votes his way. Here are a few of those reasons…

  • This was sticking it to Martha Coakley for being so arrogant and so pretentious, and for things like crucifying the innocent Amirault family for her own career advancement.

  • This was for Mary Jo Kopechne who was killed at Chappaquiddick while the drunk that caused her death used his family’s influence to escape punishment and live out his years as a Massachusetts Senator. May that seat now finally be filled with someone of Honor like Scott Brown.

  • This was sticking it to President Obama for sticking his nose into Massachusetts law enforcement and telling them they “acted stupidly” and worsening race relations in this country instead of improving it like some thought he could.

  • This was sticking it to the corrupt, liberal Massachusetts judges who legislated gay marriage from the bench instead of allowing the citizens to vote on the issue as a democracy should.

  • This was sticking it to Eric Holder, who felt that after electing the first ever black president he needed to call us a “nation of cowards” and now wants to grant terrorists the same judicial rights as those afforded to citizens of the United States.

  • This was sticking it to Harry Reid for trying to ram an ill planned healthcare program down America’s throat and who doesn’t believe that dark skinned people with accents should have a chance at running for President.

  • This was sticking it to Nancy Pelosi for supporting “anything goes” partial-birth and late term abortions, condemning the successful Iraq troop surge, and her entire socialist agenda that harms America .

  • This was sticking it to Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Rahm Emanual who wanted to take advantage of America while she was down by actually admitting that you “never waste a good crisis”.

  • This is for the fear-mongering Al Gore who has dramatically overstated the true climate change scenario to help line his own pockets and re-empower himself while hurting American businesses.

  • This was sticking it to Bill Clinton for de-regulating Wall Street by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act which had been in place since the depression to keep banks from gaining too much power and taking on too much risk, ultimately leading to the recent crash.

  • This is sticking it to the Obama administration for increasing stimulus spending on the false premise that doing so would keep unemployment below 8% while we watched it balloon to over 10%.

  • This was for Conservative citizens who were fed up with Obama’s Socialist agenda and distain for the US Constitution while his liberal lackeys used the derogatory term “Tea Baggers” to describe us.

So, there are many reasons why Scott Brown was elected as Massachusetts Senator today. And, if Scott Brown can win in what many describe as the liberalist of the liberal Blue States, what does that say about America’s opinion of the Obama administration, their agenda, and the overall dissatisfaction with all of the other current politicians on Capital Hill? What will this mean for next November? That’s why today is a great day for America . America is at its best when it is fairly represented with balanced, transparent leaders who will follow the Constitution and work for what’s best for America . I believe Scott Brown will do that for us, and I believe that we’re in for true “hope and change” next November as well ! Great day America , great day !




Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Ironsides...this is much better "coverage" of that election that I could find on TV...good and very insightful stuff! Thanks for posting...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Ironsides...this is much better "coverage" of that election that I could find on TV...good and very insightful stuff! Thanks for posting...
Except for Fox you won't find much coverage because the MSM's big boy has lost favour.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"This was for Mary Jo Kopechne who was killed at Chappaquiddick while the drunk that caused her death used his family’s influence to escape punishment and live out his years as a Massachusetts Senator. May that seat now finally be filled with someone of Honor like Scott Brown."

Don't forget Kennedy's private pilot who died in a plane crash in the fog, flying into Hyannisport on orders from young Teddy, after he advised Teddy that he wanted to land elsewhere because he didn't feel he could land safely at Hyannisport.