So, how about that Syrian chemical attack thing?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Blah, blah, blah. Using that logic, Hitler was a Zionist. After all, his actions were instrumental in helping to re-create the state of Israel.
You should be referencing the House of Rothschild for all aspect of both World Wars. Feel free to explain the 'bump' for the Jesish population starting the very same time the Rothschild's started financing the re-creation of Israel. How (not so) strange that the bumps actually produces the exact number of Jews who were supposed tto have died in that war.
Educate yourself so you don't look so stupid in the future.

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (Complete)

Benjamin H. Freedman's excellent speech on how World War One (and Two) really started and why the U.S. was eventually drawn in.

Lies don't have to be debunked but criminal activities do.

Meanwhile, those "nasty Joo$" have supposedly been taking over the world for the last 500-700 years. They sure are taking their sweet time about it.
You having a hard time spelling 'Jews'??
They conquered England when Napoleon was alive. Being Jewish (in reality or just a blind Gentile follower) certainly hasn't made you any smarter as far as knowing what the facts are and what the lies are.
He had 15 years to debunk the lies, yet he didn't, is that because of the laughter that would follow???

The Rothschild Libel: Why has it taken 200 years for an anti-Semitic slur that emerged from the Battle of Waterloo to be dismissed? | The Independent
Here is the story that "Satan" told.
Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the London branch of the bank, was a spectator on the battlefield that day in June 1815 and, as night fell, he observed the total defeat of the French army. This was what he was waiting for. A relay of fast horses rushed him to the Belgian coast, but there he found to his fury that a storm had confined all ships to port. Undaunted – "Does greed admit anything is impossible?" asked Satan – he paid a king's ransom to a fisherman to ferry him through wind and waves to England.
Reaching London 24 hours before official word of Wellington's victory, Rothschild exploited his knowledge to make a killing on the Stock Exchange. "In a single coup," announced the pamphlet, "he gained 20 million francs."
Beyond all doubt this tale was anti-Semitic in intent. Satan was in reality a left-wing controversialist called Georges Dairnvaell, who made no attempt to hide his loathing for Jews –and the Rothschilds in particular. Though they had been little known in 1815, by 1846 the Rothschilds had become the Rockefellers or the Gateses of their age, their name a byword for fabulous wealth. Nathan himself had died in 1836 and so could not rebut the claims.

Only a benign entity could end up owing so many banks right??
Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family | Humans Are Free

Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

Just like the alleged "genocide" of Palestinians. You know, despite ethnic Palestinians being one of the fastest growing demographics on the planet over the last 30-35 years.
That is not a term I have used so spare me you propaganda. The facts are Jews cry loudly should they come under any persecution, real or imagined and that would include graffiti that would be considered to be anti-semitic yet they also want no condemnation for exiling 650,000 Arabs from their legal homes. Al, the wars that followed were fake wars started by Jewish liars, exposed by a Jew who was the son of a general who was there in the early days. Time to take off your rose-colored glasses that make you believe that jews can do no wrong.

Start at the 6:00 mark and turn up the volume so the words actually make it to the thinking parts of your brain. (or is he a lying Jews who hates his own heritage?)

Miko Peled Seattle. Oct. 1, 2012


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Read calm down, nothing will happen right away. The arrangment is strange but understandable. War might yet be contained.

Banks are an important source of vitamin C.

Not quite as bad as you...

The syrians killed are the ones fighting ISUS dum dum, which is run by the US, which is NOW run by zionists from zionville:
Assad had ISUS on the run and the US just helped ISUS
The only winner here is Rothschild owned ISRAEL

I don't expect you to get that, you ain't got the parts...but possibly some readers will

Nothing will save Israel, it is to be Holocausted in the end by it's very makers and the tears will flow for generations to come, same as they do now, the violins will cry for for ten thousand years. Yeah sure


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Remember Trump to Obama??

"The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!"

Trump repeatedly to Obama in 2013: Don't attack Syria -

Gotta Love Trump..

Let me see if I have this right......

ES brings up posts of yours that are completely contradictory to what you post now and that is considered "not cool".

You, however, bring up posts from "The Donald" from a few years ago that are contradictory to what he posts or does now and that is perfectly fine.

That about cover it?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Let me see if I have this right......

ES brings up posts of yours that are completely contradictory to what you post now and that is considered "not cool".

You, however, bring up posts from "The Donald" from a few years ago that are contradictory to what he posts or does now and that is perfectly fine.

That about cover it?

Obviously your another Trumptard? LOL

Let's get something more recent..

Trump feels bad about Syrian Children being gassed to death, so long as they don't come to the United States as a refugees..


Hillary Clinton: Trump can't 'speak of protecting Syrian babies' while pushing a ban of refugees -


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

Obviously your another Trumptard? LOL

Let's get something more recent..

Trump feels bad about Syrian Children being gassed to death, so long as they don't come to the United States as a refugees..


Hillary Clinton: Trump can't 'speak of protecting Syrian babies' while pushing a ban of refugees -

ROFLMFAO......... far from it.

One, I'm not american

Two, for the most part I don't give a rats ass what they do down there.

I was just pointing out how much like ES you are.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I was just pointing out how much like ES you are.

Could care less what ES quotes..they will be shipping his ass off to the Middle East to fight Trumps war with Iran, Hamas, Syria and Russia soon enough. 8O

Well as automation is stealing jobs and more and more are unemployed, a good war in the middle east should weed out the chaff. Bring in the draft.

War is always great for the Economy.. definitely would make America Great Again.. ;)



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
That's rich, you accusing others of lying. roflmfao

you just blew the chance to prove you are not one
with a content free post

Could care less what ES quotes..they will be shipping his ass off to the Middle East to fight Trumps war with Iran, Hamas, Syria and Russia soon enough. 8O

Well as automation is stealing jobs and more and more are unemployed, a good war in the middle east should weed out the chaff. Bring in the draft.


Thats obama's war there Mr short memory, the one he started just after he got that peace prize
Assad must go, Obama says
By Scott Wilson and Joby Warrick August 18, 2011

I see why you guys aren't big on citations


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
49 million bucks worth
7 dead
...and NO PROOF of poison gas
( refer to the UN assessment - no poison gas left in syria unless it came from TURKEY like it did before)...
your fotos were not proof, unless there was a UFO or something there)

after NO WMDs in Iraq, not to mention the other TWO times it wasn't ASSAD doing the poison gas thing in syria, you'd think people would learn
$1.9M per shot is $118M

War is always great for the Economy.. definitely would make America Great Again.. ;)

You have to win it for that to happen. The US is on a losing strike as far back as Vietnam. They couldn't even keep Iran in line as shown by the successful revolt in 1979. They can still go downhill so they will be asking Haiti for assistance.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
One of the dumbest shows that ever hit the airwaves. explains why she married you though.

Some more entertainment for you. lol.

Is This The Beginning Of The End For U.S. Empire? | Zero Hedge
Before I get into the meat of this post, I want to revisit something I wrote back in January.
From the post, Very Powerful People in the U.S. Government Want War – This is Their Sales Pitch:
We need to understand that those who want this war will be absolutely relentless. The sales pitch will not end until they get exactly what they want. This is where all of us critical thinkers need to play a key role. We must be prepared to diligently analyze all unsubstantiated official claims, and push back against the war-mongers, because we know for certain the oligarch-owned corporate media won’t. We must be prepared to inform our fellow citizens about what’s happening so that we don’t fall victim to a cheap sales pitch with devastating consequences. Unfortunately, we must also be prepared for a possible deep state false flag if the current sales tactic falls on deaf ears.

America cannot win a global war of such a scale if it is based on false pretenses and in the absence of exceedingly strong public support. This support does not exist. Will this serve as a necessary restraint against the masters of war and their devious plans? It’s too early to tell, but I do know that if we are unnecessarily pushed into a global conflagration, it will not end well for us. If this is the road our twisted status quo insists on taking us down, let us never forget who they are and the self-serving motivations behind their actions.
Four months later, the deep state got exactly what it wanted. Trump’s weaknesses have been identified and exploited, and he’s successfully been manipulated into neocon foreign policy like George W. Bush and Barack Obama before him. I’ve spent much of the past several months warning about exactly what happened last night, but the die is now cast. There’s no turning back from the path we’re on.
And don’t give me this garbage about Trump playing “4D chess.” Trump’s a brilliant salesman, and that’s about it. There’s nothing special or superior about Donald Trump intellectually, and he’s one of the most unwise people to ever become President. There was a hope he meant what he said about non-interventionism during the campaign, but that hope should be entirely extinguished at this point. Trump is a very weak man desperately looking for praise from those he claims to hate.
The purpose of today’s post is not to discuss what happened last night. All of you have read the news by now. My intent today is to explain what I think this means for the years ahead. I believe last night’s strike represents the beginning of the end for U.S. empire. Although the U.S. has been declining domestically for this entire century, America has still been calling all the shots on the international front. This makes sense in late-stage empire, as the focus of the fat and happy “elite” becomes singularly obsessed with domination and power, while the situation back home festers and rots.
Trump won on an “America first” platform that promised to emphasize the well-being of American citizens over geopolitical adventurism. We now know for certain he’s been manipulated into the imperial mindset, and his recklessness will merely accelerate U.S. decline on the world stage, and in turn, back home.
If anyone’s playing 4D chess it’s Russia. Russia is anti-fragile at this point, as has been proved by Putin’s survival in the face of economic sanctions, a collapsing ruble and a plunge in oil prices. Putin is still standing and arguably as powerful as ever. Not to mention the fact that the USSR completely disintegrated and collapsed within the past 30 years. They’ve been through a lot as a people. Meanwhile, the U.S. is extraordinarily fragile and weak by comparison, a distinction that will become quite obvious to us all in the years ahead. I don’t say this with any hint of glee or schadenfreude, I’m just stating the facts as I see them.
None of this implies that Russia’s leadership are a bunch of good people by any means. What I am saying is that they are a thousand times more strategic and intelligent compared to U.S. leadership.
To prove the point, this would be a good time to review a post I published back in 2014, Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Here’s some of what I noted:
There are two reasons I think the following remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are so important.

First, as someone who spends much of his time analyzing and critiquing the many destructive policy decisions made by American “leaders,” I was shocked to find how accurate his description of the U.S. power structure’s mindset seems to be. He gets it, and he is more or less trying to warn the world that America’s leaders are basically power-drunk children. I concur.

Second, Lavrov also describes the negative impact that this behavior has had on the Russian psyche generally. He expresses dismay that the U.S. status quo sees the world as unipolar, and attempts to tackle every problem from the perspective that might is right. In no uncertain terms, Lavrov makes it clear that Russia will not stand for this. I don’t think the Russians are bluffing, so this is a very dangerous situation.

If there was actually someone in the U.S. State Department capable of such introspective and clear thinking, we might actually defuse this situation. Don’t hold your breath.
You should really read the entire post to see Lavrov’s comments for yourself in order to truly understand why I came to the above conclusions.

If the French can catch on to the false flag then just how stupid are Americans?? Answer: Very, very stupid indeed.

Assad is responsible for the US Strikes on Syria. Really? French folk mock their leadership's line - Fort Russ
Assad is responsible for the US Strikes on Syria. Really? French folk mock their leadership's line

This is what the merdias serve us as per usual. No evidence of anything! Just like Saddam Hussein with his massive weapons. [Merdia, of course is a mix of merde (sh*T) and media --tr]

Why would Assad do the inconceivable when the US made it clear that Syria was no longer a priority! Think of it ... Manipulation from the get-go.

Did anybody wait for an investigation? I am the first to say that if the investigation shows that these chemical attacks came from Assad, it will be necessary to intervene as quickly as possible and drag him in a straitjacket before the international tribunal. But that should have been foundational. Step one. But no inquiry, no retrospection for seeing clearly.

The SOBs who find it messy to have a Sunni crescent from Arabia to Turkey -- tainted by a few Shiites and Alawites and Christians -- want, cost what it may, to be done with Assad and the minorities of the Near East. What a shame ! How many betrayals. And of course, the American strikes, under the effect of emotion, not of reason, brought the poodles out of their niche.

Holland jubilates: "I have been telling you for a long time that we have to intervene in Syria". Hurrah, the opportunity is unexpected! Yes, but on whose account Mr. Hollande? And Macron, the voice of his master: Woof wouof! to tell you what awaits us if he gets elected. The nul in geo, the nul in history and we will give him the nuclear codes? Look at the side of Arabia and Qatar, Messieurs Macron, Hamon! At the ones who are the basis of all this chaos in Syria.

Everyone knows that Jibhat Al Nosra and other criminal organizations hold chemical weapons. Everyone - politicians - knows today that all low blows are allowed to these scoundrels. But shh, Assad is the criminal. Your evidence coming from bands of clowns?

And if they do not know it's even more serious. They have forgotten the decapitations, the rapes, the slavery that they practiced, those who are designated as rebels? Bizarre, it does not make headlines, knowing that every day carries its share of crime and horror, by whom? By those who fight Assad. Yes there is opposition in Syria, but Syria has been largely infiltrated by the waste of humanity.

It is hallucinogenic seeing how justice, truth and honor get hidden away for basically material interests. They absolutely want to get their pipeline through Syria, and Assad must be got rid of as quickly as possible, at any price. Then all the lies are legitimate.

Donald Trump acted emotionally, which in my opinion is a monumental mistake for a leader of a country like the US. I have great difficulty in believing this error. When one is president, one reflects and seeks truth. What a desappointment!
I hope that they do not stir with Russia, for Vladimir Putin has shown us what he is capable of.

The circumstances of the alleged chemical attack against the Khan Sheikhun settlement remain unknown, with many experts preferring not to hurry with a final verdict. However, it didn't prevent the US from launching missile attacks on Syria "in response."

Funnily enough, at that same moment when US President Donald Trump violated the "Western values," he received a standing ovation from Europe's top politicians. Trump whom European political elites mercilessly criticized for all his political strategies, won their consent and approval when he attacked Syria without waiting for the results of the investigation, journalist and researcher Tilo Gräser wrote for Sputnik Germany.
On April 6, commenting on the alleged use of chemical weapons against the Khan Sheikun community in Syria, expert on chemical weapons Ralf Trapp said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk that "first it was necessary to find out the circumstances and understand what kind of chemical agent — if it was a chemical agent — was used."
In particular, Trapp demanded an "independent and thorough investigation" and insisted that the Russian and Syrian sides should take part in it. Only this way, Trapp said, it would be possible to answer the two questions: "Was this an attack during which poisonous substances were used, and if so, what kind of poison was that? What evidence do we have, who is responsible for this, what actually happened and how?"
Washington's show of force in Syria highlights its approach to sparking wars, Vietnamese defense analyst Colonel Le The Mau told Sputnik, drawing a parallel between the Pentagon's massive airstrike against Damascus and the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the United States' full-scale military involvement in Vietnam.

"The missile attack on an air base in Syria has put a spotlight on the way America's war machine sparks aggressive wars against sovereign states. US authorities have succeeded in using different pretexts to achieve this," he said. "The Vietnamese will never forget the Gulf of Tonkin incident … which the United States used to launch a deadly war that ended for them in defeat."
The Gulf of Tonkin incident and the subsequent Gulf of Tonkin Resolution enabled then President Lyndon B. Johnson to drastically escalate America's military presence in Southeast Asia, sending the US military to fight North Vietnam. The events which took place in August 1964 remain highly disputed, with historian largely doubting that Hanoi attacked the US Armed Forces.
In a comment for Sputnik Vietnam, Colonel Le The Mau mentioned other similar incidents. For instance, in 1999, President Bill Clinton authorized the bombing campaign in Yugoslavia "under a far-fetched pretext of protecting the rights of Kosovo Albanians oppressed by Slobodan Milosevic," the analyst pointed out.
This practice appears to be particularly widespread in the 21 century.
"In 2001, President George W. Bush launched a war in Afghanistan to 'fight terrorism.' In 2003, he carried out a military intervention in Iraq under the non-existent pretext of Baghdad storing chemical weapons. In 2011, Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama started a war in Libya to 'establish a no-fly zone.' He then got involved in the Syrian conflict 'to fight terrorism.' And now President Donald Trump, who has been in the White House less than three months, has committed aggression against Syria because the Syrian Army has ostensibly 'used chemical weapons against the opposition,'" Colonel Le The Mau said.

For the reading impaired.
Syria Chemical Attack: Push For Ousting Bashar al-Assad

Do any of you understand anything?

Or is this just a pissing contest?
If you can't tell the difference that makes you the stupidest on on the thread,
PS, Pleased to meet you. How do you like me so far???


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
One of the dumbest shows that ever hit the airwaves. explains why she married you though.

Some more entertainment for you. lol.

Is This The Beginning Of The End For U.S. Empire? | Zero Hedge
Before I get into the meat of this post, I want to revisit something I wrote back in January.
From the post, Very Powerful People in the U.S. Government Want War – This is Their Sales Pitch:
We need to understand that those who want this war will be absolutely relentless. The sales pitch will not end until they get exactly what they want. This is where all of us critical thinkers need to play a key role. We must be prepared to diligently analyze all unsubstantiated official claims, and push back against the war-mongers, because we know for certain the oligarch-owned corporate media won’t. We must be prepared to inform our fellow citizens about what’s happening so that we don’t fall victim to a cheap sales pitch with devastating consequences. Unfortunately, we must also be prepared for a possible deep state false flag if the current sales tactic falls on deaf ears.

America cannot win a global war of such a scale if it is based on false pretenses and in the absence of exceedingly strong public support. This support does not exist. Will this serve as a necessary restraint against the masters of war and their devious plans? It’s too early to tell, but I do know that if we are unnecessarily pushed into a global conflagration, it will not end well for us. If this is the road our twisted status quo insists on taking us down, let us never forget who they are and the self-serving motivations behind their actions.
Four months later, the deep state got exactly what it wanted. Trump’s weaknesses have been identified and exploited, and he’s successfully been manipulated into neocon foreign policy like George W. Bush and Barack Obama before him. I’ve spent much of the past several months warning about exactly what happened last night, but the die is now cast. There’s no turning back from the path we’re on.
And don’t give me this garbage about Trump playing “4D chess.” Trump’s a brilliant salesman, and that’s about it. There’s nothing special or superior about Donald Trump intellectually, and he’s one of the most unwise people to ever become President. There was a hope he meant what he said about non-interventionism during the campaign, but that hope should be entirely extinguished at this point. Trump is a very weak man desperately looking for praise from those he claims to hate.
The purpose of today’s post is not to discuss what happened last night. All of you have read the news by now. My intent today is to explain what I think this means for the years ahead. I believe last night’s strike represents the beginning of the end for U.S. empire. Although the U.S. has been declining domestically for this entire century, America has still been calling all the shots on the international front. This makes sense in late-stage empire, as the focus of the fat and happy “elite” becomes singularly obsessed with domination and power, while the situation back home festers and rots.
Trump won on an “America first” platform that promised to emphasize the well-being of American citizens over geopolitical adventurism. We now know for certain he’s been manipulated into the imperial mindset, and his recklessness will merely accelerate U.S. decline on the world stage, and in turn, back home.
If anyone’s playing 4D chess it’s Russia. Russia is anti-fragile at this point, as has been proved by Putin’s survival in the face of economic sanctions, a collapsing ruble and a plunge in oil prices. Putin is still standing and arguably as powerful as ever. Not to mention the fact that the USSR completely disintegrated and collapsed within the past 30 years. They’ve been through a lot as a people. Meanwhile, the U.S. is extraordinarily fragile and weak by comparison, a distinction that will become quite obvious to us all in the years ahead. I don’t say this with any hint of glee or schadenfreude, I’m just stating the facts as I see them.
None of this implies that Russia’s leadership are a bunch of good people by any means. What I am saying is that they are a thousand times more strategic and intelligent compared to U.S. leadership.
To prove the point, this would be a good time to review a post I published back in 2014, Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Here’s some of what I noted:
There are two reasons I think the following remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are so important.

First, as someone who spends much of his time analyzing and critiquing the many destructive policy decisions made by American “leaders,” I was shocked to find how accurate his description of the U.S. power structure’s mindset seems to be. He gets it, and he is more or less trying to warn the world that America’s leaders are basically power-drunk children. I concur.

Second, Lavrov also describes the negative impact that this behavior has had on the Russian psyche generally. He expresses dismay that the U.S. status quo sees the world as unipolar, and attempts to tackle every problem from the perspective that might is right. In no uncertain terms, Lavrov makes it clear that Russia will not stand for this. I don’t think the Russians are bluffing, so this is a very dangerous situation.

If there was actually someone in the U.S. State Department capable of such introspective and clear thinking, we might actually defuse this situation. Don’t hold your breath.
You should really read the entire post to see Lavrov’s comments for yourself in order to truly understand why I came to the above conclusions.

If the French can catch on to the false flag then just how stupid are Americans?? Answer: Very, very stupid indeed.

Assad is responsible for the US Strikes on Syria. Really? French folk mock their leadership's line - Fort Russ
Assad is responsible for the US Strikes on Syria. Really? French folk mock their leadership's line

This is what the merdias serve us as per usual. No evidence of anything! Just like Saddam Hussein with his massive weapons. [Merdia, of course is a mix of merde (sh*T) and media --tr]

Why would Assad do the inconceivable when the US made it clear that Syria was no longer a priority! Think of it ... Manipulation from the get-go.

Did anybody wait for an investigation? I am the first to say that if the investigation shows that these chemical attacks came from Assad, it will be necessary to intervene as quickly as possible and drag him in a straitjacket before the international tribunal. But that should have been foundational. Step one. But no inquiry, no retrospection for seeing clearly.

The SOBs who find it messy to have a Sunni crescent from Arabia to Turkey -- tainted by a few Shiites and Alawites and Christians -- want, cost what it may, to be done with Assad and the minorities of the Near East. What a shame ! How many betrayals. And of course, the American strikes, under the effect of emotion, not of reason, brought the poodles out of their niche.

Holland jubilates: "I have been telling you for a long time that we have to intervene in Syria". Hurrah, the opportunity is unexpected! Yes, but on whose account Mr. Hollande? And Macron, the voice of his master: Woof wouof! to tell you what awaits us if he gets elected. The nul in geo, the nul in history and we will give him the nuclear codes? Look at the side of Arabia and Qatar, Messieurs Macron, Hamon! At the ones who are the basis of all this chaos in Syria.

Everyone knows that Jibhat Al Nosra and other criminal organizations hold chemical weapons. Everyone - politicians - knows today that all low blows are allowed to these scoundrels. But shh, Assad is the criminal. Your evidence coming from bands of clowns?

And if they do not know it's even more serious. They have forgotten the decapitations, the rapes, the slavery that they practiced, those who are designated as rebels? Bizarre, it does not make headlines, knowing that every day carries its share of crime and horror, by whom? By those who fight Assad. Yes there is opposition in Syria, but Syria has been largely infiltrated by the waste of humanity.

It is hallucinogenic seeing how justice, truth and honor get hidden away for basically material interests. They absolutely want to get their pipeline through Syria, and Assad must be got rid of as quickly as possible, at any price. Then all the lies are legitimate.

Donald Trump acted emotionally, which in my opinion is a monumental mistake for a leader of a country like the US. I have great difficulty in believing this error. When one is president, one reflects and seeks truth. What a desappointment!
I hope that they do not stir with Russia, for Vladimir Putin has shown us what he is capable of.

The circumstances of the alleged chemical attack against the Khan Sheikhun settlement remain unknown, with many experts preferring not to hurry with a final verdict. However, it didn't prevent the US from launching missile attacks on Syria "in response."

Funnily enough, at that same moment when US President Donald Trump violated the "Western values," he received a standing ovation from Europe's top politicians. Trump whom European political elites mercilessly criticized for all his political strategies, won their consent and approval when he attacked Syria without waiting for the results of the investigation, journalist and researcher Tilo Gräser wrote for Sputnik Germany.
On April 6, commenting on the alleged use of chemical weapons against the Khan Sheikun community in Syria, expert on chemical weapons Ralf Trapp said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk that "first it was necessary to find out the circumstances and understand what kind of chemical agent — if it was a chemical agent — was used."
In particular, Trapp demanded an "independent and thorough investigation" and insisted that the Russian and Syrian sides should take part in it. Only this way, Trapp said, it would be possible to answer the two questions: "Was this an attack during which poisonous substances were used, and if so, what kind of poison was that? What evidence do we have, who is responsible for this, what actually happened and how?"
Washington's show of force in Syria highlights its approach to sparking wars, Vietnamese defense analyst Colonel Le The Mau told Sputnik, drawing a parallel between the Pentagon's massive airstrike against Damascus and the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the United States' full-scale military involvement in Vietnam.

"The missile attack on an air base in Syria has put a spotlight on the way America's war machine sparks aggressive wars against sovereign states. US authorities have succeeded in using different pretexts to achieve this," he said. "The Vietnamese will never forget the Gulf of Tonkin incident … which the United States used to launch a deadly war that ended for them in defeat."
The Gulf of Tonkin incident and the subsequent Gulf of Tonkin Resolution enabled then President Lyndon B. Johnson to drastically escalate America's military presence in Southeast Asia, sending the US military to fight North Vietnam. The events which took place in August 1964 remain highly disputed, with historian largely doubting that Hanoi attacked the US Armed Forces.
In a comment for Sputnik Vietnam, Colonel Le The Mau mentioned other similar incidents. For instance, in 1999, President Bill Clinton authorized the bombing campaign in Yugoslavia "under a far-fetched pretext of protecting the rights of Kosovo Albanians oppressed by Slobodan Milosevic," the analyst pointed out.
This practice appears to be particularly widespread in the 21 century.
"In 2001, President George W. Bush launched a war in Afghanistan to 'fight terrorism.' In 2003, he carried out a military intervention in Iraq under the non-existent pretext of Baghdad storing chemical weapons. In 2011, Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama started a war in Libya to 'establish a no-fly zone.' He then got involved in the Syrian conflict 'to fight terrorism.' And now President Donald Trump, who has been in the White House less than three months, has committed aggression against Syria because the Syrian Army has ostensibly 'used chemical weapons against the opposition,'" Colonel Le The Mau said.

For the reading impaired.
Syria Chemical Attack: Push For Ousting Bashar al-Assad

If you can't tell the difference that makes you the stupidest on on the thread,
PS, Pleased to meet you. How do you like me so far???

It will take them a couple of hours to find someone to read that to them MHZ



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
One of the dumbest shows that ever hit the airwaves. explains why she married you though.

Some more entertainment for you. lol.

Is This The Beginning Of The End For U.S. Empire? | Zero Hedge
Before I get into the meat of this post, I want to revisit something I wrote back in January.
From the post, Very Powerful People in the U.S. Government Want War – This is Their Sales Pitch:
We need to understand that those who want this war will be absolutely relentless. The sales pitch will not end until they get exactly what they want. This is where all of us critical thinkers need to play a key role. We must be prepared to diligently analyze all unsubstantiated official claims, and push back against the war-mongers, because we know for certain the oligarch-owned corporate media won’t. We must be prepared to inform our fellow citizens about what’s happening so that we don’t fall victim to a cheap sales pitch with devastating consequences. Unfortunately, we must also be prepared for a possible deep state false flag if the current sales tactic falls on deaf ears.

America cannot win a global war of such a scale if it is based on false pretenses and in the absence of exceedingly strong public support. This support does not exist. Will this serve as a necessary restraint against the masters of war and their devious plans? It’s too early to tell, but I do know that if we are unnecessarily pushed into a global conflagration, it will not end well for us. If this is the road our twisted status quo insists on taking us down, let us never forget who they are and the self-serving motivations behind their actions.
Four months later, the deep state got exactly what it wanted. Trump’s weaknesses have been identified and exploited, and he’s successfully been manipulated into neocon foreign policy like George W. Bush and Barack Obama before him. I’ve spent much of the past several months warning about exactly what happened last night, but the die is now cast. There’s no turning back from the path we’re on.
And don’t give me this garbage about Trump playing “4D chess.” Trump’s a brilliant salesman, and that’s about it. There’s nothing special or superior about Donald Trump intellectually, and he’s one of the most unwise people to ever become President. There was a hope he meant what he said about non-interventionism during the campaign, but that hope should be entirely extinguished at this point. Trump is a very weak man desperately looking for praise from those he claims to hate.
The purpose of today’s post is not to discuss what happened last night. All of you have read the news by now. My intent today is to explain what I think this means for the years ahead. I believe last night’s strike represents the beginning of the end for U.S. empire. Although the U.S. has been declining domestically for this entire century, America has still been calling all the shots on the international front. This makes sense in late-stage empire, as the focus of the fat and happy “elite” becomes singularly obsessed with domination and power, while the situation back home festers and rots.
Trump won on an “America first” platform that promised to emphasize the well-being of American citizens over geopolitical adventurism. We now know for certain he’s been manipulated into the imperial mindset, and his recklessness will merely accelerate U.S. decline on the world stage, and in turn, back home.
If anyone’s playing 4D chess it’s Russia. Russia is anti-fragile at this point, as has been proved by Putin’s survival in the face of economic sanctions, a collapsing ruble and a plunge in oil prices. Putin is still standing and arguably as powerful as ever. Not to mention the fact that the USSR completely disintegrated and collapsed within the past 30 years. They’ve been through a lot as a people. Meanwhile, the U.S. is extraordinarily fragile and weak by comparison, a distinction that will become quite obvious to us all in the years ahead. I don’t say this with any hint of glee or schadenfreude, I’m just stating the facts as I see them.
None of this implies that Russia’s leadership are a bunch of good people by any means. What I am saying is that they are a thousand times more strategic and intelligent compared to U.S. leadership.
To prove the point, this would be a good time to review a post I published back in 2014, Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Here’s some of what I noted:
There are two reasons I think the following remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are so important.

First, as someone who spends much of his time analyzing and critiquing the many destructive policy decisions made by American “leaders,” I was shocked to find how accurate his description of the U.S. power structure’s mindset seems to be. He gets it, and he is more or less trying to warn the world that America’s leaders are basically power-drunk children. I concur.

Second, Lavrov also describes the negative impact that this behavior has had on the Russian psyche generally. He expresses dismay that the U.S. status quo sees the world as unipolar, and attempts to tackle every problem from the perspective that might is right. In no uncertain terms, Lavrov makes it clear that Russia will not stand for this. I don’t think the Russians are bluffing, so this is a very dangerous situation.

If there was actually someone in the U.S. State Department capable of such introspective and clear thinking, we might actually defuse this situation. Don’t hold your breath.
You should really read the entire post to see Lavrov’s comments for yourself in order to truly understand why I came to the above conclusions.

If the French can catch on to the false flag then just how stupid are Americans?? Answer: Very, very stupid indeed.

Assad is responsible for the US Strikes on Syria. Really? French folk mock their leadership's line - Fort Russ
Assad is responsible for the US Strikes on Syria. Really? French folk mock their leadership's line

This is what the merdias serve us as per usual. No evidence of anything! Just like Saddam Hussein with his massive weapons. [Merdia, of course is a mix of merde (sh*T) and media --tr]

Why would Assad do the inconceivable when the US made it clear that Syria was no longer a priority! Think of it ... Manipulation from the get-go.

Did anybody wait for an investigation? I am the first to say that if the investigation shows that these chemical attacks came from Assad, it will be necessary to intervene as quickly as possible and drag him in a straitjacket before the international tribunal. But that should have been foundational. Step one. But no inquiry, no retrospection for seeing clearly.

The SOBs who find it messy to have a Sunni crescent from Arabia to Turkey -- tainted by a few Shiites and Alawites and Christians -- want, cost what it may, to be done with Assad and the minorities of the Near East. What a shame ! How many betrayals. And of course, the American strikes, under the effect of emotion, not of reason, brought the poodles out of their niche.

Holland jubilates: "I have been telling you for a long time that we have to intervene in Syria". Hurrah, the opportunity is unexpected! Yes, but on whose account Mr. Hollande? And Macron, the voice of his master: Woof wouof! to tell you what awaits us if he gets elected. The nul in geo, the nul in history and we will give him the nuclear codes? Look at the side of Arabia and Qatar, Messieurs Macron, Hamon! At the ones who are the basis of all this chaos in Syria.

Everyone knows that Jibhat Al Nosra and other criminal organizations hold chemical weapons. Everyone - politicians - knows today that all low blows are allowed to these scoundrels. But shh, Assad is the criminal. Your evidence coming from bands of clowns?

And if they do not know it's even more serious. They have forgotten the decapitations, the rapes, the slavery that they practiced, those who are designated as rebels? Bizarre, it does not make headlines, knowing that every day carries its share of crime and horror, by whom? By those who fight Assad. Yes there is opposition in Syria, but Syria has been largely infiltrated by the waste of humanity.

It is hallucinogenic seeing how justice, truth and honor get hidden away for basically material interests. They absolutely want to get their pipeline through Syria, and Assad must be got rid of as quickly as possible, at any price. Then all the lies are legitimate.

Donald Trump acted emotionally, which in my opinion is a monumental mistake for a leader of a country like the US. I have great difficulty in believing this error. When one is president, one reflects and seeks truth. What a desappointment!
I hope that they do not stir with Russia, for Vladimir Putin has shown us what he is capable of.

The circumstances of the alleged chemical attack against the Khan Sheikhun settlement remain unknown, with many experts preferring not to hurry with a final verdict. However, it didn't prevent the US from launching missile attacks on Syria "in response."

Funnily enough, at that same moment when US President Donald Trump violated the "Western values," he received a standing ovation from Europe's top politicians. Trump whom European political elites mercilessly criticized for all his political strategies, won their consent and approval when he attacked Syria without waiting for the results of the investigation, journalist and researcher Tilo Gräser wrote for Sputnik Germany.
On April 6, commenting on the alleged use of chemical weapons against the Khan Sheikun community in Syria, expert on chemical weapons Ralf Trapp said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk that "first it was necessary to find out the circumstances and understand what kind of chemical agent — if it was a chemical agent — was used."
In particular, Trapp demanded an "independent and thorough investigation" and insisted that the Russian and Syrian sides should take part in it. Only this way, Trapp said, it would be possible to answer the two questions: "Was this an attack during which poisonous substances were used, and if so, what kind of poison was that? What evidence do we have, who is responsible for this, what actually happened and how?"
Washington's show of force in Syria highlights its approach to sparking wars, Vietnamese defense analyst Colonel Le The Mau told Sputnik, drawing a parallel between the Pentagon's massive airstrike against Damascus and the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the United States' full-scale military involvement in Vietnam.

"The missile attack on an air base in Syria has put a spotlight on the way America's war machine sparks aggressive wars against sovereign states. US authorities have succeeded in using different pretexts to achieve this," he said. "The Vietnamese will never forget the Gulf of Tonkin incident … which the United States used to launch a deadly war that ended for them in defeat."
The Gulf of Tonkin incident and the subsequent Gulf of Tonkin Resolution enabled then President Lyndon B. Johnson to drastically escalate America's military presence in Southeast Asia, sending the US military to fight North Vietnam. The events which took place in August 1964 remain highly disputed, with historian largely doubting that Hanoi attacked the US Armed Forces.
In a comment for Sputnik Vietnam, Colonel Le The Mau mentioned other similar incidents. For instance, in 1999, President Bill Clinton authorized the bombing campaign in Yugoslavia "under a far-fetched pretext of protecting the rights of Kosovo Albanians oppressed by Slobodan Milosevic," the analyst pointed out.
This practice appears to be particularly widespread in the 21 century.
"In 2001, President George W. Bush launched a war in Afghanistan to 'fight terrorism.' In 2003, he carried out a military intervention in Iraq under the non-existent pretext of Baghdad storing chemical weapons. In 2011, Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama started a war in Libya to 'establish a no-fly zone.' He then got involved in the Syrian conflict 'to fight terrorism.' And now President Donald Trump, who has been in the White House less than three months, has committed aggression against Syria because the Syrian Army has ostensibly 'used chemical weapons against the opposition,'" Colonel Le The Mau said.

For the reading impaired.
Syria Chemical Attack: Push For Ousting Bashar al-Assad

If you can't tell the difference that makes you the stupidest on on the thread,
PS, Pleased to meet you. How do you like me so far???