So, how about that Syrian chemical attack thing?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well, dying from gas is painful. Living after exposure is worse. Most are badly maimed. Compared to mustard gas, Sarin kills quicker, but I'd rather be blown up. There has been a moratorium in place for years against the use of it. Eventually, the world catches up with users.

WRT last month, it depends what side you're on and the weapons you employ.

Remember your NBCD?

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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It means that they work the way that they were designed to work, in the first place.

Originally, this type of cruise missile was equipped with nuclear warheads.
Really, ever hear of one that actually did?? Perhaps that too was a lie to double the funding. How much would the public have supported the Cold war nuclear build-up if those weapons could never be used and today the air-fuel weapons is the one used when you want the biggest bank for the buck.
You do know all that money went into the World Bank vaults instead of being used to make life easier for a lot of the population of the US. In this case you get the Admin that you paid for. Crooks down to the very last one.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I think the argument is that it's easier to just say "F*ck it" and drone a place as opposed to putting your own people in harm's way to bomb it. After all, military hardware is much easier to replace than trained/skilled operators of said hardware.
And that's a stupid argument. An F/A-18 pilot bombing a target in the Middle East is far less likely to die than a drone operator at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio is to be killed in a car accident on his way home from work.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
You say that like CNN or Israel Times are more truthful. Perhaps they get their intel from the Russian MOD and I'm quite sure they keep track of things like cruise missiles. If that is all the US has for weapons like that they shouldn't go too far from home. If Russia did have something to do with more than 50% not making it to target there is some more international sales for Russia.
BTW way when I said you were one of the brighter ones here that wasn't elevating you above your true level, it just means most are as smart as a rock. No offense but you mock all intel unless it comes from Mossad and they are the 2nd biggest liars on the planet.

That missile is decades old and new systems take a bite out of the pockets of the shareholders so you get the least effective system rather than the best that can be produced.

So your iminination has more validity than a media outlet that does not have the same bad rep as the American Media. I hope you have a 'plan B' because that train of thought is as leaky as a sieve.

The US has said they tracket the plane that did the gas attack. How much better can you get than that. Of course that was a statement that was not backed up by anything but silence and a few coughs from the back of the room.

Mig-23's are almost as old as the bi-plane yet they has mission priority.

So Russia lit a bunch of fires to destroy (non-existant) gas before the Tomohawk's arrived? You mental gymnastics are entertaining to read but if you use them to guide you life you are in deep, deep trouble even if you are connected to a group that takes care of their own.

The rebuttal article took 5 seconds to find and there are many pages of links that support the same thing. The Donald should have his phones checked as ISIS was able to capitalize on Trump's bombing of their enemy. Might I suggest he double the number next time and make the Pentegram the target as they are no use to America if tjhey have to attack a scrapyard instead of a base that is actually defended sith state of the art equipment. Notice how many time trump and the Media make it clear that Russian equipment and personnel were excluded from the retribution that came from america being shook to it's core.

Only 23 out of 59 US missiles hit target, damage is "laughable" - Syrian officer - Fort Russ
A military source from the Syrian Arab Republic has disclosed the details of the consequences of the US’ missile strike on Syria’s Sharat airfield:

"The Shayrat airfield has for six months already been used by the Syrian Army as a ‘dump’ where the Syrian Arab Republic’s armed forces' old and already decommissioned military equipment waits before being sent to scrap or dismantling for old parts.

As a result of the US missile strike, six MIG-23’s were destroyed which were being repaired and one An-26 transport plane being recycled which, according to the technical staff of the base, already had its wings and power setup dismantled by the time of the attack.

In addition to equipment of Soviet production, as a result of the strike several light-duty transport aircraft of foreign production were destroyed," the Syrian military source concluded.

According to the airfield’s servicemen, two tankers, several trucks, cars, and tractors were also destroyed.

According to experts, the total damage of the missile strike was no more than 3-5 million US dollars. At the same time, by using not so tricky math, it is clear that for recycling such old Syrian equipment the US Army lost around 90 million US dollars.

As follows from objective monitoring information, out of the 59 missiles launched, only every fourth reached its target. Only 23 to 26 missiles fell in the vicinity of the Shayrat airfield itself.

It is unlikely that these results will please American taxpayers. Despite the beautiful pictures in the media, from a military standpoint and in the context of damage to the Syrian army’s military infrastructure, the result of this strike is, at best, laughable.

From an economic standpoint, in terms of corresponding losses and the damage struck, the American side has a fiasco on its hands.

Despite the uselessness of the US strike, from a practical military point of view and from the point of view of the damage done to the Syrian army by the strike, nevertheless someone gets something out of this. This attack was immediately taken advantage of by ISIS terrorists, who immediately after the bombing went on the offensive on government troop positions in the Homs province.

This fact and the incident in September 2016 in Deir ez-Zor (when coalition aircraft bombed Syrian armed forces, after which an ISIS offensive on the city began) speak to the fact that the US is not so much fighting with terrorists in Syria as it is providing them direct military support in fighting against the Syrian army.

You forgot to include the distance between the bomb crater and the dead kids of do Syrian kids just line up along the highways??

Where is the outrage??

Mosul's civilian deaths: How the US destroyed Iraq | | Al Jazeera

In October 2016, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) strategists and commanders were fully aware of the sheer number of Iraqi armed forces that were moving in to encircle Mosul.
The operation to retake Iraq's second-largest city was officially launched last October, and in January its eastern half was declared "fully liberated". Mosul is ISIL's last major urban stronghold in Iraq.
ISIL has known for some time that its control over Mosul was coming to an end. The armed group knew that they could not match the Iraqi army and security forces' superior numbers, equipment and international support.
As the battle unfolded over the coming months, and as ISIL predictably continued to lose territory, many wonder what the armed group was actually fighting for.

A partial answer was delivered on March 17, 2017, when a coalition air strike levelled a residential area in western Mosul, killing as many as 200 civilians in the process. US forces said that they have opened an investigation, while Iraqi commanders responded bluntly that they had called in the strike to eliminate snipers who had taken positions on rooftops.
The US' sanctimonious self-image does not fit well with its own sordid history of involvement in Iraq. The US has become so involved in Iraq's modern history that its footprint can be found everywhere.

Iraqi and American commanders have suggested that the incident was the result of a carefully laid trap. According to that narrative, ISIL had deliberately been concentrating civilians together in particular buildings in the hope that they would be attacked by coalition aircraft. The immediate effect would be a pause in the bombing campaign. The long-term effect, however, was to cause for the conspiracy wheel to continue spinning.
And so it has, with great ferocity. Despite a relatively balanced government response and parliamentary debate, various media outlets have been carrying suggestions that the true death toll was much higher, and that the coalition's strategy from the start was - and had always been - to punish Iraq's Sunnis.
The rumour mill has even claimed that Iraqi and US forces took greater care to avoid civilian casualties in eastern Mosul, where there is a much larger concentration of Kurds, whereas western Mosul's larger population of Sunni Arabs were deliberately targeted.
There have been some calls to compensate relatives of those who died on March 17, 2017, but while the Coalition has not pronounced itself on that particular issue, there can be no compensation for what has happened. The Coalition has stated that its "goal is and has always been zero civilian casualties" and that "ISIS will continue to cause massive human suffering".

That should be enough to kill off all the members with a 30 second attention spans.

Half got popped when attacking a dump site. What makes you think there would be any that would get through on a 'well defended site'??

If countries now know the American cruise missiles and be defeated electronically then they just lost one of their biggest threat that get used on various nations. The big bad wolf is in words only apparently. Stealth even died once other nations found out that the universal background radiation can be used to detect.
At least the US is now admitting that the Hornet is the best aircraft they currently have and no replacement is even planned at this point in time.
See what happens when you don't bring traitors to justice.

take your pills

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
And that's a stupid argument. An F/A-18 pilot bombing a target in the Middle East is far less likely to die than a drone operator at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio is to be killed in a car accident on his way home from work.

Yeah. Well. Ohio ...war zones, eh?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

take your pills

F*ck you. That about sums it up.
No vid showing just where ever missile landed?? Not a huge surprise really. Careful, this vid is full of numbers and facks.

‘Low efficiency’: Only 23 Tomahawk missiles out of 59 reached Syrian airfield - Russian MoD

Anybody ever going to fix the problem with youtube links or are they too factual for this site as it is well known to be an Israel first place.

This is more about ending Trump than it is about how much America cares Syrian children.

CrossTalk: Trump's War

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015

‘Low efficiency’: Only 23 Tomahawk missiles out of 59 reached Syrian airfield - Russian MoD

That of course, is from the same news source that claimed that the Ukraine/the Americans/the Israelis shot down that Malaysian airliner in some big, elaborate cabal to discredit the good name of Russia.

"News for Numbskulls, everywhere."


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You forgot the link to back up your words. No linky you stinky.

Only 23 out of 59 Tomahawk missiles launched by the US Navy reached their target and hit the ash Shayrat military airfield near the Syrian city of Homs, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. The locations of the remaining 36 missiles’ impact is now unknown.
According to the statement, the US missiles destroyed a training facility, a material storage depot, a canteen, six MiG-23 aircraft in repair hangars and a radar station. Meanwhile, the airbase’s runway, taxiways and aircraft on the parking apron remained undamaged. (Photos and videos from the area)
Chief of the Directorate of Media service and Information of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Maj Gen Igor Konashenkov described the combat efficiency of the strike as “quite poor” and added that the US actions were “a gross violation” of the memorandum of understanding on flight safety in Syria between Russia and the United States. Moscow suspended the fligh memorandum with the United States earlier today.
Meanwhile, the Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement that 6 people were killed and a notable material damage delivered to the airbase as a result of the US missile strike.

Photos and video from the airbase that was attacked.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Really?? Perhaps if they had not been in the area over the last 70 years the place would be different today. Perhaps you should admit that all the deaths from both World Wars were by the World Bank's efforts to create a new Israel and that is over 100M deaths.
Blah, blah, blah. Using that logic, Hitler was a Zionist. After all, his actions were instrumental in helping to re-create the state of Israel.
Meanwhile, those "nasty Joo$" have supposedly been taking over the world for the last 500-700 years. They sure are taking their sweet time about it.
Just like the alleged "genocide" of Palestinians. You know, despite ethnic Palestinians being one of the fastest growing demographics on the planet over the last 30-35 years.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Lol...that number is from your sputnik friends.

49 million bucks worth
7 dead
...and NO PROOF of poison gas
( refer to the UN assessment - no poison gas left in syria unless it came from TURKEY like it did before)...
your fotos were not proof, unless there was a UFO or something there)

after NO WMDs in Iraq, not to mention the other TWO times it wasn't ASSAD doing the poison gas thing in syria, you'd think people would learn