So, how about that Syrian chemical attack thing?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
anyway kidlets:

a little bit of the news a few hours before the attack

Russia's showing signs of backpedaling Russia's Support for Syrian President Bashar Assad Is 'Not Unconditional,' Kremlin Says

quote "The U.S. military saw the aircraft on a radar and watched them drop the bombs, the officials said. The radar soon picked up the flashes and booms in the rebel-held area of Syria. "

‘No doubt in our minds' that Assad behind Syria attack, Rex Tillerson says – video

Sadly though, this place is overcrowded with goddamn idiots.

I saw the images of the damage, although it's released by the Russians and the Syrians, the damage seems rather minimal.

there are seperate ordinance to take care of entire runways at any rate. this was more of a precise attack on select targets.

Seems like Trump only meant to give them a one time slap on the wrist and hopes they get the message. He's wrong but there's no shame in that. If Middle-Eastern mentality wasn't hard for westerners to grasp, people wouldn't have asked what's in it for Assad to attack the rebels now with chemical weapons.

on a second thought I'm not even sure Assad meant to attack rebels.. He did target civilians purposely in the past so why would now be different, even more so when the munition he uses isn't precise and is dropped on top of residential areas...and without any warning.

and here's a fun tidbit:

CNN Interview with Syrian man doesn't go as planned

Kassem Eid, who survived a 2013 chemical gas attack in Syria, expresses his gratitude to President Trump for his missile strike of a Syrian airbase.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
anyway kidlets:
Obama reportedly declined to enforce red line in Syria after Iran threatened to back out of nuclear deal
Why Obama didn't enforce his red line in Syria - Business Insider

ah Loc... and I guess you skipped all the posts/citations about ISUS using the locals as bullet stoppers
and...ah, speaking of KIDLETS, is that Like the 500,000 kids dead in IRAQ????...
(from US sanctions, let alone the war?)
you know the dead ones albright said were worth it?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Now that Donald Trumps polls are sinking, watch for a strike against some Middle Eastern Country.. HOLD ON????

Does that mean you're going to fix it??

Funny, that worked real well in getting Obama a second term.

Enjoy the next 7.5 years


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
anyway kidlets:

a little bit of the news a few hours before the attack

Russia's showing signs of backpedaling Russia's Support for Syrian President Bashar Assad Is 'Not Unconditional,' Kremlin Says

quote "The U.S. military saw the aircraft on a radar and watched them drop the bombs, the officials said. The radar soon picked up the flashes and booms in the rebel-held area of Syria. "

‘No doubt in our minds' that Assad behind Syria attack, Rex Tillerson says – video

Sadly though, this place is overcrowded with goddamn idiots.

I saw the images of the damage, although it's released by the Russians and the Syrians, the damage seems rather minimal.

there are seperate ordinance to take care of entire runways at any rate. this was more of a precise attack on select targets.

Seems like Trump only meant to give them a one time slap on the wrist and hopes they get the message. He's wrong but there's no shame in that. If Middle-Eastern mentality wasn't hard for westerners to grasp, people wouldn't have asked what's in it for Assad to attack the rebels now with chemical weapons.

on a second thought I'm not even sure Assad meant to attack rebels.. He did target civilians purposely in the past so why would now be different, even more so when the munition he uses isn't precise and is dropped on top of residential areas...and without any warning.

and here's a fun tidbit:

CNN Interview with Syrian man doesn't go as planned

Kassem Eid, who survived a 2013 chemical gas attack in Syria, expresses his gratitude to President Trump for his missile strike of a Syrian airbase.

A CNN interview with an ISIS parrot,
Where's the verification? I t's like CNN interviews wino about open heart surgery.

Swedish Medical Associations Say White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos



Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I'm not a huge fan of CNN, but this DoD photo shows 33 hits that have been highlighted. There appear to be more unhighlighted ones. These days, with satellite photos and people on ground with cell phones/digital cameas, one has to be careful of claims that can be easily debunked.

The Russians saying that only 29 hit their targets is bunk.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'm not a huge fan of CNN, but this DoD photo shows 33 hits that have been highlighted. There appear to be more unhighlighted ones. These days, with satellite photos and people on ground with cell phones/digital cameas, one has to be careful of claims that can be easily debunked.

The Russians saying that only 29 hit their targets is bunk.

The Russian claim was intended for domestic consumption and the non-Russian moonbats who think the word of Putin is worth a damn.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Potting runways is a way of stopping the immediate launch of aircraft. It temporarily contains a/c, and buys the aggressor additional time to strike other targets with a reduced chance of being intercepted.

Friendly forces also use this technique if they are going to be overrun. Punch holes in the runway to slow the arrival of enemy combatants.

From a military POV, this strike was a success. The targets were hit with minimal loss of life. It should be noted that the strike was NOT intended to disable the base, but rather, to send a message. That was accomplished.

I mention this because of the people on CCF who were against the strike. You can be angry all you want, but you're pi$$ing into the wind. This action was a mix of military firepower and political will.

In the coming days, there will be a lot of chest beating. It will be a testosterone filled response designed to show Trump that he failed, and put on a brave public face. It's an empty response however. It's what is discussed behind closed doors that matters and none of us is privy to these discussions. It's chess.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You should be referencing the House of Rothschild for all aspect of both World Wars. Feel free to explain the 'bump' for the Jesish population starting the very same time the Rothschild's started financing the re-creation of Israel. How (not so) strange that the bumps actually produces the exact number of Jews who were supposed tto have died in that war.
Educate yourself so you don't look so stupid in the future.

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (Complete)

Benjamin H. Freedman's excellent speech on how World War One (and Two) really started and why the U.S. was eventually drawn in.

Lies don't have to be debunked but criminal activities do.

You having a hard time spelling 'Jews'??
They conquered England when Napoleon was alive. Being Jewish (in reality or just a blind Gentile follower) certainly hasn't made you any smarter as far as knowing what the facts are and what the lies are.
He had 15 years to debunk the lies, yet he didn't, is that because of the laughter that would follow???

The Rothschild Libel: Why has it taken 200 years for an anti-Semitic slur that emerged from the Battle of Waterloo to be dismissed? | The Independent
Here is the story that "Satan" told.
Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the London branch of the bank, was a spectator on the battlefield that day in June 1815 and, as night fell, he observed the total defeat of the French army. This was what he was waiting for. A relay of fast horses rushed him to the Belgian coast, but there he found to his fury that a storm had confined all ships to port. Undaunted – "Does greed admit anything is impossible?" asked Satan – he paid a king's ransom to a fisherman to ferry him through wind and waves to England.
Reaching London 24 hours before official word of Wellington's victory, Rothschild exploited his knowledge to make a killing on the Stock Exchange. "In a single coup," announced the pamphlet, "he gained 20 million francs."
Beyond all doubt this tale was anti-Semitic in intent. Satan was in reality a left-wing controversialist called Georges Dairnvaell, who made no attempt to hide his loathing for Jews –and the Rothschilds in particular. Though they had been little known in 1815, by 1846 the Rothschilds had become the Rockefellers or the Gateses of their age, their name a byword for fabulous wealth. Nathan himself had died in 1836 and so could not rebut the claims.

Only a benign entity could end up owing so many banks right??
Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family | Humans Are Free

Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

That is not a term I have used so spare me you propaganda. The facts are Jews cry loudly should they come under any persecution, real or imagined and that would include graffiti that would be considered to be anti-semitic yet they also want no condemnation for exiling 650,000 Arabs from their legal homes. Al, the wars that followed were fake wars started by Jewish liars, exposed by a Jew who was the son of a general who was there in the early days. Time to take off your rose-colored glasses that make you believe that jews can do no wrong.

Start at the 6:00 mark and turn up the volume so the words actually make it to the thinking parts of your brain. (or is he a lying Jews who hates his own heritage?)

Miko Peled Seattle. Oct. 1, 2012

Good god, man. Where do you find the time?
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That's rich, you accusing others of lying. roflmfao
You still trying to show you have more than 2 functioning brain cells, if you it as much as a failure as the rest of your life. Remenber how far you have fallen once you lost the protection others were giving you. Some seem to have grown up yet you prefer to remain as stupid as possible and try to promote that as a good thing which really shows how truly stupid you really are.

It keeps him from drinking too much.

It's a ridiculous, but amusing post.
Probably brings a 40 pounder to a gun-fight.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
You should be referencing the House of Rothschild for all aspect of both World Wars. Feel free to explain the 'bump' for the Jesish population starting the very same time the Rothschild's started financing the re-creation of Israel. How (not so) strange that the bumps actually produces the exact number of Jews who were supposed tto have died in that war.
Educate yourself so you don't look so stupid in the future.

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (Complete)

Benjamin H. Freedman's excellent speech on how World War One (and Two) really started and why the U.S. was eventually drawn in.

Lies don't have to be debunked but criminal activities do.

You having a hard time spelling 'Jews'??
They conquered England when Napoleon was alive. Being Jewish (in reality or just a blind Gentile follower) certainly hasn't made you any smarter as far as knowing what the facts are and what the lies are.
He had 15 years to debunk the lies, yet he didn't, is that because of the laughter that would follow???

The Rothschild Libel: Why has it taken 200 years for an anti-Semitic slur that emerged from the Battle of Waterloo to be dismissed? | The Independent
Here is the story that "Satan" told.
Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the London branch of the bank, was a spectator on the battlefield that day in June 1815 and, as night fell, he observed the total defeat of the French army. This was what he was waiting for. A relay of fast horses rushed him to the Belgian coast, but there he found to his fury that a storm had confined all ships to port. Undaunted – "Does greed admit anything is impossible?" asked Satan – he paid a king's ransom to a fisherman to ferry him through wind and waves to England.
Reaching London 24 hours before official word of Wellington's victory, Rothschild exploited his knowledge to make a killing on the Stock Exchange. "In a single coup," announced the pamphlet, "he gained 20 million francs."
Beyond all doubt this tale was anti-Semitic in intent. Satan was in reality a left-wing controversialist called Georges Dairnvaell, who made no attempt to hide his loathing for Jews –and the Rothschilds in particular. Though they had been little known in 1815, by 1846 the Rothschilds had become the Rockefellers or the Gateses of their age, their name a byword for fabulous wealth. Nathan himself had died in 1836 and so could not rebut the claims.

Only a benign entity could end up owing so many banks right??
Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family | Humans Are Free

Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

That is not a term I have used so spare me you propaganda. The facts are Jews cry loudly should they come under any persecution, real or imagined and that would include graffiti that would be considered to be anti-semitic yet they also want no condemnation for exiling 650,000 Arabs from their legal homes. Al, the wars that followed were fake wars started by Jewish liars, exposed by a Jew who was the son of a general who was there in the early days. Time to take off your rose-colored glasses that make you believe that jews can do no wrong.

Start at the 6:00 mark and turn up the volume so the words actually make it to the thinking parts of your brain. (or is he a lying Jews who hates his own heritage?)

Miko Peled Seattle. Oct. 1, 2012
Your gobble-de-gook Jewish conspiracy tome lists "The Bank of Canada" as Some sort of Rothchild entity.

It's our Central Bank and it is owned by the Crown.

Sorry. Nein Juden.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
you just blew the chance to prove you are not one
with a content free post

Thats obama's war there Mr short memory, the one he started just after he got that peace prize
Assad must go, Obama says
By Scott Wilson and Joby Warrick August 18, 2011

I see why you guys aren't big on citations

I guess you missed the part where I said I don't give a shyte what they do down there, for the most part.

In reality, the difference between Obama, Bush, Reagan, Clinton, etc are degrees. That's it. Minor fluctuations from the mean. Both the american dems and republicans are right wing and only degrees separate them.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Of course it is dear, that is why we ship $30B to the World bank every year for the interest on our national debt. Just how ill informed are you anyway?

Government debt in Canada set to top $1.3 trillion in 2016: Fraser Institute | National Post
Canadians are carrying a historic amount of debt.
And it’s not just their credit cards and mortgages that are weighing on their wallets and the economy. Combined federal and provincial debt in this country will top $1.3 trillion this year, according to a new Fraser Institute report out Tuesday.
“It’s not a trivial amount,” said Charles Lammam, one of the report’s co-authors of the $450 billion in government debt that’s accrued since the recession. “There’s short and long-term consequences.”
In the short term, massive interest payments on debt gobble up revenues that could be better spent, Lammam said. Local, provincial and federal governments pay more than $60 billion a year to service their debt, money that could be better spent on services. Over the long-term, a growing body of research suggest heavy government debt loads dampen economic growth.

Canada’s federal debt |

The Problem

The above chart illustrates the history of Canada’s federal debt; obviously something went terribly wrong after 1974. Over a 108 year period (1867-1974) the accumulated debt shows as nearly a flat line growing to only $21.6 billion. But around 1974, the debt began to grow exponentially and, over a mere 39 years, it reached over $600 billion in 2013.
So, what happened around 1974? In that year
To achieve that goal, the Committee discouraged borrowing from a nation’s own central bank interest-free and encouraged borrowing from private creditors
the Basel Committee was established by the central-bank Governors of the Group of Ten countries of the member central banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which included Canada. A key objective of the Committee was and is to maintain “monetary and financial stability.” To achieve that goal, the Committee discouraged borrowing from a nation’s own central bank interest-free and encouraged borrowing from private creditors, all in the name of “maintaining the stability of the currency.”
The presumption was that borrowing from a central bank with the power to create money on its books would inflate the money supply and prices. Borrowing from private creditors, on the other hand, was considered not to be inflationary, since it involved the recycling of pre-existing money. What the bankers did not reveal, although they had long known it themselves, was that private banks create the money they lend just as public banks do. The difference is simply that a publicly-owned bank returns the interest to the government and the community, while a privately-owned bank siphons the interest into its capital account, to be re-invested at further interest, progressively drawing money out of the productive economy.1

Oh Canada Movie - Our Bought And Sold Out Land

Uploaded on Oct 31, 2011
This 2009 entertaining documentary film explores the history of banking, the selling out of the prosperity of Canada, the clearance sale of Canadian businesses and the political liquidation of public infrastructures to the multi-national corporate oligarchy. How has this led to the biggest economic crash / recession / depression in Canadian history? Could it have something to do with our politicians listening to international bankers and corporations instead of the people Canada? How does the Canadian banking system really work? How does the central Bank of Canada compare with the American Federal Reserve?

This movie presents these issues that affect every Canadian from the perspective of and delivered by concerned youth in a astute and colourful manner. This is a serious journalism piece that asks the tough questions directly to such politicians as Former Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, Ontario Gas Man Dan McTeague, NDP Leader Jack Layton, Mayor of Oshawa John Gray, Former Prime Minister of Canada John Turner and many more!



Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
There certainly are a bunch of people here that are bat sh!t crazy. :lol:

Most of them need to find a website like . They can chant anti-government slogans and paste memes, conspiracy theorize and predict gloom and doom amongst like minded individuals. :lol: