So, how about that Syrian chemical attack thing?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
How is your Mom? You should be aware that when she goes out at night to pull a train she is actually on her back or her knees. Please don't tell me you are her best customer.

You already have them down to the cartoon level, just sit back and laugh for a while.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
How is your Mom? You should be aware that when she goes out at night to pull a train she is actually on her back or her knees. Please don't tell me you are her best customer.

really? a mom-post.

you're fukkin' pathetic.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What really baffles me is all the talk on the news in anticipation of what Trump's next move will be! Retardation at its finest. Why would Trump broadcast to the whole wide world what his next move will be?? I don't believe it?

really? a mom-post.

you're fukkin' pathetic.

But then so are you! :) :) :)
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
really? a mom-post.

you're fukkin' pathetic.
That the best you got?? Look inj the mirror for something that fits your post there 'pal'.

I wonder if 'the Donald' knows who his true enemies are yet??? Hint: It isn't Syria or Russia or Iran.

Donald J. Swamp: How the Man Who Promised to Drain the Swamp Got Drained by the Swamp
There were only three reasons that a rational person might have considered going out to vote for Donald J Swamp. The first was that he wasn’t the psychopath, Hillary Clinton. The second was that he looked to be the least likely of all the candidates to start a war with Russia and therefore WWIII. And the third was that he said he was going to “drain the swamp”. They were always very thin reasons. As I wrote back here and here:
“People have elected a loose cannon, and although I will hold my breath and give him a chance, nothing about his character, his temperament, not to mention some of the more stupid statements he has made, gives me much confidence that America in four years will be a whole lot better than the America of 2016.”
“Granted, one of the candidates appears, at least on the surface, to be marginally less likely to lead us to a global war than the other. Isn’t that a rational reason to vote for him? Possibly, until you consider that the “marginally-less-likely-to-lead-us-to-global-war-candidate” often appears to decide his foreign policy by the use of a roulette wheel, and so whether trusting in the wheel can be counted as rational is a moot point … The swamp that needs draining is far bigger than the one Mr Trump locates in D.C., and it will take national repentance, not another politician making grand promises, to achieve that.”
And so it has proved. Despite being elected on promises of discontinuing America’s heinous policies of regime change and fighting hegemonic wars in countries thousands of miles from its borders, Mr Swamp has now broken all of these promises. It is not yet clear whether these promises were always hollow, or whether he has simply caved in to enormous pressure from the neo-Trotskyist Deep State (laughably known as neo-“conservative” (what do they conserve?)).

My guess is that he really did believe it (his Tweets about not getting involved in Syria from before he announced his candidacy certainly suggest this), but thought that he could run the White House like he ran his business empire. My guess is that he was quickly shown that this would not be the case, and that he would either dance to the tune of the neo-Trots, or be deposed. My guess is he probably thinks he can appease them by taking his “tough’n’macho” action against a sovereign state — an action based on completely unproven claims about the use of chemical weapons and, I might add, an action that just happens to be hugely helpful to the Islamist fanatics who are trying to turn that poor country into a Salafist state. If these guesses are correct, I’m sorry to have to spell it out to Mr Swamp, but he is greatly mistaken. The Trots cannot be pacified. They cannot be appeased. He is now under their total control and is the prisoner of whatever they want him to do. Any refusal on his part and they will destroy him.

Hey Donald, the World Banks kills 25,000 children each and every day through hunger. Where's the outrage???


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hey Donald, the World Banks kills 25,000 children each and every day through hunger. Where's the outrage???

Hunger is a little more passive! The Banks don't kill anybody - they may even save a few!

Gassed people in Turkish hospitals are happy Trump ordered a missile attack.

Trump did the right thing and I'm pretty sure Harry Truman would have agreed.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
What really baffles me is all the talk on the news in anticipation of what Trump's next move will be! Retardation at its finest. Why would Trump broadcast to the whole wide world what his next move will?? I don't believe it?

But then so are you! :) :) :)

News has to be generated. Something needs to be said, but there's nothing new to report, so...

The media are masters at talking about nothing for an hour. They gather 'experts' to offer up opinions. But no one on the panel knows anything. It's all speculation. These experts weren't at the WH or attended any meetings at the Pentagon. But it fills the time slot. Former members of the inner circle usually pick their words carefully. They know that they don't know. They are only aware of procedure, not details of the event.

You're absolutely right. Trump isn't going to tip his hand about anything. His people are waiting to see what Russia will say and do. I doubt that they are concerned about Syria too much, unless they start gassing people again.

For those of us on the sidelines, it's a waiting game.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No hospitals left in Syria thanks to the US led coalition. Everybody knows how honest the Turk's are. So anybody want to explain why the ambulances were on standby??

Hunger is a little more passive! The Banks don't kill anybody - they may even save a few!
Really?? Both World Wars were created by the world banks in their plan to recreate Israel. Suddenly 100M Gentiles mean nothing, that about sum it up??
The banks are there to support 1% of the world's population and the rest are disposable people. Go back to sleep as you are still in dreamland.

you're an unteachable mental midget.

you don't deserve my best slim.

and check your goddamn meds. you're a mess.
I can clean up my mess with a backspace, your condition is terminal so really who is the one that is the most f*cked up here?? lol Hint: look inj the mirror, . . dumb a*s