Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
What is their issue this year? Mandates that don't exist?
Something needs to be done to promote unity in this country since this government is hell bent on destroying what we have. So kudos to him for trying to do something to bring us together rather than government tearing us apart. I hope he's successful but I'm sure our Tyrannical leader will do everything in his power to kybosh it.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Something needs to be done to promote unity in this country since this government is hell bent on destroying what we have. So kudos to him for trying to do something to bring us together rather than government tearing us apart. I hope he's successful but I'm sure our Tyrannical leader will do everything in his power to kybosh it.

Great idea; how would YOU promote unity, Dix? What's your suggestion for it?


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
What is their issue this year? Mandates that don't exist?
But they do exist. There's just none in force at the moment.

There's nothing to stop the gov't from doing exactly the same thing it's done previously at anytime it wants. Trudeau has never shown the slightest bit of remorse over his punitive and vindictive mandates on the truckers and others, or over calling the emergency act without cause and seizing people's assets.

a disease doesn't stop existing simply because it's in remission at the moment.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Firing trudeau would be the obvious first step.
How & Who & When? We know it’s not Singh until 2025 so not Canadians in an election until then. We know it’s not the Governor General appointed by the Liberals. I think the Trudeau call to be ready for a Spring election is to reinforce to Jagmeet just who holds which end of the leash.

The only stand-out announcement for spring that I can think of at this point it’s gonna be the February 25 report to parliament…which Mr NDP has already said that outcome is irrelevant to him. The only election before 2025 will be one Justin Himself will want.

There will be financial announcements about Canada swirling around the bowl “but not to worry” & that the Bank of Canada will further increase interest rates while the the Liberal/NDP’s continue to flood out cash with the ink on it not dry yet….but that won’t sway the NDP…& the cost of everything will continue to increase including BOTH Gov’t Salaries & the Carbon Tax increasing again on April Fools Day.

So again, How & Who & When?


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
With bleach.
What is their issue this year? Mandates that don't exist?
Well, there is gun theft. Carbon scam taxes. Wealth transfer taxes from provinces that produce to those that don't. The shitty condition of major highways. Expensive, but Unavailable health care. I could come up with one for every month of the year.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
How & Who & When? We know it’s not Singh until 2025 so not Canadians in an election until then.
And that might be the first chance we get to start to undo the damage unfortunately. I don't think there's anything that's going to start to heal the wounds while he's still out there digging the knifes in.

The only stand-out announcement for spring that I can think of at this point it’s gonna be the February 25 report to parliament
There's also the budget. He may feel that the ndp might not like some of the things they're planning.

There will be financial announcements about Canada swirling around the bowl “but not to worry” & that the Bank of Canada will further increase interest rates while the the Liberal/NDP’s continue to flood out cash with the ink on it not dry yet….but that won’t sway the NDP
Unless they plan to cut spending in some areas. THey're not THAT stupid, they know that their spending is causing inflation and will create recession due to forcing the banks to raise rates. They may plan on looking at some cuts that they're worried the NDP might not support. They may plan to put Jagmeet in an awkward place where he either has to keep propping up the gov't or go the polls and risk losing more seats because hes' not ready and they'll lose the dental plan if he does.

Always remember - at the end of the day The Liberals want the NDP's Voters. They want the ndp to look weak and be unpopular, and to snatch up those voters for themselves directly "to keep out the CPC".

But most important of all - don't forget the Libs can pull the plug themselves just as easily. They can back stab the ndp and go for an election anytime they want. So - if PP's popularity were to suddenly nose dive and the libs were suddenly polling much stronger than they have been for some reason, he may very well decide to pull the plug and take his chances on a majority again. He's done it before - if the thinks he's got a shot he may very well do it again. And he'll want his people ready to go

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Let’s take stock, shall we? In late November, the Rouleau Commission reviewing the use of the Emergencies Act finished hearing testimony from witnesses. What does the evidence show? That the trucker convoy in Ottawa committed no violence and made no threats of violence. As OPP Superintendent Pat Morris put it during his testimony, “the lack of violence was shocking.”

Asking whether the invocation of the Emergencies Act was justified is not a serious question. But no one should expect the Commission to come to that conclusion.

The Emergencies Act, enacted in 1988 as a replacement to the War Measures Act, was designed to have higher thresholds and be more difficult to trigger. In February 2022, with the trucker convey embedded in downtown Ottawa, Justin Trudeau’s government invoked it anyway, declaring a “public order” emergency based in part on “the use or threats of serious violence.”

But testimony at the Commission from the Ottawa police, Ontario Provincial Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, City of Ottawa, federal government officials, cabinet ministers and the prime minister himself confirms there was no such thing.

There was no assault, arson, rape, bombing, or kidnapping. There was no storming of Parliament. There were no attempts to overthrow the government. No intelligence suggested the presence of weapons. When a court issued an injunction to stop their honking, they stopped. That was February 7th, 2022.

Yet officials spoke of violence all around them. Acting Ottawa police chief Steve Bell testified of the violence experienced by the local community. On cross-examination by convoy lawyer Brendan Miller, Bell agreed that he was not speaking of actual violence but of “the violence that our community felt” from “the culmination of [occupier] actions,” like honking horns, that stopped on February 7th, 2022.

Ottawa city councillor Mathieu Fleury said that protesters committed microaggressions against Ottawa residents, although declined to explain what that meant, and called the parked convoy trucks “weapons.”

Minister of Justice and Attorney General David Lametti said he didn’t feel safe and feared for his staff but described no violent encounters. According to Ottawa resident Zexi Li, living in Ottawa during the convoy was like living in a lawless horror movie, but the only violence described in her evidence was residents in her apartment building throwing eggs at the truckers.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau testified that invoking the Act was justified to keep people safe. Otherwise, Trudeau said, “how would I explain it to the family of a police officer who was killed, or a grandmother who got run over trying to stop a truck, or if a protestor was killed in a violent clash with someone else?”

In this view, “threats of serious violence” meant a situation in which something violent might occur, even if by accident. By that criterion, emergencies arise every day in every province in Canada. (???)

But the Commission is not likely to throw the government under the trucks. Its mandate is not to rule on the legality of the government’s actions but to inquire into “the circumstances that led to the declaration being issued and the measures taken for dealing with the emergency.”

The Commission has no power to find liability. Its report will not bind the government. The Commission is ritual, and the purpose of ritual is performance not outcome – to make it appear that there is accountability without having to provide it.

Only in a country with fragile, hysterical leadership could the trucker convoy be regarded as an emergency justifying the infringement of civil liberties. God help us when we have a real emergency – and, no doubt, the next time when we don’t.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The Commission has no power to find liability. Its report will not bind the government. The Commission is ritual, and the purpose of ritual is performance not outcome – to make it appear that there is accountability without having to provide it.
Unfortunately that's the only sentence in there that really matters.

And while i do expect the commission to say the use of the act was unjustified, it's not going to be anywhere near that harsh i suspect. It'll be more like "The Threat justifying the use did not meet the strictly high bar envisioned by the original creators of the act. While it's apparent that the gov't acted in what it believed was good faith during what was an unprecedented crisis of major proportions and was motivated by the best interests of Canadians, in the future greater caution should be considered before enacting such measures."

To which the liberals and serryah will reply "AHA! See? We TOLD you he acted in the best interests of Canadians! Now we have proof!"
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