Well he's trying his best to do a little creative history revisiting. He's like that guy in the Simpsons episode who keeps speaking up and then when everyone gets mad and says "who is that" he points to the guy beside him and says "There he is! Gettim fellas!"
If you think that’s revisionist, try this one from less than 90 days
before the Emergencies Act was enacted & the Liberal/NDP Non-Coalition Coalition’s Coalition was also exposed to the light of day:
Nov 21, 2021- Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has said he does not plan to be part of
any deal with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to form a coalition government with the Liberals.
Singh told reporters recently there’s no discussion of a coalition, saying it’s, “a firm no for me.”

While there are other ways for the Liberals and NDP to co-operate, history shows it’s a no-win proposition for any opposition party to form a coalition, formal
or informal, to prop up a minority government.
He wasn't just 'going along' with it - he was a very vocal proponent and all but demanding it. He SHOULD wear it.
The opposition party ends up wearing the government’s bad decisions while the governing party takes credit for any of its successes.
Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has said he does not plan to be part of any deal with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to form a coalition government with the Liberal…
The reason is obvious. Voters don’t like opportunists. This year (2021), Canadians once again chose not to trust Trudeau with a majority government — for good reason. If Singh now gives Trudeau the easy ride voters denied him, the NDP will be punished in the next election
(in 2025 if Singh continues to prop up the NDP/Liberals for as long as possible regardless of what transpires).
Trudeau’s government was plagued with scandals, from the SNC Lavalin debacle to the WE boondoggle. Time and again, Trudeau showed questionable judgment on everything from his shameful appearances in blackface to his fancy dress tour of India. Many Canadians find him an embarrassment on the world stage.
Feb 23rd, 2022 (Two days after the NDP/Liberals rescinded the Emergencies Act:
Jagmeet Singh must be the most embarrassed person in the country today. Less than 48 hours after the federal NDP leader compromised every principle he and his party had ever stood for, just so he could support the Liberals’ invocation of the Emergencies Act, Singh had to watch Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pull a complete 180 and announce he was ending the state of emergency (presumably so he didn’t have to watch the Senate do it for him).
Less than 48 hours after the federal NDP leader compromised every principle he and his party had ever stood for, just so he could support the Liberals’ invocation of the Emergencies Act, Singh had to watch Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pull a complete 180
Wait a minute, you say. Shouldn’t Trudeau be even more embarrassed? After all, Monday he was claiming there was still a nefarious plot to overthrow our democracy, but Wednesday he was insisting the bad bogeymen were all gone. Meh…& the next day Russia invaded the Ukraine.
Monday (Feb21,2022), Trudeau stood in the House of Commons and insisted his government needed — absolutely needed — to seize bank accounts, cancel mortgages, hold convoy leaders without bail, make arrests without warrants, ban otherwise lawful protests and exercise all sorts of police-state powers arbitrarily without oversight by Parliament or the courts. Singh (& Elizabeth May) supported this. Wednesday (Feb23,2022) Trudeau calls it off.
In announcing his climb-down on Wednesday afternoon, Trudeau said, “We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are
NOW sufficient to keep people safe.” But somehow they weren’t sufficient as recently as Monday afternoon when he insisted the plot to end Canada was so real it could only be thwarted by bringing into force the most restrictive law on Canada’s books?
Less than four months later, the NDP/Liberals drop the vaccine mandate:
Suspension of the vaccine mandates for domestic travellers, transportation workers and federal employees
It’s amazing how “progressives,” who see themselves as the great guardians of freedom, tolerance and democratic values, can flush all that down the drain in the blink of an eye — and still claim to be defending citizens’ rights.