Our cooling world


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Do we live in a jar? Has AGW been proven without any doubt and when did the ice age end?

Then why post an article on how the next ice age is being postponed due to CO2 levels. According to you, that shouldn't make any difference at all. It's the sun, right? And the magnetosphere?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Do we live in a jar? Has AGW been proven without any doubt and when did the ice age end?

There is a good program on C.B.C. called "Quirks and Quorks" and recently an expert on G.W. was interviewed and apparently according to him it is a fact of life. Even if it may not be true it may be fool hardy to totally ignore it.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
One of the biggest problems I see is that scientists on both sides reduce their
chatter to name calling when one side or the other does not see their point of
view. We all heard prior to the mid seventies there was a new ice age coming
then it became global warming and when that didn't pan out Climate Change
became the order of the day. Of course climate change can mean anything as
the climates of the world are always changing. its like having the weatherman
forecast rain a day after the fact.
This morning I heard that climate folks whatever they call themselves now found
a calculation for August when the coldest temp ever recorded happened in
Antarctica. some -94 degrees. Of course we know that can't be true the climate
is heating up and Antarctica is melting away and we need money for more green
projects. Personally I don't' really care anymore cause both sides engage in
hysteria to the point of nonsense. As long as we can still chill beer things will be


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I wonder how man altered the Earth's orbit with CO2? Any takers?

There is a good program on C.B.C. called "Quirks and Quorks" and recently an expert on G.W. was interviewed and apparently according to him it is a fact of life. Even if it may not be true it may be fool hardy to totally ignore it.

It happens every interglacial period.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It then goes to having only one solution Dr. Spade... A cessation of all carbon-based life such that no ghgs in any form are emitted.

Ironic especially in light that the mantra morphed from Global Warming to Climate Change.

I still don't know what that really means - it insinuates that there is a comfortable temp that Mother Gaia sets the ole thermostat.... And magically, a tax will stabilize the system

But is only a tax on certain people not related to emissions but to finances.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists
Let me guess, the only known cure is going to be twice as expensive as the global warning error. The cure is for 1/3 of the population to have all the fuel resources they need for their projects as that will release heat at the right spots to melt the coming ice caps, in the meantime they are buying all the dry areas in the desert belts of the world as that will become the next area that will be food growing fields for that 1/3 or whatever number it actually represents.

How do you escape the inflation the hysteria has created?
Rob the bankers, that made Bonnie and Clyde seem to enjoy the short life they had. You just need to rob all of them at the same time and scatter the loot like Robin Hood did. With examples like that in history what more do you need to know to implement the cure for the world.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
captain morgan said:
Ironic especially in light that the mantra morphed from Global Warming to Climate Change.

I still don't know what that really means - it insinuates that there is a comfortable temp that Mother Gaia sets the ole thermostat.... And magically, a tax will stabilize the system

The term climate change was to account for the fact that the north atlantic (according to the models) will cool. That includes Great Britain, I believe. But the average global temperature in the troposphere will rise (and the average global temperature in the stratosphere will drop) due to additional refelcted heat from higher CO2 levels. If the greenhouse gas theory is correct (which it likely is) and if the models are correct (which are a lot dicier).

The cost to human is not due to teh fact that we are comfortable at one single temperature. It's teh cost of change. When you move homes, you don't just subtract the cost of the old place from the new place. You have to add in all those transfer costs--moving company, taxes, interest rates. It's teh same with a changing claimte.

In BC, for example, we've had a steadier pine beetle infestation thanin the recent past because the winters don't kill off the larvae anymore. Great news if you're a pine beetle. Not so good for the pines. Winners and losers.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It's all cyclical pine beetle is just a happening that will cease.
Climate change is constant and we mortals are powerless to
do anything so solutions are proposed for a problem that can't
be solved to soothe the fears of the helpless. The only serious
distraction will be when the next big fad comes as this one is
wearing thin and boring me quite frankly. I am surprised at
how concentrated people are. I mean we have saved owls,
whales and God knows what else, oh I forgot seal pups but
we're going to have another round of that I hear.
Please how about saving those little bastard Starlings that
eat backyard fruit and poop on everything.
Global warming, climate change and what ever Dr Suzuki
comes up with is scientific nonsense to raise money so the
people doing the science won't have to get real jobs.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
It's all cyclical pine beetle is just a happening that will cease.
Climate change is constant and we mortals are powerless to
do anything so solutions are proposed for a problem that can't
be solved to soothe the fears of the helpless. The only serious
distraction will be when the next big fad comes as this one is
wearing thin and boring me quite frankly. I am surprised at
how concentrated people are. I mean we have saved owls,
whales and God knows what else, oh I forgot seal pups but
we're going to have another round of that I hear.
Please how about saving those little bastard Starlings that
eat backyard fruit and poop on everything.
Global warming, climate change and what ever Dr Suzuki
comes up with is scientific nonsense to raise money so the
people doing the science won't have to get real jobs.

We saved owls? We saved the whales? News to me.

The pine beetle is a problem now, and telling folks in Billy's Puddle that "This, too, shall pass" may work on Sunday mornings in church, but they're worreid about their livlihoods.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Ironic especially in light that the mantra morphed from Global Warming to Climate Change.

I still don't know what that really means - it insinuates that there is a comfortable temp that Mother Gaia sets the ole thermostat.... And magically, a tax will stabilize the system

Ask JLM, he seems to get it. Climate is average weather, therefore climate change -CC- is changing weather. Global warming -GW- is temperature only. The weather, besides just simple temperature measurements, is changing. The IPCC has never been the IPGW.

Now you know, the rest of the story. :lol:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
My point is we made a big fuss and collected a lot of money to protect the
spotted owl and seals and the whales and you're right nothing happened
Greenies raised a lot of money sounding the alarm. Now its pine beetle
and the sky is falling about climate change. The problem is even if they
are right this time more and more people don't trust the science of either
side and the enviro cries of wolf turned out to be cry too often its time for
the next big thing.to worry about.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ask JLM, he seems to get it. Climate is average weather, therefore climate change -CC- is changing weather. Global warming -GW- is temperature only. The weather, besides just simple temperature measurements, is changing. The IPCC has never been the IPGW.

Now you know, the rest of the story. :lol:

At what point in Earth's history was climate consistent?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's all cyclical pine beetle is just a happening that will cease.
Climate change is constant and we mortals are powerless to
do anything so solutions are proposed for a problem that can't
be solved to soothe the fears of the helpless. The only serious
distraction will be when the next big fad comes as this one is
wearing thin and boring me quite frankly. I am surprised at
how concentrated people are. I mean we have saved owls,
whales and God knows what else, oh I forgot seal pups but
we're going to have another round of that I hear.
Please how about saving those little bastard Starlings that
eat backyard fruit and poop on everything.
Global warming, climate change and what ever Dr Suzuki
comes up with is scientific nonsense to raise money so the
people doing the science won't have to get real jobs.

But you have to agree, Grumpy, that there is a vast change happening, those huge snow drifts that we used to trudge through on the way to school and back aren't there any more!

At what point in Earth's history was climate consistent?

You said it, Petros, at a point! -:)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
At what point in Earth's history was climate consistent?

At what point in Earth's history was climate consistent?

Well, I think we can all agree that the climate of the Cretaceous isn't really comparable to ours. Our infrastructure is built for the climate we have. Our agriculture is tailored to the climate we have. It doesn't do us any good to say things have changed, will change, and always will, only to ignore the difficulties we face by not mitigating our own excesses. We have a demonstrable impact on the world around us, including the climate.

Imagine if we took the same attitude towards things like infectious disease. That's just foolish. We're fully capable of mitigating the impacts right now.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Our climate is based on an interglacial period which all end with a spike and an extremely rapid plummet back into glaciation.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
We can have carbon trusts and we can stop all the pollution we want
a forest fire is six hours would wipe out any efforts we made in a year.
Yes there is change and its a natural change. We might as well set
traps to keep the clouds away. All this stuff about how we're going to
bring about a green new world is well not going to happen.
Why should our society become the ones to make sacrifices when we
send our factories overseas to circumvent the laws we have.
I don't think its a big deal and even if it is worse there is nothing man can
do about it. The problem is not all man made. I recycle and I even use
predatory bugs to kill unwanted guests in the orchard, insects that destroy
fruit that is, where possible.
Most of the green scare information is fundraising propaganda. No I don't
believe the doomsday folks and I don't believe most of the other side either.
These two diverse science groups behave like lawyers. They state an
opposite case so they keep debate going cause debate means more money
to finance the side of the debate.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
My point is we made a big fuss and collected a lot of money to protect the
spotted owl and seals and the whales and you're right nothing happened
Greenies raised a lot of money sounding the alarm. Now its pine beetle
and the sky is falling about climate change. The problem is even if they
are right this time more and more people don't trust the science of either
side and the enviro cries of wolf turned out to be cry too often its time for
the next big thing.to worry about.

The pine beelte is a big deal if you rely on the forestry industry in the Interior of BC. To you maybe it's all just "fuss and bother" but to those people it's their livelihoods. Same wiht the folks--many of my family--who made their living off the Grand Banks cod.

I agree that more and more people don't trust the science. Indeed science, like religion before it, has lost its appeal to authority due to rampant abuse by people claiming to speak on behalf of science. That does not mean the science is always wrong though. Certainly, in my opinion, the science the greenhouse theory is pretty rock solid, as are predictions of temperature rises over the next few centuries due to anthrpogenic emissions of CO2.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Pine beetles take out the weak trees. Thanks to fire control the forest soils are depleted giving the beetle the ability to thrive.

I learned that from a the Nature of Things and the GW fanatic Suzuki who recanted the warming angle as limited..