captain morgan said:
Ironic especially in light that the mantra morphed from Global Warming to Climate Change.
I still don't know what that really means - it insinuates that there is a comfortable temp that Mother Gaia sets the ole thermostat.... And magically, a tax will stabilize the system
The term climate change was to account for the fact that the north atlantic (according to the models) will cool. That includes Great Britain, I believe. But the average global temperature in the troposphere will rise (and the average global temperature in the stratosphere will drop) due to additional refelcted heat from higher CO2 levels. If the greenhouse gas theory is correct (which it likely is) and if the models are correct (which are a lot dicier).
The cost to human is not due to teh fact that we are comfortable at one single temperature. It's teh cost of change. When you move homes, you don't just subtract the cost of the old place from the new place. You have to add in all those transfer costs--moving company, taxes, interest rates. It's teh same with a changing claimte.
In BC, for example, we've had a steadier pine beetle infestation thanin the recent past because the winters don't kill off the larvae anymore. Great news if you're a pine beetle. Not so good for the pines. Winners and losers.