"Jet Stream Record speed a fingerprint of mini-ice-age"
says Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist of WeatherAction.com
"The record 275mph Jet Stream speed over the North Atlantic on 22nd Dec (below) - reported on TV by Chris Fawkes BBC-MetOffice - accords with our predictions of increasing 'Wild Jet stream' behaviour as the world moves further into the Mini-Ice-Age circulation we predicted years ago. Significantly this record comes during the late Dec series of our 'Top Red ('
R4' and '
R5+') Weather periods which we predicted in mid Nov (in Br+Ir 45d forecast). Related dramatic solar eruptions and Auroral displays will reach a crescendo around the turn of the year and recur during January***.
"Newly errupting active sunspot regions are coming round to be Earth-facing (below) when we predicted and will drive
dangerous weather conditions around end Dec and start Jan in USA, Brit+Ire, Europe and the whole world. These events of course are nothing whatsoever to do with the delusion of CO2 driven climate change. Indeed the CO2 warmist protagonists admit they havn't a clue about why the jet stream is so wild whereas it follows totally from our solar-driven theory*.
"The innuendo 'It's extreme it must be CO2' is a lie. This 'Mini-Ice-Age increase in wild and extreme events will continue for the next 20 years* by which time the CO2 theory and associated carbon tax theft and dodgy and intelectually-strained politicians will be in the dustbin of history"
***Fuller comments are available in the FREE December Br+Ir forecast which comes (since 22nd) with all subscriptions to Br+Ir forecasts 30d or 45d
* See Piers Corbyn's presentation to GAFTA (Grain & Feed Trades Association) Conference Geneva May 2013:-
Sudden Stratospheric Warming
B added 25 Dec map to 23 Dec below this one
Joe B
23 Dec Upper stratosphere warming starting in line with Piers' revolutionary trial prediction (in Br+Ir 45d prod 15Dec) [for peak ~ Dec28-Jan1st (uncertainties)]: