Our cooling world


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yes. Some species are more nutrient intense than others. Just as some fair better to with fire than others.

You never knew pines rely on fire?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Pine beetles take out the weak trees. Thanks to fire control the forest soils are depleted giving the beetle the ability to thrive.

You mean trees weakened by the rise in hot, dry summers? :lol:

Yes. Some species are more nutrient intense than others. Just as some fair better to with fire than others.

You never knew pines rely on fire?

Yes, I knew that. I also knew that pine beetles are regularly controlled by low temperatures. It's not just one thing.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Weak from lack of nutrients from fire. Pines don't have issues with heat or drought that's probably why you find them in hot dry regions.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Weak from lack of nutrients from fire. Pines don't have issues with heat or drought that's probably why you find them in hot dry regions.

Not everything falls so neatly into your pre-confirmed biases, petros, sorry.

I've been around long enough. Run into enough "This is all the fault of the Greenies" and "This is all the fault of the gummint" and "This is all the fault of the maraouding multinational corporations." It's never that easy.

Drought makes pines more susceptible. See the current Colorado outbreak.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Not everything falls so neatly into your pre-confirmed biases, petros, sorry.

I've been around long enough. Run into enough "This is all the fault of the Greenies" and "This is all the fault of the gummint" and "This is all the fault of the maraouding multinational corporations." It's never that easy.

Drought makes pines more susceptible. See the current Colorado outbreak.
If reality is considered a bias....


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Gonna be well below normal temps here in the GTA for the foreseeable future.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Look on the bright side Eskimos will now build an igloo with several floors.

With all the NG tapped could a greenhouse not be carved into the ice and the CO2 left behind to grow plants and the light coming in via 1" fiber optics with the collectors sitting on top of the ice where the sky would be clear and without much water vapor the strength is just right for growing plants and the O2 they give off can be collected for use by the 'gardeners'. That would seem to make Atlantis as being such a city, found by entering the Atlantic from the Med. Sea and turning north until you came to some ice that was about 2 miles deep above the water level. (if the talents that built all the monuments we have as remnants today were widely available back then. Being immune to the cold the 'roads' could have been on the top of the ice where wind and snow would have the surface pool-ball smooth)

Would an ice-age begin by it starting to snow in the Arctic rather than the icecaps forming by freezing salt water to any great depth?

You mean trees weakened by the rise in hot, dry summers? :lol:

Yes, I knew that. I also knew that pine beetles are regularly controlled by low temperatures. It's not just one thing.
The best clue is they make themselves more prone to fire that trying to avoid it, that is why their needles are full of turpentine which is a flamable liquid let alone being heated to vapor form by a large fire.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Wally, are you one of those people who believes that cold days are proof there's no global warming, but hot days have no meaning?

Thanks for the reddie. Guess you can't answer the question.

Not surprised.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So many people don't have mittens, snow shovels, firewood, eight month supplies of potatoes and we've been misinformed for years about climate change. I guess they really do want billions of us dead. I think it's going to be a bad winter in Nova Scotia.

God help the city dwellers.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
"Jet Stream Record speed a fingerprint of mini-ice-age"
says Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist of WeatherAction.com

"The record 275mph Jet Stream speed over the North Atlantic on 22nd Dec (below) - reported on TV by Chris Fawkes BBC-MetOffice - accords with our predictions of increasing 'Wild Jet stream' behaviour as the world moves further into the Mini-Ice-Age circulation we predicted years ago. Significantly this record comes during the late Dec series of our 'Top Red ('R4' and 'R5+') Weather periods which we predicted in mid Nov (in Br+Ir 45d forecast). Related dramatic solar eruptions and Auroral displays will reach a crescendo around the turn of the year and recur during January***.
"Newly errupting active sunspot regions are coming round to be Earth-facing (below) when we predicted and will drive dangerous weather conditions around end Dec and start Jan in USA, Brit+Ire, Europe and the whole world. These events of course are nothing whatsoever to do with the delusion of CO2 driven climate change. Indeed the CO2 warmist protagonists admit they havn't a clue about why the jet stream is so wild whereas it follows totally from our solar-driven theory*.
"The innuendo 'It's extreme it must be CO2' is a lie. This 'Mini-Ice-Age increase in wild and extreme events will continue for the next 20 years* by which time the CO2 theory and associated carbon tax theft and dodgy and intelectually-strained politicians will be in the dustbin of history"

***Fuller comments are available in the FREE December Br+Ir forecast which comes (since 22nd) with all subscriptions to Br+Ir forecasts 30d or 45d

* See Piers Corbyn's presentation to GAFTA (Grain & Feed Trades Association) Conference Geneva May 2013:-

Sudden Stratospheric Warming
B added 25 Dec map to 23 Dec below this one
Joe B

23 Dec Upper stratosphere warming starting in line with Piers' revolutionary trial prediction (in Br+Ir 45d prod 15Dec) [for peak ~ Dec28-Jan1st (uncertainties)]:



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Global Warming Expedition to Prove Antarctic Ice is Melting Trapped by Ice

Here is how Chris Tuney,a self-proclaimed, “Scientist, explorer and Writer” and a Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and Professor of Climate Change at the University of University of New South Wales, described the “Australasian Antarctic Expedition”.
The Australasian sector is dominated by the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the largest of three ice sheets that contains enough freshwater to raise the world’s sea level by some 52 metres. Until recently it was thought this ice sheet was stable, sitting on the continental crust above today’s sea level. However there is an increasing body of evidence, including by the AAE members, that have identified parts of the East Antarctic which are highly susceptible to melting and collapse from ocean warming.
One of the purposes of the expedition was to “determine the extent to which human activity and pollution has directly impacted on this remote region of Antarctica.”
Global Warming Expedition to Prove Antarctic Ice is Melting Trapped by Ice