Our cooling world


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
My dear Captain, that man affects climate is indisputable. Is he prepared to sacrifice some creature comforts to help remedy the problem is the real question.
Well done. You're a good soldier.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
My dear Captain, that man affects climate is indisputable. Is he prepared to sacrifice some creature comforts to help remedy the problem is the real question.

Alas, from the answers immediately following your post, Spade, I fear that ignorance is bliss and as usual, Walter at least is ever blissful.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Alas, from the answers immediately following your post, Spade, I fear that ignorance is bliss and as usual, Walter at least is ever blissful.
Thank-you for noticing. I am happy because God loves me and has given me the intelligence to not be fooled by bullpoop and bullpoopers.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists

It has plagued scientists and politicians for decades, but scientists now say global warming is not the problem.

We are actually heading for the next Ice Age, they claim.

And what's more, the experts blame the global change on falling - rather than climbing - levels of greenhouse gases.

Lead author Thomas Crowley from the University of Edinburgh and Canadian colleague William Hyde say that currently vilified greenhouse gases – such as carbon dioxide – could actually be the key to averting the chill.

The warning, published in the authoritative journal Nature, is based on records of tiny marine fossils and the earth’s shifting orbit.

The Earth has seen dramatic climate fluctuations – veering between cold and warm extremes - over the past three million years, the researchers say.

And changes in the Earth’s orbit and slowly falling levels of carbon dioxide are the cause.

The team says we are approaching a turning point, in the next 10,000 to 100,000 years, which will lead to the new ice sheets smothering much of Europe, Asia and South America.

The theory, which is based on computer models, suggests ice sheets will also slash sea levels by up to 300m, so Russia and Alaska will be connected by land.

The North Sea will become part of a huge glacier stretching from Holland and Scandinavia to the Russian Far East.

Professor Crowley said the stark findings do not mean we should stop fighting warming.
But he urged: ‘Don’t push the panic button.’

‘There’s no excuse for saying “we’ve got to keep pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,”’ he told Reuters.

‘Geologically it’s tomorrow, but we have lots of time to argue about the appropriate level of greenhouse gases.’

British and Canadian experts warned the big freeze could bury the east of Britain in 6,000ft of ice.

Most of Scotland, Northern Ireland and England could be covered in 3,000ft-thick ice fields.

The expanses could reach 6,000ft from Aberdeen to Kent – towering above Ben Nevis, Britain’s tallest mountain.

Read more: Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists | Mail Online
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You're still missing the basics Walter: weather and climate aren't the same thing. The climate IS warming, and one consequence of that is more and greater weather extremes.

Yea we know, when it gets colder it is weather and when it gets hot it is climate change. Stick with your mantra long enough and maybe you will believe it.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You're still missing the basics Walter: weather and climate aren't the same thing. The climate IS warming, and one consequence of that is more and greater weather extremes.

Unless the GW crowd want to blame a weather event on Global Warming... then they are the same thing.

Yea we know, when it gets colder it is weather and when it gets hot it is climate change. Stick with your mantra long enough and maybe you will believe it.

You said it better than I did.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Yeah, I know how it works. This thread began in October of 2007, you guys made up your minds when the evidence wasn't much better than the noise level in the data and now, unlike anyone who understands how science works, you can't change them.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Lead author Thomas Crowley from the University of Edinburgh and Canadian colleague William Hyde say that currently vilified greenhouse gases – such as carbon dioxide – could actually be the key to averting the chill.

The deniers never seem to make much sense. You spend pages and pages going on about how CO2 has nothing to do with temperature, and then post an article crediting rising CO2 levels with averting an ice age.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The deniers never seem to make much sense. You spend pages and pages going on about how CO2 has nothing to do with temperature, and then post an article crediting rising CO2 levels with averting an ice age.

I never have, it's the alleged causation. CO2 in jar does work but I'll say this one more time THE EARTH IS NOT A JAR.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The deniers never seem to make much sense. You spend pages and pages going on about how CO2 has nothing to do with temperature, and then post an article crediting rising CO2 levels with averting an ice age.

Admitting CO2 warms the planet after swearing against the science for years.

That is pretty lolworthy.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
My dear Captain, that man affects climate is indisputable. Is he prepared to sacrifice some creature comforts to help remedy the problem is the real question.

It then goes to having only one solution Dr. Spade... A cessation of all carbon-based life such that no ghgs in any form are emitted.

Admitting CO2 warms the planet after swearing against the science for years.

That is pretty lolworthy.

Ironic especially in light that the mantra morphed from Global Warming to Climate Change.

I still don't know what that really means - it insinuates that there is a comfortable temp that Mother Gaia sets the ole thermostat.... And magically, a tax will stabilize the system


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The tax is to subsidize natural gas development and distribution because it is far cheaper and more abundant than any other form or energy.