NHL Playoffs '09


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in the one-sidedness of the conference finals. The teams I expected to win, did win but...

Detroit vs Pittsburgh, I think the Wings have more depth almost across the board but the Pens have a lot of talent up front and are strong enough in the rest of their game, that their forwards can carry them a long way. Gonchar's knee I think is one of the pressure points of this series: the Pens don't have anyone else who has shown they can really step up and be that powerplay point man, when he's out. I think the Wings will win it in about 6 games. I'll be cheering for the Pens though: aside from gaining some respect (finally!!!) for Chris Osgood there's no real reason/player I like enough to cheer for the Wings.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in the one-sidedness of the conference finals. The teams I expected to win, did win but...

Detroit vs Pittsburgh, I think the Wings have more depth almost across the board but the Pens have a lot of talent up front and are strong enough in the rest of their game, that their forwards can carry them a long way. Gonchar's knee I think is one of the pressure points of this series: the Pens don't have anyone else who has shown they can really step up and be that powerplay point man, when he's out. I think the Wings will win it in about 6 games. I'll be cheering for the Pens though: aside from gaining some respect (finally!!!) for Chris Osgood there's no real reason/player I like enough to cheer for the Wings.

I wonder if Lidstrom will be back, that could hurt the wings. Osgood always shows up
in the playoffs, and saying that, that is all many will remember.
There was a big chat on talk show yesterday, debating if he should get into hall of fame
or not, quite split. He has to get in, irrespective of his regular season play, he comes
to play in the playoffs, and has been with them for years and years. Grant Fuhr is a
hall of famer, and had lots of goals scored on him, but lots of wins, and great playoffs.
Do we only recognize goalies who shine with poor teams. If Luongo was still with the
florida panthers, and had an amazing goals against career, lets say best in history, but
lower in wins, lost many games 1-0, with 40 shots against,and hardly any playoff history, would he get into the hall of fame, no.
A good goalie can't carry a poor team to a stanley cup final/win.
I don't know of any stanley cup winning teams, who were strong, that didn't have a
goalie, who now is a well recognized name, I don't thin Ken Dryden was the reason
Montreal won, he was just a solid part of a marvelous group of players. It's tougher
to decide re: goalkeepers. If Dryden had been on a different team, we might have
forgotton him allready. They are part of the team, and have to be recognized with
the greatness of that team, as they continue to win.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island

GAME 1: 5/30 8:00 PM EDT, CBC(HD), NBC(HD), RDS(HD)
8:00 PM
Series tied 0 - 0 Stanley Cup Finals.

Hope this series is as good as it should be, will be dissapointed if one team
dominates, 6 games will do it for me, detroit coming out the winner.
There is so much media attention focusing on Hossa, because he changed
teams for this season, and now is back in the finals against the team he left.
So What. He took a lot less money to play in detroit, and he will probably be
somewhere else next season, as I don't know how Detroit will get him in, under
the cap, will be interesting.

I'm just as excited about the Manitoba Moose, playing the Hershey Bears, starts
tonight, in Manitoba. Just like having a canuck team playing. A.H.L. Calder Cup.


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
I think its natural that Pittsburgh would feel a bit cold to Hossa. It all boils down to his attitude was (if not his actual words) "I don't think you guys will win, so I want to go where I can". And lo and behold, the team he snubbed is playing the team he chose to go to. I don't blame him for being focused on a career goal but at the same time he did turn his back on a Stanley Cup finalist when he was there, so I think its natural that there would be a few hard feelings left behind. It would be a kind of poetic justice to see the team he left beat him :p

I'm not really passionate about either one of these teams. They play a similar skill oriented style (as opposed to a physical one) but as I've said before/other places, the main reason I'm cheering for Pittsburgh is more because while I don't see a reason to cheer for the Wings: everybody has rings already. I would like to see the "change of the guard" to one of the younger teams because I think its better for the game. Some of my "Wing apathy" is no doubt seeded in the pre-salary cap era too, when Detroit was a "have" team and a pretty high roller with the salaries (although a lot smarter spender than the Rangers, Blues, Flyers or Leafs were). And siding with my fiance on this good politics :p


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
The young teams have to earn their way, and it showed in this playoffs.
I thought chicago showed their childlishness at times, can't get their own way,
so they pout, well, go home and grow up.
I'm sure Hossa will be bood over and over in Pittsburg, so they need to go in there
up by 2, won't be an easy chore.
I hope Crosby and Malkin play their best, and the series is close.
I don't
view detroit as a non physical team, if they 'need' to be physical they can stand
up to anybody. But since they have the puck most of the time, why bother.
It's amazing to me that Don Cherry calls them a boring team, and he did that
last year while they were in the process of finishing off Pittsburg.
That is disrespectful, but, look who's mouth it came out of, so that tells that story.
He says that seats are empty because they play that style, it is because of the
economy, michigan is possibly the poorest state in the union right now.
Their passing is a sight to see, that is hockey, it is what they all strive to be like,
and when a team finally gets that good, they are criticized, I don't understand
that at all.
They don't trap, but they are a good defensive team, and have great offensive
rushes, it's sweet. Maybe Pittsburg will 'get' to Osgood, that is the one area
where they could stumble.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I just heard on the news that the N.H.L. is very concerned about the prospect of Hamilton getting a professional hockey team, they think if Hamilton gets one Toronto will want one too!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Game wasn't surprising, the right team won, the game was good, but pittsburg
didn't scare detroit at all.
Could be different tomorrow, as pittsburg are younger, and may handle
the back to back better, and be a little quicker.

Detroit 3 - Pittsburg 1


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
GAME 1: 5/30 FINAL
1 - 3
Red Wings lead series

Red Wings lead series 1 - 0 GAME 2: 5/31 8:00 PM EDT LIVE ON CBC(HD), NBC(HD), RDS(HD)

Interesting that they are playing 'back to back' games, quite unusual for finals.

Bettman's sweetheart eastern team will have the advantage here, seems like
a plan by him when scheduling, I wonder.;-)
Hope Wings can pull it off, it will be hard, lidstrom almost 40, and others,
who are older as well, including osgood.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Detroit are up 2 games to 0, now off to Pittsburg, so if they can manage to win their
home games, they will tie it up.
I'm happy so far.



Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
In search of yet another useless thing to talk about, the talk radio guys often ask "are the Detroit Red Wings a dynasty"?

Hey, maybe they are. Though when I think of dynasty I think of a team that no one thinks is possibly beatable. It seems every round, people think the Wings can be beaten - then get proven wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
In search of yet another useless thing to talk about, the talk radio guys often ask "are the Detroit Red Wings a dynasty"?

Hey, maybe they are. Though when I think of dynasty I think of a team that no one thinks is possibly beatable. It seems every round, people think the Wings can be beaten - then get proven wrong.

Yes, I heard that on 1040. The radio talk shows always do overkill on everything, they are big on the little, and ignore the important. The wings
are the example of what every team is striving to be, yet Don Cherry still
trys to bring them down by calling them boring, he is so annoying, because he
draws the attention of so many, and so many think he is such an expert, what
a crock.
He was sucking up the last couple of days, as he is in Detroit, but just wait till
he gets to pittsburg, because that is the team he wants to win, so he can
get rid of the attention that detroit brings. He hates the fact that detroit has
lots of euros, and not the 'good canadian boys' he likes to talk about.
I love the detroit team, I have seen many teams come and go in my long time
on this earth, and there have been a few that rise above the rest, and now
we have another one, so lets enjoy the ride with them, as it won't last forever,
but it is enjoyable now.
They might lose one in Pittsburg, or maybe even two, but they have homeice
advantage, and they will outdo the penguins in the end.

They now have new young players rising to the occasion, leino, abadakator,
fillipula,helm, these are up and coming young players who are making their
names known in these playoffs, so their team lives on, and who knows how
long they will be a 'dynasty', I won't get tired of it.
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Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
Sorry Talloola, I agree with Cherry to an extent. Calling them boring may be going too far, but the Wings do lack personality. They are skilled and play a system well but there's not a lot to distinguish lines 1 through 3. No one that fans really empathize with and embrace (like a new Stevie Y), hate (like a Chris Pronger type) or that people want to see win a Cup because they've never been there and have had an outstanding career (like Ray Bourque when he went to Colorado at the trade deadline, a few years back). Technically you have to admire the consistency they show but at the same time, they lack an emotional punch compared to Pittsburgh and one of the biggest reasons is for the Wings its a case of "been there, done that".

Cherry tends to over-do the hate on Europeans but to me this isn't a North American vs European thing, just an old vs new.

Now is Detroit a dynasty? To me its a silly question at this point. If they win this will be their 5th Cup in 13 years which is remarkable consistency and speaks very well of the organization but a dynasty (to me) is like the Islanders or the Canadiens 4 straight championships, or the Oilers 5 in 7 years. Dynasty means dominance, and Detroit is consistant but not dominant. Now if they can win this year and couple more in the years to come, then people can say that but not yet. Not unless you spell dynasty like they do here in Calgary (O-N-E).
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Sorry Talloola, I agree with Cherry to an extent. Calling them boring may be going too far, but the Wings do lack personality. They are skilled and play a system well but there's not a lot to distinguish lines 1 through 3. No one that fans really empathize with and embrace (like a new Stevie Y), hate (like a Chris Pronger type) or that people want to see win a Cup because they've never been there and have had an outstanding career (like Ray Bourque when he went to Colorado at the trade deadline, a few years back). Technically you have to admire the consistency they show but at the same time, they lack an emotional punch compared to Pittsburgh and one of the biggest reasons is for the Wings its a case of "been there, done that".

All of those thoughts are fine, but they only 'live' in the minds of fans who want
'this and they want that', it has nothing to do with reality, which is what each
player feels and contributes to each game he participates in, and that is where
my thoughts are. This excitement thing, or this 'love hate relationship' thing,
is all fan stuff. I remember the Ray Bourque thing, all it said to me, is that he
wanted to finish up his career with a cup and a ring, and that's fine, but he
wasn't really a avalanche at heart, it wasn't his first love, it was his last hurrah.
I don't see any lack of emotion, just the opposite, they play hard, no team
plays harder, they play a more 'complete' game than any other team. Having
said that, Pittsburg easily could have won that game, lots of bad bounces for
them, they had no luck, but detroit still played better, and 'crossed their t's
and dotted theri i's'. For me, that is where the excitement is, the effort, and
the skill, and the complete game.

Cherry tends to over-do the hate on Europeans but to me this isn't a North American vs European thing, just an old vs new.
Yeah, and Pittsburg will have their day, and it still might be this year, it
isn't over yet, lots of time to get back in it.
But if they don't do it this year, it could be some other team next year, as there are
a number of teams getting close, and pittsburg and detroit might not get this chance
for quite awhile.

Now is Detroit a dynasty? To me its a silly question at this point. If they win this will be their 5th Cup in 13 years which is remarkable consistency and speaks very well of the organization but a dynasty (to me) is like the Islanders or the Canadiens 4 straight championships, or the Oilers 5 in 7 years. Dynasty means dominance, and Detroit is consistant but not dominant. Now if they can win this year and couple more in the years to come, then people can say that but not yet. Not unless you spell dynasty like they do here in Calgary (O-N-E
In todays hockey a dynasty will be almost impossible to build, the league is so
close in talent, most likely there will be 'turns' taken, for teams to carry that
cup around the ice.
The game is so efficient now, even the poorer teams are not that poor. The
preparation of players to play is 'deep', the coaching is 'deep', and fitness is
'deep', the of season preparation is 'deep', players come to training camp ready
to play.
So, yes, if the wings win the series, they will definitely never be forgotton in
the history of the game, as a 'dynasty' in this day and age.
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Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
But without the fans, what is the game?

The game is 'everything', but that fans live in a different world, and have to make the
game important 'to them', for the reasons they think are important, but sometimes, in
fact most times, the important things to fans, are emotion from players, hatred between
players,(and that is also only in the minds of the fans), as the players usually forget
upsetting events very quickly. Fighting between players. Bad things that players do.
Quite often, the basic game is not first and foremost in fans minds, but controversy is.
The dislike of opposition for 'whatever' reasons. I have that for one team only, and that
is anaheim, so I do fit in a little there. I can pull for canucks all year against the other
teams in our division, but I will pull for our division when we are gone, and that includes calgary, and I will always pull for our conference, never the east. It is our turf, so I
will be faithful to them, (unless it's anaheim) lol
That's not a bad thing, whatever makes them enjoy the game is good for them, but I
don't quite fit in to that catagorie. Of course there are the fans like me too, we come
in all styles.

There isn't the revenue from the gate or advertising, thus there isn't the same ability to assembly the most talented and pay them to play the game.
That is good for the game, no organization should be able to pay double the salaries
to buy a winner, also that doesn't always work,( eg. rangers), and before the draft
was born, teams just hoarded good players for themselves, and that's unfair.

When you get down to it, most of its subjective.

We all have different views on the game. Some fans empathize with the more emotional aspects (why do you think so many love the underdogs? :p).
Yeah, that is emotional.

The same goes for defining what makes a dynasty: thats a debate for fans and reporters. I agree that modern dynasties are hard to assemble, especially in a world with salary caps and ever escalating contract demands from stars. But dynasties were always hard to build, even for the 70's Habs, the Isles or the Oilers. Its a tribute to their scouting ability and management that they were able to rise that high. And yes, some of it is luck, in terms of bounces, timing and injuries but thats the world of sports.
I hope there are no more dynastys.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I must have done something wierd on that last reply. Maybe I hit edit instead
of quote, cause it didn't show up on NHL playoff page. Only thing I can think of.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
GAME 2: 5/31 FINAL​
1 - 3
Red Wings lead series 2 - 0

Game 3, today at 5:00 pacific

Well, this is it for Pittsburg, they have to win this one.
Sammuelson is out tonight, so Detroit is getting more thin, will it
make a difference, we'll see.

If they go down 3 game to 0, then they will probably lose the series in their
own building. I think pittsburg will win one of these games in their rink.
I know the players don't care, but I would like to see Detroit win the series
in Detroit.