NHL Playoffs '09


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
6/9 FINAL 1 - 2


DETROIT – Now more than ever, Red Wings coach Mike Babcock would like to see the Red Wings win the Stanley Cup for the city of Detroit.

There isn't a place in America that has been hit harder by the recent economic downturn than the Motor City. With the auto industry in shambles, factories are closing and workers are being laid off. Almost one in four people in Detroit is out of work.

Babcock would love to give the city a win Friday night against the Penguins in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final.

"People who don't live here have no idea what it's like here in Detroit right now," Babcock said. "I just know in my neighborhood, and I live in a nice neighborhood, the foreclosures and the kids in my kids' schools that have to move and dads don't have jobs and people are helping them, it's incredible.

"They don't get to come to the games, they cost too much. But they get to watch them on TV. And they get to enjoy it, and get as fired up as we do. And to me, that's a fantastic thing."

This isn't the first time the city is looking to sports to bring the city together during tough times. In the late '60s, Detroit was besieged by riots and civil unrest. And just like in today's Detroit, the city was dealing with housing problems and unemployment.

http://shop.nhl.com/entry.point?entry=3545460&source=NHL_CTX:DetroitRedWingsSCFinal:5.29.09 In 1968, the Tigers won the World Series, rallying from a 3-games-to-1 deficit to defeat the St. Louis Cardinals. While Babcock doesn't go that far back, he understands the importance of doing something to lift the spirits of a downtrodden city.

"The '68 Tigers was a ways off for me, I've got to tell you," Babcock said. "I told the same kind of story in the room today. I talked about the '72 Boston Bruins winning the Stanley Cup."

Boston was dealing with its own economic hardships during that time. New England as a whole was seeing a lot of its manufacturing jobs being shipped elsewhere, leaving many without work. Phil Esposito and Bobby Orr did their best to give fans something to be happy about, vanquishing the New York Rangers in six games in the Final.

Babcock hopes the Red Wings can do the same for Detroit.

"For us, in Detroit and in Michigan, this has been an unbelievable run for our city and for our state just because of the economy here and for the people," Babcock said. "It's been absolutely fantastic. Now we've got to finish it off."

Hope it's a good game, hope detroit wins, glad it's the last game, I've got a
summer to enjoy, and other hockey happenings, off ice, and the manitoba
moose series, game 6 tonight, moose have to win or they're done.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Well Pittsburg did it 2-1. Pretty good game, detroit dominated at the beginning,
then it evened out, then pittsburg took over, and detroit looked like they were in
a coma for most of the second period.
Then pittsburg was just sitting on the lead, playing the clock down, almost backfired on them, fleury was magnificent, made one mistake which caused
the goal, thought he would get the con smythe trophy but malkin got it, and
he had a great playoff, not so much in the last 3 games, but all through the
playoffs, he was their star, and the star wins that trophy.

congratulations to pittsburg.
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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Fleury was huge. And what can you say about Talbot. Pretty clutch guy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Fleury was huge. And what can you say about Talbot. Pretty clutch guy.

Yeah, the grinders and workers got the job done for pittsburgh tonight.
hate to see cooke get his name on that trophy, but he did play well throughout
the playoffs, so good on him, the little a*hole, don't ever want him back on our
team, stay in the east with all the rest of the pansies.

we'll have to get that cup back in the west where it belongs, next season, can't wait.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Yeah, the grinders and workers got the job done for pittsburgh tonight.
hate to see cooke get his name on that trophy, but he did play well throughout
the playoffs, so good on him, the little a*hole, don't ever want him back on our
team, stay in the east with all the rest of the pansies.

we'll have to get that cup back in the west where it belongs, next season, can't wait.

LOL! Wow! A little harsh on teams in the East aren't you?8O:lol:

Good game. I am glad that Pittsburgh won, but I did not like the Franzen hit on Crosby to be honest.

Poor Hossa.;-) I cannot imagine the empty hole in his heart where the Stanley Cup was supposed to go. You could tell the pressure got to him as he only had 15 points the entire post season. He was a non-entity in the Finals.

That being said, if Hossa had stayed in Pittsburgh who knows if they still would have won? They may not have picked up Guiren or Kunitz if Hossa had stayed and the entire post-season may have been different for them.

I am glad that Malkin got the Conn Smyth over Osgood. Osgood was good at times, but there was no way he was the biggest reason they got to the finals. With that team in front of him, almost any goalie would look better than they are.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Poor Hossa.;-) I cannot imagine the empty hole in his heart where the Stanley Cup was supposed to go.

That was my favorite part of the game. When the Pens started celebrating, the first Wing player they showed was Hossa. Couldn't have scripted it better.

Some players are winners and some try to ride the coat tails of a winner. I'm glad Hossa didn't ride Pittsburgh's coat tails.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
shaquote said:
dowshiv;1107592]LOL! Wow! A little harsh on teams in the East aren't you?8O:lol:

Good game. I am glad that Pittsburgh won, but I did not like the Franzen hit on Crosby to be honest.
A tad late, but the refereeing for both teams has been much looser than
in previous series.

Poor Hossa.;-) I cannot imagine the empty hole in his heart where the Stanley Cup was supposed to go. You could tell the pressure got to him as he only had 15 points the entire post season. He was a non-entity in the Finals.
Yeah, I agree, how the pitts team would have conducted their trades etc.,
with him there could have been much different, and also Hossa turned down
a huge offer from Edmonton to play in Detroit, so the trashing of him and
his decision to go to detroit isn't fair, he accepted much less money to play
there, and I'm sure he isn't sorry, he had a great season. Not sure where he will be next season,
as detroit now has the cap to worry about, don't know if they can fit him
in again, 'heard he was coming to canucks', but i've heard that everyone is
coming to canucks, we better make two teams.
Hossa played well last night, but babcock said it well, that team was worn
out, it showed on and off throughout that series, and it showed up again
in the second period last night, and that isn't taking anything away from
pitts, they played well, but they wouldn't have beaten detroit on their
best day, and they haven't been at their best in this final, at times they
sagged badly.

I am glad that Malkin got the Conn Smyth over Osgood. Osgood was good at times, but there was no way he was the biggest reason they got to the finals. With that team in front of him, almost any goalie would look better than they are.
Although if detroit had of won the game, and he had of been a big part of
the win he would have won it. I'm glad malkin won it too.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
That was my favorite part of the game. When the Pens started celebrating, the first Wing player they showed was Hossa. Couldn't have scripted it better.

Some players are winners and some try to ride the coat tails of a winner. I'm glad Hossa didn't ride Pittsburgh's coat tails.

And of course Draper is whining that Crosby is "classless" because he didn't immediately go to shake Lidstrom's hand.

Two things about that.

1. Last year, Pittsburgh waited patiently while Detroit celebrated and stayed on the ice until that celebration was done. Detroit did not do the same this year.

2. Chelios left the ice immediately after they lost to Anaheim. He was "overcome by emotion" they(Detroit) say. So, Crosby remains on the ice and still shakes people's hands, and he is called "classless" yet when their team-mate doesn't even bother shaking anybody's hands he is just "overcome by emotion". Double standard, eh Detroit?:roll:

Draper=Sour Grapes


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
And of course Draper is whining that Crosby is "classless" because he didn't immediately go to shake Lidstrom's hand.

Two things about that.

1. Last year, Pittsburgh waited patiently while Detroit celebrated and stayed on the ice until that celebration was done. Detroit did not do the same this year.

2. Chelios left the ice immediately after they lost to Anaheim. He was "overcome by emotion" they(Detroit) say. So, Crosby remains on the ice and still shakes people's hands, and he is called "classless" yet when their team-mate doesn't even bother shaking anybody's hands he is just "overcome by emotion". Double standard, eh Detroit?:roll:

Draper=Sour Grapes
It's not 'they', it's just draper, and, unless you actually heard the player say
those words, don't get trapped into believing it, cause the media like to
throw those negative goodies out to the public, and when the dust settles
and players are actually interviewed, they don't know what anyones talking
about. I never trust the media, they want controversy all the time, and the
players usually don't have anything to do with any of that, on all the teams.
That stuff is all petty trivial meanlingless information, and has nothing to
do with reality.
Any players on any teams who immediately leave the ice, are just 'for the moment' caught up in emotion and dissapointment, and usually get over it
very quickly, it has nothing to do with 'classless' by anyone.
Put yourself in the position of being a player caught up in the frenzy of a
7th game, and when the buzzer goes, sometimes it isn't easy to 'just' let it
go immediately.
Same thing just happened to that basketball player 'labron james', (sp?), and
in no time he E Mailed all people involved and apologized, and realized that he
was over emotional, but got over it quickly, he was trashed, but not by me, I can
imagine how dissapointed he was for a few minutes, maybe he had a big cry, by
himself, or whatever he needed to do, or maybe he needed to have a tantrum, and
had to get away so no one would see him, all of these guys are just guys like anyone
else, and react the same, they are not super humans.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Mr. Moderator, PLEASE bury this obsolete thread!

Why would you say that, Yukon Jack? People like Talloola get a lot of enjoyment out of this thread. Like you I've kind of lost interest in it now, so I don't pay too close attention to it, but it certainly doesn't bother me just being there. THAT is just plain mean spirited or maybe better described as a "dog in a manger" attitude.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
All I know is I am $10.00 short

And I'm $5.00 short, even though I picked Pittsburgh to win the cup! My mistake in the pool was picking a few choice players from teams like Washington and San Jose. I should have picked players from Pittsburgh and Detroit only. Rats! I won't make that mistake next year.

Congratulations Pittsburgh. What a party in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
What is the reason for this thread any more??i

The same reason for any thread...some person or people want to discuss a subject. Like any other thread, if you aren't interested in the subject matter, don't bother with it.

If it really bothers you that you can't control what threads are available for discussion perhaps I could suggest buying the site. That way you can do as you wish.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The Stanley Cup HAS BEEN WON!!!

What is the reason for this thread any more??i

Probably 10 Good reasons, but I can probably provide you with three
2. N.H.L. has many faces, sports, financial, political
3. People like to relive some events

We still don't know what's happening with the Phoenix Coyotes and some people are very interested in that. Over to you Talloola.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
And I'm $5.00 short, even though I picked Pittsburgh to win the cup! My mistake in the pool was picking a few choice players from teams like Washington and San Jose.

We were discussing San Jose last night. Considering Thornton's disappearing act at crunch time, should he be a consideration for the Olympic team? I know he is one of the best players in the league but he seems to go AWOL during big games and every game is big in the Olympics.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The same reason for any thread...some person or people want to discuss a subject. Like any other thread, if you aren't interested in the subject matter, don't bother with it.

If it really bothers you that you can't control what threads are available for discussion perhaps I could suggest buying the site. That way you can do as you wish.

Good answer CAnnuck. ( I think ALL opera houses should be shut down, I don't like opera, don't understand it and I don't think there's any use for it.:lol::lol:)