Multiple dead after shooting at Quebec City mosque


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You seriously need to calm the fack down MF.


On the left, Canadian-content laws, protectionism (at least among many on the left), official bilingualism, separate schools (at the provincial level with the Liberal Party of Ontario and the Ontario NDP being passively approving of the separate school system). Now on the right, Leitch wants to take it even farther with a values test. The Bloc Quebecois wanted a charter of Quebec Values. We still have the Indian Act. Canada has much work to do on many fronts. The NDP is but a small part of the problem. Trust me.

Did the NDP take advantage of his weaknesses? White supremacist often take the weak and disenfranchised and it is apparent the NDP did that here with Bissonette.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Just because someone likes guns and has a fascination with them doesn't mean that the liking of guns was a catalyst for his radicalization.... We dont have a gun problem in the country.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I hear you, but when people are gathered in a Mosque they are at a slight disadvantage................not very sporting! All else aside this is a tragedy of extreme proportions that goes beyond the realm of common sense..................should never have happened!

They were at a great disadvantage. Organizations of hate like the NDP do not care for sport it would seem.

Just because someone likes guns and has a fascination with them doesn't mean that the liking of guns was a catalyst for his radicalization.... We dont have a gun problem in the country.

Clearly the mixture of guns and NDP ideology are toxic.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Everybody CAM DOON,

Wait till the shooter's motive is released. Could just be a whack job who got stiffed on a bubble gum transaction by a brown skinned person.

Who the F knows at this point?


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
It was his radicalisation.

I disagree...

Outside of the major cities guns are a part of our lives and who we are. Its similar to places like Finland and Switzerland where gun ownership is quite high compared to the rest of the world. We aren't the states.

There are people from either end of the political spectrum that collect and own fire arms and use them in a responsible way where i live...


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You misunderstood my post.

I was just stating that radicalisation is the problem, whatever the origin.

He had more than a few sources.

And it's the rhetoric of some politicians that is fueling this.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The rhetoric from the NDP must be very bigoted and inflammatory to cause him to go off into a place of worship and mercilessly gun people down.

This put the whole Canadians are polite shtick into the sunlight. The whole world was watching.

I doubt if you can attribute this to politics- more likely something like bi polar. I'm no expert on the subject but I have known a couple of bi polar patients who are fine if they stay on their meds, but once off them they go absolutely insane. One guy I knew quit his job and then phoned his boss to tell him he'd be in to pick up his cheque. The boss told him the cheque wasn't ready yet and the guy told him I'll be there in blank blank minutes and if that f**king cheque isn't there your nuts will be hanging up in a tree. When on his meds he was the nicest guy in the world, off them a raving lunatic. Same thing with my wife's niece.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON

Did the NDP take advantage of his weaknesses? White supremacist often take the weak and disenfranchised and it is apparent the NDP did that here with Bissonette.

The NDP would certainly condemn his actions. If anything, the NDP, though far from being for open borders, is still more pro-immigration than the other major parties at least. So this is a Canadian problem, and the NDP is not necessarily the main culprit.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
QUEBEC — From a young age, Alexandre Bissonnette was fascinated with guns. As a boy, he would fire a pellet gun in the woods across the street from the house where he was raised in suburban Cap-Rouge, a neighbour recounted Tuesday. As a young teen, he joined the Cadets, where marksmanship is an important part of the training.

But it was later when his passion for firearms combined with right-wing extremist ideology that the fuse was allegedly lit for a rampage that left six worshippers dead in a Quebec City mosque Sunday evening.

Eric Debroise met Bissonnette late last year when a mutual friend brought him along to a regular political discussion that Debroise hosts at a pub near Université Laval.

Bissonnette was keen to talk about Marine Le Pen, the far-right French politician. On Facebook, Bissonnette declared himself a fan of Le Pen, as well as of U.S. President Donald Trump. Debroise said his informal group includes people of various political persuasions, but nobody was interested in hearing praise of the anti-immigrant Front National leader who had visited Quebec earlier in the year.

None of which accounts for what he did on Sunday night. Pellet guns are about as dangerous as a pea shooter! :)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
The NDP would certainly condemn his actions. If anything, the NDP, though far from being for open borders, is still more pro-immigration than the other major parties at least. So this is a Canadian problem, and the NDP is not necessarily the main culprit.

He liked a Facebook page. Some folks think that makes you a member.

It's really deranged.

The guy needs medication.

Is there medication that raises IQ...I mean besides tequila?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Don't vote Republican....

I don't think the NDP can vote Republican which is a blessing. The GOP does not need NDPers like Bissonette.

The NDP would certainly condemn his actions. If anything, the NDP, though far from being for open borders, is still more pro-immigration than the other major parties at least. So this is a Canadian problem, and the NDP is not necessarily the main culprit.

Clearly it is a Canadian problem that is a given.

Will the NDP be investigated for their ideologies now that one of their members shot up a mosque?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Alberta of their members shot up a mosque?

Clearly you have some misunderstandings regarding the Canadian political system. Liking a Facebook page doesn't make somebody a member of a party here. I understand the woefully inadequate US school system doesn't teach you guys much about other countries so your confusion is somewhat understandable.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

"Trumpist"?? Really? Have you been drinking?

It is a whole lot easier to find those that hate liberty on the left.....although there are idiots all across the political spectrum. What "right wing" terrorist would you have the gov't monitor? Conservative voters?

Couldn't agree more. In fact, in the UK, in the USA, in Canada gun control throughout the first half of the 20th century was specifically aimed at keeping new immigrants from arming themselves. New York's Sullivan Law, introduced in 1911, was brought in by corrupt politicians to serve the Irish mobs because the second generation of immigrants were far too likely to poke a few holes in them when they went to collect their protection money.

A damn shame the guys with the cojones to challenge the ******* in QC were not armed.

See what I mean? Obviously I don't think the government should monitor people based on the fact that they vote Conservative. But the mere suggestion that right wing hate groups should be monitored and the persecution complex gets triggered and, like I said, you freak out.

Kiddo, if you think that was me "freak(ing) out".......well, you are wayyyyy out there. :)

Secondly, your original post left one to believe that surveillance against right wing groups should be intensified..........which is kinda silly, as I believe that any known group spouting hatred, or inciting to violence is already being watched. And that is a good thing. My point was that I do not know where you expect to expand surveillance on right wing groups.