Most Unsolved Canadian Murders Are Perpetrated By The Police


Time Out
Nov 18, 2011
I figure you're one of those sour gape gripers who's already been banned under other names. There is probably one good reason you don't get on well with others.
... just stating an opinion. you can't handle it? not my problem ...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
... just stating an opinion. you can't handle it? not my problem ...
Man, I'm crushed. I was all locked and loaded, ready for the coup of a life time.

I was ready to exact my pound of flesh from these jackbooted Mods, and their fascist rules and impotent wizzy sticks.

I thought you were a man of action.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
... wrong again, bucko. the multiple accounts issue commenced with post #15 in this thread by retired_can_soldier ...

So now you ar saying that someone who reports a crime ergo: multiple the guilty party??? sure need lessons in common law.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
... it's so obvious that most of the unsolved murders in canada have been committed by the cops. here's why: other than the canadian army, the police are the only identifiable canadian group that openly takes the lives of others on a regular basis. a victim of a police murder shows up on the news on a daily basis in canada, the murder of robert dziekanski by the mounties in 2007 being the most widely-publicized police murder. further, the police and crown prosecutors are partners and they will not pursue criminal activity perpetrated by cops; instead the police and crown counsel will cover up and refuse to investigate murders in which the police are guilty ...

... if you put two and two together you quickly come to the conclusion that the police themselves are probably guilty of committing most, if not all, of the unsolved murders in canada ...

So, now you're claiming this isn't your post? You 'didn't start this'?

Wow, the mods must really have it in for you.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
... the issue of multiple accounts was not started by me, it was put forth by other posters. you can't say i brought that one up ...

... and i'm still waiting for you to post your statistics that prove that all of the many unsolved murders in canada HAVEN'T been perpetrated by the pigs. come on, man, where are you're stats, where's your info, where are your numbers?

First, you being the great know it all must tell us how to prove a negative.

You are an idiot. You made the assertion that they ARE. It is on your dime to put up or shut up. Where's your info, where are your numbers?

And yes, I'm risking the wrath of the mods by calling you an idiot.

I don't think you can get in doo doo for stating the truth.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
... it's so obvious that most of the unsolved murders in canada have been committed by the cops. here's why: other than the canadian army, the police are the only identifiable canadian group that openly takes the lives of others on a regular basis. a victim of a police murder shows up on the news on a daily basis in canada, the murder of robert dziekanski by the mounties in 2007 being the most widely-publicized police murder. further, the police and crown prosecutors are partners and they will not pursue criminal activity perpetrated by cops; instead the police and crown counsel will cover up and refuse to investigate murders in which the police are guilty ...

... if you put two and two together you quickly come to the conclusion that the police themselves are probably guilty of committing most, if not all, of the unsolved murders in canada ...

A bunch of utter nonsense. Go back to Oz. :roll:

This sh*t should be relegated to the same file as the Holocaust deniers!

Kathie Bondar

Kathie Bondar
May 11, 2010
Calgary, Alberta
... it's so obvious that most of the unsolved murders in canada have been committed by the cops. here's why: other than the canadian army, the police are the only identifiable canadian group that openly takes the lives of others on a regular basis. a victim of a police murder shows up on the news on a daily basis in canada, the murder of robert dziekanski by the mounties in 2007 being the most widely-publicized police murder. further, the police and crown prosecutors are partners and they will not pursue criminal activity perpetrated by cops; instead the police and crown counsel will cover up and refuse to investigate murders in which the police are guilty ...

... if you put two and two together you quickly come to the conclusion that the police themselves are probably guilty of committing most, if not all, of the unsolved murders in canada ...

Speaking from first hand experience, I think you are right on. However, you need to distinguish between the cops on the street risking their lives for law and order, and the detectives that nobody seesoperating in the shadows.No doubt some are dedicated policemen, but due to the secretive nature of their work, they certainly have a lot of room to manouvre.
I admire your guts to have come out and said it. Having read some of the responses, many sounds like self defence.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Speaking from first hand experience, I think you are right on. However, you need to distinguish between the cops on the street risking their lives for law and order, and the detectives that nobody seesoperating in the shadows.No doubt some are dedicated policemen, but due to the secretive nature of their work, they certainly have a lot of room to manouvre.
I admire your guts to have come out and said it. Having read some of the responses, many sounds like self defence.

I thought you were psychic? Wouldn't you be able to give the definitive answer in this? Or is the word psychotic a better descriptor?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
... it's so obvious that most of the unsolved murders in canada have been committed by the cops. here's why: other than the canadian army, the police are the only identifiable canadian group that openly takes the lives of others on a regular basis. a victim of a police murder shows up on the news on a daily basis in canada, the murder of robert dziekanski by the mounties in 2007 being the most widely-publicized police murder. further, the police and crown prosecutors are partners and they will not pursue criminal activity perpetrated by cops; instead the police and crown counsel will cover up and refuse to investigate murders in which the police are guilty ...

... if you put two and two together you quickly come to the conclusion that the police themselves are probably guilty of committing most, if not all, of the unsolved murders in canada ...

I call BULLSH*T. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I call BULLSH*T. :lol:

Well, that's obvious; when I asked for statistics on how many 'unsolved' murders had been perpetrated by the police, the original poster complained that you can't have statistics on who did unsolved murders, or else they wouldn't be unsolved. Which therefore proves the fact that you can't claim that 'most' of them have been done by anyone, since they are unsolved.


Time Out
Nov 18, 2011
I admire your guts to have come out and said it. Having read some of the responses, many sounds like self defence.
... thank you for your excellent post ...

... and not only did i get attacked on this board for saying what i said, but i actually got attacked by the rcmp in my home town the very night that i said it ...

... after i left the coffee shop where i had logged into the canadian content forums to write the post, i was pulled over by a pig while i was riding my bike home for no real reason. the pig told me i was riding my bike wrong and he gave me a whole list of reasons why i was riding my bike wrong and he told me to get off the road with my bike and he threatened to hit me with a fine ...

... coincidence? nope, a sign of a very guilty police force that lacks any semblance of self-control ...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
... thank you for your excellent post ...

... and not only did i get attacked on this board for saying what i said, but i actually got attacked by the rcmp in my home town the very night that i said it ...

... after i left the coffee shop where i had logged into the canadian content forums to write the post, i was pulled over by a pig while i was riding my bike home for no real reason. the pig told me i was riding my bike wrong and he gave me a whole list of reasons why i was riding my bike wrong and he told me to get off the road with my bike and he threatened to hit me with a fine ...

... coincidence? nope, a sign of a very guilty police force that lacks any semblance of self-control ...

You are a winner for sure. A real winner.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I'd say you need a new hat...the tinfoil in the old one has cracks so the cops could read your mind when you were in that coffee shop....that's why he pulled you over, not because you were riding on the wrong side of the road.....I know....he told me so.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
... thank you for your excellent post ...

... and not only did i get attacked on this board for saying what i said, but i actually got attacked by the rcmp in my home town the very night that i said it ...

... after i left the coffee shop where i had logged into the canadian content forums to write the post, i was pulled over by a pig while i was riding my bike home for no real reason. the pig told me i was riding my bike wrong and he gave me a whole list of reasons why i was riding my bike wrong and he told me to get off the road with my bike and he threatened to hit me with a fine ...

... coincidence? nope, a sign of a very guilty police force that lacks any semblance of self-control ...

Why not open a blog - post all the info - documents - the complete shebang - about how you and your family are chased by police - murders - you say you dealt with laywers -then provide a link.