No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report
I was addressing another poster. I don't address you because you are a cop hater.:roll:
I am not a "cop hater." I work quite closely with
real law enforcement
due to my occupation. I have issues with much of the local law
enforcement where I live as I can see what is happening here, as some
folks in Edmonton would feel the same way about their law enforcement
if they can see what is happening there. Real law enforcement are not
these four Bullies or the RCMP above them that lied to the public until
they couldn't publicly do it any longer. Real law enforcement are the
people that You are cheering on (Good on you, by the way!), and these
four officers aren't that. You want to call me names? Pick one from
below 'cuz they'll actually fit me.
I am a "
corruption hater" when I see it.
I am an "
incompetence in our highly paid civil servant sector hater"
when I see it.
I'm the kid who would wade into a Bully picking on a Victim knowing
I'd most likely get my @ss handed to me too, but I couldn't stay on
the sidelines and watch. If you really have a problem with people like
me, then that really is your own problem. I know right from wrong when
I see it, irregardless of who is performing that wrong. If this makes me
some kind of evil person in your world view, then so be it.
Ironically, you and I are almost always on the same side of most issues
except for blatant corruption in some law enforcement officials. Hmm....
I think our views are much closer to each other than they aren't, except
I've (and I've seen Family & Friends here too) been on the short end of
the stick with blatantly corrupt law enforcement and burocrats before.