Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I'm glad the taser is being restricted. It got to be a weapon of convenience and dilutes the point of all the training to nab somebody harmlessly. I would have liked to see the constables involved given some time off to think about their training and how to use a simple wrist lock again.
They may never have received that training in the first place. For several years now (since police brutality became the yell of the public)the new weapons have been - (in whatever order)- pepper spray, asp baton, and the taser. Even the choke hold is classified as dangerous and possibly lethal. They are so short of members (like all police forces) they are simply pumping them out without enough solid training. The taser is no longer to be used as a weapon of convenience. You are right in that it was being used as that.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Nice rant ... but those four cops just painted targets on the backs of forty cops who care.
So silly. Whatever makes you think those four didn't or don't care? A horrible accident happended. How many times do I have to say they did not go there with the intent to kill.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The senior police wouldn't hold back information would they? Even if they appear to have killed a man in cold blood? Say its not so batman, constable canuk would
never do such a thing, ya right. I think if the Polish police were good enough to
assist the mounties who went to that country to find dirt on this poor guy, then
the mounties should make the information available to the polich government to
put these cops on trial for murder in that country. International police forces
and Iterpol should see these creeps in uniform face justice somewhere anywhere
because there is no justice in this country anymore.
WE have more to fear from the cops that we do bikers for gods sake and its
time we cleaned up our act. If our police can kill people because they don't
speak english, there is goin to be a hell of a lot of bodies lying face down
before the olympics are over


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada

......the hell I don't know you grumpy but you are one of the very few reasons that I love Canada.

International police forces and Iterpol should see these creeps in uniform face justice somewhere anywhere because there is no justice in this country anymore

....and fast ;for the sake of Canada .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So silly. Whatever makes you think those four didn't or don't care? A horrible accident happended. How many times do I have to say they did not go there with the intent to kill.

On this I.P. you and I have to agree to disagree. In this incident the taser was employed within 30 seconds of the police arriving on the scene. What efforts did the police really make to establish any kind of communication with the man? Shouldn't they have at first attempted to find someone who could communicate in English? A smart cop would have first tried to remove anyone from the scene who he felt was in imminant danger. That particular cop acted in a very unprofessional and cruel manner. AT the VERY LEAST he should be charged with manslaughter. FIVE JOLTS OF 50000 VOLTS. Come on..........


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nice rant ... but those four cops just painted targets on the backs of forty cops who care.
Not a target on the back but proof the yellow streak runs up the belly as well as the legs.

I wonder if they were tested for drugs like WCB would do with any other job related death.?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

I was addressing another poster. I don't address you because you are a cop hater.:roll:

I am not a "cop hater." I work quite closely with real law enforcement
due to my occupation. I have issues with much of the local law
enforcement where I live as I can see what is happening here, as some
folks in Edmonton would feel the same way about their law enforcement
if they can see what is happening there. Real law enforcement are not
these four Bullies or the RCMP above them that lied to the public until
they couldn't publicly do it any longer. Real law enforcement are the
people that You are cheering on (Good on you, by the way!), and these
four officers aren't that. You want to call me names? Pick one from
below 'cuz they'll actually fit me.

I am a "corruption hater" when I see it.

I am an "incompetence in our highly paid civil servant sector hater"
when I see it.

I'm the kid who would wade into a Bully picking on a Victim knowing
I'd most likely get my @ss handed to me too, but I couldn't stay on
the sidelines and watch. If you really have a problem with people like
me, then that really is your own problem. I know right from wrong when
I see it, irregardless of who is performing that wrong. If this makes me
some kind of evil person in your world view, then so be it.

Ironically, you and I are almost always on the same side of most issues
except for blatant corruption in some law enforcement officials. Hmm....
I think our views are much closer to each other than they aren't, except
I've (and I've seen Family & Friends here too) been on the short end of
the stick with blatantly corrupt law enforcement and burocrats before.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm glad the taser is being restricted. It got to be a weapon of convenience and dilutes the point of all the training to nab somebody harmlessly. I would have liked to see the constables involved given some time off to think about their training and how to use a simple wrist lock again.

Yeah...let's see you try using a "simple wrist lock" when someone is out of control.

Sure grab their wrist and they will be immediately subdued... no problem. :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I am not a "cop hater." I work quite closely with real law enforcement
due to my occupation. I have issues with much of the local law
enforcement where I live as I can see what is happening here, as some
folks in Edmonton would feel the same way about their law enforcement
if they can see what is happening there. Real law enforcement are not
these four Bullies or the RCMP above them that lied to the public until
they couldn't publicly do it any longer. Real law enforcement are the
people that You are cheering on (Good on you, by the way!), and these
four officers aren't that. You want to call me names? Pick one from
below 'cuz they'll actually fit me.

I am a "corruption hater" when I see it.

I am an "incompetence in our highly paid civil servant sector hater"
when I see it.

I'm the kid who would wade into a Bully picking on a Victim knowing
I'd most likely get my @ss handed to me too, but I couldn't stay on
the sidelines and watch. If you really have a problem with people like
me, then that really is your own problem. I know right from wrong when
I see it, irregardless of who is performing that wrong. If this makes me
some kind of evil person in your world view, then so be it.

Ironically, you and I are almost always on the same side of most issues
except for blatant corruption in some law enforcement officials. Hmm....
I think our views are much closer to each other than they aren't, except
I've (and I've seen Family & Friends here too) been on the short end of
the stick with blatantly corrupt law enforcement and burocrats before.

I'm definitely not a protestor by the common definition of the word, BUT I think this matter is one that calls for giant protest rallies- this is about safety of marginalized people, equality of justice, and ridding society of corruption. No citizen should stand for a man of this ilk having any involvement with law enforcement or protection of the public and I think this one incident calls for citizens turning out in force in every community in the province to see that the right thing is done.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
So silly. Whatever makes you think those four didn't or don't care? A horrible accident happended. How many times do I have to say they did not go there with the intent to kill.

A drunk does not go out driving with the intent to kill either....

The moment you create a special exemption for cops, you isolate them further from the very people they protect and the laws they have sworn to uphold..


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
A drunk does not go out driving with the intent to kill either....

The moment you create a special exemption for cops, you isolate them further from the very people they protect and the laws they have sworn to uphold..

The Police are "NOT ABOVE THE LAW" and that is what they have to convey with these four.

The Crown will have to send a very harsh message (sentence) or the credibility (if there is any left) for our police forces will be gone


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Well of course they did not want it released..

It was missing the 10-11 hours he was at the airport getting frustrated waiting in an area he had no idea he could just leave.
It is my understanding SirFrancis, that he left and returned to the area many times in the 10 hour period. So much for airport security. However, he probably returned there hoping his Mom would arrive to pick him up and she was kept out of that area and told he was not there.

It shows a clip in time for which the Police Force will forever be seen as the vilians.

Bad or good judgement call it will always be seen as bad judgement call.

Testemony is contradictory to what is on the video. Hence it is not "professional" from their perspective.
From what I've read today, I believe the taser user in particular is lying. He should be sent back to training for 6 months. He may get worse. I truly believed I was defending the truth but I do not think I was. The OIC should be suspended without pay for 6 months for ordering more than one "shot". The other two are basically innocent bystanders for the most part. They should just go on with their jobs, probably in a different locale.

No matter what the RCMP would have done that was good this clip would not show any of it.. All it does is show the negative side of this event and perhaps that is all there is, I can't dispute that as I was not there.
I don't think the video matters anymore. The officer that used the taser is obviously not being truthful and that is only making matters worse. They need to tell the truth and get on with the job. Everyone now knows that the taser kills. It's use has been restricted. Steps can be taken to improve how all police officers react to situations but lying isn't a part of that.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
A drunk does not go out driving with the intent to kill either....

The moment you create a special exemption for cops, you isolate them further from the very people they protect and the laws they have sworn to uphold..
Until today, after reading the news, I would have disagreed with you to some extent. Not all. I cannot tolerate lies from any source. I believe the officer who used the taser is telling lies so he has lost my respect. His superior told him to fire a second shot and that was un-necessary so he too needs some re-training and some suspension IMO. The man with the taser used it way more than he should have. At the very least, he needs to be re-trained and depending on his record as a police officer, maybe he needs to be fired. If he has no record of jumping in like this before then maybe re-training is all that is necessary. From what I read, he really got carried away. I am amazed that the others let it happen but I guess it happened so fast no one could have stopped him anyway.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Not a target on the back but proof the yellow streak runs up the belly as well as the legs.

I wonder if they were tested for drugs like WCB would do with any other job related death.?
That's really harsh Iggy.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Why is it an outrage? Were you present? Do you know all the facts? Have you read all the news enough to know that airport security knew this man was in great distress but did not report that to the police and made no attempt to assist him. If you want someone charged - you are looking in the wrong direction. The police were doing their job with the tools they were given. The old guns they had probably would have barely knocked a person down and the new ones will do little better in most cases depending on where the bullet hits. How outraged would you be if the situation was reversed and a police officer died? Would it just be a dangerous job? The outrage is that people do not back their local police force. Who will you call when someone is breaking into your house?
Good day Island Pacific, neither were you present and you do not know all the facts. You are defending 4 armed men and the victim according to you he is under the microscope of suspicion. Please quite that nonsense defending 4 thugs that went over and beyond their duty.

They killed a man who did not come here to anger people but rather the people here angered him.

If you defend 4 thugs because you feel it is right, stop for a minute and think, one of them not long ago was drunk and was driving a car and killed some one and run off, do you call that good judgment? Do you call that good morality? Please make sense with your arguments when it come cases like the man who visited a friendly country and they killed him instead because no one was interested to help a disorientated man.

What a bunch of bull sh!t.



Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Good day Island Pacific, neither were you present and you do not know all the facts. You are defending 4 armed men and the victim according to you he is under the microscope of suspicion. Please quite that nonsense defending 4 thugs that went over and beyond their duty.

They killed a man who did not come here to anger people but rather the people here angered him.

If you defend 4 thugs because you feel it is right, stop for a minute and think, one of them not long ago was drunk and was driving a car and killed some one and run off, do you call that good judgment? Do you call that good morality? Please make sense with your arguments when it come cases like the man who visited a friendly country and they killed him instead because no one was interested to help a disorientated man.

What a bunch of bull sh!t.
You must be looking at an old post Socrates. Have you noticed that you are taken back to page 1 now when you click on a post? Maybe you should try clicking on "last".


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Good day Island Pacific, neither were you present and you do not know all the facts. You are defending 4 armed men and the victim according to you he is under the microscope of suspicion....

....Please quite that nonsense defending 4 thugs that went over and beyond their duty.

I take it you were there then?