Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

You know, we all know that what happened here was wrong. It was a horrible learning experience for everyone. The RCMP have restricted the use of the taser. These members are not going to jail for any death at the airport. How much longer can you go over and over the same old material.

The issue, beyond the death, is the lies and attempted cover-up
before the video was released....and thus all of the inquiries...the
lies and attempted cover-up since the video has been released
are still coming to light. This crime was caught on tape...this issue
will be put to rest once justice is met out. Don't expect it to happen
before hand.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The officer, whose name was not released, is now a member of the RCMP’s Olympic Integrated Security Unit, which is preparing security for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.
So now he's an alcoholic because he drank too much and was involved in a fatality for which we all know that eventually - he will pay big time. He was present when a man was tasered to death. He was driving a vehicle that killed a man shortly thereafter. Is he living under a huge stress load? No - must not be. He's a trained professional and he can handle all this right? He's a cop, not a human. Iggy notice the words "preparing security". It doesn't say he will be present and accounted for at the Olympics. It's highly doubtful he will be there. I expected better from you.:-(
If it were a guy who ran a crane that killed someone under questionable circumstances then ran a guy over with a wheel barrow he wouldn't be doing construction any longer would he? Like I said before if he had time off he could deal with his stresses and re-evaluate his life if people keep ending up dead by his hand.

ALL other occupations WCB will demand time off and retraining if that person is going back into a position where lives are in his hands. If he can't handle the stress then he is in the wrong profession and going from being on the street to planning parades is morally crushing and isn't a benefit to him in any way. It would do the taxpayer and other members a benefit if he were cut loose and given disability claim to save face.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Yes. He was drunk. He ran his SUV head on into a kid on a
motorcycle. Do you need a link to the story?

No confirming the allegation also confirms the height of hypocrisy this cop is submerged in. He went to the AIR PORT THAT NIGHT TO DEAL WITH A DRUNK, A DRUNK WITH A HANG OVER went over to apprehend a another drunk supposedly, and the truth is the man was not drunk just lost, his bad luck he came across the 4 that feared 1 and they killed him.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Millington is cowardly to the extreme and an absolutely disgrace to the force. Justice will NOT be served with anything short of a first degree murder charge.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The officer, whose name was not released, is now a member of the RCMP’s Olympic Integrated Security Unit, which is preparing security for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.
So now he's an alcoholic because he drank too much and was involved in a fatality for which we all know that eventually - he will pay big time. He was present when a man was tasered to death. He was driving a vehicle that killed a man shortly thereafter. Is he living under a huge stress load? No - must not be. He's a trained professional and he can handle all this right? He's a cop, not a human. Iggy notice the words "preparing security". It doesn't say he will be present and accounted for at the Olympics. It's highly doubtful he will be there. I expected better from you.:-(

Socrates asked me a direct question. I answered it and
provided a link. You have an issue with that somehow?
Alcoholic is your word to describe this officer. Nobody
else said it. Legally he was drunk. That's in the link. Your
inferences are your own.


Nominee Member
Feb 27, 2009
I can't help to imagine how this scenario would have played out if Dziekanski was a minority. If a Jamaican immigrant came into Canada and was frustrated in the airport and the reaction of the police to his behaviour resulted in his death, we would see riots (without exaggeration). I cannot even guarantee that our Justice System would have come to the same conclusion if members of minority groups were victimized.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
If you hope in one hand and crap in the other - which one do you think fills up first!
What is "nuch".
The so called video you all watched was not on a video cam. It was a telephone shot so just how much of this do you really think you are watching? A few seconds at a time here and there maybe?

They lose their jobs, go to jail and get sued. If not, the Police thugs will lose whatever shred of credibility they "might" have left with the population

People are tired off putting up with the sense of entitlement the cops believe is their right


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada

...............resulted in his death, we would see riots (without exaggeration)

Our Justice System STINKS ......!
Dziekanski was as "minority" as you can be ; in Canada for 10-11 hrs. Then then brutally murdered by 4 egomaniacs ....
Let's have a riot .

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
You know, we all know that what happened here was wrong. It was a horrible learning experience for everyone. The RCMP have restricted the use of the taser. These members are not going to jail for any death at the airport. How much longer can you go over and over the same old material.

Hi Island a man has died he did not fall under the category of a person posing harm to 4 cops who were armed and he was not.
The cops have a testimony deferent from the video, meaning they believe their testimony is telling a better truth than the video. This is a very serious problem. I f a police force protecting the interest of the people, will find its 4 members telling a story covering their interest and not the interest of the victim, well justice is trampled upon and many are turning a blind eye, IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE THIS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. So.................there is lots of meat on this, only because the testimony is self serving while the video is telling the truth.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Yeah that would be great especially if they can't turn them off and are broadcast live unedited to the public.

The public is unlikely to agree to allow their interactions to be broadcast, but it would come in handy in all cases where misconduct was alleged.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

I don't think most people are p*ssed off at police in general, but at
the blatant corruption and incompetence surrounding this incident
that made the news in spite of the efforts of the RCMP, and in turn
the question of, "how many others got buried?" becomes inevitable.

Mounties refuse to return airport Taser video

Updated Tue. Oct. 30 2007 10:17 PM ET | Mounties refuse to return airport Taser video=

A witness who videotaped the death of a Polish man at Vancouver International
Airport is suing the RCMP for the return of the footage.

Paul Pritchard filmed Robert Dziekanski's actions "in the minutes before police
arrived, the use of the Taser by police, and the 'incredibly shocking' moment the
witnesses realized they had just seen a man die," says a statement by his lawyer.

Pritchard agreed to lend the RCMP his camera and the high-quality footage. But
now they won't return his property because they say the video may taint witness
accounts in their investigation.

"We've withheld the evidence in this very important case that we want to try to get
to the truth and to the bottom of," RCMP spokesperson Dale Carr told CTV News in

Carr said police have not ruled out a criminal investigation into the case.

"It's an investigation that is undetermined at this time, and we're just not prepared
to make any assertions as to what the outcome is going to be until it's a full and
thorough investigation," he said.

Pritchard claims the RCMP promised they would make a copy of the tape
before giving everything back to him within 48 hours.

Instead, he received a call stating that the footage would not be returned.

"I'm upset they've gone back on their word and are trying to keep my video from
coming out," said Pritchard.

Dziekanski died after a confrontation with police while he was held in a secure area
of the airport earlier this month. At one point, police used a Taser stun gun to
subdue the man.

A preliminary autopsy report on Dziekanski showed he had no signs of trauma,
disease, or any other indicators that would lead to an obvious cause of death.

Police are still looking into how and why the Polish immigrant died, and how he
spent the 10 hours between his arrival in Canada and his death.

Pritchard, an ESL teacher returning from China, continued taping the incident even
after a guard told him to stop. He then hid the camera in his bag, fearing it would
be confiscated. Later, he decided to hand over the footage to police.

Victoria lawyer Paul Pearson has agreed to help Pritchard get his footage back.

"It wasn't seized with a warrant or any other sort of authority, my client lent it to
them with the agreement that it would be returned within 48 hours," Pearson told on Tuesday.

"Certainly, our position is, if you lend someone something they have a responsibility
to give it back -- it doesn't take a lawyer to tell you that."

Pearson said RCMP officials told Pritchard that he may eventually have the footage
returned but that it could take as long as two-and-a-half years.

Murray Mollard of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association says the failure to return the
footage may further erode the public's confidence in police.

"Whether the intent or the effect of this kind of going back on an agreement is
such that I think people will worry and wonder and be skeptical about the police's
motives in this," Mollard said.

Pritchard's lawyer filed a lawsuit in British Columbia Supreme Court last Thursday,
and plans to apply for a judge's order to return the video before the end of the

"When I saw Mr. Dziekanski's mother crying on television, I knew I had to get that
video back and make sure the public gets an accurate picture of how this
happened," said Pritchard.

He plans to release the full video to the media if he gets it back.

Another witness, Sima Ashrafinia, captured grainy video of the incident using her
cellphone camera. She described Dziekanski as shaking, sweating and "shouting
back" at police.

B.C.'s chief coroner has announced an inquest into the death.
Now this is old material....but pertinent in light of the testimony
coming out at the Inquiry vrs the video that was seized and wasn't
going to be returned for 2&1/2yrs...if ever. No video = no truth to
be exposed.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Really, it's about time cops started to learn a little patience, compassion and understanding again. All the storm trooper mentality is earning them is enemy status. Fear is NOT respect.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

That's from 2007. How was it resolved?

I'm not sure I'm following what you're asking? Are you asking
how the video ended up back in the hands of Paul Pritchard?
Much pressure from his Lawyer and the Media and public
outrage that was heard by many politicians....without which,
the video would never have been seen, and the questions being
asked right now wouldn't be asked at all.

Is that what you're asking? 8O

Now this is old material....but pertinent in light of the testimony
coming out at the Inquiry vrs the video that was seized and wasn't
going to be returned for 2&1/2yrs...if ever. No video = no truth to
be exposed.