Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
A guy is murdered ,the 4 murderers are filmed tried and let go free ......
no mystery..
lone wolf
That's okay China ... it's just a bit more anti-Canadian hate you can add to your collection.
There is nothing ok .....there is all wrong man ,can't you see it ?
Anti -Canada -never ;it's against idiots who are given an authority to govern this country -legally , economically and morally .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

I was actually asking if he got his video back. From your follow up, I take it he did.

Oh yeah. Sorry. I just wasn't sure what you where asking. If
Pritchard didn't get the videotape back, he couldn't have posted
it on Youtube, and this would have been forgotten about (except
my Robert Dziekanski's Mother) by the middle of November of

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
What is really sad is the force did not want to return the video, and wanting to keep it wasn’t because they wanted a souvenir, it was because it had damming footage of a man dieing while 4 big bodies mishandled the situation, and a man who should have been protected was killed.
Unintentionally but because of not poor but bad judgment.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Anti -Canada -never ;it's against idiots who are given an authority to govern this country -legally , economically and morally .

THIS country? Bit of a Freudian slip there, China?

Try directing that chip on your shoulder their way then. This isn't a government website. It's not even monitored by the people's republic.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
lone wolf

You just showed the no. 1 problem in Canada ,favorite saying of a coward .

Coward? Who ran away, jerk? I stood up to them and won. Where are you? Lobbing insults from somewhere behind a keyboard ... allegedly in China!

Take it to the Cage and quit defacing these forums with your snivelling....


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
THIS country? Bit of a Freudian slip there, China?
HAHAH .....a Freudian slip you say ,no no no ;actually very intentional .I was going to say 'your country' but it would not be true .

his isn't a government website. It's not even monitored by the people's republic.
You are so correct,it,s not monitored by Peoples republic but let me assure you that it is being "spyed " on by the BIG C ....what a joke .
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Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Coward? Who ran away, jerk?
Coward ....? don't think so ,I will admit my fauls .
running away ? running from what ? a jerk ?why all the insults ? does that make you feel big ? ....pity .
I stood up to them and won. Where are you? Coward? Who ran away, jerk? I stood up to them and won. Where are you? Lobbing insults from somewhere behind a keyboard ... allegedly in China! from somewhere behind a keyboard ... allegedly in China!
I am happy that you stood up to them ( whoever they were) and I am happy that you won (whatever you won) .
Where am I ,in China .Presently in Qingdao .When it will get warmer I''l be traveling to Mongolia to continue in m y business - making money . You see I like making money ,allot of money , something that is difficult to do in Canada with its Socialistic gov.
Lobbing insults from somewhere behind a keyboard ... allegedly in China!
Just telling it the way it is mister, and you can't stand it .
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Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
The so called video you all watched was not on a video cam. It was a telephone shot so just how much of this do you really think you are watching? A few seconds at a time here and there maybe?

Hummm, you know me to usually defend you but as I recall this was not a telephone but a camera.. So I did some research...

YouTube - Taser Death by RCMP - commentary by filmer

So the video we all saw that had the most effect on us was the one did by Pritchard released made by his camara and not a cell phone..

YouTube - Vancouver Airport Taser/Tazer Killing of Dziekanski by Cops


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
What is really sad is the force did not want to return the video, and wanting to keep it wasn’t because they wanted a souvenir, it was because it had damming footage of a man dieing while 4 big bodies mishandled the situation, and a man who should have been protected was killed.
Unintentionally but because of not poor but bad judgment.

Well of course they did not want it released..

It was missing the 10-11 hours he was at the airport getting frustrated waiting in an area he had no idea he could just leave.

It shows a clip in time for which the Police Force will forever be seen as the vilians.

Bad or good judgement call it will always be seen as bad judgement call.

Testemony is contradictory to what is on the video. Hence it is not "professional" from their perspective.

No matter what the RCMP would have done that was good this clip would not show any of it.. All it does is show the negative side of this event and perhaps that is all there is, I can't dispute that as I was not there.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Socrates asked me a direct question. I answered it and
provided a link. You have an issue with that somehow?
Alcoholic is your word to describe this officer. Nobody
else said it. Legally he was drunk. That's in the link. Your
inferences are your own.
I was addressing another poster. I don't address you because you are a cop hater.:roll:


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Hi Island a man has died he did not fall under the category of a person posing harm to 4 cops who were armed and he was not.
The cops have a testimony deferent from the video, meaning they believe their testimony is telling a better truth than the video. This is a very serious problem. I f a police force protecting the interest of the people, will find its 4 members telling a story covering their interest and not the interest of the victim, well justice is trampled upon and many are turning a blind eye, IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE THIS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. So.................there is lots of meat on this, only because the testimony is self serving while the video is telling the truth.
For one thing - the video is what someone thought to turn on after who knows how long. The video is what an amateur videoed in an excited moment and who knows how much he missed. A very serious event took place. I've said before - none of us knows what information the police were given before their arrival on the scene. Cowards at the airport should be taking some responsibility but they are not. They are the ones who led his Mother to believe he did not arrive and in fact told her they could not check the roster to see if he had. They would not give her that information. They knew within moments of his arrival that he was in difficulty and they knew also that he spoke Polish. They did nothing. Even before the police arrived the video itself shows airport security standing around doing zip. What kind of security are they providing by losing a "passenger" for 10 hours in their own airport? I don't agree with what the police did at the airport and I believe they could have solved it simply by finding an interpreter and they could have begun to calm the situation at the start by simply sitting down and giving him the opportunity to realize they may be attempting to help him. Again - it goes back to what they were told before they got there. You are yelling at me that IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE THIS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. For one thing - I have nothing to do with the justice system nor am I the one allowing anything so you can keep you outside voice for the outside.
How many of you are guilty of stating words to the effect "He was driving drunk, he killed that child, and he/she has to carry that burden for the rest of his/her life. He's received all the punishment he will ever need!" You say it without knowing if the person has been charged with impaired driving over and over. You will actually feel sorry for this person. Nearly every one of you wants to see these police pay no matter what. They did their job in the manner they were taught with the tools they were given. A soldier who kills for his country is honoured. A police officer should go to jail according to many of you. Sometimes soldiers are killed by friendly fire. Nothing happens to them and there are no columns like this regarding it. They are there to "serve and protect" too are they not. You have no idea of how well the police "maintain the right" yet you dare to criticize them for the way they do it. Call on "Ron". He'll bring his dogs to save you or chew your leg off but better than the police right! They'll just pull out the taser they didn't feel would even hurt you, and kill you with it. All of you seem to believe that was the plan. You don't care that they did not go there to kill. You don't care about anything other than that these officers who used a tool they were told would not kill, are just sent to jail. You want them charged. You want their families to live alone and their children to grow up without a father and without a future. You cannot bring the victim back to life. You can see that the RCMP has already learned from this case and other cases as well and have changed the rules but you still are not satisfied. I'm sorry but I just see you as a very blood thirsty group.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Sorry SirFrancis. I really believed it was a telephone vid. Regardless - it was still done by an amateur and he ran the camera at times he felt were important. How much did he leave out. How much time really elapsed?
Yes, I know you usually defend and I appreciate that. You know that I do not agree with what happened here but I do not see where sending the members to jail will gain anything. Satisfaction of some of the posters here but that's about it. The concern should not be with the members themselves but in the tools they are given and in the recent short term training.