Legalize Marijuana!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
If I was an habitual pot smoker like you, I would likely fight all opposition to pot use just like you. We have studied the effects of smoking tobacco for years and we all know it causes lung cancer. Pot contains a lot of the same carcinogenic materials as tobacco. It stands to reason that pot smoking carries many of the same risks, but if you want it to be harmless, it is your choice...........Go for it...:roll:

You are comparing apples to bananas, anyone smoking 25 kingsized joints of high grade a day would have a drug problem. I smoke on average .5 joints per day that is between .15 g to .35 g, depending on quality. It isn't necessary to smoke it, it's just faster.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
How many pot smokers who don't smoke cigarettes get cancer? That is one figure that would shut up prohibitionists.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

??? You actually believe the DEA? Holy Cow! Those guys are just the mouth piece of Big Pharma. There is no War on Drugs, there is only a War on Pot. Can you guess why that is?


Force majeure
May 28, 2007

It reads like a 9/11 conspiracy page. Pot isn't carcinogenic like tobacco. It's addictive like coffee in that the addiction is psychological not physical. Studies are now showing that pot can provide relief from many chronic ailments and could be on the level of aspirin for diversity of uses.

It used to be that the same people who produced that link said it would make you murder people, then rape women, oddly enough it had no effect on homosexuals for some reason. I suppose it's just a homophobic drug. :D

The bottom line is that no one has ever died as a direct result of taking pot. It has been suppressed by those with an agenda for decades and only now is there actual science being done on the drug and while there has been the suggestion that a small portion of young chronic pot users may show signs of slightly earlier onset of dementia than usual.

And again as I've said so many times before, it's best to decriminalize pot in both possession and cultivation for personal use.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Absolutely, marijuana should be legalized for treating health problems where no better alternative is available.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Here's the story, Cliff- I changed my moniker to hb43 as I was getting continuously harrassed by one individual (who wintered in the Dominican REpublic), but to no avail and finally I got fed up and said something (tongue in cheek) I shouldn't have and got banned. Hopefully that won't happen again BUT YES i'M STILL ALIVE.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
It reads like a 9/11 conspiracy page. Pot isn't carcinogenic like tobacco. It's addictive like coffee in that the addiction is psychological not physical. Studies are now showing that pot can provide relief from many chronic ailments and could be on the level of aspirin for diversity of uses.

It used to be that the same people who produced that link said it would make you murder people, then rape women, oddly enough it had no effect on homosexuals for some reason. I suppose it's just a homophobic drug. :D

The bottom line is that no one has ever died as a direct result of taking pot. It has been suppressed by those with an agenda for decades and only now is there actual science being done on the drug and while there has been the suggestion that a small portion of young chronic pot users may show signs of slightly earlier onset of dementia than usual.

And again as I've said so many times before, it's best to decriminalize pot in both possession and cultivation for personal use.

Pot doesn't have nicotine but it has just about everything else tobacco has, including a much higher tar content. Just saying pot isn't carcinogenic without any scientific back-up is meaningless and you don't know how many people have died from smoking pot because most pot smokers also smoke tobacco.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Posting that link to the DEA site really destroyed any credibility you may have had. I, and probably a few others, are wondering if you are a shill for the CIA.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

Posting that link to the DEA site really destroyed any credibility you may have had. I, and probably a few others, are wondering if you are a shill for the CIA.

I'm not particularly worried about your estimation of my credibility. Marijuana is not a beautiful, green, gift from God to enhance your intellectual capacity. THC is a mood-altering chemical found in the hemp plant that also produces tar and a lot of other things that are not nice when it is burned. Go ahead and smoke all you want. I just wish there was a way to keep the crap away from kids.


May 24, 2006
Pot doesn't have nicotine but it has just about everything else tobacco has, including a much higher tar content. Just saying pot isn't carcinogenic without any scientific back-up is meaningless and you don't know how many people have died from smoking pot because most pot smokers also smoke tobacco.

juan, you hit the nail on the head...


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm not particularly worried about your estimation of my credibility. Marijuana is not a beautiful, green, gift from God to enhance your intellectual capacity. THC is a mood-altering chemical found in the hemp plant that also produces tar and a lot of other things that are not nice when it is burned. Go ahead and smoke all you want. I just wish there was a way to keep the crap away from kids.

Why don't you stamp out cigarettes first? What kids? What credentials can you offer in a discussion about cannibis?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Why don't you stamp out cigarettes first? What kids? What credentials can you offer in a discussion about cannibis?

Don't worry about it DB. Smoke as much as you want...I wish I could stamp out cigarettes, but that won't happen any time soon. Credentials? I am a parent and a grandparent....What other credentials are there?

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Don't worry about it DB. Smoke as much as you want...I wish I could stamp out cigarettes, but that won't happen any time soon. Credentials? I am a parent and a grandparent....What other credentials are there?

Even when I was a smoker, I thought the idea of banning cigarettes was a good idea. Why not? I'm sure it would be chaotic at first, but dare I say, the ends justify the means? Just a thought.

As for marijuana, that's a different story. :color:


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
As a matter of fact, I don't smoke pot but as a herbalist I am aware of its medicinal qualities. The only plant that is good to smoke is Mullein, a wild plant that grows all over BC. Smoking anything else is not good for you, but then neither is breathing the air in any city (or town that allows wood heaters).

I remember, in my youth in Montreal, the almost constant barrage of stories of kids found dead with their heads in plastic bags sniffing glue. I would rather they smoked pot. At least it won't kill them. Kids will experiment with all sorts of mind altering substances, including gasoline and stuff they find under the kitchen sink. They will smoke pot because they know that the stuff D.A.R.E. tells them is pure BS.

We have to start treating our children like human beings and not idiots if we expect them to act responsibly. We could start by being responsible adult ourselves. Kids usually mimic their role models. Most take celebrities as role models because the adults around them are quite often more childish than they are.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Pot doesn't have nicotine but it has just about everything else tobacco has, including a much higher tar content. Just saying pot isn't carcinogenic without any scientific back-up is meaningless and you don't know how many people have died from smoking pot because most pot smokers also smoke tobacco.

Well I can post pages and pages of rather dry reading if that's preferred but is there honestly a point to that? It's complex, and while pot is the third most widely used drug after Alcohol and Tobacco in North America, it is lacking in research due to the legality of the substance. Britain has done quite a bit more research on it's effects now but as legislation regarding the medical use allow for it, there are many current studies underway here in North America.

As it is, there is nothing that points to pot being more harmful than either legal substance mentioned. You can't over dose on pot for one thing. The only signs that there may be some harm from smoking pot is anecdotal and sparse. The cancer angle isn't much of a point to stand on. Read up on Cannabis and their effect on Cancer cells. I'm not saying it's good for you, but it's not a killer in the sense that Tobacco or Alcohol is.

What's more, now that there is some research going on with it, we are finding that things like vaporizers allow you to inhale the Cannabis without vaporizing the tar or other chemicals in Marijuana. Thus far less of what you say is deadly even gets ingested. This never would have happened under the harsh laws brought about by American proclamation.

You make a good point in keeping it away from kids. It should be too! But as it is we have organized crime for the most part involved in the distribution of it. So how smart is that? Yet the one thing that would change that, our government refuses to implement. Perhaps the courts will make the changes needed to get beyond this stupidity.

As it is there are plenty of kids that get pot from adults to deal in schools. If your kids and grandkids go to school outside the home, then they've seen it and can get a little bit for ten bucks without any problem at all. Five bucks even will get you a joint or two. Drop $180 and you can have a quarter ounce for your self and sell the other three quarters to get your $180 back.
There is no regulation of it what so ever.

The US alone spends 42 billion a year on the war on drugs. Ask anyone in a major centre if there is a shortage. Worse yet, half the people arrested for drugs are pot smokers. Crack and Crystal Meth are totally out of control, but the US is busy padding the numbers and busting the easy to catch pot smokers.

If you want to protect your kids and grandkids, teach them to fear the government.

Read up on some of this if you like.

Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk - NORML


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
As a matter of fact, I don't smoke pot but as a herbalist I am aware of its medicinal qualities. The only plant that is good to smoke is Mullein, a wild plant that grows all over BC. Smoking anything else is not good for you, but then neither is breathing the air in any city (or town that allows wood heaters).

I remember, in my youth in Montreal, the almost constant barrage of stories of kids found dead with their heads in plastic bags sniffing glue. I would rather they smoked pot. At least it won't kill them. Kids will experiment with all sorts of mind altering substances, including gasoline and stuff they find under the kitchen sink. They will smoke pot because they know that the stuff D.A.R.E. tells them is pure BS.

We have to start treating our children like human beings and not idiots if we expect them to act responsibly. We could start by being responsible adult ourselves. Kids usually mimic their role models. Most take celebrities as role models because the adults around them are quite often more childish than they are.

First of all good education does not start with D.A.R.E. it starts at home with great examples as parents and teachers.

Treating your kids with respect and as people will get you 100% further then any program out there.. Cliffy has already seen this but let me quote another thread I posted..
Treating your child as a little person and not a child is much better then beatting the "law" as much as posible from day one. Fact is my 5 year old has never had a temper tantrum with me because I treat him as he deserves as mentioned above. Patience and treating equal to his 17 year old sister in terms he can understand at his 5 year old level gives him the respect he deserves. While that is true to him, dealing with the 17 year old deserves the same respect as she pushes the limit on her side. Consequence are calculated per their age level but equally applied. The consequence applies to me if I break a rule showing the kids I am equal to them and human, but always leading the way by example.

Note that kids do not usually start with drugs but rather with alcohol.. My 17 year old does not do alcohol for the simple fact that I do not drink. I also do not do drugs.. Is this a 100% guarantee that the kids will not do those things, GOD NO.. I cannot count the endless hours we have discussed these topics and why both alcohol and drugs are not neede in your life.

When those of you who do drugs I, and before I had kids I did drink quite a lot, someday you may come to the realization that you can live life without it.

As for medical purpose plants, totally different subject.. Having worked at Medical Service Canada, Health Protection Branch, I can assure you that if it were not for plants such as marijuana.

Do you realize that most medications started from plants and that Hybrids chemicals are derived from such plants ?

Arsenic, one of the deadliest available chemical on the commecial market, is not used in small dosages to attack cancer in trial tests.. It has shown promise..

Do I advocate drug use, far not.. Is it a fact of society, darn right. As much as alcohol.. Does it have a lot of cancerous chemicals, darn right, as much as the air we breath daily ( smog )..

The reality is that Government should tax the hell out of it and get it off the streets.. What will happen is it never will due to pressure from their "friends who don't want it to be"