oh idk, i even have a problem taking prescription drugs, id rather deal with a headace than take a bunch of medicine for it. i dont like to put myself under any influence, i just like to be me.
oh idk, i even have a problem taking prescription drugs, id rather deal with a headace than take a bunch of medicine for it. i dont like to put myself under any influence, i just like to be me.
oh idk, i even have a problem taking prescription drugs, id rather deal with a headace than take a bunch of medicine for it. i dont like to put myself under any influence, i just like to be me.
I also don't like to take prescription drugs. I have another way to stop headaches, I just focus on the spot the pain is and total relax that spot, then imagine the blood flowing freely. If you catch it before it gets bad it is easier to prevent. I have not had a bad headache in yearsoh idk, i even have a problem taking prescription drugs, id rather deal with a headace than take a bunch of medicine for it. i dont like to put myself under any influence, i just like to be me.
Not the same plant... I'll stick with beer, thank you.Triple ditto to me. Pot is just beer in a plant. Which is where beer is from. Cosmik!!!!
I think there is one very important difference between pot and beer. Beer/alcohol can bring out the beast in us and spread suffering into our world. Where pot mellows people out and the result is more peace.Triple ditto to me. Pot is just beer in a plant. Which is where beer is from. Cosmik!!!!
Triple ditto to me. Pot is just beer in a plant. Which is where beer is from. Cosmik!!!!
I'm a bit older than most people on this forum and you know, None of the guys I knew that were really into pot smoking and continue to smoke it ever made a go of anything. Their marriages failed, they lost jobs. I certainly wouldn't call them successful. I think pot destroys ambition.
I agree marijuana, if legalized, should be legal for persons over whatever age (19 in Ontario). And right now, I full heartedly agree it should be allowed for people with terminal illnesses and serious pain problems.
I know people who have had serious pain with cancer who have had no resort except to turn to marijuana.
With al do respect juan, if anything pot opens the receptors of creativity....
All my friends smoke pot and they are good family people.....they take their kids to hockey, they go to church, they pay taxes, they drive expensive cars, I have been married for 33 years and not planning to brake my family up....So my ambition is strong.
"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”
Henri Bergson
The best effect I've ever recieved from marijuana is its ability to put me to sleep when nothing else (non-perscription) works. I don't smoke it either - I hate what it does to my lungs. I put it in a tincture. It's ground up, soaked in alcohol for several weeks, and placed into a small dark bottle. It only takes about 15 drops and you're so groggy you could fall asleep standing up. It doesn't give you a high, you don't get stoned, and you don't feel bad for doing it because it's no worse than taking any other kind of sleep medication. As a student who has a hard time relaxing, something to help out is essential for good study habits.
Plus my mother is a legal growerSo it's cheaper than any perscription medication for me.
I'm a bit older than most people on this forum and you know, None of the guys I knew that were really into pot smoking and continue to smoke it ever made a go of anything. Their marriages failed, they lost jobs. I certainly wouldn't call them successful. I think pot destroys ambition.
So cannibis destroyed their minds what destroyed yours?:lol:
With al do respect juan, if anything pot opens the receptors of creativity....
All my friends smoke pot and they are good family people.....they take their kids to hockey, they go to church, they pay taxes, they drive expensive cars, I have been married for 33 years and not planning to brake my family up....So my ambition is strong.
A big hug for you Socrates our feelings are often trampled on by the insensitive monsters who don't smoke cannibis.;-)