Attn: Marajuana Issues Judges:
I do not agree with children/persons under 19 being allowed to drink beer or marajuan. Unfortunely cigarettes are harder for kids to get because it will always be sold on the street, thanks to it being an underground operation anyone can do.
Educate yourself before you assume to know what you're talking about.
I smoked for the first time at age 26. I am now 50 and have smoked marajuana for pain control for 24 years. I have a 32 year chronice bowel disorder (strictures) 4mm (the normal bowel is 30 to 50mms) and crohn's diesase.
My brain is fine thank you very much. I get regular CAT Scans; my lungs and blood pressure are clear and good. I see doctors and specialists monthly and my blood is monitured.
I understand marajuana/canabis/weed/pot/root/bud or herb.
There are different strains of marajuana just like there are different strains of roses, grapes or lettuce etc. for example.
People with chronic disorders and diseases who suffer lifetime pain use a Sativa strain for pain control,appetite and energy.
Indica strains are for muscle relaxation,spasms and sleep.
Some strains can be mixed explicitly for a paitents personal problems which vary as much as the human spirit dose.
You do not know what you are buying on the street because it is never labeled. So if you smoked it and got drowzy you were smoking one of the many Indica strains. If you became likehearted and energetic you smoked a Sativa strain.
How self-righteous and arrogant you people who rarely experience pain judge those of us who live with it every day agree 1000 percent people suffering from terminal conditions should get it without question. However those of us with chronic discomfort, pain, spasms, nausea, nerve damage, strictures in the bowel, Crohn's Disease, loss of appetite because food digestion is a nightmare, cramps, backpain, and a host of pain most people are ignorant of. There are many hundreds of different type of pain.
Just smash yourself on one toe with a hammer, (which you know will go away), or get the flu (for a few weeks); can you think about anything else then, do anything?. We have similar or worse pain and discomfort to endure everyday. Marajuana allows us to get up and live life or eat, relax spasms and the hideous feelings we often get.
Cigarettes have a ton of chemicals added to the original tobacco. They are processed. Marajuana is a herb which requires no additiives It comes directly off the dried plant and is sold as is....PERIOD
Mary Kristie