Legalize Marijuana!


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
To all the people who think pot has additives prove it. Everybody thinks just because it's grown hyrdroponically it has all these chemicals. You can still get the same quality stuff as in the 70's it would just be considered crap. It's just a more effecient way of growing (the plants get more light and nutrients).

The only real reason anyone can tell me I shouldn't smoke is because of the smoke itself...however I use a vaporizer and I don't inhale any smoke.

All I can say is keep making it illeagal, and I keep making pot and making money. I stop for no law. They legalize, I stop, and the government makes the money. All you people against legalization think about it this way....if it stays illegal everything will go on as usual you will still get a rising number of people using drugs, a rising crime rate, and murder rate. In fact the murder rate has only been this high once during the prohibition. Because pot is illegal we have gangs and we are bassically handing them money. We make it legal where are they going to make their money? They can't compete with the corner store (not unless it's been taxed astronomically.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
It will most likely get taxed astronomically. However, think about this... Instead of the organized crime guys getting all the money it would go directly to the government which means it would trickle back down into programs that they "need to cut back on", this would be great for the devistating school budget shortages and for Health Care.

I think that the money collected by legalizing and selling marijuana (by the government) would help us out in the long run. In a recent study over 34% of all Canadians already smoke it.. think about that vast number, millions of people, lets say they spend $15 for a gram. The government would probably charge $12 or so a gram with tax included. Multiply that by about 3 million people, and you can see the effects it would have on our economy. It would be beneficial.

Of course if it was ever legalized here, you can expect our friends to the south to start bitching as Canadian grown MJ ALREADY gets smuggled across the borders like hell.

I think it would be a wise move to de-criminalize this drug, and hey the Senate agrees :)

Its still some ways off from it actually being de-criminalized, but the government has finally seen the light and it will only be a matter of time. I think they have seen the potential revenue it could bring into our falling economy. Imagine all the people who would come here to vacation if it was a legal drug!

The Senate has also hinted at lowering the allowed Blood Alcohol limit to .04 from .08 when combined with marijuana, so they are obviously very serious about their intentions. Wether or not the house agrees, it will be very interesting, but this has been a long time coming.

I wouldn't start to celebrate yet, but its definately a small victory for all Pro-Marijuana users and the Marijuana Party members!


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
I agree. It sure seems that all the people that don't want pot legal haven't really experienced it. To me it is like having a cup of tea. very benign.

Once you do experience it you will realize that it is a safe drug and then it becomes even clearer that there is a BIG conspiracy going on against the plant.

Good for Canada!! Show stupid America.


An American hoping for a less dumb America


Nominee Member
Aug 26, 2002
That would probably go over well with most of the general public its straight and to the point


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
marijuana should be legalized and for those of you who know nothing about the plant and it's healing properties should not be writing to this forum. for one, it has way less addictive properties than nicotine or alcohol and is a lot better. So please find out the facts before going on the net and spreading bullshit.


Nominee Member
Aug 26, 2002
I think the point the other guys were trying to get at is it can be abused like anything else like alcohol for instance. Just to clarify where (i believe) they stand on it.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
argh! so many freakin stupid people! FIRST OFF! MARIJUANA IS GOOD! SECOND! STOP DEBATING IT IF YOU HAVENT TRIED IT! only those who have experienced it should even be considered in this debate, since only first hand can people experience the true feeling of cannabis smoking. it contains more tar than tobacco. THATS ABOUT IT. Whoo hoo, tar. beats the hell out of cyanide and all the other crap in cigarettes. if anything, it should be treated like a spice. so it gets you high if you smoke it. big whoop. once its legal, all the people doing it for image will stop, cuz it isnt gonna b cool anymore. use had decreased after it was decriminalized in the netherlands. stick that in your pipes and smoke it


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002

*BUT* not for the average "Joe" to get their grubby paws on. Heehee!
Sure the "government" DOES already grow and people with a certificate that deems them "usable".
The funny thing is, I don't see any posts on here about the government doing this. And of COURSE the government will "tax" this, should it become legal! lol

Shmad said:
Anonymous said:
Weed is not better than pot.

Of course its not, its the same friggin thing ;) Heh.. you should proofread before clicking Submit.

Marijuana should only be used for medicinal purposes to ease the pain of diseases such as cancer. As for the full out legalization of it, I don't think this should happen.

It should be legalized for medicinal purposes, as terminally ill patients sometimes require it to function in everyday life. However, this is not going to stop people from buying it, the government is missing out on tax dollars here, and hey who are we kidding, if they can add a tax to it to sell it, they probably would. $4+ tax on cigarettes.. lmao get real. They have their grubby little hands into everything now adays.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Attn: Marajuana Issues Judges:

I do not agree with children/persons under 19 being allowed to drink beer or marajuan. Unfortunely cigarettes are harder for kids to get because it will always be sold on the street, thanks to it being an underground operation anyone can do.

Educate yourself before you assume to know what you're talking about.

I smoked for the first time at age 26. I am now 50 and have smoked marajuana for pain control for 24 years. I have a 32 year chronice bowel disorder (strictures) 4mm (the normal bowel is 30 to 50mms) and crohn's diesase.

My brain is fine thank you very much. I get regular CAT Scans; my lungs and blood pressure are clear and good. I see doctors and specialists monthly and my blood is monitured.
I understand marajuana/canabis/weed/pot/root/bud or herb.

There are different strains of marajuana just like there are different strains of roses, grapes or lettuce etc. for example.

People with chronic disorders and diseases who suffer lifetime pain use a Sativa strain for pain control,appetite and energy.

Indica strains are for muscle relaxation,spasms and sleep.

Some strains can be mixed explicitly for a paitents personal problems which vary as much as the human spirit dose.

You do not know what you are buying on the street because it is never labeled. So if you smoked it and got drowzy you were smoking one of the many Indica strains. If you became likehearted and energetic you smoked a Sativa strain.

How self-righteous and arrogant you people who rarely experience pain judge those of us who live with it every day agree 1000 percent people suffering from terminal conditions should get it without question. However those of us with chronic discomfort, pain, spasms, nausea, nerve damage, strictures in the bowel, Crohn's Disease, loss of appetite because food digestion is a nightmare, cramps, backpain, and a host of pain most people are ignorant of. There are many hundreds of different type of pain.

Just smash yourself on one toe with a hammer, (which you know will go away), or get the flu (for a few weeks); can you think about anything else then, do anything?. We have similar or worse pain and discomfort to endure everyday. Marajuana allows us to get up and live life or eat, relax spasms and the hideous feelings we often get.

Cigarettes have a ton of chemicals added to the original tobacco. They are processed. Marajuana is a herb which requires no additiives It comes directly off the dried plant and is sold as is....PERIOD

Mary Kristie


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Attn: Marajuana Issues Judges:

I do not agree with children/persons under 19 being allowed to drink beer or marajuana. Unfortunely cigarettes are harder for kids to get because it will always be sold on the street, thanks to it being an underground operation anyone can do.

Educate yourself before you assume to know what you're talking about.

I smoked for the first time at age 26. I am now 50 and have smoked marajuana for pain control for 24 years. I have a 32 year chronice bowel disorder (strictures) 4mm (the normal bowel is 30 to 50mms) and crohn's diesase.

My brain is fine thank you very much. I get regular CAT Scans; my lungs and blood pressure are clear and good. I see doctors and specialists monthly and my blood is monitured.
I understand marajuana/canabis/weed/pot/root/bud or herb.

There are different strains of marajuana just like there are different strains of roses, grapes or lettuce etc. for example.

People with chronic disorders and diseases who suffer lifetime pain use a Sativa strain for pain control,appetite and energy.

Indica strains are for muscle relaxation,spasms and sleep.

Some strains can be mixed explicitly for a paitents personal problems which vary as much as the human spirit dose.

You do not know what you are buying on the street because it is never labeled. So if you smoked it and got drowzy you were smoking one of the many Indica strains. If you became likehearted and energetic you smoked a Sativa strain.

How self-righteous and arrogant you people who rarely experience pain judge those of us who live with it every day agree 1000 percent people suffering from terminal conditions should get it without question. However those of us with chronic discomfort, pain, spasms, nausea, nerve damage, strictures in the bowel, Crohn's Disease, loss of appetite because food digestion is a nightmare, cramps, backpain, and a host of pain most people are ignorant of. There are many hundreds of different type of pain.

Just smash yourself on one toe with a hammer, (which you know will go away), or get the flu (for a few weeks); can you think about anything else then, do anything?. We have similar or worse pain and discomfort to endure everyday. Marajuana allows us to get up and live life or eat, relax spasms and the hideous feelings we often get.

Cigarettes have a ton of chemicals added to the original tobacco. They are processed. Marajuana is a herb which requires no additiives It comes directly off the dried plant and is sold as is....PERIOD

Mary Kristie


Mar 24, 2002
I agree marijuana, if legalized, should be legal for persons over whatever age (19 in Ontario). And right now, I full heartedly agree it should be allowed for people with terminal illnesses and serious pain problems.

I know people who have had serious pain with cancer who have had no resort except to turn to marijuana.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
The minimum age (if legalized) to purchase it should be the same as it is for alcohol.

And as for kids being able to purchase it, etc.. think back to when you were a kid, come on its not that long ago for some of us... was it REALLY that hard to buy alcohol and cigarettes?

If theres a demand for it, they will find ways to get it, the government should legalize but put some plan in place to get rid of the underground grow ops which would hurt their own tax revenue of the drug.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
I say legalize it outright. Sell it in stores to anyone over 18. Think of the tax revenue the government would get. I smoke it 5-6 times a week. I live in Vancouver and I think half the town does as well. Its no worse than beer. The U.S. wastes so much money on a war on drugs that they will never win.