Legalize Marijuana!


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2002
Kamloops, B.C.
Well at least cigarettes don't impare your judgement on driving like alcohol and drugs.

Pot can be bad, because many kids/adults will use it for so long, and then not get the same effect as they used to. So in fact they will move up to more potent drugs to get a higher high, and 100% of the time its a more deadly drug...

So I vote against the legalization of it.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
But cigarettes will kill yon in the long term. And just like pot, people that smokes cigarettes smoke more and more with each passing year. Thus, they get sicker and sicker. I'm a smoker by the way. I don't smoke pot. I'm just tring to view this for the facts.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2002
Kamloops, B.C.
Numure: lol yes I am a smoker as well, no I don't support smoking over pot. Infact the human race is just deadly no matter what we produce lol.

I just want to live in a little shack over looking the ocean, living off the land, no taxes, no politics, no this or that....freedom :)

But yeahhhh, like thats ever going to happen, and thats why I smoke, lol


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
Heh Well, I like smoking. I just don't give much of a crap about my health. If anyone did, we wouldnt be having anymore fun... We would become Americans :lol: Ohh, and to live life to the fullest, try Jamaica, Barbados or my personnal favorite, Guadeloupe.


New Member
May 24, 2004

A few goodies from the Canadian Senate report:

"In short, it is remarkable that, over seventy-five years later, we should
still not know why cannabis was placed on the list of prohibited drugs."
P. 257 Senate Report

"The decision to criminalize cannabis was made "without any apparent
scientific basis nor even any real sense of social urgency"
- P. 274 Senate Report

"Legalization would prove beneficial, not only for users, but also for the
federal and provincial governments because of the considerable revenue they
might well derive from the sales taxes on such a popular product."
- P.281 Senate Report

"Patients will have difficulty finding a medical practitioner willing to
complete the required declaration forms, and even more difficulty accessing
the appropriate specialists. This situation has created an unacceptable
barrier to access and one must conclude that physicians should not be the
"gatekeepers" under the MMAR, a responsibility that they themselves do not
desire. Even Health Canada recognizes that there is a problem."
- P. 310 Senate Report

"There is no justification for making cannabis an option of "last resort.""
On medical use - P. 311 Senate Report

"Depriving an individual of the ability to choose marijuana as medication to
alleviate the effects of a serious illness does violate the rights protected
under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
P. 312 Senate Report

"We are convinced that the government should not be the only distributor of
cannabis intended for therapeutic purposes."
P. 313 Senate Report

"We estimate the cost of enforcing cannabis drug laws to be closer to $1-1.5
billion per annum.
The principal public policy cost relative to cannabis is law enforcement and
the justice system; we estimate this to represent a total of $300-$500
million per annum.
The costs of externalities attributable to cannabis are probably minimal;
no deaths, few hospitalizations, and very little loss of productivity."
- P. 436 Senate Report

"Cannabis is widely used in every part of the world, does not have the
harmful effects ascribed to it, and poses little risk to public health."
P. 467 Senate Report


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
Though I agree with some of the elements from the report... This is comming from guys that have a hard time keeping their eyes open in Senate sessions. If something was done by parlement, then I would be more inclined to believing it.


New Member
May 24, 2004

Opinions vary,

Newshawk: CMAP ( )
Pubdate: Thursday, June 3, 2004
Source: Hour Magazine (CN QU)
Author: Charlie McKenzie

Pot infighting on the campaign trail

Where there's smoke there's fire as marijuana advocates face off in
therun-up to the federal election

Charlie McKenzie

Canada's budding marijuana movement has some festering political
fissures that could surface when activists from across the country
gather this weekend on Parliament Hill.

The movement is caught between two Marcs: rock musician Marc Boris
St-Maurice, leader of the ever-fledgling Marijuana Party, and former
ally, B.C.'s millionaire seed salesman Marc Emery, now crusading for
Jack Layton's NDP.

Both will present their cases at Saturday's Fill the Hill rally.

The brainchild of Carleton graduate Jody Pressman, 23, Fill the Hill
was planned well before the election call as a day of forums and
pro-pot speeches. Expected to join St-Maurice and Emery are Osgoode
Hall law professor Alan Young, Tory Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, and
Philippe Lucas, director of Canadians for Safe Access.

A year ago Canada was raising hackles in Washington and eyebrows in
Amsterdam - we seemed to be leading the world in marijuana reform and
hopes were high that pot prohibition would soon end.

That pipe dream fizzled when a Supreme Court decision upheld the
marijuana laws last December. The court tossed it back to the
politicians who dithered throughout the spring on a haphazard
decriminalization bill that, mercifully, died when the election was

"It was eye opening," said Jody Pressman. "There was a clear,
predetermined outcome to change the laws as little as possible."

Politicians have promised marijuana reform for over 30 years, he
points out, but marijuana offences are at record levels today, and he
warns that Parliament's failure to act comes with a heavy price.

"Our legislators need to be held to account," he said. "There is
definitely a correlation between these failed policies and how young
people are least likely to vote."

In previous elections many seeking change in the pot laws were drawn
to the Marijuana Party. While their numbers were never great, they
certainly helped put the issue in the public mind.

Last fall, NDP leader Jack Layton called on Marc Emery and did a
interview for Emery's POT-TV ( - the marijuana
movement has been in turmoil ever since.

On tape, with the obviously overbuzzed Emery, Layton clearly - more
less - states: "The NDP would like to see legislation that allows
people to consume marijuana, particularly that they might grow
themselves, and some technique that would allow them to be able to
purchase safely, knowing what the quality is, and have that all be a
legal activity."

For Emery it was both a revelation and a PR windfall.

"When Jack Layton came to my home and recorded those statements," he
said, "it's his way of indicating he wants thousands of new members
to come and take over the reins from these many moribund NDP riding
associations filled with old codgers."

Emery promptly saturated his websites with Layton's remarks.

"Now," he boasts, "the NDP is stuck with the position, even though
over-55 folks who control 80 per cent of all NDP riding associations
get nervous every time they hear it."

Politicians change sides faster than a windshield wiper, but they
rarely turn on former allies as vehemently as the self-styled "Prince
of Pot." In various online forums, Emery accused Marc Boris
St-Maurice and the Marijuana Party of "ridiculous, treasonous,
self-indulgent egotism" for even thinking of running against Layton's

"Even though there will be Marijuana Party candidates of generally
poor quality, running without my endorsement," he wrote, "loyalty to
our movement requires that we support the NDP. Our movement is badly
served by letting sorry ass people represent them in shoddy campaigns
that have no achievable goals."

Over Emery's objections, the Marijuana Party will field 100-odd
candidates across the country. Party leader St-Maurice isn't losing
sleep over his former colleague's defection but concedes the personal
slurs are bothersome.

"This second-grade name calling is unbecoming," he said. "It's one
thing to choose to work with another party - that's everyone's right
-but it's quite another to attack those fighting for the same cause."

Nor is St-Maurice all that impressed with the NDP's marijuana

"The NDP fall short of being outspoken marijuana activists," he said.
"I fear my predictions of the NDP being a dud when it comes to doobie
are about to come true."

As for the NDP, party officials last week issued a terse statement
disavowing Emery's crusade.

"Mr. Layton did not and does not endorse the legalization of
marijuana," they said. "The NDP endorses its decriminalization."

Emery's activities were not sanctioned by the NDP, they said, nor is
he authorized to speak for the NDP.

Veteran activist Philippe Lucas, director of Canadians for Safe
Access, finds the movement's infighting disturbing.

"I've been quite torn throughout this campaign," he said. "The
important thing for the cannabis community to keep in mind is that we
should absolutely not vote for any party that considers us

Another veteran, Mike Foster, is running for the Marijuana Party in
Ottawa Centre.

"At this point," he said, "I think it is more effective to lobby the
major parties rather than join one. Once you join a major political
party your freedoms are limited."

Fill the Hill organiser Jody Pressman stays above the fray, choosing
instead to focus on the movement's objective.

"Whatever party," he says, "the answer is political activism. Get
involved, write essays, research the issue - all these and more, and
the more we do them the sooner Canadians will see an end to this
unjust prohibition against marijuana."

And a responce from an NDPer

Dear Mr. Charles McKenzie,

My name is Christopher Goodwin, and I am writing to inform you of a major error in your article "Pot shots on the campaign trail" in tomorrows Montreal EXPress, were the NDP is said to indorse a policy without a single reference in your article.

"As for the NDP, they apparently wish Marc Emery would just go away. Period. Late last week party officials issued a terse statement discounting Emery. "Mr. Layton did not and does not endorse the legalization of marijuana," they said. "The NDP endorses its decriminalization." They further state that Marc Emery's activities are not sanctioned by the NDP, nor is he authorized to speak for the NDP at the 'Fill The Hill' rally, "or any other date."

First, who are "they" and who are these "party officials." During a nationally-lauded October, 2003 interview on, NDP Leader Jack Layton was very explicit in his support for legalization of marijuana by refering to it as a "wonderful substance." Layton said that the NDP is "in favor of modernizing Canada's marijuana laws, and creating a legal environment where people can enjoy their marijuana in the peace and quiet of their own home, or in a cafe, without having to worry about being criminalized."

Layton couldn't spell out the details of the NDP's proposals to legalize marijuana in Canada. But he assured Pot-TV viewers that legalization would be a part of a comprehensive update to the NDP platform, which would appear on their website "in the next two or three months." Layton also criticized the Liberal government's proposals to "decriminalize" cannabis possession without allowing people to grow or purchase the herb. Layton said that the NDP supported a system "that allows people to consume marijuana, particularly marijuana they might grow themselves, but also for there to be some sort of technique that allows them to purchase it safely, knowing what the quality is, knowing what's there, and to have that all be a legal activity."

Emery then outlined what he saw as the necessary requirements for cannabis Canadians to support the NDPinstead of the Canadian Marijuana Party. "First, the NDP website must be updated to include very specific anti-prohibition statements regarding marijuana. Plus, Jack Layton needs to continue talking about this issue as often as possible, so that it becomes a top-five issue for the NDP. Finally, if we can get some past Marijuana Party candidates to become NDP candidates, then we can ensure that they do not abandon our message."

Since then, at various appearances throughout the nation, Layton has come out of the closet on pot. Last November 2003 Pot Tv's interview with NDP Leader Jack Layton aired on Global TV. Then in December he was interviewed on Cpac about his Pot policy. Mr. Layton proved once again that he is the leading Political figure in the cannabis reform movement.

On March 17, 2004 Layton appeared at the University of Waterloo, and when asked whether he had ever smoked marijuana, he replied "I never exhaled - that's my story and I'm sticking to it." Almost a week later, Layton appeared at an NDP benefit concert performed by Steven Page of the Barenaked Ladies, the Sadies, and the Constantines. Echoing the sentiments of many in-the-know Canadians, band members told the press that they supported the NDP because of Layton's support for the herb. On the 9th of April, Jack Layton reaafirmed his stance on legalizing marijuana in Canada and implications of legalization on Shaw Cable 4. Then on the 13th of April, Jack Layton was on CBC's Newsworld repeating the same NDP policy.

And just a few days ago (May 30), Layton told reporters that the NDP will extend pharmacare to cover prescription pot. "I've drawn a lot of inspiration from those who are tackling catastrophic illnesses and who are seeking the support for medical use," he said. Layton, furthermore, is no dummy to the politics of legalization versus decriminalization. He and his party, especially NDP MP Libby Davies, worked hard to amend and humanize the decrim bill, with limited success. Davies in particular alerted Canadians that the bill was a sham and in serious need of revision. NDP MPP, Peter Kormos, has appeared at activist demonstrations like Green Truth to speak against prohibition. "Canadians from all walks of life and generations are enjoying trainloads of marijuana," Kormos enthused. "The solution is to legalize it, regulate it, tax it and control it."

Finally, after speaking with Jack Layton personally at his Victory Gala were he promised me quick change, Aylwin Lo, the Communications Officer for the New Democratic Party of Canada sent me a letter March 1st 2004 saying "I've updated our English Issues area with our stance on legalization of marijuana, with a link from the alerts section of our front page. The French version is forthcoming. Let me know if you have any other concerns."

Better yet, marijuana advocate and licensed medpot user Alison Myrden has been nominated as the NDP candidate in Oakville, Ontario, And Crystal LeBlanc in the NDP Ottawa-Vanier riding. Polls show that the NDP are on track to form a coalition government with the Liberals, and although the Liberals are pot-washers, such an arrangement would be Canada's best chance at ending the weed-war from within the halls of power. The last time the NDP held the balance of power during a Liberal government was in the 60's, and they used their clout to bring in Canada's much-beloved universal health care system.

I have also found through searching that Ian Capstick, the Press Secretary for the NDP has was responsible for a letter to you that said...

"Dear Mr. McKenzie, Thank you for your email of May 26, 2004. With regard to your questions: (1) Mr. Layton did not and does not endorse the legalization of marijuana. The NDP endorses its decriminalization. (2) The NDP's official agent has not sanctioned any activities by Mr. Emory. (3) Mr. Layton in no way supports or endorses Mr. Emory's comments relating to the province of Saskatchewan or Ed Broadbent. (4) Mr. Emory is not authorized to speak for the NDP and will not be the sanctioned NDP spokesperson at a pro-marijuana rally on June 5th or on any other date. Cordially yours, Ian Capstick"

You may want to contact Jack, Aylwin, Alison, Libby and Peter before running to the printers with some press screeners biased personal view. Tell Jack to ignore his advisors and show true leadership. Tell Jack that Canada is ready to vote for "cafes instead of punishment" and make a serious change for world peace, herbal medicine, organic agriculture, a strong economy and a sustainable environment all at the same time. Tell him to be more vocal in his defense of cannabis, cannabis users and cannabis farmers, and in return we'll get the vote out on election day.

Christopher Goodwin
NDP Executive Youth Officer Hamilton Mountain
79 McElroy Road East
Hamilton, Ontario,
L9A 1Y7
(905) 318-1680


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2002
Kamloops, B.C.
Numure said:
Religions said the world was flat ;)

Don't trust humans...we are evil! Be it politicians, your bank clerk, the person you buy your underwear from, people with funny looking hats, pope or kkk!

Government has a big conspiracy...*blinks* I am just on a rant actually...I think I am going to go out and buy a lawn mower...

Anything you put into your mouth could potentially be a health risk...


Nominee Member
Jun 3, 2004

I think marijuana should be legalized.
I am not a pot smoker. Frankly, I think booze and pot ruin lives. They take otherwise useful members of society and render them blathering fools. Relationships end because of abuse of such substances. Children die on roads ..blah blah. I could spend a long time on a soap box.

However.. marijuana has great uses in the medical field.
I work with old and terminally ill people. Marijuana aids pain control immensely. It can help make life worth facing for AIDS patients and cancer patients.

Decriminalization of whacky tobacky will make it more attainable for these patients. Alas.. our government being what it is, this will also make it unaffordable for these patients. The gov't will tax it to death, making it expensive as hell. Many terminally ill patients will still seek to attain it from a private grower who offers it at lower prices. But if we don't make the first step, we will not reach an end goal.

Kids get high. Adults get high.
Legalizing it will not change that.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
They should legalise it... and with the tax revenue, fund research for the development of medicine that has the same médical effects as Marijuana.


Nominee Member
Jun 3, 2004
Numure said:
They should legalise it... and with the tax revenue, fund research for the development of medicine that has the same médical effects as Marijuana.
Do you know what time frame that is?
The time required to get a bill passed... then for the repsective Healthcare plans to research and approve it for funding.. 3-4 yars..


Nominee Member
Jun 3, 2004
Numure said:
Just let the provinces handle it... And besides, we must be patient, as for anything else. Legalising is the first step.
Yes.. the Provinces would handle it. The time factor and cost frustate the hell outta me.
My ex husband needed a drug commonly used for geriatrics in the States for Macular Degeneration.
Old people here were selling their homes and cashing in their life savings to fund the VERY expensive drug.. to save their eyesight.. because OHIP had not approved a tried and true drug .
Besides.. if you elect your Bloc Quebecois..your province won't fund shit exceptlanguage laws. :lol:


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
... The Parti Québécois has been in power for 8 years straight on and off for the past 30 years. You know what programs it put in place? Public Daycare (then 5$ a day, but the liberals raised it to 7$ a day) and a public pharmaseutical insurrance. Everyone in Québec is covered for medicin, let it be poor or rich. Young or old. When your a student or under 18, you don't pay for medicin at all. As long as its prescribed.

Your ignorance on the Bloc and the Parti Québécois quite disgrunting.


Nominee Member
Jun 3, 2004
Numure said:
... The Parti Québécois has been in power for 8 years straight on and off for the past 30 years. You know what programs it put in place? Public Daycare (then 5$ a day, but the liberals raised it to 7$ a day) and a public pharmaseutical insurrance. Everyone in Québec is covered for medicin, let it be poor or rich. Young or old. When your a student or under 18, you don't pay for medicin at all. As long as its prescribed.

Your ignorance on the Bloc and the Parti Québécois quite disgrunting.