Legalize Marijuana!


New Member
May 24, 2004

We arnt apart of your Nation... We are Québécois, not Canadian. We only share the same country.

Then please refund the transfer payments. We can find more important places to waste that kind of coin.

Attitudes like yours are 90% of the reason nothing gets done except for lip service. Are you claiming you are an island adrift from the earth around you? wake up and smell the sweet grass from the First Nations Indians who most definatly would disagree with your logic. If any such consideration should be given to such notions then most certainly they would and should be first in line.

Your PROVINCE needs to tow the line like the rest of us. I am still in awe at the cost of this duel language crap and what really confuses this isssue is the fact that in your PROVINCE you fine business's that clearly and equally print in english.

I hate to burst your little bubble my friend but your little piece of the whole is no more or less important than the rest so suck it up, get a grip and move on.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec

BuzzzWorthy said:
We arnt apart of your Nation... We are Québécois, not Canadian. We only share the same country.

Then please refund the transfer payments. We can find more important places to waste that kind of coin.

Attitudes like yours are 90% of the reason nothing gets done except for lip service. Are you claiming you are an island adrift from the earth around you? wake up and smell the sweet grass from the First Nations Indians who most definatly would disagree with your logic. If any such consideration should be given to such notions then most certainly they would and should be first in line.

Your PROVINCE needs to tow the line like the rest of us. I am still in awe at the cost of this duel language crap and what really confuses this isssue is the fact that in your PROVINCE you fine business's that clearly and equally print in english.

I hate to burst your little bubble my friend but your little piece of the whole is no more or less important than the rest so suck it up, get a grip and move on.

We pay federal taxes as well. You should of put Your in bold, as that is exactly the case. It is our Province. And I agree, dual language is bull... You guys don't learn one word of french, yet we must learn english. As long as people like you, exist in this "Canada", I see no reason to stick with it.


Nominee Member
Jun 3, 2004
Numure said:
We arnt apart of your Nation... We are Québécois, not Canadian. We only share the same country.
Then paddle your own canoes, darlin's..
"Nation" and "Country" are one and the same .. especially if you share the same coinage , military, and Federal Government.


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
I think it should be legalized.
There was a store in Vancouver selling it RETAIL recently, until the media got involved. Think about it. A retail sales ouitlet would help to guarantee the quality. Stabilize the price, and help eliminate the criminal dealers.
If anything was not right about the pot, the police or you would be able to return to that store and check on it, much the same as you check a lot number for a can of beans at the grocery store.
The retail business would eventually guarantee their supply, through KNOWN suppliers.
The criminals right now, are starting to MIX OTHER DRUGS INTO MARYJUANA to help get you addicted to other things! Hashihs, and cocaine and soon heroin will appear. So a retail outlet would negate some of that, and perhaps just save ONE daughter from becoming a prostitute working for organized crime.
Yes legalize it and do something for a change!

Paranoid Dot Calm

Council Member
Jul 6, 2004
Hide-Away Lane, Toronto

I never met a person who smoked a joint and then went out and committed a crime.

Most people who smoked became too paranoid to venture outside their front door.

I say legalize it and the crime rate will drop!


Paranoid Dot Calm

Council Member
Jul 6, 2004
Hide-Away Lane, Toronto

Hey! JDream

The Elite don't mind the lower class getting busted for pot and as a result getting a criminal record. When yuh got a record, a passport is near impossible to get.

It was only when Elite children began getting busted that they began to talk about legalization. But, the Upper Class still win, because they have the money to pay the fines that will be charged now. The Lower Class will always go to jail for non-payment of fines.

A criminal record is sort of like having leporsy.
Only the Lower Class has leporsy because the Elite must be seen to be disease free.
I remember when a doctor in Toronto killed his wife and two kids. Then the guy got in his car and tried to kill himself on the roadway. And, because he lived on Art Eggleton's street, the media immediately began talking about the doctor's "depression" and not some vicious criminal from an Elite neighbourhood. The Elite are immune from leporsy.

The Elite do the same when it comes to fraud. They are charged for breaking a Regulation and not Criminally. This way, they get to keep their passports and simply pay a fine, while the Lower Class are charged as violating the Criminal Code and not Regulations.


Rick van Opbergen

House Member
Sep 16, 2004
The Netherlands

I used to laugh at an Australian brother and sister living in our street some time ago (they have moved away two months ago or so). They were around the age of 20, and they had *tadatadata* discovered pot. Now, I suggest their parents weren't very liberal on them using drugs (don't even know whether their parents were aware of it), so they were always smoking it in a forest nearby. Standing there, in the bushes, smoking pot; I always caught them doing so when I was walking the dog, and they always looked at me like "oh mate, that boy lives in our street, he could tell dad" or something like that. At those moments, it was nice to know that I have my parents who do not reject me smoking a joint (although I can assure you: I've never tried even one, I only use alcohol; cigarrettes and drugs, neh, aren't into that).


New Member
Nov 8, 2004

man for real man they need to straight legalize the shit and get it over with imean who here has'nt smoked pot before man. is ay the government dont need to be up in our business if we the people choose to smoke pot, that should be our choice not the goverment with all there anti pot ads and please all these petty misdmenor weed crime peopel get arrested for is complete bull

Paranoid Dot Calm

Council Member
Jul 6, 2004
Hide-Away Lane, Toronto

Hi! Rick van Opbergen

Your last comment above, in reply to 420Sage was very funny. I was thinkin' the same thing as I read it.

In the early 80's, I got tired of paying 250 for a quarter oz of hash.
I used to grown my own pot indoors. I was not greedy, 30 plants a month. Clones were 6 weeks under flourescent and then moved to grow room for 10 weeks.

At any time, I had 90 "plants" in different stages of growth in order to maintain a crop of 30 plants a month. It was a lot of work.

Each plant produced a minimum of an ounce of smoke material.
I used four 430watt lights in the main room and used flourescent bulbs for the clones in another room.

Hydro use was equivalent to an oven being on for 12 hours a day, or a 10,000BTU air-conditioner being on for 8 hours a day.

The pot was great, but the real fun was trying out other seeds.

I ran the farm for just a bit over a year. I lived a pretty lonely life as I could not "afford" to have visitors. (You can never begin to think it is legal, or your busted.)

I quit growing it because I got tired of smoking it. I pigged-out!


Rick van Opbergen

House Member
Sep 16, 2004
The Netherlands

:lol: You Canadians ... You know, it's legal here to possess two or three plants, but it's as easy to visit a coffeeshop ... I have never used pot actually - so far that is. I'm planning to smoke one next week, with two of my friends. Could be fun!